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Fantasy ▫ Paired Up ▫


✨breedable ✨
Roleplay Type(s)

Supernatural Mates Roleplay!

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Alexandeer felt at ease as the car pulled away from the airport. Leaving Madrid to come to the middle of nowhere. What a preposterous decision! However, the chance to not have to hide my wings in public will be a nice change of pace. I just hope that this new house is fire proof. I wouldn't want to have to pay for damages caused by my abilities.......again. He shook himself as the limo turned around another corner. The letter had said that it would be a ways from the airport, but at least the scenery was nice.

The house was located just outside a quiet town that was scarcely big enough to have an airport. It was VERY different from Madrid where he Alex could feel the surge of energy from all the people. However, here it was calm and contained. Not a bad place to spend some time and meet other creatures such as myself. However, as a phoenix, I must remember not to show any signs of inferiority. The words of his parents before he got on the plane rang in his head loud and clear. Don't embarrass us or yourself Alex! You're a phoenix, not a thunderbird. Their laughter was irritating. Alexander had been taught by countless professors from a young age in almost every subject. Socializing wasn't one of them. Just keep your distance and you'll be fine. Alex's thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt halt of the limo outside his new home. "Guess it's time to meet my new housemates." Alex mumbled to himself before he straightened out his posture and stepped out to the place that would become his home for a few years.
Kiroshiven said:
Alexandeer felt at ease as the car pulled away from the airport. Leaving Madrid to come to the middle of nowhere. What a preposterous decision! However, the chance to not have to hide my wings in public will be a nice change of pace. I just hope that this new house is fire proof. I wouldn't want to have to pay for damages caused by my abilities.......again. He shook himself as the limo turned around another corner. The letter had said that it would be a ways from the airport, but at least the scenery was nice.
The house was located just outside a quiet town that was scarcely big enough to have an airport. It was VERY different from Madrid where he Alex could feel the surge of energy from all the people. However, here it was calm and contained. Not a bad place to spend some time and meet other creatures such as myself. However, as a phoenix, I must remember not to show any signs of inferiority. The words of his parents before he got on the plane rang in his head loud and clear. Don't embarrass us or yourself Alex! You're a phoenix, not a thunderbird. Their laughter was irritating. Alexander had been taught by countless professors from a young age in almost every subject. Socializing wasn't one of them. Just keep your distance and you'll be fine. Alex's thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt halt of the limo outside his new home. "Guess it's time to meet my new housemates." Alex mumbled to himself before he straightened out his posture and stepped out to the place that would become his home for a few years.
Merry floated through the halls of his new home, bored and more bored. There is no one here in this dump to bother. He looked out of one of the windows and saw a fancy Limo approach. Ohhh~ Money Money~. He waited until the passenger exited the vehicle, before letting out his most spooky howl. Snickering and tail wagging, he ducked down onto the mahogany floors to hide. Maybe I will play with him first. He thought happily as he floated down the stairs to meet the new guest.

Or so he thought, about halfway down he completely forgot where he was going and what he was doing. So, he made a quick detour to the kitchen and grabbed a snack. As he was eating a turkey leg, he remembered OH YEAH! New guy! Stuffing the turkey in his mouth he solidified himself and ran up to the new cool looking bird guy and tackled him! "Quiver in fear, for you have come face to face with MERRYWETHER FLORONA!" he declared proudly. Just as he was about to give his victory speech, he heard footsteps. He turned his head and saw @phantastia
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Jax was awoken when his car hit a random stop, having him holy forward. "Nice going!" He growled at the driver his piercing blue eye boring into the older male. Turning his head to look out the window he noticed the grand mansion that stood tall at what he estimated to be four floors. It had a strange resemblance to a Victorian Castle. "I have to admit that this is quite lovely." He whispered, looking between the photo he received with the letter and the actual house. "See you after I come out Klaus! (I had to I'm sorry Pika)" Jax hissed, stepping out of the standard limo.

Jax scowled as a random... Thing, person? He couldn't tell it was going to fast ran out and jumped on another male. "This that how doms and subs are supposed to meet?" He scowled, not ever thinking he was was going to great somebody like that. Bag over his shoulder he pushed his thick and unruly hair back. He couldn't help but keep glancing at the pink haired ball of energy. He had a strange aura that almost made Jax want to do the exact same thing to him. "Tech, as if." He growled to himself, waving a good bye to the driver before walking past the weirdo and towards the house.

Kiroshiven said:
Alexandeer felt at ease as the car pulled away from the airport. Leaving Madrid to come to the middle of nowhere. What a preposterous decision! However, the chance to not have to hide my wings in public will be a nice change of pace. I just hope that this new house is fire proof. I wouldn't want to have to pay for damages caused by my abilities.......again. He shook himself as the limo turned around another corner. The letter had said that it would be a ways from the airport, but at least the scenery was nice.
The house was located just outside a quiet town that was scarcely big enough to have an airport. It was VERY different from Madrid where he Alex could feel the surge of energy from all the people. However, here it was calm and contained. Not a bad place to spend some time and meet other creatures such as myself. However, as a phoenix, I must remember not to show any signs of inferiority. The words of his parents before he got on the plane rang in his head loud and clear. Don't embarrass us or yourself Alex! You're a phoenix, not a thunderbird. Their laughter was irritating. Alexander had been taught by countless professors from a young age in almost every subject. Socializing wasn't one of them. Just keep your distance and you'll be fine. Alex's thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt halt of the limo outside his new home. "Guess it's time to meet my new housemates." Alex mumbled to himself before he straightened out his posture and stepped out to the place that would become his home for a few years.
Martine sighed as she looked at the people all around her. None of them were really the people she was into. Merry was to hyperactive for Martine, making her feel awkward. It made Martine a bit lonely inside. Never will she know what it's like to make a friend even though she knows it's her fault for doing so. She twirled the black side of her hair around her finger as she waited for someone to arrive. Hopefully this person is actually decent... Martine scoffed as she got up and dusted off her dress. "I doubt it...." She mumbled under her breath so only she could hear it. Martine went into her room and got herself dressed, fixing up her hair and wearing something elegant to impress the new person to show that this place does have some class.

She walked down the stairs as she found Merry already bothering the newcomer. With her cold expression, which she doesn't mean to have, she for once actually talked to the newcomer. "Welcome, I hope you're planning on enjoying living here from now on." Martine didn't even know what she said since she's socially awkward. She curtsied as she made herself seem a bit toooo elegant. She just wanted the place to have some class, not be top notch. Feeling as if she should have apologized, she didn't. "Follow me inside will you please?" Martine gestured the new comer inside. She tried her best to ignore Jax and Merry but all she could do was groan. God... Why are you guys idiots?

Phantasia said:

Jax was awoken when his car hit a random stop, having him holy forward. "Nice going!" He growled at the driver his piercing blue eye boring into the older male. Turning his head to look out the window he noticed the grand mansion that stood tall at what he estimated to be four floors. It had a strange resemblance to a Victorian Castle. "I have to admit that this is quite lovely." He whispered, looking between the photo he received with the letter and the actual house. "See you after I come out Klaus! (I had to I'm sorry Pika)" Jax hissed, stepping out of the standard limo.

Jax scowled as a random... Thing, person? He couldn't tell it was going to fast ran out and jumped on another male. "This that how doms and subs are supposed to meet?" He scowled, not ever thinking he was was going to great somebody like that. Bag over his shoulder he pushed his thick and unruly hair back. He couldn't help but keep glancing at the pink haired ball of energy. He had a strange aura that almost made Jax want to do the exact same thing to him. "Tech, as if." He growled to himself, waving a good bye to the driver before walking past the weirdo and towards the house.

Merry watched as the black haired man with the weird eyes walked away, in disbelief. Who does that guy think he is snubbing me! Merrywether Florona! The master of darkness. The prince of pain. I will learn him a thing or two! Pushing his bright pink hair out of the way, Merry excused himself, from his new friends back and returned to his ghostly form. He floated through the halls until he found the offensive man in his room unpacking.

Hmm. so we are room mates~ Kekekekek! Perfect! ,he thought as he hovered invisibly over the young man's head. Growling softly, he began to emit a dark aura that filled the room with the stench of rotting flesh and the shrieks of hundreds. He grabbed the young man and gave him a terrifying shake, as he let out his most terrifying howl. "KNEEL BEFORE ME LESSER SPIRIT! I AM MERRYWETHER FLORONA, ENGLAND'S FOR MOST DOG GHOST/GOD THING"
Alexander had barely gotten to spread his wings when there was a sudden rush of color and flesh that barreled into him. If not for the fact that the car was still behind him, it would've ended with him on the ground. "What in the name of Santa Maria?!" Alexander took a deep breath to remain calm despite wanting to go into one of his mother's typical Spanish rants. No need to lose your cool. They just may be excitable. Alexander cleared his throat when the person identified himself as Merrywether Florona. "I am Alexander Romalus. And despite your ability to surprise me, I do not fear those that are so.......vibrant." Alexander chose his words very carefully so as not to insult the boy. The moment another male called out Alexander merely shook his head.

"And who might you be to judge someone of a higher caliber than you?" Alex gently moved Merrywether to the side as he greeted the rude gentleman. His face didn't even show slight disdain or malice. It was evident by the way they carried themselves that Alexander was of a more...educated family. "As I have to attend to other matters, such as my room I will have to bid you adios." With a slight nod, Alex turned himself toward the house and took a few steps before meeting the gaze of a woman with antlers growing out of her head.

He approached her with poise and smiled as she greeted him. The way she carried herself expressed some nervousness, but she was trying and it was appreciated. He gently took her hand and kissed the back of it as he was taught to do when introducing oneself to a young woman. "My name is Alexander Romalus." He smiled warmly as he bowed to her. "As for your first statement, I get the distinct feeling I will greatly enjoy my time here." He flashed her a smile as he turned back to his Chauffeur. "Ramone, would you be so kind as to bring my bags to whichever room appears to be mine. I would like to chat with my new companions for a bit." He turned back to the woman and nodded before following her inside of the house.

@xMellowmint @Pikaplup2 @Phantasia

Jax was sorting his clothes into white and black, you could say he had a pretty monochromatic wardrobe. Black, white and a shade or so of grey. He let his hair fall over his brown eye, not aware of the presence following him up the stairs. He felt a slight shock as someone grabbed him and began to shake him. A horrid stench filled the room and Jaz visibly tensed up. "What the hell are you doing!" He roared, turning around to come face to face with with pink haired boy that was previously attacking the male downstairs.

"Oh, you... What do you want?" Jax asked, breaking out of the male's hold and going back to sorting his clothes. He couldn't help but feel his cheeks warm up at the sight of the eccentric male. "And what the fuck type of name is Merrywhether?" He added, just wanting to tick the male off more. Ignore your feelings, you're nasty and cruel, not nice. He repeated in his head, though that didn't help the blush on his cheeks or the way his heart twinged at the thought of the other.

Maria kept a calm expression as she felt the man's lip against the back of her hand. She didn't think much of it. Martine accepted the greeting and nodded. "Very well. Bonjour Monsieur Alexander Romalus. Je m'appelle Martine Beaulieu. But if you have another name in mind, then that is what you may call me. I will be the one to help you around the house when needed." Martine said with her strong French accent. Martine sighed in relief, glad that the newcomer was not an idiot. "This is the living room, where most of the other household members would spend most of their time here, if you ever get lost around the house, this is the place where you will always end up because most rooms will lead them back into the living room. But if you ever need help to get around the house, I am here to guide you around. I've been living here for quite enough to know every inch of this house," Martine was honestly a bit shocked. That's the most she's ever spoken in a week. She's always been keeping herself away from the people around her. She never really enjoyed their loudness. She always stayed in her room, creating new clothes for her to wear since most of the clothes she finds now and days are not her style.

Martine headed up the spiral stairs. "You're room will be a few floors up, you honestly may get confused as the floors seem the same at times but once again, if you need help, I am here. We are on the same floor." Walking into the hallway, she headed towards a two door room. Opening both of the doors, she lead him into an elegant large room. "I apologize if this isn't the room that you were planning for, but based off the description you gave to us before moving in here, I tried my best to suit your style. If you would like a change, I would do so until it reaches your liking." Martine stood beside Alex and looked up at him. "My room, if you are curious, like I said before is on the same floor so your not that far from me. Is there any questions you have for me to answer for you Monsieur Romalus?"

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Phantasia said:

Jax was sorting his clothes into white and black, you could say he had a pretty monochromatic wardrobe. Black, white and a shade or so of grey. He let his hair fall over his brown eye, not aware of the presence following him up the stairs. He felt a slight shock as someone grabbed him and began to shake him. A horrid stench filled the room and Jaz visibly tensed up. "What the hell are you doing!" He roared, turning around to come face to face with with pink haired boy that was previously attacking the male downstairs.

"Oh, you... What do you want?" Jax asked, breaking out of the male's hold and going back to sorting his clothes. He couldn't help but feel his cheeks warm up at the sight of the eccentric male. "And what the fuck type of name is Merrywhether?" He added, just wanting to tick the male off more. Ignore your feelings, you're nasty and cruel, not nice. He repeated in his head, though that didn't help the blush on his cheeks or the way his heart twinged at the thought of the other.


Pride hurt, Merrywether called his dark aura back inside, he continued to hover above the boy. "Eh Merrywether is a traditional English name for boys..." he prattled on about the meaning of his name and all the important Europeans who had shared his name. Finally, he decided to go back downstairs and bother his new friend Alexander,mentioning on his way out that he and Jax were roomies.

"Lexy Lex!"he yipped, clapping his hand on the man's shoulder. "Who is that pretty girl? Can I lick her face? Can I touch your wings? Are you a chicken?" Merry fluttered around the couple, tail wagging a mile a minute and ears flopping. @Kiroshiven
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Jax rolled his eyes, "Do you really think I care about the origin of your name?" He asked, looking up to find that the male was gone already. "Whatever." He mumbled, walking over to the door he shut it and finished his sorting. "Pin this moment he realized that their were two beds. "Room mates." He hissed bitterly. Noting how their was only one dresser he snickered. "You snooze you lose." He mumbled, filling the drawers with his clothes and leaving no room for his possible room mate.

Looking down at his letter to see who his roommate was his face paled, "Merrywether Florona." He whispered, closing his eyes and falling onto his bed. He felt like throwing s tantrum and punching everything and everybody in sight. "Fuck my parents, thanks for sending me to this bullshit match maker." He grumbled, rolling onto his stomach, creasing his pants and shirt.

xMellowmint said:
Maria kept a calm expression as she felt the man's lip against the back of her hand. She didn't think much of it. Martine accepted the greeting and nodded. "Very well. Bonjour Monsieur Alexander Romalus. Je m'appelle Martine Beaulieu. But if you have another name in mind, then that is what you may call me. I will be the one to help you around the house when needed." Martine said with her strong French accent. Martine sighed in relief, glad that the newcomer was not an idiot. "This is the living room, where most of the other household members would spend most of their time here, if you ever get lost around the house, this is the place where you will always end up because most rooms will lead them back into the living room. But if you ever need help to get around the house, I am here to guide you around. I've been living here for quite enough to know every inch of this house," Martine was honestly a bit shocked. That's the most she's ever spoken in a week. She's always been keeping herself away from the people around her. She never really enjoyed their loudness. She always stayed in her room, creating new clothes for her to wear since most of the clothes she finds now and days are not her style.
Martine headed up the spiral stairs. "You're room will be a few floors up, you honestly may get confused as the floors seem the same at times but once again, if you need help, I am here. We are on the same floor." Walking into the hallway, she headed towards a two door room. Opening both of the doors, she lead him into an elegant large room. "I apologize if this isn't the room that you were planning for, but based off the description you gave to us before moving in here, I tried my best to suit your style. If you would like a change, I would do so until it reaches your liking." Martine stood beside Alex and looked up at him. "My room, if you are curious, like I said before is on the same floor so your not that far from me. Is there any questions you have for me to answer for you Monsieur Romalus?"

Alexander was impressed when she introduced herself in French. Another romance language speaker. He maintained his calm demeanor as she led him into the living room and began to explain the house's layout. It was fairly simple. If I get lost, I can either look for her or find this room. The former would definitely be preferred though. Alex shook himself as he bottled his thoughts away. This was his first meeting with this woman and as attractive as she was he had to continue to show his composure. She then led him to his room. It was almost like his room back in Madrid. The furniture was made of mahogany and he could sense the magic used to prevent the furniture from catching flame. "You did excellent work Miss Beaulieu, but may I ask that you call me Alexander or Alex? As I would much prefer to call you Martine." He smiled to her as she mentioned that she was going to help him. It was almost like she was a servant, but a more interesting one than the ones back home. The moment, however, was interrupted by Merrywether making an appearance.

Alex nearly lashed out when Merrywhether mentioned licking Martine's face. He instinctively put his wing between the male and her. "Merrywether was it?" He strained hard to not show his irritation on his face. The heat emanating off of him would've been enough to boil steel if he could get a hold of it. "I am a phoenix. And as such, would ask that you show respect to Miss Beaulieu as well as myself. Otherwise, I will not be held responsible for my reaction to your idiocy." Realizing what he said, Alexaner quickly calmed himself and tried to make amends. No need to aggravate my housemates. "I apologize. Flying here from Spain was a rather long trip and I find that I am rather irritable." He motioned to Martine. "This is Martine Beaulieu and your first inspection of her was definitely correct. As for if you can lick her or not, I'd say no. My wings are fine to touch, just be prepared even when I'm calm, they should be rather hot." Alex extended one wing out to both Merrywether and Martine. "Feel free to touch as well Martine."

Kiroshiven said:
Alexander was impressed when she introduced herself in French. Another romance language speaker. He maintained his calm demeanor as she led him into the living room and began to explain the house's layout. It was fairly simple. If I get lost, I can either look for her or find this room. The former would definitely be preferred though. Alex shook himself as he bottled his thoughts away. This was his first meeting with this woman and as attractive as she was he had to continue to show his composure. She then led him to his room. It was almost like his room back in Madrid. The furniture was made of mahogany and he could sense the magic used to prevent the furniture from catching flame. "You did excellent work Miss Beaulieu, but may I ask that you call me Alexander or Alex? As I would much prefer to call you Martine." He smiled to her as she mentioned that she was going to help him. It was almost like she was a servant, but a more interesting one than the ones back home. The moment, however, was interrupted by Merrywether making an appearance.
Alex nearly lashed out when Merrywhether mentioned licking Martine's face. He instinctively put his wing between the male and her. "Merrywether was it?" He strained hard to not show his irritation on his face. The heat emanating off of him would've been enough to boil steel if he could get a hold of it. "I am a phoenix. And as such, would ask that you show respect to Miss Beaulieu as well as myself. Otherwise, I will not be held responsible for my reaction to your idiocy." Realizing what he said, Alexaner quickly calmed himself and tried to make amends. No need to aggravate my housemates. "I apologize. Flying here from Spain was a rather long trip and I find that I am rather irritable." He motioned to Martine. "This is Martine Beaulieu and your first inspection of her was definitely correct. As for if you can lick her or not, I'd say no. My wings are fine to touch, just be prepared even when I'm calm, they should be rather hot." Alex extended one wing out to both Merrywether and Martine. "Feel free to touch as well Martine."

"OHH~ So you are one of them fancy flaming chickens!" Merry grabbed the man's wings. "Wow! They are so soft and warm! Can I sleep on them?" Merry's tail wagged so fast that his body began to shake! "Wanna meet my room mate friend!? We are friends now! I DECLARE SO IT IS NOW SO!" Merry dragged the poor Phoenix up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Lexy Lex this is uhhh my lesser spirit roomate!" Merry pointed to Jax then turned back to his new best friend "Lexy Lex, Do you know what I am?" He asked snuggling up next to Alex's fire wings. @Phantasia
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"Can you not shove your dom/sub love in my face!" Jax growled, teeth bared as his eyes resembled the anger fire held. "Take it elsewhere!" He shouted, throwing his head against the pillows and rolling onto his side, he would never admit that he was jealous... But deep down he was. Every other house that his parents sent him to he always came home empty handed. It sucked big time. "It's so annoying when people do that. I get it, you're in love. Now go!" He shouted, voice raising to an unbelievable volume.

He pointed his thin, shaky finger to the door, his chipped fingernail barely any longer than the finger itself. "I don't care if you're my room mate, I don't want you bringing him into the room, ever." He snarled, face red fro, anger and his blue eye turning into frost. Jax had no clue what he was doing, why was he being so emotional, in front of strangers at that. His breathing was heavy and he felt the familar pit of sadness lurking in his stomach, but he pushed it off to the side.

@Pikaplup2 @Kiroshiven
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Kiroshiven said:
Alexander was impressed when she introduced herself in French. Another romance language speaker. He maintained his calm demeanor as she led him into the living room and began to explain the house's layout. It was fairly simple. If I get lost, I can either look for her or find this room. The former would definitely be preferred though. Alex shook himself as he bottled his thoughts away. This was his first meeting with this woman and as attractive as she was he had to continue to show his composure. She then led him to his room. It was almost like his room back in Madrid. The furniture was made of mahogany and he could sense the magic used to prevent the furniture from catching flame. "You did excellent work Miss Beaulieu, but may I ask that you call me Alexander or Alex? As I would much prefer to call you Martine." He smiled to her as she mentioned that she was going to help him. It was almost like she was a servant, but a more interesting one than the ones back home. The moment, however, was interrupted by Merrywether making an appearance.
Alex nearly lashed out when Merrywhether mentioned licking Martine's face. He instinctively put his wing between the male and her. "Merrywether was it?" He strained hard to not show his irritation on his face. The heat emanating off of him would've been enough to boil steel if he could get a hold of it. "I am a phoenix. And as such, would ask that you show respect to Miss Beaulieu as well as myself. Otherwise, I will not be held responsible for my reaction to your idiocy." Realizing what he said, Alexaner quickly calmed himself and tried to make amends. No need to aggravate my housemates. "I apologize. Flying here from Spain was a rather long trip and I find that I am rather irritable." He motioned to Martine. "This is Martine Beaulieu and your first inspection of her was definitely correct. As for if you can lick her or not, I'd say no. My wings are fine to touch, just be prepared even when I'm calm, they should be rather hot." Alex extended one wing out to both Merrywether and Martine. "Feel free to touch as well Martine."

Martine nodded as she heard Alexander requested for her to call him by his real name. "As you wish Alexander." Bowing gently, showing that she understands. She looked back up and found Merrywether, asking to lick her face. She felt a bit disgusted by the request though she just kept her same unemotional face. She scoffed and looked to the side towards the floor, moving her eyebrows to an angry position though she wouldn't say anything. Don't you know any manners? She took a deep breath and turned her attention toward's Alex who's wing just appeared in front of her, blocking the view of Merrywether. Glad that Alex had done that for her, she just kept quiet to calm herself once again.

Once Martine has gotten herself back together, Martine walked up and moved Merrywether's hands off Alexander's wings. "I do not appreciate the way you are touching him despite him giving you permission. Alexander has just arrived from his long trip from Spain and needs to rest up to catch up with the time zone. If you would please excuse Alex and stop touching his wings, both of us would appreciate you to let him just rest Monsieur Merrywether." She leaded Alexander back into his room and closed the door behind them. "I apologize for their behavior Mon- Alexander." She bowed, keeping the same tone. Even though it sounded as if she didn't mean it, she did. "If you would like, I would try my best to prevent him from touching you like that once again." Clearing her throat, she continued. "Would you like me to run a bath for you if you are planning on resting soon?"
Before Alex even had a time to react about being called a flaming chicken, he was dragged off. This kid is getting on my nerves! He could feel his temper starting to boil over and the color of his feathers began to change. That was one thing about his family that was odd. Their feathers could change to blue or white depending on how frustrated they became. It also corresponded to the color of fire that they could produce. His rage boiled over as he nearly turned on the young lad when the spirit from earlier opened his mouth

"Are you kidding me you ingrate?!" Alex's voice was full of anger as he spoke to Jax. "The fact that you could come to that kind of conclusion based off this one-sided show proves how lacking you are. Mi Dio! Su tiene sopa de cerebros?! Ijole!" Flames shot from Alex's wings as his temper erupted. The blue flames sputtering wildly into the room. Alexander couldn't stand it anymore and stormed out of the room and was thankful that he was able to get back to the stairs and find Martine still there. He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry that I was dragged off by that wild child, but I'm truly thankful that you're still here. I don't think I could put up with such insanity for much longer." Alexander wiped down his clothes to remove any wrinkles, dust and straighten himself out. "I'm glad to have your company in this house." He gave her his first real smile in a long time, he really was glad to have her there. "Now if you wouldn't mind, I would actually like to go for a walk in town. Would you care to join me?" He smiled at her, hoping that she'd catch on the hint he needed to get out of the house for a moment to cool off. His wings still a deep shade of blue to affirm his fury.

@Pikaplup2 @Phantasia @xMellowmint
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Kiroshiven said:
Before Alex even had a time to react about being called a flaming chicken, he was dragged off. This kid is getting on my nerves! He could feel his temper starting to boil over and the color of his feathers began to change. That was one thing about his family that was odd. Their feathers could change to blue or white depending on how frustrated they became. It also corresponded to the color of fire that they could produce. His rage boiled over as he nearly turned on the young lad when the spirit from earlier opened his mouth
"Are you kidding me you ingrate?!" Alex's voice was full of anger as he spoke to Jax. "The fact that you could come to that kind of conclusion based off this one-sided show proves how lacking you are. Mi Dio! Su tiene sopa de cerebros?! Ijole!" Flames shot from Alex's wings as his temper erupted. The blue flames sputtering wildly into the room. Alexander couldn't stand it anymore and stormed out of the room and was thankful that he was able to get back to the stairs and find Martine still there. He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry that I was dragged off by that wild child, but I'm truly thankful that you're still here. I don't think I could put up with such insanity for much longer." Alexander wiped down his clothes to remove any wrinkles, dust and straighten himself out. "I'm glad to have your company in this house." He gave her his first real smile in a long time, he really was glad to have her there. "Now if you wouldn't mind, I would actually like to go for a walk in town. Would you care to join me?" He smiled at her, hoping that she'd catch on the hint he needed to get out of the house for a moment to cool off. His wings still a deep shade of blue to affirm his fury.

@Pikaplup2 @Phantasia @xMellowmint
Martine nodded delightfully and understood his situation. "I just have to warn you Alexander, despite me living here for a while, I do not know the city that much so that is one thing you can't rely on me." Martine chuckled as she locked her arm around his. Martine just realized that she chuckled. It's been a while since she's actually had shown emotion to anyone. Martine tried her best to not think much about it though she couldn't help it. All of a sudden, figuring out that Alex actually made her chuckle, she wanted to know more about himX

"Would I be asking for too much if I wanted to know what made you come here? You lived in Madrid, your hometown if I am correct, but why here out of all places in the world." Martine kept looking forward as she stepped out of the house, letting Alexander lead the way to where he wanted to go to cool off some steam.
xMellowmint said:
Martine nodded delightfully and understood his situation. "I just have to warn you Alexander, despite me living here for a while, I do not know the city that much so that is one thing you can't rely on me." Martine chuckled as she locked her arm around his. Martine just realized that she chuckled. It's been a while since she's actually had shown emotion to anyone. Martine tried her best to not think much about it though she couldn't help it. All of a sudden, figuring out that Alex actually made her chuckle, she wanted to know more about himX
"Would I be asking for too much if I wanted to know what made you come here? You lived in Madrid, your hometown if I am correct, but why here out of all places in the world." Martine kept looking forward as she stepped out of the house, letting Alexander lead the way to where he wanted to go to cool off some steam.
The minute she slipped her arm around his, Alex felt a bit more at peace and hearing her chuckle brought a smile to his face. "It's alright, should we get too lost I could always carry you and fly us back home." His wings already started returning to their usual shade of red as his grin became more natural. There's definitely something calming about her. As they exited the house she asked him a curious question, not curious because of the question itself, but because his answer was rather simple. "To be honest with you Martine, I came out here for three reasons." He let out a sigh as he spread his wings their full length, it was rather difficult for him to do this ever. "The first was that I was tired of hiding myself. My parents made me learn how to hide my wings and control my fire so that I could blend in like they did. I never really wanted that though." Alex looked over at Martine for a moment as he continued to answer her.

"Which leads me easily to my second reason. I wanted to get away from my parents and all the lessons. From the day I turned six I had lessons on how to behave, etiquette, violin, math, science, everything you could think of. I'm thankful for it of course, but it's a lot of work and stress. This was a change of pace and a great chance to relax." Finally getting enough of the air, Alex folded up his wings, gently wrapping Martine up in one. Just in case. It feels a little cooler than Madrid. "The final reason would be something that people don't really expect." Alex chuckled at what he was about to say. "I wanted to meet REAL people." It was a simple answer, but at the same time rather complex.
Phantasia said:

"Can you not shove your dom/sub love in my face!" Jax growled, teeth bared as his eyes resembled the anger fire held. "Take it elsewhere!" He shouted, throwing his head against the pillows and rolling onto his side, he would never admit that he was jealous... But deep down he was. Every other house that his parents sent him to he always came home empty handed. It sucked big time. "It's so annoying when people do that. I get it, you're in love. Now go!" He shouted, voice raising to an unbelievable volume.

He pointed his thin, shaky finger to the door, his chipped fingernail barely any longer than the finger itself. "I don't care if you're my room mate, I don't want you bringing him into the room, ever." He snarled, face red fro, anger and his blue eye turning into frost. Jax had no clue what he was doing, why was he being so emotional, in front of strangers at that. His breathing was heavy and he felt the familar pit of sadness lurking in his stomach, but he pushed it off to the side.

@Pikaplup2 @Kiroshiven
@Kiroshiven "Okay,Hasta luego Señor pollo de fuego!" Merry called after Alex. Laughing he turned to Jax, "Haha! Mr. Chicken thinks he is the smartest bird here! He doesn't know that a Dog god know all things." Merry smiled and swished his fluffy tail carelessly "Don't be Jealous Jax. Lexy Lex and I are just friends. I am your dom." Merry paused, his fur bristled. "I don't think I like the way Mr. Chicken talked to you....I think I am gonna go play with him some more." Merry smiled cruelly as more, of his dark aura oozed out. "Ja ne! Or you know you could watch me work my magic."

Merry slithered his way outside ,undetected. Quietly and invisibly he snuck up on Alex and his pretty lady friend. As quick as lightning, he handcuffed himself to Alex. "Hola, mi amor es bueno verte otra vez~" he teased, stroking the angry man's wings. "Hey, these wings are hard to resist for a ghost,such as myself, to resist" He flashed the man his most charming smile. "Dont even think about burning these cuffs off. They can not be removed except by me"
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Jax bit his lip, "Out of everybody you're my dom?" He asked, rapidly loosing faith in his life... Well afterlife. As soon as Merrywether left he fell against the sheets. "You're great at making friends aren't you?" He asked himself sarcastically, noticing a flame on his bed he patted it out, feeling nothing. "Why can't I be emotionally numb too?" He asked himself, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. Of course it wasn't his first bring cursed out at. His parents did that to him pretty much everyday. But the fact that it was somebody he barely knew is what made him realize how fucked up his attitude was.

"Let's see how long this dom will last, probably a day if I'm lucky." Jax scoffed, pushing his hair off of his sweaty forehead and playing with the buttons of his white button up shirt. Jax was afraid to admit that he was a sour person, he makes lemons seem sweet. But now was different, now he actually had to worry about impressing a dom. Of course he wasn't going to try, dominants are supposed to care for their subs no matter what and vice versa. But Jax was pretty sure that he liked this dom. "My lie is horrible." He groaned, rubbing his hand down his face in frustration,

A small, childlike girl growled as she stood before the door, separating her from this life and a new one.

Luce wondered if she was late, then shook off the thought aggressively, remembering the others who would be here would only be early, of course!
"I don't know why I'm doing this," she growled to herself as she opened the door. "Anyone here? Hurry up and answer before I kill you!" she said. Why was she here...?! A letter had told her she should come. And, thinking it'd be a good opportunity to see some action, Luce decided to come here all the way from her home. Of course, she had only woken up just before and wasn't in a good state of mind to make decisions. How stupid! She hoped the people she'd be living with now wouldn't be annoying idiots. Then again, everyone was an annoying idiot in her world.

Her world... Of supernatural creatures? Of course, Luce was a demon. The house she had entered was supposedly full of creatures like her, all different. She just hoped she'd be able to not have to use someone as a punching bag before ten minutes even passed.
Yamato let his red umbrella swirl in his hand. The metal handle let off a cool texture in the warm heat, which felt quite nice in his fingers. Yamato couldn't say he really liked the heated weather. He truly preferred cold and wet days. But, since he had gotten himself into this situation he'd have to deal with things like the hot weather now.

Yamato brought his free hand down to his pocket and pulled out a phone. The phone wasn't fancy, and was merely a light blue flip phone. He overturned the screen and stared at it blankly, eyes full of grief. Just yesterday had Yamato's boyfriend broken up with him, putting Yama in quite the mood swinging type. They had been childhood friends, Yamato was the first to confess his feeling before the other male did. They were together for a year after that, Jayleigh being the one who had cut off the relationship last night. It had rendered the silver-haired man sleepless, causing him to be quite tired and out of it this morning. His mood was constantly switching over to different things and he was tired: he always got weird and flirtatious when he was tired or depressed.

Turning into the school area, Yamato looked up at the building, still swirling his umbrella in his hands. It seemed that all sorts of students had already gathered up in front of the school, yelling about and fooling around. When Yamato saw it he was almost reminded of home. Almost. A key element was still missing: the puddles. Puddles were always fun to run in, to dance in, just another toy for a Japanese rain spirit like Yamato himself. The white-haired male started forward, looking around.
Kiroshiven said:
The minute she slipped her arm around his, Alex felt a bit more at peace and hearing her chuckle brought a smile to his face. "It's alright, should we get too lost I could always carry you and fly us back home." His wings already started returning to their usual shade of red as his grin became more natural. There's definitely something calming about her. As they exited the house she asked him a curious question, not curious because of the question itself, but because his answer was rather simple. "To be honest with you Martine, I came out here for three reasons." He let out a sigh as he spread his wings their full length, it was rather difficult for him to do this ever. "The first was that I was tired of hiding myself. My parents made me learn how to hide my wings and control my fire so that I could blend in like they did. I never really wanted that though." Alex looked over at Martine for a moment as he continued to answer her.
"Which leads me easily to my second reason. I wanted to get away from my parents and all the lessons. From the day I turned six I had lessons on how to behave, etiquette, violin, math, science, everything you could think of. I'm thankful for it of course, but it's a lot of work and stress. This was a change of pace and a great chance to relax." Finally getting enough of the air, Alex folded up his wings, gently wrapping Martine up in one. Just in case. It feels a little cooler than Madrid. "The final reason would be something that people don't really expect." Alex chuckled at what he was about to say. "I wanted to meet REAL people." It was a simple answer, but at the same time rather complex.
Martine looked down at the ground, watching the steps they took that were synchronized. She rested her head against his arm, hoping her antlers weren't gonna get in his way. The wind blew against them as her hair started to fly back from time to time. The wing of Alexander wrapped around her, making her feel warm. Merci.... She turned her direction towards Alexander. "I know what you mean..." She replied to his last reason of why he came here. Being born and raised in a family that's very... high maintenance... keeps you away from the real world. Even though she never really lived a life like that, she knows what he meant. Well at least she though she did.

"Alexander, you came to the right place..." She turned her head forward as the wind blew against them softly once more. "Our home is very diverse. Some people were born and raised there, runaways, or they just moved in. They live a different life among all of us. It's what makes each of them special. But, even if some may seem as if you won't like them, you will. We all love each other despite us fighting and not talking... but we're all family even if we don't admit it. I apologize if it's hard to understand me because of my accent." Martine blushed as she felt herself change. She couldn't tell if it was a good change or a bad change... it was just different. The bright side was finally coming out for once as Martine always cloaked herself in negativity. It has only been one day... and someone has already changed her.
"I need someone to take the pain away.. will you hold me?" ~ Evan Walker

Evan got off the bus in the village, a backpack on his right shoulder. He gazed around at the busy streets, the beanie on his head covering his ears and his jacket hiding his tail. He caught a few people staring and it made him sort of uncomfortable, making him start walking towards where the mansion was supposed to be. He took out his phone and went onto Google Maps, typing in the adress only to find that there was no match. Huh, this place really was remote..

He reached the woods and tread carefully, not making a single sound except for his nervous breathing. He always breathed shorter and quicker breaths when he was nervous, in order to try and calm down. It didn't actually make sense, as he was giving his brain less oxygen, but none the less he never seemed to care about his obvious foolishness. He soon heard voices, and tightened his hand around the shoulder strap that hung over his shoulder as he took a last, deep breath.

Evan soon found himself in the middle of a crowd, and was bumped into, pushed, shoved and glared at, making him hurry his pace and make himself seem smaller. He was almost through the crowd and in front of the door, when he bumped into a wall. Oh wait, not a wall. A Person. As he looked up a blush crawled onto his face, seeing how his stomach made back flips and his heart almost beat out of his chest. Had he found his dom...? Either way he bowed his head submissively, whimpering in shame and fear. Even if this may or may not be HIS dom, Evan found himself easily submit to any dom who crossed his path.

-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x

"I'm an archangel, I shouldn't need love.. but I do.." ~ Cougar Hollins

Cougar stood in the crowd, his eyes closed as he focused on the different auras around him. Being an archangel, he had the power to sense supernatural creatures, and found it relaxing to let his mind work on its own as it listed the many creatures that occupied the space around the mansion. One particular one stood out to him, and he quickly opened his eyes to spot him, but narrowed his eyes as he found his luck was on vacation.

As he was about to move inside the building, he was stopped by a group of dom-less teenage girls, who kept twirling their hair and blinking their eyes his way seductively as their leader started talking to him. Normally the young man was polite, but he had other thoughts on his mind.
"Excuse me miss, but I'll have to be acquainted to you and your charming friends soon, or never. Preferably the latter," he said, his voice sweet as honey as he pushed past them easily.

He quickly made his way inside the building and followed his instincts up a spiral staircase, where a lucky couple was making out. Cougar ignored them as he found himself standing outside a room with an open door. It turned out to be a dorm, and as he looked at the number he realized it was his. Did this mean...? He shook it off as he decided to step inside the room, the sight of his roommate stunning him inwardly. On the outside, he only smiled politely.
"Well hello there, I'm Cougar Hollins - but you can call me Devil," he introduced himself, his green eyes glowing before changing into a baby blue.


"Shitshitshitshitshit... Not again..."

Luke was pretty sure he was running a little bit late to this place he was being invited to, and wasn't too happy about it. A while back, he had received a letter that was telling him to come to this new house, one for the supernatural. Honestly, he was pretty confused to why, out of all people, he, a human, was invited. Not that he was going to complain or anything. In fact, Luke thought it would be kind of fun. Well, that actually could be because he's been watching a bit too much anime, but he didn't care. He was certain that he and whoever else was with him would have a good time.

As Luke got out of the car, he made his way rather quickly to the door of what seemed to be a very grand, pompous looking mansion from his view. Well, I've got to admit; this place definitely looks good. He didn't take too much time to enjoy the scenery though, as he flung the door open. The inside looked really nice as well. Again, he didn't spend to much time looking, since right when he had entered the building, he could easily point out a short, orange/blonde haired girl in the vicinity. "Hey, I'm not that late, am I?" Luke asked curiously before changing the subject, "Well, hopefully that doesn't matter too much. I'm Lucas Chandler, but you can call me Luke if you want. Who might you be?"

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