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The senpai who noticed
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My Interest Check
It was rather interesting how swiftly time flew by once one was no one longer so fixated on the monotony of it all. 16 years had passed so slowly for Ariel when all she had to do to entertain herself had been to scavenge around ship wrecks looking for human artifacts and learning about them through Scuttle. While she wasn't sure exactly how long she had been ashore with her human legs, it had likely been a couple of years at this point if the changing seasons were anything to go by. Yet it seemed only yesterday to Ariel that she had arisen from the ocean and stumbled on new legs, toes digging into the sand to seek purchase to hold her steady. She had emerged with fantasies in her head, expectations of being swept off her feet by the human man she had seen and being able to explore the world of humanity that had to be nothing but wonderful. What a fool she had been.

"It has been quite some time since we've seen so many visitors for Prince Eric, but I suppose that's expected with his engagement announcement. Everyone wants to make sure they are friends with the soon-to-be king, right?" Olivia giggled. "Thank you for coming with me, Ariel. I had thought that I was going to be stuck just having Felix with me this morning to fetch what we need from the market for tonight. He's so infuriating. You're much better company even if you never say a word."

Ariel looked to the shorter brunette walking alongside her and smiled, giving a small nod of her head to show she was listening. It had been so difficult at first to learn how to communicate without the use of her voice, but she had learned how to use gestures with the other staff of the castle. Her face was also expressive enough that most could tell how she was feeling from a glance. Ariel had never been as capable of concealing her emotions as her sisters had been, and the human world hadn't been so unforgiving that she had been forced to rein in her more exuberant personality entirely. Still, she was far more muted in excitement than she had been while she had been in the ocean. While she was safe, she was aware that her time limit for her deal with Ursula had run out. The devil was going to come to collect one day.

A flash of raven and blue caught Ariel's eye, and the red haired young woman turned to look to her right. Learning about the humans around her had lost a bit of its charm since there had ceased being anything truly new or fascinating to learn from them, so it was natural that someone standing out in the crowd would capture Ariel's attention. This woman was dressed much differently than the other women she generally spent time with from the castle or in the market, and her skin was a much warmer, darker olive hue. Her head tilted to the side for a moment as cerulean eyes took in the woman's exotic appearance. Ariel would have been struck dumb by the woman's beauty if Ursula hadn't already done so with her magic.

"Are you listening, Ariel? And here I was just saying you were better company than Fel--oh. I guess you haven't met the guests arriving to see Prince Eric, have you? Can't say I have met them. Heard from Ellen that one there is a princess, but I doubt that all royals are as affable as our Prince Eric. Makes me a bit anxious to meet Prince Eric's betrothed. Then again, with your memory loss you might be a princess yourself and not even know it!" Olivia laughed to which Ariel feigned her own laughter to cover up the sting of that remark. Yes, she herself had been a princess. She once had the oceans at the tips of her fingers, everything she could have ever wanted and needed except the freedom to explore as she pleased. Now she had that freedom, but it had cost her so much that she wondered at times if that had been a fair trade. And that was excluding the fact that the specter of Ursula's return to drag her back to the sea as per their agreement ever loomed in her mind. She hoped that the simple dress she wore would help her blend in with the common folk around her, but even if she hadn't had that vibrant red hair...nothing was common about Ariel.
Jasmine never dreamed she would find herself in this peculiar situation with Aladdin; it left a bitter taste in her mouth. Although she’s a strong woman, letting Aladdin go was hard on her heart. After all they've been through together she thought she found her true love. She thought Aladdin going to great lengths to be with her utilizing genie’s magic would tie them together though she wanted Aladdin to be himself rather than lie about his origins and fake being a prince just to be close to her, one of things she hates. Aladdin was a fresh breath of air different from most men that came to Argabah for her hand in marriage; she turned down suitors than she accepted, finding them too eerily similar with dull personalities unlike Aladdin who has a flair for adventure, something she adored and the chemistry that they had together. She supposed him being disillusioned about palace life and the politics of being a ruler that came with the package of marrying her had changed Aladdin’s perspective on life with her. It shouldn’t have surprised her that Aladdin had grown distant from her; it's troubling that Genie noticed the sudden change; he couldn't figure out what’s wrong; he tried to console her, failing with his words it didn’t provide comfort nor Rajah could help her feel better. She fell into a state of depression at Aladdin’s disappearance which is happening more often than she liked. At some point he would be gone for days on end leaving her lonely and longing not even her father the Sultan was able to help her except watch her suffering in silence he asked if she would like him to talk to Aladdin he had a few choice words for him none were good. To her father’s credit he tried to get to the bottom of what’s troubling Aladdin even if his idea is the blunt approach he hated seeing his only daughter and child in pain after all Aladdin and her had been through together. Jasmine didn’t see a point in talking whereas the anger was bubbling as Aladdin seemed to avoid her now it’s serious when Abu couldn’t figure out what’s going on although he can’t talk he’s expressive giving her an empathetic look and a pat, but he never left Aladdin’s side despising palace life more than anything he’s honest to her, which she appreciates.

Finally she couldn’t take it anymore waiting or being lied to like this. The confrontation left her less than impressed with Aladdin demanding he start being honest with her whether he loves her anymore or wants a life with her. His wish on wanting to follow in his father’s footsteps was the answer she needed. Her heart sank once the reality set in that he's gone and he left her like this. She could blame Cassim for this, but it’s not his fault his son is a drifter like him she blames herself for not seeing it coming. So much for being in love with her and going to great lengths to get with her to the point he hid his identity from her. She figured he was lying already, but let it go because she was falling for him and with his spontaneity. She thought saving the kingdom from Jafar brought them closer, maybe Jasmine was lying to herself. Aladdin leaving her the way he did destroyed her emotionally she spent days locked in her room grieving her broken relationship it wouldn’t be so hurtful if Aladdin was like any of those pompous men that only loved her as their trophy wife not for the strong willed woman she is, but expecting her to be a dutiful princess. Jasmine knows those men only cared for her because of her beauty and what was expected as a royal. She isn’t the stereotypical princess like some of the girls that she sat with at parties, her eyes would glaze over when all they talked about was status, dresses, or a suitor coming to ask their hand in marriage. The girls would give her funny looks as she went into heavy details about her adventures. They would stare at each other and giggle. Jasmine didn’t fit the mold of a princess, which is why she seemed annoyed at her father for dragging her to these superficial occasions. He scolds her for not trying hard enough, but she doesn't care anymore what her father says as the same girls treated her like she has grown a second head, of course Jasmine isn’t blind to the gossip of her not being like them, and she stopped putting in effort when the girls pushed her out of their circle stating that she should just leave. The saving grace was that she’s not the only one who despised the superficiality of these parties whereas another princess from the neighboring country from Agrabah joined her side. Samira made these parties bearable, unlucky for her, Samira ended up getting married to a king, she hardly joined her anymore, only a hello and a goodbye.

The loneliness in her heart, and her father’s blessing although hesitant in her choice of leaving, Jasmine took her chance at leaving Agrabah, and with the prospect of adventures to come, she took it as a sign to begin a new life for herself. Her father knows Jasmine isn’t like any of the other princesses, which is why he thought Aladdin was perfect for her, so much for his faith in him. He’s reluctant on letting her go, worried she’ll get her heart broken again if she finds love again, not unaware of the gossip that her fiancé left her in his dust, or that he’s a street rat. Jasmine had her mind set on leaning, knowing she’s strong, her tears dried up. He made sure to let her know she has her blessings, to not let the bitterness cloud her heart or her mind, those were wise words that Jasmine took to heart. It’s been weeks since she left Agrabah. Although Jasmine felt the weight on her chest growing for leaving her father alone he’s not in good health the look he had on his face and the smile told her everything she needed to know he approves, he expressed she’ll likely regret being chained to the palace if she chose to stay, going into the story of how he was like her during his younger years loving adventures, he met her mother during his travels, chose his duty to his people over traveling, and her mother was pregnant with her, life in a ship isn’t for a princess, and not when his queen was nine months pregnant with their child. Her father knows Jasmine has his love for adventures, her mothers beauty and head strong traits. It’s not a secret her mother was beloved by her subjects, she’s headstrong and a just queen, best known for her kind heart. Unluckily, the incurable illness took her life too soon leaving her widowed husband and five year old daughter. Jasmine remembers her mother through stories.

Sensing she’s leaving, Rajah refuses to let her go a alone insisting on accompanying her, he’s been with her ever since her father rescued him from the black market to be sold for body parts, a tiger is worth lots of gold apparently. He’s been close to his Jasmine for years, he had a hand in raising her too. Now at 400 pounds, Rajah scared off suitors who somehow offended Jasmine knowing too well they only loved if they could get something out of her. It’s only Aladdin where he trusted men, but that proved stupid as he betrayed Jasmine leaving her broken and bitter. Like Genie, carpet, and Abu he didn’t understand the sudden change in Aladdin either. At least they tried to help her though words did not help Jasmine emotionally she knows they tried at least. He chose to leave with her because of the worry that she would get her heart broken again, and sensed she’s not coming back for a long time. It’s been nearly a month ever since they’re departed, they have been through a lot together. Pirates, kidnappers, serial murderers, and pick pockets come with the package when it comes to too many adventures. Jasmine’s adventures previously with Aladdin and Jafar trying to usurp the throne could make a novel of her life, one of the reasons he wants to leave is to be by her side, and get a feel for life outside of Agrabah. Being a 400 pound tiger he’s not weak, a bite and slash with his claws made him a force to be reckoned with. Jasmine is not easy either, there’s wits to her, and proves she’s not a stereotype, secretly admiring Jasmine. She’s his human daughter.

He watched her admiring the silks of vibrant colors, large glass beads, sashes, and jewelry. Jasmine stopped to admire a black sash with golden lettering thinking this would be a perfect present for her father. “ Rajah? You think father would like this?” She noticed a silver pocket watch that had her father’s name on it. It’s hard to choose, suspecting he would like anything and maybe happy to be happily married. He wants her to be taken care of after all. “ How about this pocket watch? I know you’re thinking he would like anything that comes from me,” She sighs. Rajah looked at her potential gifts, gently prodding the sash and watch with his paws, expressing his way to pick both. The sultan isn’t the kind of man who is shallow or cruel. If it comes from Jasmine he’d be happy even if it’s not eye pleasing. Rajah admires her father, sometimes not seeing eye to eye on her choosing to marry, Rajah chased them off, surprised her father approved of Aladdin though he lied to Jasmine, not a good first impression to him. To see Jasmine hurting, set his anger off, Jasmine held him back saying Aladdin isn’t worth it. Facing him would surely not end well for Aladdin as a tiger’s wrath is deadly, much less Rajah’s. He perked up, sensing eyes were on them.

When Jasmine took her eyes off her potential gifts for her father she noticed Ariel and Olivia. She heard gossip in the city about a prince Eric falling for a mysterious girl with an enchanting voice who saved him from a shipwreck, it wasn’t meant to be. Ariel could be that girl, maybe, she looked the woman up. She had creamy skin, fiery red hair, and full lips that’s shade of a red rose. Jasmine can’t help but think there’s something different about Ariel, but can’t figure out why, instead she glanced at her and her companion. “ Are you lost? Maybe I can help?” She almost chuckled, she’s a traveler from a faraway country, if Ariel had been a visitor to Aragbah she would show her around as Jasmine knows the market place’s alleyways like the back of her hand. Rajah couldn’t quite figure out why Ariel smelled like seawater to him, adding more mystery to this girl. An animal's smell seems distinct from that of a human’s five senses, much a tiger like him. He could feel Ariel isn’t alone either, sensing her little lobster companion hiding in her hair. Maybe Ariel just finished swimming. It's a warm, hot day, a sign of summer. Although Rajah started to have doubts it’s not just his assumption Ariel was just having a fun day at the beach. He sat on all fours, noticing Ariel is friendly, she gave off that aura. But Rajah is nearby if he’s wrong. He can’t risk Jasmine's safety after Jafar, and he’s slime. Rajah didn’t give off signs of his distrust, he would pin back his ears and stomp his tail if Ariel is bad news.
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Being addressed by the woman they were just gossiping about was not something that Ariel had been expecting, and the servant beside her managed to look more composed than her wide-eyed friend. She gave a light giggle and shook her head before dipping it to show deference to the woman that she knew was a guest of the Danish prince. "Oh, we aren't lost at all, but thank you. I work for Prince Eric as one of his servants and this is Ariel." Trying to explain exactly what Ariel's place in the palace was tended to be a convoluted endeavor that was better off being avoided, so that was exactly what Olivia did. Besides, this princess likely didn't care about either of the two women or their stations in the castle even if she had taken the initiative to seek them out to speak to them. Royalty just didn't speak to people like them. Well, Prince Eric did but he was in a category of his own from what Olivia had seen of other royalty that visited the heir to the throne.

Ariel had never been a woman who was timid, but there was something about Jasmine that would have struck the redhead speechless if Ursula hadn't removed her ability to speak. While she had a friendly aura, there was also something distinct about the other woman. It wasn't just that she was dressed so exotically or that her almond shaped eyes were more entrancing than Ursula's cauldron had been. The woman's skin was the warmest shade that Ariel had ever seen, and her raven hair was even more so than her second eldest sister, Alana's which Ariel had thought was impossible. Yet none of these things were what made the usually out going princess suddenly feel awkward. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it was like a burst of rays started swimming around in her chest.

Something moved from behind the woman, and it drew both Olivia and Ariel's attention. Olivia was familiar with the kinds of beasts that foreign dignitaries might bring, and she was savvy enough to realize that this creature was immensely powerful. Those razor sharp claws and teeth looked as though they could rend her limb from limb without a moment's notice. While Olivia was frozen in a moment of fear, Ariel had no such reservations. She had faced sharks head on, and besides. This animal didn't strike her as anything to be afraid of. So she gave a bright smile and knelt down to be closer to Rajah's level to be able to properly look at him as well.

"Ariel! What in Triton's name are you doing! This thing will eat you!" Sebastian hissed at the now human mermaid while clinging with his claws to the back of her neck. She might have been mute, but Ariel was not deaf even if she often behaved as if she couldn't hear the crab's counsel. She shot a look over her shoulder with what would have been a scoff then looked back to the large cat in front of her. Just as she had been taught to do to a dog, she extended her hand for Rajah to smell.

"Ah, maybe I should apologize for Ariel. She has memory loss and was rendered mute by her ship wreck. My apologies if either of us have offended you. We are aware that you are an esteemed guest of Prince Eric. Is there any way we might be of assistance to you, in fact?" Olivia asked, hoping that might smooth this awkward scene over. Well, it was at least never a dull day with Ariel in tow. She had to give her that.
Jasmine’s silence is telling Ariel losing her memories is a fate worse than death. She didn’t have anything useful to add instead she put her hands on her hips. “ Don’t worry, I’m not offended,” She says softly, an hint of a smile, waving off their apologies, “ Actually, I'm an envoy from Agrabah acting on my father’s behalf. He's not in the best of health at the moment. I’m wondering if you could point me in the direction of Prince Eric’s castle.” She didn’t give away her reaction; she thought she heard a little voice in Ariel’s red mane hissing in her ear. What little information Jasmine could gather is whoever hiding in Ariel’s hair they brought up Triton. Didn’t she hear that name before in one of her books from her library? Jasmine vaguely recalls she read it from her books, but didn’t put too much stock right now than getting to the task at hand. “ I’m princess Jasmine and this is Rajah.” She points at her tiger companion who seemed preoccupied by Ariel offering a friendly greeting by sticking out her hand for Rajah to sniff, a sign to bridge the trust between Ariel and him. Holding her breath, Rajah isn’t the most friendly tiger; he's fiercely protective of her though. Jasmine could tell Rajah is just staring at Ariel’s outstretched hand whether it’s fine to trust the woman or not.

Rajah could hear Sebastian offended over being referred to as a thing, he’s the best friend and close companion of Jasmine. He’s a tiger, which Rajah knows are majestic cats. He stuck his nose in the air though it’s not Ariel’s fault. Though who is Triton? Why does Ariel smell like sea water? He could chalk it to a fun day at the beach, but it’s like something’s not adding up. He stuck close to Jasmine, his ears pinned back, making his offense plain. He waits and watches for what Ariel does next. Jasmine sensing the tension weighing him down she scratched behind his ears trying to console him.

He stared at Ariel’s hair then to her face quite offendedly hanging back, his anger shown but holding himself to a higher standard to keep the peace, and not make things difficult for Jasmine. His gold eyes regarding Ariel quietly, hesitantly, stopping at her hand, sniffling it. He turned his head away.
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Now they had a name to put to the far more friendly Princess, and everything fell in to place for Olivia since she heard all of the gossip from other members of the court. It explained a great deal as to why this princess was far more engaging than most of the other guests Prince Eric often had. It seemed unfair that the princess was not as well received as the others due to her less extravagant style, but she supposed that was the way of the world for those born with wealth. There had to be a hierarchy even among those not having to strive to survive. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess. We were going to be heading back toward the castle soon ourselves since we have what we needed for tonight's feast. If you'd like, we could show you the way," Olivia offered then glanced back down at her red haired friend. Oh, it did not look like she was making friends with that unhappy feline.

Ariel noted that look of offense on the tiger's face and winced. Great, clearly the tiger had heard what Sebastian had said. She brought her hands up to her chest, trying to think of how to convey her words to Rajah. Things were so much easier when she could just speak them! Sure, creating a language with the other staff at the castle had helped a great deal recently, but she was reminded of just how much of a hindrance her loss of a voice was when she was thrown right back to trying to speak to others who weren't familiar with her pantomimes. She took in a deep breath then looked to Rajah, dipping her head to show contrition for having offended him.

"Don't look at me like that, Ariel, I am trying to help you! But fine, see what happens when you go charging off impulsively again. Went so well when you went off to trade your tail for legs."

Ariel had to suppress her urge to roll her eyes then rose to her feet, subtly knocking Sebastian from beside her ear when she brushed her vibrant hair back from her shoulder with her hand. Yes, she had made a grave mistake by trusting Ursula and thinking that everything would just turn out fine. But she had taken what could have been a hopeless situation and figured out a way to make it work. It was her work learning about humans and learning to mingle with them that had gained her the place she had in the palace, albeit with Eric's grace and empathy for what he assumed was her situation. She had come up with the means to communicate with others, and thus far she was doing very well dodging Ursula. For all the mistakes she had made, she felt that Sebastian didn't give her credit for the things that she had done on her own.

Brush it off, Ariel, she thought to herself. These people likely couldn't hear and understand Sebastian so they might mistake any show of irritation to be with the conversation at hand. The last thing she wanted to do was insult her friend and the beautiful princess standing in front of her. She offered a bright smile to Jasmine, anchoring herself on the present to let the pass roll off of her like water. Having learned from Olivia on how to address royalty for the occasions Eric had wanted her to mingle with his guests, she dipped into a graceful curtsy to the princess. Not bad for someone not born with legs, hm?
Jasmine’s muscles tensed up knowing Rajah as well as she does; he rarely is aggressive; it's only when someone tries to hurt her or bother her. He only shows that side to scare off Jasmine’s suitors that come to call for her hand in marriage; she scares off more of them than accepting they feel dull and are only after one thing. She stepped forward ready to intercept her companion before things escalated. If her words didn't work she didn’t know if she had the strength to hold back Rajah who is a powerful cat in weight and strength alone. “ Rajah, I don't know what happened, but don’t be offended, we are on a mission to see Prince Eric? It's to build an interpersonal relationship between our countries.” She can’t afford to cause an incident although she heard stories of Prince Eric’s kindness so it’s not a secret to her that he’s popular with his kingdom it’s a risk she’s not willing to take.

He hears Jasmine’s words, but his offense over being called a thing by Sebastian hurt his pride as a tiger and Jasmine’s friend he had his standards. He saw himself as her feline protector most of his time he spent keeping her suitors away. He finds Sebstian realizing the other is a sea creature, a small sea creature with red claws. “ What is a sea creature such as yourself doing out of the water? I thought you needed it to survive? How interesting..He’s not surprised Sebastian can talk; he knows Iago is one of them; he's not exactly trusting of him even if he’s proved to be loyal to Aladdin. Strangely, Abu can’t talk like them. It seems Aladdin understands the little simian well. He stared at Sebastian intently and fiercely, his golden eyes boring into Sebstian not reacting at all. Rajah lowers himself onto the ground intrigued by meeting a sea creature for the first time. His anger melted away wishing to know of life under the sea. However, he did catch the tail end of Sebstian scolding Ariel who traded her tail for legs. Now it makes sense why she vaguely smells like sea water to him. Ariel is a mermaid. He heard the existence of mermaids through stories Jasmine’s father told during his glory days of his youth before ascending to the throne. According to her father, they are not friendly unlike Ariel. The mermaids of his stories used deception to lull sailors by their mesmerizing beauty to drown and devour their flesh. The sultan did not fall for the trap; it ended in tragedy. He lost some of his crew and ship trying to survive against the mermaids brutal attack.

Just as Jasmine is about to intervene, it seems Rajah looks fascinated by Sebastian being a sea critter. She shifted her gaze to Ariel curtsying in response. It's a respectful thing to do in return. “ It’s a pleasure to meet you, Olivia and Ariel. A feast huh?” Thankfully she had the appropriate gown and jewelry ready for such an occasion. Although Jasmine is not the kind who enjoyed these kinds of functions, she had common sense to know it’s part of the package of being a princess. The last thing Agrabah needs is for her to cause an international incident with Prince Eric. “ I don’t mind Ariel and you showing me the way it gives me time to know a lovely woman such as yourself, right?” She gave Ariel a wink, and a cheeky smile. Ariel is beautiful, drawn to her red hair, and her full lips the shade of the rose. Indeed, Jasmine is bold to flirt with Ariel openly the way she did. She found Ariel beautiful and mysterious, both things that Jasmine likes. It isn’t surprising Ariel comes off to her as the adventurous type. That's the first impression she got with Ariel by approaching Rajah to extend her hand to greet him as part of respecting him. Not many people liked him, they seemed scared of him for being a tiger, or rudely called him a beast. More often than not the royals told her that he’s not allowed in their poshed palaces, telling her to send him out in the gardens. She refused and many actually are receptive to him, treating Rajah with respect and dignity he deserves. “ I’m sorry about Rajah.. he’s my dear friend and companion. He’s rather protective of me.” It stems from keeping her suitors that offended her away and out of mind they seemed they want a wife with no thoughts of her own only for child rearing. Jasmine wants for love and to respect her mind and opinions not treat her as she’s nothing except a brood mare. Aladdin is no one of that, but he’s a different pain. She didn’t let her soured mood show she hid it with a smile happy to be in Oliva’s and Ariel’s company. A part of her hopes this the start of something she felt lonely.
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At first there was some tension still in the air that Ariel could feel, especially as Sebastian was addressed by the large feline. Would Rajah take further offense to him? Once he began to speak then Ariel began to breathe a little easier. His voice and accent was different than anything she had heard in her part of the sea, but the fact that he was speaking to Sebastian was encouraging. That was more than they would get out of a shark or a barracuda, after all.

"Someone has to keep an eye on this girl, and I'm able to go on land for as long as I want so long as I keep my gills wet. Ariel is able to keep me supplied with sea water and keeping humans from trying to eat me. These humans don't seem to understand me when I'm talking to them. You seem friendly with that one you're with; can she understand you?"

Blue eyes looked to Jasmine's dark eyes as she winked at Ariel, and she offered her a brilliant smile in return. Did she catch any of the flirtation? Absolutely not. The mermaid was still learning about how humans interacted, so she assumed in most cases that humans were just being exceptionally friendly with her. Kind of like how Olivia was so friendly. The wink was not missed by Olivia herself, but she thought maybe she was just placing emphasis on being playful to get the message across. They were from different cultures so she didn't read anything into the way that she seemed to be quite fixated on Ariel. Maybe she was still interested about her past just as Olivia had been. The red hair was also so striking that it could have been just as equally mesmerizing, Olivia supposed.

Ariel bent down and scooped Sebastian up in her hands and gave his shell a soft pet.

"No harm done, and he's far less of an issue than Duke Weselton's dog. Animals are not uncommon for Prince Eric's guests to bring, though we will be sure to try to keep Max contained so as not to disturb him." She looked over at Ariel petting Sebastian's shell and laughed. "I still think Ariel's pet crab is the strangest I have. Never a dull day with Ariel around." Olivia pivoted on her heel to begin walking back toward the castle, and Ariel flashed a smile before motioning for Jasmine and Rajah to walk in front of her.

"How long have you been in our kingdom, Your Highness?" Olivia asked before looking back to Ariel who used a few gestures to convey her own question of the princess. "Ariel is very curious about Rajah. She wants to know where you met him and if you brought any others like him? He's quite unlike any of the animals we have here in the kingdom. Perhaps a lynx, but they tend to not frequent the forests near the shore."

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