Percy Jackson -RP-

Ian sighed and smirked "just give him some time, when he gets a proper look around this place he'll be fine. and anyway what about you? sitting here alone with nothing to do".
She nodded back at Mike as he passed by. Her other brother, or step. It was nice having siblings after being raised with only her mother. Chasity stood once the match was over. "I think Imv gonna follow Mike," She told Ian. "Wanna Come?" 
"Oh," She mumbled. "I don't usially hang around with anyone but Mike and Leo. They're more social I guess."
Mike stopped to wait for them, hearing that they were gonna come with him. He turned around and grinned deviously. "Hey, Ian, you're a kid of Hephaestus right?"
Chasity automatically pulled her grey hoodie over her head. She walked toward the direction Mike had walked too. Chasity glanced over at Ian. "Where'd you live before coming too CHB ¿" She asked glancing too the ground. She glanced up at Mike as they approached.
"Connecticut but that was a VERY long time ago, I haven't been there in years, lived here most of my life" Ian looks at Mike and smirks "yeah, god of fire and mechanics, and you?"
"Hades. Anyways, can you tell the other Hephaestus kids thanks for the armor they made for me? It's fantastic." Mike gave him a thumbs up and kept walking towards the archery range. He hears the twang of a bow, and he knows Charlie is there by the solid thunk he can hear from the arrows hitting targets.
Chasity watched the ground as the two spoke. She glanced up as soon as Mike began too walk off. She followed instantly, symbolize for Ian too follow. "Connecticut huh? I came from Florida.... 6 or so years ago. Yeah 6, I was nine then." She mumbled. Chasity waved light ly over at Charlie. "Hey Charlie," She called out, before sitting under a tree.
"I came here 11 years ago, I was 5, been here full time ever since" Ian follows Chasity and Mike towards the archery range.
Eponine, having finished up darts with Daniel, decided to do some training with her powers. She was fairly confident in her skills with her blades and knew how important her shadow walking was, so she decided to practice that. Taking a deep breath and preparing herself for nausea, Eponine took a step in a shadow of a cabin, feeling herself drop into the cold blackness which spun and swirled around her with each step in the shadows she took. Her body could only take one minute of walking before she knew she was going to throw up. The next step she took lifted her up from the darkness and into the blinding bright light and right into a kid walking towards the sound of an arrow being let lose. @Reaper Of Souls
Mike bumped into a girl, knocking her to the ground. Anyone else would have thought she had come out of nowhere, but he knew better. She had come out of the shadows. He crouched down in front of her. "Sorry, I didn't expect anyone else to be able to shadow-walk. I'm Mike, let me help you up." He smiled and studied her. She didn't have the Hades look, maybe Hecate or Nyx, they could occasionally shadow-walk.
Chasity glanced up as the girl had fell from the shadows. She instantly knew what had happened, especially because she could doin it herself. She however didn't approach the girl or speak. She just stood behind her brother, watching them speak.
Eponine rubbed her head and, with his help, stood up without losing her breakfast. "Merci, thank you. I'm am Eponine, desole, sorry for bumping into you. I'm a child of Nyx." She smiled a bit at Mike, noticing immediately his dark appearance and knew he was a son of Hades. "It iz nice to meet you, monsieur. And you are?" She held out a hand to Mike and the other boy, her smile growing.
Leo looked down at his sword then up to the person who had approached him. "What do you care?" He sneered at Jessie.
Chasity watched as the girl, named Eponine, began too speek. "French." She mumbled, but didn't mean too say iyo out loud. She stood behind Mike, glancing at the girl. She did look like a child of Nyx.
Mike smiled at Eponine and gestured to Chasity. "That's my half-sister Chasity." He grinned at Chasity and pushed her forward to greet Eponine, also so the awkward "French" outburst would go unnoticed.
Eponine's smile faded a bit, "Bein, nice to meet you, Chastity." Awkwardly, she put her hands behind her back and suddenly had the urge to blend in with the shadows. Unconsciously, the shadows around her quivered and pooled around her, almost in a comforting manner. 
(Goodness, I have to go, be back in an hour or two maybe)
Chasity shot Mike a look as he had shoved her forward. She really hated being at the center of attention. "Hi-hat" She mumbled to Eponine. Chasity glanced too the ground, slowly stepping back too be level with Mike. She glanced at him like "I'll get you back later." Before glancing at the shadows that licked around her. "You can't control the shadows too?"
Eponine glanced down at the ground and with a flick of her wrist, scattered them "Oui, my mozer is the Goddess of Night." She was deciding whether to leave or not, her nervousness making her unsure. In the end, she decided to stay and put on a polite smile. "What were you up to before I bumped into you? Sorry, again."
Chasity kept her eyes once the ground, she felt exposed without her hoodie covering her head. She was listening to the group talk as Ian had invited Eponine too tag along with them. It wasnt that she didn't want her too come along it just wasnta used too talking to other demigods.
Eponine's smile became real and she nodded her head, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet. "Merci, I would love too, zank you." Even if archery wasn't her forte, it was nice to be invited to do something with someone, not many people notice her and Eponine preferred not to make herself known.
"Well then come on, I want to get some time in before we get called down to the pavilion. Ian, how're you with a sword, maybe I can get some training time in with that too." Mike grinned and started back towards the archery range, unable to take his mind off of Eponine's eyes the entire time he walked. He hoped it didn't mess with his shots or his swordsmanship, he needed some good practice sessions.
Chasity placed her hands into the pocket of her grey hoodie. She followed beside Mike. "Do you think Charlie is still at the range?" She questioned, glancing ahead. Chasity brushed one of her dark curls from her shoulder. She chewed on the inside of her.cheek.

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