Percy Jackson -RP-

Suddenly, Eponine knew just what she would do. "Come, I 'elp you 'ave fun, monsieur!" She grasped his hand and started pulling him towards the nearly black Nyx cabin covered in shadows and dark, dead moss. The temperature dropped a good five degrees as they stepped on to the porch and Eponine took off her glass even though she could see perfectly in the pitch black shadows. With a wave of her hand, the cabin brightened just enough for Daniel to see well. " 'ave you ever played darts?" Eponine asked, opening up the mossy door into the candlelit cabin with one bed pushed away from the only window. She rummaged in a dresser drawer for a handful of darts and went to a white canvas fitted to a blank wall with balloons filled with paint pinned to it.
Daniel look at Eponine and starts to say " Well the only thing I did since i got here was ... " and then he starts gagging at the smell of Rae's cologne. " Ugh whats that smell? " He looks towards Rae and seeing how good he looks he immediately turns away and looks at the ground and holding in his gags
Daniel looks at Eponine with a confused look. "What's darts? I've only heard of it as something people play but I never really knew what it actually was. " He looks around the cabin. " Although this cabin reminds me of Thanatos. It's dark and black. "
Rae could here the sounds of gagging and turned around "Hey,do you not like the smell of my burberry for men 2005 cologne?" he asked Daniel following the two of them back to the cabin
Daniel looks at Rae " Oh um n-no I do like it" he says nervously breathing through his mouth. He starts to flinch and quiver at every movement Rae makes as he looks at him.
Eponine glanced back at the new comer and instantly went on guard, wrinkling her nose a tad. "No, monsieur, it is a bit strong." She replied politely before turning to Daniel. "Darts is basically throwing zese sort of like a dagger to burst the balloons over zere."
The son of Poseidon eyed Rae with mild interest. He traveled his eyes along the group before walking back to his very empty cabin. He pulled on his camp shirt, sighing lazily. He readjusted his orange shirt, giving himself a sour look in the mirror, "Orange never was my color." He sighed and shrugged before walking out of his cabin. He wandered around before settling at the lake, he already felt his muscles buzzing. He smirked and leaned back, his arms resting behind his head. He closed his eyes, humming softly. "Gotta love the lake." He muttered to no one in particular. He yawned and stretched out his toes, wiggling them around before smirking. He sat up and shook the sand out of his hair before pulling off his shirt, tossing it in the sand and wading his way into the water, skimming his fingertips along the surface of the lake.
Daniel looks at Bree in amazement for standing up for him. He looks at the darts and then at the ballons. " So it's that simple, huh. " He grabs one and throws it narrowly missing a balloon. " AW so close he said. "
Eponine grinned at him, nodding. "Oui, but it takes practice." She took her aim and threw, popping a balloon and exploding green paint over the canvas. "But once you get it down, you make art."
ThatFatsoHachi said:
Daniel looks at Rae " Oh um n-no I do like it" he says nervously breathing through his mouth. He starts to flinch and quiver at every movement Rae makes as he looks at him.
Rae smiled a the girl "Why thankyou for being so honest,as the son of Aphrodite I have to look and smell my best no and I must always have that je ne sasi quoi,oui?" Rae smirked as he knew the girl didn't know he was fluent in french and then he turned his attention to Daniel putting an arm on his shoulder "Don't be so scared of me,I don't bite much" Rae growled playfully at the boy "Now if you'll excuse me I need to keep my tan up Au revoir" Rae went back to his cabin to grab some supplies and down to the lake laying out his blanket and taking his shirt off soaking up the sun's ray's "Hmm my mother is the best,all I have to do is look beautiful everyday and she praises me" he chuckled to himself content with his current life
Eponine raised her eyebrow in surprise as he spoke in her native tongue. She smiled, "Au revoir, monsieur." She waved before throwing another dart, splattering paint across the canvas. It quite refreshing knowing she wasn't as far from her home as she thought. At least she could converse with one in her language.
By the time Rae arrived Raven was already contently underneath the water. He had his eyes closed, his shorts completely soaked, but he in all honestly didn't care, at all. He furrowed his brow as his hair fell in his face and he rolled his eyes, surfacing and shaking his wet hair out of his face, combing his fingers through his hair with a quiet yawn. He sighed as he saw an obvious son of Aphrodite sunbathing on the beach. "His turf" as he liked to call it. He rolled his eyes at the boy and stepped out of the water calmly, the sun reflecting against his hairless, slightly tanned chest, drops of water sliding down his muscles. He yawned, walking over to grab his shirt. The only hair on his torso was his 'treasure trail'(They like actually call it that xD ) A small line of hair running downwards from his bellybutton. He shook his hair again for good measure and began to head off of the beach.
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Rae could hear somebody get out of the water although he didn't bother to check who but he needed his back done and so he called out "Hey,can you do my back?" Rae waved the bottle of sun tan lotion in the air and rolled over on his stomach waiting for the person to come over
"Your kidding right?" Raven rolled his eyes and grabbed the suntan lotion, carelessly dumping it in Rae's hair. "There ya go beautiful." He said in a sarcastic tone, throwing the now empty bottle of lotion into the trashcan.
Rae let out a blood curdling screech "D-did you just omg,you asshole you ruined my hair" Rae got up tackling Raven to the ground punching him in the face "Apologize now!" he demanded
Charlie took a deep breathe as she raised her bow. She locked onto the target in front of her and let the arrow fly. As always it struck the bulls eye. Charlie smirked to herself as she drew another arrow. She heard the approach of someone and wondered if it was one of her siblings.

Jessie came into view and waved at her. Charlie rolled her eyes and turned back, shooting the target next to the one she has shot previously.

"So is it true you have perfect aim? Seems kind of cheating if you enter any kind of competition."

"Well it's a god given talent - literally. So I don't consider it such. Besides why do you care rainbow boy?"

Jessie shrugged as he watched her.

"Don't you have somewhere else you can be?" Charlie wasn't one for audiences unless she was schooling someone. Jessie just smiled and left. She returned to her shooting.
Raven quirked an eyebrow. "Watch who your talkin' to buddy." He bit his tongue to contain his temper, but that didn't help the fact that the waves of the lake were crashing down harder and flooding up to their feet on the beach. Raven rolled his jaw slowly. "Well, your punch is pretty strong for a Drag Queen."
Rae raised an eyebrow "What about THIS says drag queen?" Rae pointed to his muscled chest which was completely hairless minus his own happy trail and flicked his eyes to Raven's "happy trail" when he noticed the waves crashing up and onto the shore he got up "your lucky these are 700$shorts and they're dry clean only"
Raven perked an eyebrow. "Right. How am I lucky?" With a light flick of Raven's wrist a moderate splash of water rose and splattered over Rae's shorts. "Oh, dude that sucks." He said in a sarcastic sympathetic tone. He frowned before shrugging and tugging on his shirt. "Well, see ya around, oh and that perfume your wearing? Smells like sh!t."
(all of Aphrodite's kid's have charm speak right?)

Rae smirked "Let's see how you fare against my charm speak" he thought "Come here" he commanded in a sultry voice
(No, not all of them.) 
Ravens brows creased as he began getting lulled under the magic behind Rae's words. He quickly snapped out of it and turned to glare at Rae. "Son of Poseidon. Don't try to charm me, sissyboy. I've had training." He spat before walking off.
"Hmph" Rae went into the lake to try and wash the suntan lotion out of his hair scrubbing and rinsing vigorously "Oh god,I might have to cut it" he sighed and continued scrubbing
Raven chuckled to himself and sighed with a yawn. He frowned, god he was bored. He sat down on a bench, staring distastefully at the other cabins. He crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head back and closing his eyes.
Rae finally dug his head out of the water and his hair shined with luster and volume "sun tan lotion,who would've thought" he packed his stuff up and walked back to his cabin to tell everyone of his recent discovery where he say Raven "Thanks so much for putting that in my hair,Just look at me now!" Rae flipped his great new hair and continued on walking

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