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Fantasy ▫ Paired Up ▫

Jax looked at the new male in the doorway, "Why would I call you Devil if you're an angel?" He asked sourly, face screwed up into a scowl as he stared at the boy. His cheeks were flushed from his previous anger, yet this male made his heart pound. Not from anger but from excitement, which never happened to Jax. Could he have finally found his dom...? He refused to admit that, keeping his bitch of an attitude up. "What are you doing here anyway? This is my room." He hissed, blue and brown eyes filled with anger as he stood. Standing at 5' 9 he walked over to the "Devil" boy.

"I claimed this as mine, and what's mine is mine forever." Jax added, feeling the intimidating aura but not stepping back. He's always been a bit of a jackass. "I may not be a dom, but I certainly don't submit easily, so it would be nice if you walked out of this merry little room and find your sub." He whispered, baring his straight, almost blindingly white canines at the male. "I'm pretty sure that they're down there. That's where you're supposed to meet your dom or sub." He paused, finally admitting that this room was there's to share, why else would their be two beds. "Don't bring your dom/sub in here, at all. Ever." Jax stated, face practically red as he shoved a finger against Cougar's quite hard chest... It may or may not have made his blush a deep crimson. "I don't need your love being thrown in my face." He added, stepping back and trying to push past the boy.


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"I'm an archangel, I shouldn't need love.. but I do.." ~ Cougar Hollins

Cougar was quite amused at this boy's obvious innocence. He decided not to speak up until he was done, his face not betraying any thoughts or feelings whatsoever as he pushed it all aside. As he listened to the male ramble on about whatnot, he couldn't help the knot building up in his stomach. He was just pure adorable! Either way, if this guy already had someone, that person was in for a treat: a duel against an archangel. So basically, suicide! Yay, what a nice gift, eh? He looked down as the boy poked his chest, his face hardening as his patience started running out. Okay, so he isn't the MOST patient guy in the world, whatever!

"Well," he started, his voice more stern as he gently grabbed the boy's wrist and turned him around, gently pinning him to the wall. "You may call me Devil, as I am no angel, but an archangel. God banished me to Earth to make up for my sins and I have tormented more people in my days than I'd say help - unfortunately. I am not a bad guy however, I just prefer to be called Devil, as those who are my kind do," he continued, addressing one matter at a time.

Before continuing he backed away from the boy as he took off his jacket to reveal his beautiful, soft wings. He threw the jacket on the empty bed and unbuttoned the first button of his button up.
"As for the room, I strictly remember that I share this room with said annoying person - you - and therefore I will hereby correct you. What is ours is ours forever," he paused and shrugged. "I would have agreed to all your terms, except that it's impossible to not bring my sub into this room, as you are my sub. Now, I guess I will go downstairs and see if I can find a new sub, seeing how you are quite uncooperative,"he said nonchalantly, knowing the last part would tick him off. Even subs reacted badly whenever their doms spoke of seeing someone else, no matter how much they hated each other.


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Jax couldn't help but hold his breath and blush as soon as Cougar grabbed his wrist, him being a dominant made him very... Overpowering. "Archangel? How creative." He muttered sarcastically, though he was actually quite surprised that one even remained on the real world. He knew of how uncommon these beings were, but he decided to disregard the bit of information. He was probably lying anyway. "Fine, I'll call you Devil. I'm Jaxon, though I do have a preference for Jax." He introduced himself, rolling his eyes as Cougar kept tight hold of him against the wall. It's not that Jax was entirely uncomfortable in the current position. It was more embarrassing than unpleasant, but Jax would never say that aloud.

Jax scoffed, "No way am I your sub. I'm too good for you." Jax mumbled sharply, knowing that more likely than not it would hurt Cougar/Devil/Whatever his name was. Feigning ignorance to the second comment, though he felt his stomach twist into tight knots. Doms aren't supposed to find new subs, they're supposed to stay with their subs till death, even Jax knew that. "You're a real pain in my ass. I can't believe that I have to live my life with such a fool as yourself. There are plenty of females that have the brain the size of a walnut. Perhaps they would get along with you better." Jax growled, smirking at himself.
Oh that was good... He complimented himself inwardly.

Jax was excited to find that he had a partner, he's always wanted one. But he has the reputation as being snarky and a little too disrespectful. Why change himself for somebody else's benefit? He liked the way he currently was. "So, Devil. What do you say to agreeing that we both belong to different people?" He asked, knowing how easy it was to fake the feelings dominants and submissives share. He's done it plenty of time in the past, though it was always against his will. Apparently something about his asshole ways attracts males, he never understood that, he wanted the exact opposite. But as soon as Jax said those words he immediately regretted them. He felt light headed and sat down, closing his eyes. "Jesus, what was that?" He grumbled, voice nothing above a rough whisper.




She was walking towards the house. She had no idea who her Dom would be but she just pulled her cloak tighter around her. She had it because it helped her keep in control and her to hide her wings. She could take a human form but she always choose to keep the cloak on because it kept her wings from just forming by themselves. She hated her wings. The were pure white with black streaks in them. She finally got to the mansion and just walked into the front doors. She got nervous no just pulled her cloak tighter around her. She saw girl twirling their hair hoping a Dom would catch their eye. She simply leaned against a wall. Maybe some Dom would come over and talk to her. She brought the hood of her cloak back revealing her face and golden, almost red wavy hair. She wasn't typically this quiet but she really didn't like new situations. She just looked around at what people were doing. They were talking and she was the weirdo in the corner. Fabulous. She just waited for someone to talk to her.

(Very indirectly @Kiroshiven )

Luce turned around in a bit of surprise as a voice addressed her from behind. "What? I don't know and I really couldn't ca-" Luce stopped as she faced the person. Or more, looked up at them - these stupid height problems. She burst out laughing, hugging her stomach, her eyes even tearing up a little. "A h-human?! Haha, how did you get in here! You're like walking bait!" she laughed. She calmed down and stared at him. "A human should not ask someone like me instantly who they are! Just because you must be a peasant, doesn't mean you are stripped of manners! But, if you're dying to know - Lucille Nakamura, or Luce," she said. "How did you get in here, human?"

xMellowmint said:
Martine looked down at the ground, watching the steps they took that were synchronized. She rested her head against his arm, hoping her antlers weren't gonna get in his way. The wind blew against them as her hair started to fly back from time to time. The wing of Alexander wrapped around her, making her feel warm. Merci.... She turned her direction towards Alexander. "I know what you mean..." She replied to his last reason of why he came here. Being born and raised in a family that's very... high maintenance... keeps you away from the real world. Even though she never really lived a life like that, she knows what he meant. Well at least she though she did.
"Alexander, you came to the right place..." She turned her head forward as the wind blew against them softly once more. "Our home is very diverse. Some people were born and raised there, runaways, or they just moved in. They live a different life among all of us. It's what makes each of them special. But, even if some may seem as if you won't like them, you will. We all love each other despite us fighting and not talking... but we're all family even if we don't admit it. I apologize if it's hard to understand me because of my accent." Martine blushed as she felt herself change. She couldn't tell if it was a good change or a bad change... it was just different. The bright side was finally coming out for once as Martine always cloaked herself in negativity. It has only been one day... and someone has already changed her.
Alex listened to her. I thought there was some background like that. She showed signs that she grew up with someone of "class." Alex felt her antlers against him, but it wasn't a problem. He didn't think anything she did would be too big a problem. You should really keep your focus here Alex. He continued to listen to her talking about how the house was like a family and how he'd come to like everyone, even if nobody admitted it. It was like how he was with his siblings.

Alex fought back a chuckle when she apologized. "Don't worry. Your accent isn't a problem. It's just as cute as the blush on your cheeks." Alex felt himself turn a bit red as he said it. He'd flirted with people at balls and galas before, but it was shallow mingling. To actually mean what he said, that was a bit different. It felt embarrassing and nerve wracking. How did you get under my skin Martine? His mind wandered as he just looked at her, forgetting that they were walking in town. I wonder how the people here see us? The thought barely crossed his mind before disappearing into his other thoughts.

ScarlettRose16 said:


She was walking towards the house. She had no idea who her Dom would be but she just pulled her cloak tighter around her. She had it because it helped her keep in control and her to hide her wings. She could take a human form but she always choose to keep the cloak on because it kept her wings from just forming by themselves. She hated her wings. The were pure white with black streaks in them. She finally got to the mansion and just walked into the front doors. She got nervous no just pulled her cloak tighter around her. She saw girl twirling their hair hoping a Dom would catch their eye. She simply leaned against a wall. Maybe some Dom would come over and talk to her. She brought the hood of her cloak back revealing her face and golden, almost red wavy hair. She wasn't typically this quiet but she really didn't like new situations. She just looked around at what people were doing. They were talking and she was the weirdo in the corner. Fabulous. She just waited for someone to talk to her.

(Very indirectly @Kiroshiven )

Vlad woke up from a nap under the tree. His red eyes taking only a brief moment to adjust to the now mid-morning sun. Ugh. Sunlight. I slept too much. I need to eat. Vlad sat up and adjusted his coat, noticing two people by the front door. Oh right, there's a bunch of new people coming today. Maybe one of them will be interesting. Vlad leaned his head back and began to sniff. Ghosts, demon, phoenix WAS here, same with Martine, HUMAN? Vlad was surprised a human was here, but it didn't matter. There's something unusual here. The smell was odd, it was two different beings, not just one.

Vlad got up and walked toward the house. He passed by the demon and the human with a smirk at the size of the demon. The smell's coming from inside. At least now I don't have to burn to death. As Vlad walked in he nearly ran over someone who started to try and pick a fight. "Oh, exactly what I needed today." Vlad grabbed the lad by his collar and looked directly into his eyes. "You have two options, run so I can eat or get pounded into a pulp before I eat." The boy's panic brought Vlad joy and he set him down. "Run along, my hunger outweighs my desire to turn you into paste." He then proceeded into the living room.

There were several people talking, but their smells weren't what he was hunting. They're in here though. Where are you? He started pushing his way past people his uncaring nature and known problem with violence at least kept the others from doing anything. Finally he found his way towards the corner. There was a girl huddled into her cloak except for her head. Found you. Vlad walked up to her and leaned against the wall. "Hey." He tried his best to form a friendly smile, but it wasn't something he did......ever. "Name's Vlad. What's yours?" Short and to the point. I need to find out what she is before I lose control of myself. Vlad could sense the blood moving through everyone in the room and it was starting to take its toll on his mind.
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"I'm an archangel, I shouldn't need love.. but I do.." ~ Cougar Hollins

The archangel listened to the sub as he was desperate to keep control of the situation. Really, it was lame, and his patience level wasn't exactly bettering at the moment. He decided not to address the matter, as he had other things he needed to focus on, like his sub's voice. Jaxon, Jax, his name was beautiful either way. He couldn't help but smile inwardly, yet also not able to help his hard exterior.

As an archangel, it was hard for him to show his feelings openly, not including anger. For Cougar, anger was the easiest to express, and he could do so in many different ways. Whether it was just a look, a threat or even a punch or two, people could always tell when he got angry. It was one of his bad habits - anger. He was after all raised by his fellow "brothers", the three archangels that weren't banished. Now, one was trapped, another dead and another held in heaven against his will, leaving this young Devil to roam as he pleased, corrupted by the idea of being almighty, with no power great enough to rival his own.

As he heard those words leave his sub's mouth, he tensed, taken aback and angered gravely. He took a hesitant step back however, not wanting to start a fight with his soul mate. Watching him sit down made him arch an eyebrow, confused as to what the male was doing. However as he heard his low whisper, he realized something was wrong. He crouched beside his sub and a worried look crossed his eyes, yet never reached his gentle yet monotone face. He was finally able to drop the rough exterior and the worry reached his entire face, his eyes even glowing brightly as he carefully wrapped his arms around the other.
"Are you okay?.. What's going on, how are you feeling right now, at this very second?" he rambled protectively, stroking the male's hair and inspecting his outward appearance for any injuries. He then switched sight and used infrared to detect any strange substances or dangers.

@Phantasia { You choose what he sees ;) }


Jax pushed Cougar's arm off of him, heart heavy in his chest. He absolutely despised when people felt bad for him. "N-nothing. It just happens when I'm angry." He swore, it wasn't the first time it happened. Whenever his parents fought with him he would always have to walk away because this happened. Stomach twisting and churning he rolled onto his side, he knew what was coming and the last thing he needed his dom to see was his weakness. "I'll be fine, seriously." Jax added meekly, turning his head to smile.

Jax's cheek were a rosy red as he turned to look at Cougar, he hated how vulnerable he was at times. He wasn't supposed to be like that, he was supposed to be strong and fearless. "You don't have to stick around, that just comes and goes." He mumbled, referring to the sudden dizziness. "My mom said that they're headaches, I'm not supposed to feel pain, I'm a ghost. Ghosts can't feel anything!" He shouted, suddenly going back to angry at the thought of his home life. Holding his breathe he laid back down.

"I'm sorry. I'm so weird, you probably hate me right now." Jax whispered, covering his face with his sickeningly thin hands, trying to hide his chagrin from the male. He knew this wasn't proper for sub, but he couldn't help himself. His emotions just took control of the situation sometimes.



Kiroshiven said:
Alex listened to her. I thought there was some background like that. She showed signs that she grew up with someone of "class." Alex felt her antlers against him, but it wasn't a problem. He didn't think anything she did would be too big a problem. You should really keep your focus here Alex. He continued to listen to her talking about how the house was like a family and how he'd come to like everyone, even if nobody admitted it. It was like how he was with his siblings.
Alex fought back a chuckle when she apologized. "Don't worry. Your accent isn't a problem. It's just as cute as the blush on your cheeks." Alex felt himself turn a bit red as he said it. He'd flirted with people at balls and galas before, but it was shallow mingling. To actually mean what he said, that was a bit different. It felt embarrassing and nerve wracking. How did you get under my skin Martine? His mind wandered as he just looked at her, forgetting that they were walking in town. I wonder how the people here see us? The thought barely crossed his mind before disappearing into his other thoughts.

Vlad woke up from a nap under the tree. His red eyes taking only a brief moment to adjust to the now mid-morning sun. Ugh. Sunlight. I slept too much. I need to eat. Vlad sat up and adjusted his coat, noticing two people by the front door. Oh right, there's a bunch of new people coming today. Maybe one of them will be interesting. Vlad leaned his head back and began to sniff. Ghosts, demon, phoenix WAS here, same with Martine, HUMAN? Vlad was surprised a human was here, but it didn't matter. There's something unusual here. The smell was odd, it was two different beings, not just one.

Vlad got up and walked toward the house. He passed by the demon and the human with a smirk at the size of the demon. The smell's coming from inside. At least now I don't have to burn to death. As Vlad walked in he nearly ran over someone who started to try and pick a fight. "Oh, exactly what I needed today." Vlad grabbed the lad by his collar and looked directly into his eyes. "You have two options, run so I can eat or get pounded into a pulp before I eat." The boy's panic brought Vlad joy and he set him down. "Run along, my hunger outweighs my desire to turn you into paste." He then proceeded into the living room.

There were several people talking, but their smells weren't what he was hunting. They're in here though. Where are you? He started pushing his way past people his uncaring nature and known problem with violence at least kept the others from doing anything. Finally he found his way towards the corner. There was a girl huddled into her cloak except for her head. Found you. Vlad walked up to her and leaned against the wall. "Hey." He tried his best to form a friendly smile, but it wasn't something he did......ever. "Name's Vlad. What's yours?" Short and to the point. I need to find out what she is before I lose control of myself. Vlad could sense the blood moving through everyone in the room and it was starting to take its toll on his mind.

She saw the guy moving intentionally towards her. She Looked down at her feet but he was coming towards her. There was something odd about him. He talks to her in a friendly way and she just smiled. "I'm Kate" she says simply. She looks up at him and he seemed curious about something. She had a grip on her cloak that she finally released. She had to look up to she him. 'Curse how short I am' she thinks to herself. She looks away for a split second and looks back up at him. "What's up?" She asked trying to create some conversation.
"I'm an archangel, I shouldn't need love.. but I do.." ~ Cougar Hollins

Cougar slightly narrowed his eyes as his arm was thrown off, but didn't blow his fuse as he reminded himself that he couldn't let out his anger on someone innocent - his sub at that. He took a deep breath and then gazed into his eyes as he looked back at him with what he knew was a forced smile. Great, now this guy is forcing himself to smile around him?!

Cougar what the hell, keep it together! Do what only you can do, both as the fifth archangel, and as his dominant!! he yelled at himself in his head, before standing his ground as he continued to listen. He gently picked Jax up in his arms and carried him over to the ghost's bed. He then laid him down and sat beside him, his wings already gone from sight. They did that when he couldn't possibly need them for any reason. It wasn't his choice, the wings "came and went as they pleased". Almost like they had their own mind.

"I will never leave your side.. I'll always be here for you - even when you don't need me or want me here.." he started calmly, taking Jax's hands away from his face and then caressing his cheek as he frowned at how fragile the poor soul was. "I don't hate you for having emotions, and I don't hate you for what you have the right to be. I get emotional too, fragile even. There are times when I feel like the whole world is against me, and honestly... When you say you don't want me, or that you want to see different people it breaks my heart - because right now you are my world.." he finished, his eyes soft yet holding truth in them.

Pulling his hand away from the boys face he stood up and turned away from him, shoving one hand in his front pocket and his head hanging low. Cougar ran the other through his hair before letting it hang beside his hip.
"I understand you, you know.. Why you wouldn't want me.. I'm a nobody, and all I ever did was hurt the people around me, just because I knew they weren't even close to being as powerful as I am.. I do understand..." he whispered, his voice cracking as he felt tears at bay. One slipped down his face and onto the floor, making a small, icy blue flower bloom from the tear. It had a small diamond trapped from sight by the petals, but as they fell away it shone as brightly as Cougar's eyes did as he bit his lip and looked down at it.

"So maybe you're....r- right..." he paused, his face still broken and more tears falling, yet no more flowers grew, only made the flower grow stronger. "Maybe you should be seeing other people..." Cougar whispered, defeated. He almost couldn't believe it. After all these centuries of foolishness and mischiefs....

He'd finally lost..

Luke looked at Luce with a puzzled look on his face. Well, she's definitely a dom, I can tell that much. He knew that he was for sure a sub, so he had to find himself a dom; well, more like have a dom find him, but nonetheless, it was something to take into account. She did seem a bit rude toward him though, which he thought was maybe normal for her kind? Seeing as Luce just referred to him as a "human peasant", the letter might not have actually been lying about the supernatural part. That only made him more confused though; why was he, a mortal human, invited to this?!? Not that he was going to complain, but it raised a few questions in his head.

"I don't know what's so bad about being a human, but whatever." Luke replied, shrugging his shoulders as if he were confused, "I had received a letter a while ago that I was supposed to come here for some reason. I have no idea why they wanted me to come here if it's for the 'supernatural', but I'm not going to complain either." For a few seconds, his eyes darted around the hallway as he was trying to figure out how to word his question. "No one here will care much about me being a human, right?"

Kiroshiven said:
Alex listened to her. I thought there was some background like that. She showed signs that she grew up with someone of "class." Alex felt her antlers against him, but it wasn't a problem. He didn't think anything she did would be too big a problem. You should really keep your focus here Alex. He continued to listen to her talking about how the house was like a family and how he'd come to like everyone, even if nobody admitted it. It was like how he was with his siblings.
Alex fought back a chuckle when she apologized. "Don't worry. Your accent isn't a problem. It's just as cute as the blush on your cheeks." Alex felt himself turn a bit red as he said it. He'd flirted with people at balls and galas before, but it was shallow mingling. To actually mean what he said, that was a bit different. It felt embarrassing and nerve wracking. How did you get under my skin Martine? His mind wandered as he just looked at her, forgetting that they were walking in town. I wonder how the people here see us? The thought barely crossed his mind before disappearing into his other thoughts.
Hearing the compliment Alex had given her, she tried her best not to blush but she couldn't help it. She didn't know how to reply so all she did was just look away. Although, she did notice how Alex was blushing himself as she smiled slightly. As the wind blew harder against them, she hugged him a bit closer, trying to hold her balance. "Il fait du vent...." Martine groaned, wishing she watched the forecast today. It's not that she didn't like the wind, she just doesn't like how the wind makes her feel colder and her bangs flying all over the place. But, the only thing that's really keeping her from going back is Alex. She really enjoyed the walk with him. She never really went outside which was really bad for her since she needed the vitamin D.

The wind did start to die down as Martine started to loosen her grip. She sun came out from the clouds and the day started to shine brighter. Martine smiled as she looked back up at Alex. "Would you like to go anywhere? We're outside, might as well go somewhere maybe?" Martine grinned brightly. Again, Martine noticed how she was showing emotions, maybe a bit too much. She just couldn't help it. Common Martine... It's not even worth showing emotions... get yourself together... She turned her head away and went back to emotionless face.

Jax watched as Cougar held his cold palm against his own burning cheek and shivered a bit. Making eye contact he felt a small spark erupt in him, his heart flipped backwards and his stomach rolled around. "I'm your world? Me?" He asked softly, not believing the words. He couldn't believe them, nobody cared for him. He knew that, everybody faked their feelings to get what they wanted. Screwed Jax over for pleasure, Cougar would do the same. "You're a really good actor." Jax complimented sarcastically, his eyes still piercing Cougar's soul. But then, then something Jax never would have though would happen. Happened.

Cougar began to cry, a small rose growing at his feet. Each time a tear feel it would become larger. Jax couldn't help but feel horrible for the male as he talked. His own insults piercing Jax's heart. Watching as Cougar's body shook from his silent sobbing, Jax stood up. Walking over to the tall male he hugged him. He never hugged anybody, he hated contact. Hated love, hated feelings. But he could make an exception for his dom.

"Don't say such things." Jax snapped, turning the archangel around and looking him in the eyes. The once closed off brown and blue now open and free. Mimicking Cougar's previous actions he took hold of his cheek, wiping the tears with his thumb. "Don't you date belittle yourself, you don't deserve that. You don't bring misery nor pain. You're not as horrible as a person as you think you are." Jax paused, standing on his toes so that they were at the eye level. "I'm not going to see other people. Who else do I have. Nobody. Just like you." Jax whispered, moving closer. He could almost feel Cougar's body heat.

"Do you know why? Because I care about you." Jax stated bluntly, finally letting the bucket spill. He told his feelings so somebody. He swore he would never do that, not after being criticized for it. But Jax wanted Cougar to hear it. They both knew he had to hear those words. "And I'm already falling in love with you Cougar." He admitted, the words soft as he stepped back. He knew that that was the end of the line. Cougar was going to call him a baby, a softie. Then he'll leave, like everybody else did to him.


xMellowmint said:
Hearing the compliment Alex had given her, she tried her best not to blush but she couldn't help it. She didn't know how to reply so all she did was just look away. Although, she did notice how Alex was blushing himself as she smiled slightly. As the wind blew harder against them, she hugged him a bit closer, trying to hold her balance. "Il fait du vent...." Martine groaned, wishing she watched the forecast today. It's not that she didn't like the wind, she just doesn't like how the wind makes her feel colder and her bangs flying all over the place. But, the only thing that's really keeping her from going back is Alex. She really enjoyed the walk with him. She never really went outside which was really bad for her since she needed the vitamin D.
The wind did start to die down as Martine started to loosen her grip. She sun came out from the clouds and the day started to shine brighter. Martine smiled as she looked back up at Alex. "Would you like to go anywhere? We're outside, might as well go somewhere maybe?" Martine grinned brightly. Again, Martine noticed how she was showing emotions, maybe a bit too much. She just couldn't help it. Common Martine... It's not even worth showing emotions... get yourself together... She turned her head away and went back to emotionless face.
Alex was curious about what she had said when the wind picked up, however he didn't ask as she held onto him more. Windy days aren't too bad after all. He smiled more as he looked up towards the flow of traffic. Everyone was moving about going in and out of different shops and such. Alex hadn't ever gone shopping once or actually done ANYTHING for himself much. If he wanted something bought he could send someone. If he wanted to go somewhere he was brought there. It was just a matter of fact, he was a spoiled rich kid. Wait, it's just the two of us out here and we're walking arm in arm. Isn't this like a date?! Embarrassment and panic hit Alex simultaneously. He didn't know the first thing about dates as his parents had restricted his involvement with women. He had studies to do.

"Should we just go to a park? Or we could go shopping seeing as how we're out here." Alex smiled warmly at her and actually felt a bit lonelier now that she'd let go of his arm so much. "I literally just got here so I don't have much knowledge on the town. So I really have no clue where to go." It was truly a sight for sore eyes. The guy not knowing anything about what to do on a first date. Alex you're a dolt. Breathe, calm down and then pull yourself together. You are Alexader Ramiro Esteban Julio Montoya Romalus, get your stuff together! Alex listened to his own pep talk and felt his emotions calm down to their usual level. He straightened his posture and looked around. There was a place across the street that sold hand made clothes. They looked nice and no matter the price Alex could afford it. "How about over there?" He pointed with the trained smile on his face.

ScarlettRose16 said:


She saw the guy moving intentionally towards her. She Looked down at her feet but he was coming towards her. There was something odd about him. He talks to her in a friendly way and she just smiled. "I'm Kate" she says simply. She looks up at him and he seemed curious about something. She had a grip on her cloak that she finally released. She had to look up to she him. 'Curse how short I am' she thinks to herself. She looks away for a split second and looks back up at him. "What's up?" She asked trying to create some conversation.​
Vlad felt the awkward silence between them after she introduced herself. She seemed uneasy with how this place operated and was clinging to her cloak, but his height forced her to loosen it and look up at him. He merely looked down into her eyes. It wasn't much, but it was helping a bit to have eye contact with someone else. Just gotta make sure not to hypnotize her. Vlad took control of himself with all his might. The tension of having all the blood stirring around in people inside was getting to him though. It took a lot to control his hunger, and they weren't making it easier. Then Vlad realized she'd asked him a question.

"I'm sorry, do you mind we move this out back. I'm having trouble in here with all the people." He gestured with his head to the back of the house. It had a lot of trees and he wouldn't burn back there. Thank goodness the owner liked their weeping willows. He smiled as he started moving. He moved to slide his arm around her shoulder and lead her, but wasn't sure how she'd take it so he stopped midway and then ended up swinging both arms forward. "After you Ms Kate."
Kiroshiven said:
Alex was curious about what she had said when the wind picked up, however he didn't ask as she held onto him more. Windy days aren't too bad after all. He smiled more as he looked up towards the flow of traffic. Everyone was moving about going in and out of different shops and such. Alex hadn't ever gone shopping once or actually done ANYTHING for himself much. If he wanted something bought he could send someone. If he wanted to go somewhere he was brought there. It was just a matter of fact, he was a spoiled rich kid. Wait, it's just the two of us out here and we're walking arm in arm. Isn't this like a date?! Embarrassment and panic hit Alex simultaneously. He didn't know the first thing about dates as his parents had restricted his involvement with women. He had studies to do.
"Should we just go to a park? Or we could go shopping seeing as how we're out here." Alex smiled warmly at her and actually felt a bit lonelier now that she'd let go of his arm so much. "I literally just got here so I don't have much knowledge on the town. So I really have no clue where to go." It was truly a sight for sore eyes. The guy not knowing anything about what to do on a first date. Alex you're a dolt. Breathe, calm down and then pull yourself together. You are Alexader Ramiro Esteban Julio Montoya Romalus, get your stuff together! Alex listened to his own pep talk and felt his emotions calm down to their usual level. He straightened his posture and looked around. There was a place across the street that sold hand made clothes. They looked nice and no matter the price Alex could afford it. "How about over there?" He pointed with the trained smile on his face.
Martine only went in the storesince the place was a bit too much for her to afford. They did have clothes at she really enjoyed though. Okay... keep yourself together when you're in the store... Don't always sound anxious. Wait. Why are you saying all this to yourself...? You're one of the queens of being emotionless. She hesitated a bit before she could answer but she nodded. "Oui Oui!" She replied a bit excited. Nice..... She looked away and groaned at herself softly.

Walking into the store with him, she noticed the style hasn't changed from the last time she was there which has been three years or more maybe. She softly smiled at all the pretty skirts and dress that were found on the rack. She then stopped smiling real and went back to her emotionless face, trying her best not to seem intrigued even though she was. She poked her eyes at one of the price tags. She raised her eyebrow "Il coute deux cent?!" She exclaimed a little bit too loud. She rolled her eyes. Even though she hasn't here for a while, the price has definitely gotten higher. She cleared her throat and acted as if nothing happened. Her eyebrow was twitching a bit since the priced bothered her so much.
xMellowmint said:
Martine only went in the storesince the place was a bit too much for her to afford. They did have clothes at she really enjoyed though. Okay... keep yourself together when you're in the store... Don't always sound anxious. Wait. Why are you saying all this to yourself...? You're one of the queens of being emotionless. She hesitated a bit before she could answer but she nodded. "Oui Oui!" She replied a bit excited. Nice..... She looked away and groaned at herself softly.
Walking into the store with him, she noticed the style hasn't changed from the last time she was there which has been three years or more maybe. She softly smiled at all the pretty skirts and dress that were found on the rack. She then stopped smiling real and went back to her emotionless face, trying her best not to seem intrigued even though she was. She poked her eyes at one of the price tags. She raised her eyebrow "Il coute deux cent?!" She exclaimed a little bit too loud. She rolled her eyes. Even though she hasn't here for a while, the price has definitely gotten higher. She cleared her throat and acted as if nothing happened. Her eyebrow was twitching a bit since the priced bothered her so much.
Alex nearly started laughing as she nodded so vigorously only to turn away from him with a slight groan. They walked into the shop and Alexander felt that some eyes turned to him and her. Oh crap, some of the customers are human. Are they going to freak out? But just as swiftly as the eyes met them, they returned to what they were doing. Alex shuffled off to the side and looked at some suits and such. They weren't all that pricey for him, but to the average person a three hundred dollar shirt would seem a bit much. Alex leaned in closer to inspect the fabrics when he heard a voice shout out in French.

Alex quickly turned to see Martine looking at one of the pieces. It looked like something she really would wear. Alex walked up behind her and teasingly whispered in her ear. "Find something you like Trinket?" He didn't know why he called her that, but it felt okay. He hoped she wouldn't be bothered by it. "Try it on. I mean it looks like it'd look good on you. Of course, you may want a top to go with that skirt." Alexander scratched at his chin as he started to look. It was a lot harder than he expected, shopping. Most of the time he just sent others out to do it for him. Thankfully someone walked over to them.

"Shopping for your girlfriend here?" That word nearly knocked Alex off his feet as he shook his head.

"She's not my girlfriend. I just met her only a few hours ago." So that's why they stared.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. Well, I can help her find somethings" The woman leaned over to Martine. "And then maybe we can change that." Alex caught it barely and felt himself turning a shade of red that would make his feathers seem pink.

"I'll be over there Martine." Alex pointed back to the men's section. "Let me know when you need me." He started to sneak away, trying his best to calm down from the devilish saleswoman's antics.
Kiroshiven said:
Alex nearly started laughing as she nodded so vigorously only to turn away from him with a slight groan. They walked into the shop and Alexander felt that some eyes turned to him and her. Oh crap, some of the customers are human. Are they going to freak out? But just as swiftly as the eyes met them, they returned to what they were doing. Alex shuffled off to the side and looked at some suits and such. They weren't all that pricey for him, but to the average person a three hundred dollar shirt would seem a bit much. Alex leaned in closer to inspect the fabrics when he heard a voice shout out in French.
Alex quickly turned to see Martine looking at one of the pieces. It looked like something she really would wear. Alex walked up behind her and teasingly whispered in her ear. "Find something you like Trinket?" He didn't know why he called her that, but it felt okay. He hoped she wouldn't be bothered by it. "Try it on. I mean it looks like it'd look good on you. Of course, you may want a top to go with that skirt." Alexander scratched at his chin as he started to look. It was a lot harder than he expected, shopping. Most of the time he just sent others out to do it for him. Thankfully someone walked over to them.

"Shopping for your girlfriend here?" That word nearly knocked Alex off his feet as he shook his head.

"She's not my girlfriend. I just met her only a few hours ago." So that's why they stared.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. Well, I can help her find somethings" The woman leaned over to Martine. "And then maybe we can change that." Alex caught it barely and felt himself turning a shade of red that would make his feathers seem pink.

"I'll be over there Martine." Alex pointed back to the men's section. "Let me know when you need me." He started to sneak away, trying his best to calm down from the devilish saleswoman's antics.
Trinket...? Martine just looked at him blankly, a bit confused at what he meant. But other than that, she didn't really mean to look at something specific, she just looked at the tag. She waved her hands no quickly. "Non non non non" But it was too late as one of the female employers walked up to her and Alex. The worker pulled out the skirt she was looking at. It's was a pastel blue skirt that was a bit more cute and cliche than elegant. It was a different style than what she was use to. As the employer grabbed her wrist and lead her to the changing room eagerly, kept saying how it would look so cute on her. "No no no no no! I don't where anything that's not black and white mademoiselle!" The worker ignored her as she threw a pile of clothes that would go well with the skirt. Martine sighed as she put on the outift.

Martine looked herself in the mirror and sighed. This color doesn't suit me at all.... She sighed but she didn't complain. The female worker was calling her out to see what she looked like. Martine had her expressionless face on. She did feel herself getting a little hot inside since she did feel a bit embarrassed. The skirt was way to high for her, it was mid thigh length as she was wearing plain white over the knee socks that matched it. A long sleeved shirt that was also white and suspenders that were blue and light blue stripes. She felt silly as she wore it. At least there's some white in it.. She could feel her face turning pink as she pouted a little bit.
xMellowmint said:
Trinket...? Martine just looked at him blankly, a bit confused at what he meant. But other than that, she didn't really mean to look at something specific, she just looked at the tag. She waved her hands no quickly. "Non non non non" But it was too late as one of the female employers walked up to her and Alex. The worker pulled out the skirt she was looking at. It's was a pastel blue skirt that was a bit more cute and cliche than elegant. It was a different style than what she was use to. As the employer grabbed her wrist and lead her to the changing room eagerly, kept saying how it would look so cute on her. "No no no no no! I don't where anything that's not black and white mademoiselle!" The worker ignored her as she threw a pile of clothes that would go well with the skirt. Martine sighed as she put on the outift.
Martine looked herself in the mirror and sighed. This color doesn't suit me at all.... She sighed but she didn't complain. The female worker was calling her out to see what she looked like. Martine had her expressionless face on. She did feel herself getting a little hot inside since she did feel a bit embarrassed. The skirt was way to high for her, it was mid thigh length as she was wearing plain white over the knee socks that matched it. A long sleeved shirt that was also white and suspenders that were blue and light blue stripes. She felt silly as she wore it. At least there's some white in it.. She could feel her face turning pink as she pouted a little bit.
Alex meanderd a bit before he found another dress hidden away. Maybe last season? He pulled it out. It seemed a bit more like what Martine would wear, though he figured she could pull off a bit of anything. Focuse Alex! Focus! He shook his head as he looked at the swirling mixtures of black and white. It was a long sleeve dress, but neither the color nor the style made him curious. It was the material that made it. The fabric was incredibly soft and almost felt similar to his feathers. That's definitely a rare treat. Alex quickly and gently draped the dress over his arm and looked at the price. Five hundred? Surely they jest. That's cheap! He walked over to see that Martine wasn't happy.

"As good as it looks on her, I don't think she's happy." Alex pulled out the dress in his arms and offered it to her. "Maybe you'd like something like this?" he slipped it into her arms and ushered her back into the changing room before motioning for the saleswoman to leave. She merely smirked and winked at him. As she passed by she whispered in his ears.

"See, you definitely know your girlfriend's tastes." Alex kept calm and continued to shoo the woman away. She devil.
Kiroshiven said:
Alex meanderd a bit before he found another dress hidden away. Maybe last season? He pulled it out. It seemed a bit more like what Martine would wear, though he figured she could pull off a bit of anything. Focuse Alex! Focus! He shook his head as he looked at the swirling mixtures of black and white. It was a long sleeve dress, but neither the color nor the style made him curious. It was the material that made it. The fabric was incredibly soft and almost felt similar to his feathers. That's definitely a rare treat. Alex quickly and gently draped the dress over his arm and looked at the price. Five hundred? Surely they jest. That's cheap! He walked over to see that Martine wasn't happy.
"As good as it looks on her, I don't think she's happy." Alex pulled out the dress in his arms and offered it to her. "Maybe you'd like something like this?" he slipped it into her arms and ushered her back into the changing room before motioning for the saleswoman to leave. She merely smirked and winked at him. As she passed by she whispered in his ears.

"See, you definitely know your girlfriend's tastes." Alex kept calm and continued to shoo the woman away. She devil.
Martine looked at the dress as she was in the fitting room. It was beautiful. Magnificent. She enjoyed the feeling of the dress and it's style too. She quickly took style gave and wore the dress Alex gave her. She looked herself in the mirror and enjoyed the way the dress looked on her. It wasn't complicated nor simple. It wasn't elegant or preppy. She walked out, with the same bored face. She really did enjoy the dress, she just didn't show emotion. Martine nodded as if she accepted the dress. She put her thumb up and smiled softly.

She then looked at the price tag. "C'est coute cinq cent?!" Martine started to twitch a little at the insane price. She did frown a bit, she really did enjoy the dress. She went back to her regular face expression. Don't sound or look eager.... Martine sighed a bit and twirled once more in the dress. She looked up at Alex with a smile but worried eyebrows. Please don't buy it for me..it's too expensive...
xMellowmint said:
Martine looked at the dress as she was in the fitting room. It was beautiful. Magnificent. She enjoyed the feeling of the dress and it's style too. She quickly took style gave and wore the dress Alex gave her. She looked herself in the mirror and enjoyed the way the dress looked on her. It wasn't complicated nor simple. It wasn't elegant or preppy. She walked out, with the same bored face. She really did enjoy the dress, she just didn't show emotion. Martine nodded as if she accepted the dress. She put her thumb up and smiled softly.
She then looked at the price tag. "C'est coute cinq cent?!" Martine started to twitch a little at the insane price. She did frown a bit, she really did enjoy the dress. She went back to her regular face expression. Don't sound or look eager.... Martine sighed a bit and twirled once more in the dress. She looked up at Alex with a smile but worried eyebrows. Please don't buy it for me..it's too expensive...
When she walked out, Alex had to clear his throat and adjust his collar. She looked good. No, good wasn't enough to describe how the dress seemed to just meld into her skin and fit her curves perfectly. Speaking of her curves, Alex was caught a little off guard by her figure. Well then. He smiled as she held a thumbs up. It was a cute gesture. Then she noticed the price. Knew I should've taken that off.

"You really look like you enjoy it Martine. Would you like it?" Alex smiled softly at her as she twirled in the dress. It was a small thing and honestly not going to even chip into this month's interest by any measurable amount. Being well off does have its perks. Alex reached into his wallet and pulled out a credit card. Forgot to exchange my money. Dang it! He merely motioned for Martine to change. "Actually, if you want Martine you could wear the dress home. I'm sure they'd be willing to agree to that." Alex was already set on buying it, despite any protests she may have. You look to good in it NOT to have it. Alex nodded at his reasoning. He awaited her reply despite knowing that.
Kiroshiven said:
When she walked out, Alex had to clear his throat and adjust his collar. She looked good. No, good wasn't enough to describe how the dress seemed to just meld into her skin and fit her curves perfectly. Speaking of her curves, Alex was caught a little off guard by her figure. Well then. He smiled as she held a thumbs up. It was a cute gesture. Then she noticed the price. Knew I should've taken that off.

"You really look like you enjoy it Martine. Would you like it?" Alex smiled softly at her as she twirled in the dress. It was a small thing and honestly not going to even chip into this month's interest by any measurable amount. Being well off does have its perks. Alex reached into his wallet and pulled out a credit card. Forgot to exchange my money. Dang it! He merely motioned for Martine to change. "Actually, if you want Martine you could wear the dress home. I'm sure they'd be willing to agree to that." Alex was already set on buying it, despite any protests she may have. You look to good in it NOT to have it. Alex nodded at his reasoning. He awaited her reply despite knowing that.
Martine looked down at herself. "Well... maybe... b-but I can't just let you pay for it.... I-It's too much!" She waved her hands quickly. Her face turned red as she saw him pull out his credit card. "A-Alex..." She looked down at the dress once more. It really is comfortable.... She felt a little guilty and she twiddled her thumbs, feeling a bit awkward and bad that he was going to buy the dress. She really had a dilemma on getting or not. If I choose to walk out with the new dress, does that make me a bit snooty.. and stuck up...? B-But if I don't wear it... that shows that I don't appreciate it that much....?

Martine has decided to wear the dress. The dress was too comfortable for her to take off. "Merci Alexander..." She really was thankful. Getting something at such a price as a gift too...? Martine didn't know how to repay him. "Sh-Should I go bag up my other clothes...?" She looked at Alex as she pointed over to her old clothes in the fitting room.
Kiroshiven said:
Alex was curious about what she had said when the wind picked up, however he didn't ask as she held onto him more. Windy days aren't too bad after all. He smiled more as he looked up towards the flow of traffic. Everyone was moving about going in and out of different shops and such. Alex hadn't ever gone shopping once or actually done ANYTHING for himself much. If he wanted something bought he could send someone. If he wanted to go somewhere he was brought there. It was just a matter of fact, he was a spoiled rich kid. Wait, it's just the two of us out here and we're walking arm in arm. Isn't this like a date?! Embarrassment and panic hit Alex simultaneously. He didn't know the first thing about dates as his parents had restricted his involvement with women. He had studies to do.
"Should we just go to a park? Or we could go shopping seeing as how we're out here." Alex smiled warmly at her and actually felt a bit lonelier now that she'd let go of his arm so much. "I literally just got here so I don't have much knowledge on the town. So I really have no clue where to go." It was truly a sight for sore eyes. The guy not knowing anything about what to do on a first date. Alex you're a dolt. Breathe, calm down and then pull yourself together. You are Alexader Ramiro Esteban Julio Montoya Romalus, get your stuff together! Alex listened to his own pep talk and felt his emotions calm down to their usual level. He straightened his posture and looked around. There was a place across the street that sold hand made clothes. They looked nice and no matter the price Alex could afford it. "How about over there?" He pointed with the trained smile on his face.

Vlad felt the awkward silence between them after she introduced herself. She seemed uneasy with how this place operated and was clinging to her cloak, but his height forced her to loosen it and look up at him. He merely looked down into her eyes. It wasn't much, but it was helping a bit to have eye contact with someone else. Just gotta make sure not to hypnotize her. Vlad took control of himself with all his might. The tension of having all the blood stirring around in people inside was getting to him though. It took a lot to control his hunger, and they weren't making it easier. Then Vlad realized she'd asked him a question.

"I'm sorry, do you mind we move this out back. I'm having trouble in here with all the people." He gestured with his head to the back of the house. It had a lot of trees and he wouldn't burn back there. Thank goodness the owner liked their weeping willows. He smiled as he started moving. He moved to slide his arm around her shoulder and lead her, but wasn't sure how she'd take it so he stopped midway and then ended up swinging both arms forward. "After you Ms Kate."


She smiled. "Sure" she says in a reasponse. She saw his arm come up and she thinks he was going to put it around her so she tensed up but then he just swung his hands forward and she relaxed. She followed him as he walked. They eventually got out back and she looks around. It was so peaceful compared to all the noise inside. She felt a soft breeze ruffle her hair slightly. It wasn't to hot outside either. It was a relatively nice day out. She had trouble focusing with all of the people on the inside of the house. There were weeping willow trees all over and it just was beautiful to her and she really didn't think that often. She didn't realize she was lost in thought. She just felt relaxed out here and she really never felt that way.​
xMellowmint said:
Martine looked down at herself. "Well... maybe... b-but I can't just let you pay for it.... I-It's too much!" She waved her hands quickly. Her face turned red as she saw him pull out his credit card. "A-Alex..." She looked down at the dress once more. It really is comfortable.... She felt a little guilty and she twiddled her thumbs, feeling a bit awkward and bad that he was going to buy the dress. She really had a dilemma on getting or not. If I choose to walk out with the new dress, does that make me a bit snooty.. and stuck up...? B-But if I don't wear it... that shows that I don't appreciate it that much....?
Martine has decided to wear the dress. The dress was too comfortable for her to take off. "Merci Alexander..." She really was thankful. Getting something at such a price as a gift too...? Martine didn't know how to repay him. "Sh-Should I go bag up my other clothes...?" She looked at Alex as she pointed over to her old clothes in the fitting room.
Alex listened to her protest on the price. "Nonsense, it's merely a drop in the well." Alex adjusted the saying to express just how insignificant the price was to him. "You look beyond beautiful in it. Why not just enjoy it a bit?" He watched in silence as she pondered over the whole situation before finally accepting the gift. He smiled at the fact that she accepted it. Thank goodness. I didn't want to have to go buying it behind her back and then surprising her with it. I'm not good at hiding thins. Then she asked about her other clothes. "Yeah, you should probably bag those up. We may stop somewhere for lunch."

Alex made his way over to the counter quickly. When Martine caught up he was already swiping the card. "Thank you for your time." He nodded as he turned to Martine and opened his wing up to cover her in before they went outside. It felt natural, even though it had just started that day. As they were walking out, that vile saleswoman called out. "Have a nice day you two!" Alex felt himself get a bit heated, but kept it under wraps.

ScarlettRose16 said:


She smiled. "Sure" she says in a reasponse. She saw his arm come up and she thinks he was going to put it around her so she tensed up but then he just swung his hands forward and she relaxed. She followed him as he walked. They eventually got out back and she looks around. It was so peaceful compared to all the noise inside. She felt a soft breeze ruffle her hair slightly. It wasn't to hot outside either. It was a relatively nice day out. She had trouble focusing with all of the people on the inside of the house. There were weeping willow trees all over and it just was beautiful to her and she really didn't think that often. She didn't realize she was lost in thought. She just felt relaxed out here and she really never felt that way.​
Vlad was glad she agreed to head outside. He could at least keep his desires under control when they weren't surrounded by pumping blood. As he stepped out behind her, he couldn't help but smirk as she seemed lost at the peaceful back yard. Adding her into it, it almost looked serene. No more of that sappy stuff. You need to get to the point and you need to eat soon. Otherwise, EVERYONE'S in danger. "Impressive ain't it?" Vlad called out to her from his position against the wall. He was trying to at least keep his distance until she gave him the okay.

"The owner loved willows and decided to grow a bunch of em in her backyard from what I heard." Vlad yawned as he driveled on about the meaningless plants. "It's really the best place for me during the day. I don't deal well with sunlight." Vlad finally decided to worm his way towards the majorly important topic. At this range and without anyone to interfere, he could smell her really well. She's got a scent that seems opposing. Spicy and Flavorful, Sweet and Sour, I can't get a grasp on it, but it smells delicious. Vlad swallowed as he controlled his urges to the best he could.
Kiroshiven said:
Alex listened to her protest on the price. "Nonsense, it's merely a drop in the well." Alex adjusted the saying to express just how insignificant the price was to him. "You look beyond beautiful in it. Why not just enjoy it a bit?" He watched in silence as she pondered over the whole situation before finally accepting the gift. He smiled at the fact that she accepted it. Thank goodness. I didn't want to have to go buying it behind her back and then surprising her with it. I'm not good at hiding thins. Then she asked about her other clothes. "Yeah, you should probably bag those up. We may stop somewhere for lunch."
Alex made his way over to the counter quickly. When Martine caught up he was already swiping the card. "Thank you for your time." He nodded as he turned to Martine and opened his wing up to cover her in before they went outside. It felt natural, even though it had just started that day. As they were walking out, that vile saleswoman called out. "Have a nice day you two!" Alex felt himself get a bit heated, but kept it under wraps.

Vlad was glad she agreed to head outside. He could at least keep his desires under control when they weren't surrounded by pumping blood. As he stepped out behind her, he couldn't help but smirk as she seemed lost at the peaceful back yard. Adding her into it, it almost looked serene. No more of that sappy stuff. You need to get to the point and you need to eat soon. Otherwise, EVERYONE'S in danger. "Impressive ain't it?" Vlad called out to her from his position against the wall. He was trying to at least keep his distance until she gave him the okay.

"The owner loved willows and decided to grow a bunch of em in her backyard from what I heard." Vlad yawned as he driveled on about the meaningless plants. "It's really the best place for me during the day. I don't deal well with sunlight." Vlad finally decided to worm his way towards the majorly important topic. At this range and without anyone to interfere, he could smell her really well. She's got a scent that seems opposing. Spicy and Flavorful, Sweet and Sour, I can't get a grasp on it, but it smells delicious. Vlad swallowed as he controlled his urges to the best he could.


A voice brought her out of her thoughts. 'He can't deal well with sunlight hmm...' She thinks to herself. She turns to him wondering why he was standing away from her. "You know you don't have to stand so far away, I'm not going to bite" she calls back not really connecting anything yet. She takes a few steps towards him but then stops thinking there was maybe a reason he was standing away from her. She noticed he seemed like he was trying to suppress something but she couldn't figure out what. She just looked not directly at him but a little over his head. From the distance he probably couldn't notice what she was really looking at. She doesn't really know what to say. This is a very new situation for her and she didn't know what to really do. She just stood there and then she moves her eyes so she makes eye contact with him.​

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