Percy Jackson -RP-

Ian stood practicing throwing his knife at a target, muttering to himself about a problem he was having getting the parts he needed to finish his shield.
Leo grumbled under his breath and walked angrily to his cabin. After throwing everything inside he shut the cabin door and sat on the front steps. I wonder if any one cares to have some fun activities here. He stabbed at the grass around his feet with a stick. He just knew this camp was going to suck.
Bored, Ian heads back towards his cabin when he sees Leo sitting outside his cabin, He's new by the look of him so Ian walks over. "Hi" Ian greets with a grin "first day on camp"?
Leo glared at the guy who approached him. "Well duh." He threw the stick at Ian but not hard enough to hurt him. "What do you want?"
Ian casually side steps the stick "Nothing, just first days can be a bit hard that's all" "so how are you finding things so far"?
Leo looked at Ians outstretched arm then back to his face. "Well Ian I'm going to have to ask you to take a few steps back." Leo felt that Ian was too good to hang around for long periods of time.
"Leo. Id give you my last name but Im afraid youre gonna look my mom up and send her some info about a bake sale or something." He rolled his eyes obviously annoyed by Ian's presence.
Ian looked at him "alright well, i leave you to yourself them" He starts to walk away "If you need anything, I'm in cabin 9" 
Ian walks away to his cabin, knowing he wouldn't see Leo show up there anytime, still he felt the need to offer anyway
Leo watched Ian start to leave then realized it was a dumb idea to let him go. He stood and caught up with him. "So whats fun to do 'round here?"
Ian smirks "well that depends on what you can do, there's an archery field, a sword fighting arena, a climbing wall with lava for training, an amphitheater, stables, and an armory, there's a large forest around the camp, as you probably noticed, which we use to play capture the flag and a forge"
Leo frowned everything actually seemed pretty cool but the capture the flag seemed a bit lame compared to the other activities. "Capture the flag? Really? That's lame."
Leo started to smile at how enthusiastic Ian was but stopped himself. Nice smiles reflected weakness and Leo didn't want to be considered weak. "How do they pick teams?" He ran his fingers through his hair and stared straight ahead as if bored with the conversation. Although Leo was intrigued by Ian's niceness.
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"simple, cabins form alliances, 2 equal teams" Ian spun his closed pocket knife around in his hand as he spoke
Leo raised both his eyebrows. An alliance? That means I actually have to be somewhat nice to people?! He watched Ian spin his knife around and said with a lot less confidence that he had been speaking with before, "Oh..."
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Leo looked at Ian debating whether he should tell him what was really wrong. Instead he smirked at Ian. "Just wondering what I did to get stuck in a lame camp with a lame dude like you who likes to form alliances with people." Leo knew he was overdoing it but in his mind it was all about appearing weak.
Ian pulls the catch on the knife and the 3 inch blade snaps out "well you can't play as a one man team or..." smirking he hits the concealed button under the knife, flicking his wrist as he does to hide the action. The knife turns into a full sized sword, Ian grins.
Leo grinned for the first time. "Did I say you were lame? Hmm I think I might be a little mixed up." He gazed longingly at the sword. "That's way cool."
Chasity had her hoodie pulled over her head, as she sat on the front steps of her cabin. The tree's shaded it causing an eeriee glow to foretray over it. Chasity was the child of Hell itself, or better known as the daughter of Hades. She had inherited most of her looks from the godly side. Including the dark hair and even darker eye's. Sadly this caused people to avooid her in general. Who wanted to hang around with a Hades child.

Chasity held a small bone of an animal that was on her front step when she woke up this morning. Twisting it over in her hands she observed the knicks and scratches in the seam.
( How many are there?? I joined a while ago and been postponed with Tryouts and school starting? Who are they e )xactly? 
( Haha Nice Character name. Leo, I get it. )

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