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Fantasy ▫ Paired Up ▫

Kiroshiven said:
Alex listened to her protest on the price. "Nonsense, it's merely a drop in the well." Alex adjusted the saying to express just how insignificant the price was to him. "You look beyond beautiful in it. Why not just enjoy it a bit?" He watched in silence as she pondered over the whole situation before finally accepting the gift. He smiled at the fact that she accepted it. Thank goodness. I didn't want to have to go buying it behind her back and then surprising her with it. I'm not good at hiding thins. Then she asked about her other clothes. "Yeah, you should probably bag those up. We may stop somewhere for lunch."
Alex made his way over to the counter quickly. When Martine caught up he was already swiping the card. "Thank you for your time." He nodded as he turned to Martine and opened his wing up to cover her in before they went outside. It felt natural, even though it had just started that day. As they were walking out, that vile saleswoman called out. "Have a nice day you two!" Alex felt himself get a bit heated, but kept it under wraps.
Martine went to go out her old clothes in the bag and walked over to Alex who was swiping his card. "How am I suppose to pay you back Alexander..?" She looked up at him as the worker told them good bye. Alex's wing wrapped around her making her get closer to Alex a little bit. She locked her arm with his and turned her direction forward. She just noticed she really doesn't know the location they're in right now. Hopefully she remembered the pathway.... But she really didn't. Though she didn't say anything but kept walking. "Where to now?"

Martine could feel eyes looking st them. She couldn't tell if it meant something good or if it meant something bad. She held Alex a little bit tighter, feeling a little scared. She didn't really like getting attention so she just hid her face just a little. Martine just realized. "Oh! You didn't get anything at the store! Did you find anything you liked or wanted maybe?"
ScarlettRose16 said:


A voice brought her out of her thoughts. 'He can't deal well with sunlight hmm...' She thinks to herself. She turns to him wondering why he was standing away from her. "You know you don't have to stand so far away, I'm not going to bite" she calls back not really connecting anything yet. She takes a few steps towards him but then stops thinking there was maybe a reason he was standing away from her. She noticed he seemed like he was trying to suppress something but she couldn't figure out what. She just looked not directly at him but a little over his head. From the distance he probably couldn't notice what she was really looking at. She doesn't really know what to say. This is a very new situation for her and she didn't know what to really do. She just stood there and then she moves her eyes so she makes eye contact with him.​
He chuckled at her comment. That's a poor choice of words hun. Vlad merely waved one hand in front of him. "You may not bite, but I'm a different story." Vlad's fangs flashed for a second as he listened to her heartbeat. It was faster than a normal pace. Is she nervous? She mustn't be use to this yet. When she made eye contact with him he nearly lunged forward. Stay calm! He took a deep breath. Fighting was okay, but assaulting a woman was not cool.

"I have to ask, what ARE you?" Vlad wanted to understand what type of creature she was. The smell was intoxicating and was making his mouth water. He swallowed deeply again as he felt his muscles tightening as he wanted to lunge forward. He dug his fingers into the wall, his strength coming out as his arms started to ache. He hoped that she didn't notice his overwhelming desire starting to take over.

xMellowmint said:
Martine went to go out her old clothes in the bag and walked over to Alex who was swiping his card. "How am I suppose to pay you back Alexander..?" She looked up at him as the worker told them good bye. Alex's wing wrapped around her making her get closer to Alex a little bit. She locked her arm with his and turned her direction forward. She just noticed she really doesn't know the location they're in right now. Hopefully she remembered the pathway.... But she really didn't. Though she didn't say anything but kept walking. "Where to now?"
Martine could feel eyes looking st them. She couldn't tell if it meant something good or if it meant something bad. She held Alex a little bit tighter, feeling a little scared. She didn't really like getting attention so she just hid her face just a little. Martine just realized. "Oh! You didn't get anything at the store! Did you find anything you liked or wanted maybe?"
"Don't worry about it. That's a gift. There's no need to pay me back. I did it because I really wanted you to have it." The eyes that glued onto them seemed to be single people with jealous glares. It was amusing to see it, but at the same time it made him nervous. What does Martine think about this? Is she okay with looking like a couple? He felt her nuzzle into him, trying to hide from all the attention. I guess it worries her. He moved his wing along her back, trying to comfort her. "Don't worry about the looks. They just wish they had someone to hold so close." He pulled her a bit closer and gently ran his hand along her cheek. It was a small gesture to try and show her that she was safe.

"I didn't see anything in particular, besides getting that dress for you I saw nothing." He smiled warmly as he started heading towards a restaurant that he caught sight of on the way there. It wasn't anything super fancy, but it was still remotely classy. They'd fit in fine as they were quiet. "Let's get something to eat before heading back to the house. Then I'd like to meat the others. And properly apologize to that Jax fellow. I made quite a fool of myself earlier today." He led her quietly toward the restaurant as he pondered what to say to the others when he got back.

Kiroshiven said:
He chuckled at her comment. That's a poor choice of words hun. Vlad merely waved one hand in front of him. "You may not bite, but I'm a different story." Vlad's fangs flashed for a second as he listened to her heartbeat. It was faster than a normal pace. Is she nervous? She mustn't be use to this yet. When she made eye contact with him he nearly lunged forward. Stay calm! He took a deep breath. Fighting was okay, but assaulting a woman was not cool.
"I have to ask, what ARE you?" Vlad wanted to understand what type of creature she was. The smell was intoxicating and was making his mouth water. He swallowed deeply again as he felt his muscles tightening as he wanted to lunge forward. He dug his fingers into the wall, his strength coming out as his arms started to ache. He hoped that she didn't notice his overwhelming desire starting to take over.

"Don't worry about it. That's a gift. There's no need to pay me back. I did it because I really wanted you to have it." The eyes that glued onto them seemed to be single people with jealous glares. It was amusing to see it, but at the same time it made him nervous. What does Martine think about this? Is she okay with looking like a couple? He felt her nuzzle into him, trying to hide from all the attention. I guess it worries her. He moved his wing along her back, trying to comfort her. "Don't worry about the looks. They just wish they had someone to hold so close." He pulled her a bit closer and gently ran his hand along her cheek. It was a small gesture to try and show her that she was safe.

"I didn't see anything in particular, besides getting that dress for you I saw nothing." He smiled warmly as he started heading towards a restaurant that he caught sight of on the way there. It wasn't anything super fancy, but it was still remotely classy. They'd fit in fine as they were quiet. "Let's get something to eat before heading back to the house. Then I'd like to meat the others. And properly apologize to that Jax fellow. I made quite a fool of myself earlier today." He led her quietly toward the restaurant as he pondered what to say to the others when he got back.

She finally realized what he was. She felt her heartbeat speed up but she took a deep breath. She finally could tell from his body language he was hungry. She wasn't afraid of him necessarily. She heard him ask her the question of what she was. She really didn't know how to answer. "I'm half demon, half angel" she says her voice a little quieter. She wasn't sure why she told him, she had never told anybody. She took another step towards him. Probably not the smartest move but she really didn't know what was a smart move and what was a stupid move anymore. She just took another step and another. She was about a 3 feet away from him when she stopped. She saw his hand grabbing onto the wall. She still wasn't afraid of him. "And I take it your a vampire" she says simply, she didn't look directly at him but something in the back of her mind told her to get away from him but it was weird, she couldn't. There is a ghost of a smile on her lips as she faces him.
Yamato sighed when he felt someone bump into him. That was the most classic way to meet someone.He wondered if whoever had done it did it on purpose, and if so, why? But he turned around to see a short male bowing his head submissively. Yamato couldn't help but have it click in his head. This guy must be a sub. However, the thought never crossed him that the sub might be his. He stared at the whimpering male for a moment, umbrella twirling in hand, before he let through a gentle smile.

The kid hadn't said anything to him, so Yamato wasn't sure how to respond exactly, but he found the words eventually. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. His sky blue eyes stared at the other male awkwardly.

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ScarlettRose16 said:


She finally realized what he was. She felt her heartbeat speed up but she took a deep breath. She finally could tell from his body language he was hungry. She wasn't afraid of him necessarily. She heard him ask her the question of what she was. She really didn't know how to answer. "I'm half demon, half angel" she says her voice a little quieter. She wasn't sure why she told him, she had never told anybody. She took another step towards him. Probably not the smartest move but she really didn't know what was a smart move and what was a stupid move anymore. She just took another step and another. She was about a 3 feet away from him when she stopped. She saw his hand grabbing onto the wall. She still wasn't afraid of him. "And I take it your a vampire" she says simply, she didn't look directly at him but something in the back of her mind told her to get away from him but it was weird, she couldn't. There is a ghost of a smile on her lips as she faces him.​
Vlad nodded when she finally told him what she was. That explains a lot. He chuckled to himself as his body continued to order him around. Every fiber of his being told him to attack. When she came to the conclusion of what he was he nodded. "Indeed. I am a vampire, and sadly for you, I need to feed." Vlad lunged forward placing his hands onto Kate's shoulders. He looked at her only for a brief moment before lowering her cloak and sinking his fangs into her skin. The iron taste of blood filled his mouth, but tasted so good. There were so many mixes of flavors that it almost seemed perfect. It was just like how she had smelled to him. It was a mixture of opposites and made for an excellent dish. As he licked the wound shut, Vlad leaned back away from Kate. He felt bad that he had basically attacked her, but at the same time was satisfied. He merely wiped his mouth off and nodded to her. "Thanks for the meal. It was great." It was all he could say. He wasn't the kind to apologize and he wasn't just going to start now.
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Kiroshiven said:
Vlad nodded when she finally told him what she was. That explains a lot. He chuckled to himself as his body continued to order him around. Every fiber of his being told him to attack. When she came to the conclusion of what he was he nodded. "Indeed. I am a vampire, and sadly for you, I need to feed." Vlad lunged forward placing his hands onto Kate's shoulders. He looked at her only for a brief moment before lowering her cloak and sinking his fangs into her skin. The iron taste of blood filled his mouth, but tasted so good. There were so many mixes of flavors that it almost seemed perfect. It was just like how she had smelled to him. It was a mixture of opposites and made for an excellent dish. As he licked the wound shut, Vlad leaned back away from Kate. He felt bad that he had basically attacked her, but at the same time was satisfied. He merely wiped his mouth off and nodded to her. "Thanks for the meal. It was great." It was all he could say. He wasn't the kind to apologize and he wasn't just going to start now.

Some part of her knew this was coming. She felt her cloak fall. She needed to not get mad or irritated she needed to stay in control. She felt his fangs go in her skin. She didn't know what to even do. It hurt yet it didn't. If that makes any sense. She felt her body start to get a little weaker. When he pulled back, she just nodded at his comment. She felt dizzy. She really didn't know how much blood he took. "It's fine" she says still feeling it in her head. She still wasnt afraid of him or mad and she couldn't figure out why. One would think she would run away in fear but for some reason she didn't. Her hand went to where he bit her. She really didn't know what to think.
ScarlettRose16 said:


Some part of her knew this was coming. She felt her cloak fall. She needed to not get mad or irritated she needed to stay in control. She felt his fangs go in her skin. She didn't know what to even do. It hurt yet it didn't. If that makes any sense. She felt her body start to get a little weaker. When he pulled back, she just nodded at his comment. She felt dizzy. She really didn't know how much blood he took. "It's fine" she says still feeling it in her head. She still wasnt afraid of him or mad and she couldn't figure out why. One would think she would run away in fear but for some reason she didn't. Her hand went to where he bit her. She really didn't know what to think.​
Vlad, sighing at his weakness, pulled the girl a bit closer, putting his arm around her shoulder. "Just lean on me for a bit. I drank a bit much and you probably shouldn't try walking. If you want to move anywhere, I'll carry you. Got it?" He wasn't giving her a choice in the matter. Blood loss was a serious issue and he wasn't going to let her just sit there and fall over because of his lack of control. He merely looked out at the willows as he leaned back into the house. It wasn't much of a moment or anything, but it was relaxing. He knew that lunch would soon be ready and he'd go gather up those that were still in the house. Guess we'll have to make introductions. We'll have friends and all that. Vlad nearly cringed at the word "friends". He didn't need anyone dragging him down. He was going to claim his spot as ruler of Romania and that was all there was to it.

Kiroshiven said:
Vlad, sighing at his weakness, pulled the girl a bit closer, putting his arm around her shoulder. "Just lean on me for a bit. I drank a bit much and you probably shouldn't try walking. If you want to move anywhere, I'll carry you. Got it?" He wasn't giving her a choice in the matter. Blood loss was a serious issue and he wasn't going to let her just sit there and fall over because of his lack of control. He merely looked out at the willows as he leaned back into the house. It wasn't much of a moment or anything, but it was relaxing. He knew that lunch would soon be ready and he'd go gather up those that were still in the house. Guess we'll have to make introductions. We'll have friends and all that. Vlad nearly cringed at the word "friends". He didn't need anyone dragging him down. He was going to claim his spot as ruler of Romania and that was all there was to it.

She leans into his embrace. She felt like she was in a daze. She nods at what he says. She cursed herself for seeming so weak. After a bit she was feeling better but she still felt the dizziness. She felt warm and safe for some reason but she couldn't figure out why with this guy she was comfortable. He did just bite her. She takes a step away from him. "I think I'm okay" she says not looking at him. She looked out into the Willows trying to focus on something and get her vision clear again.
"Don't worry about it. That's a gift. There's no need to pay me back. I did it because I really wanted you to have it." The eyes that glued onto them seemed to be single people with jealous glares. It was amusing to see it' date=' but at the same time it made him nervous. [i']What does Martine think about this? Is she okay with looking like a couple?[/i] He felt her nuzzle into him, trying to hide from all the attention. I guess it worries her. He moved his wing along her back, trying to comfort her. "Don't worry about the looks. They just wish they had someone to hold so close." He pulled her a bit closer and gently ran his hand along her cheek. It was a small gesture to try and show her that she was safe.
"I didn't see anything in particular, besides getting that dress for you I saw nothing." He smiled warmly as he started heading towards a restaurant that he caught sight of on the way there. It wasn't anything super fancy, but it was still remotely classy. They'd fit in fine as they were quiet. "Let's get something to eat before heading back to the house. Then I'd like to meat the others. And properly apologize to that Jax fellow. I made quite a fool of myself earlier today." He led her quietly toward the restaurant as he pondered what to say to the others when he got back.
Martine smiled slightly as she felt Alex's warm hand against her cheek. It made her less tense and she didn't care about the looks people gave her. But jealous...? She wouldn't understand jealousy when it comes to friends... Or maybe she does. She had always been alone. It's not like didn't hate it but she didn't know what it was like to actually have somebody. She didn't ask any questions though. She thought it would be better if she figured it out herself.

"Jax.... I believe he's a forgiving person but he's hot headed.... I don't know him that well... That's just how he is to the person he takes care of..." Martine sighed. She didn't really know anybody the more she thinks about it. She just saw they're physical expression instead of their inside expression.. "Did you have somebody to hold back home...?" Martine asked as she followed him into the restaurant.
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ScarlettRose16 said:


She leans into his embrace. She felt like she was in a daze. She nods at what he says. She cursed herself for seeming so weak. After a bit she was feeling better but she still felt the dizziness. She felt warm and safe for some reason but she couldn't figure out why with this guy she was comfortable. He did just bite her. She takes a step away from him. "I think I'm okay" she says not looking at him. She looked out into the Willows trying to focus on something and get her vision clear again.​
Vlad nodded as Kate pulled away from him. It was a little empty when she wasn't there, but he wasn't going to press the issue. "Good." Vlad's voice was cold as he responded to her. He wanted to test if she really was fine, but decided not to. If I hit her, I'm a pretty big prick. He yawned as he stretched out and started to move. He pushed himself off the wall with a light motion and headed towards Kate. "We should probably start looking at heading in. Lunch should be ready soon and you need to eat in order to recover form my feeding." Vlad watched her closely as she stood there. Is she really okay? Vlad moved himself a bit closer and readied himself. If she fell he'd catch her, but if she was fine, she'd just bump into him. Either was fine.

xMellowmint said:
Martine smiled slightly as she felt Alex's warm hand against her cheek. It made her less tense and she didn't care about the looks people gave her. But jealous...? She wouldn't understand jealousy when it comes to friends... Or maybe she does. She had always been alone. It's not like didn't hate it but she didn't know what it was like to actually have somebody. She didn't ask any questions though. She thought it would be better if she figured it out herself.
"Jax.... I believe he's a forgiving person but he's hot headed.... I don't know him that well... That's just how he is to the person he takes care of..." Martine sighed. She didn't really know anybody the more she thinks about it. She just saw they're physical expression instead of their inside expression.. "Did you have somebody to hold back home...?" Martine asked as she followed him into the restaurant.
Alex nodded to the host as they walked in and were escorted to a booth away form the others. He had carefully listened to what Martine asked, but decided to answer her once they were seated. In proper fashion, Alex took his seat after Martine and sat across from her. His eyes locked onto hers. "To be honest with you Martine, my family kept me very closed off from the world, so I didn't have anyone to hold." He chuckled softly to himself. "The truth of the matter is, that was my first time actually shopping for myself or anyone." He couldn't help but laugh at how silly it was that in seventeen years he'd never once gone shopping on his own.

"What about you Martine? I get the feeling you don't really like people too much. That or you just don't want to let them get close." Alex had observed her somewhat. Actually, he hadn't been really able to take his eyes off her and had caught a few of her subtleties. He felt his embarrassment growing, but took a deep breath to keep it buried under his cool demeanor. He needed to know more about this puzzling woman. "Did you have anyone to hold before I got here?"
Kiroshiven said:
Vlad nodded as Kate pulled away from him. It was a little empty when she wasn't there, but he wasn't going to press the issue. "Good." Vlad's voice was cold as he responded to her. He wanted to test if she really was fine, but decided not to. If I hit her, I'm a pretty big prick. He yawned as he stretched out and started to move. He pushed himself off the wall with a light motion and headed towards Kate. "We should probably start looking at heading in. Lunch should be ready soon and you need to eat in order to recover form my feeding." Vlad watched her closely as she stood there. Is she really okay? Vlad moved himself a bit closer and readied himself. If she fell he'd catch her, but if she was fine, she'd just bump into him. Either was fine.


She heard his voice but it sounded like two people were talking. She didn't understand why she was feeling this way. He just took some blood. 'You are fine, stay conscious, you don't want to seem weak' she says to herself over and over again. She started seeing black spots in her vision and she started getting hot flashes. Her creamy soft skin turned pale. Her hands started shaking. 'This isn't good' she thinks to herself. She needed to stay conscious. Next think she knows her legs give out from under her and everything goes black.​
Kiroshiven said:
Alex nodded to the host as they walked in and were escorted to a booth away form the others. He had carefully listened to what Martine asked, but decided to answer her once they were seated. In proper fashion, Alex took his seat after Martine and sat across from her. His eyes locked onto hers. "To be honest with you Martine, my family kept me very closed off from the world, so I didn't have anyone to hold." He chuckled softly to himself. "The truth of the matter is, that was my first time actually shopping for myself or anyone." He couldn't help but laugh at how silly it was that in seventeen years he'd never once gone shopping on his own.

"What about you Martine? I get the feeling you don't really like people too much. That or you just don't want to let them get close." Alex had observed her somewhat. Actually, he hadn't been really able to take his eyes off her and had caught a few of her subtleties. He felt his embarrassment growing, but took a deep breath to keep it buried under his cool demeanor. He needed to know more about this puzzling woman. "Did you have anyone to hold before I got here?"
Martine crossed her legs and looked at Alex as she noticed their eyes were... kinda glued together. As much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't. "I did have someone before actually.." Martine sighed. "She was the one who made me who I am today. She was my caretaker until she passed away..." Martine smiled softly, not wanting to take the conversation to a downfall. "We never had bad times together... only good times..." Martine finally broke the gaze and looked down at the menu. "She was shot by hunters right in front of my eyes... which made me, like you said, not really... communicate with people that well.... It took me a while to learn English..." She flipped through the pages, trying to look for something to eat. "I didn't want to live in France anymore, thinking it will just keep me locked up in my past." Martine chuckled and flipped the page. "And then, 5 years ago, I got on a plane and I didn't really plan on where I should stay. I ended up wandering around the city hungry and homeless until I found this place."

Martine went to the vegetarian section of the menu. She couldn't really stand meat ever since she saw how people would get some of them. "So, let me stop talking about me..." Martine looked back up at Alex and smiled. "Is there anything that you would like to share or that you would like me to know..?" Martine leaned in just a little bit closer,resting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on the back of her intertwined fingers.
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The Arrival of The Siren
A young looking girl sat on her bed as she read through the letter sent to her. The girl had rich brown hair with dyed blue tips and curious golden amber eyes. "Looks like I'm going to have to move...again," she muttered after reading the whole thing. She sighed.

Mika packed her stuff, making sure to bring the essentials. She went over to the location on the house indicated by the letter. She didn't really care much. The brunette went through the doors and looked around, kinda lost already. "Umm.."
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Misaki stares out the train window, clutching a briefcase close. She had an important mission to do. Today she was gonna have to go undercover as a student and had to live as a student in a dorm. The thought of it made her a bit anxious. Misaki never had to do such a mission in her life, living a "normal" student would be a bit tough because she never had the luxury to do so. She was a weapon, it took her only a couple hours to complete a normal mission depending on the mission itself. She sighed as the train stopped at her destination, today was gonna be her biggest mission yet...

The principal of the school showed her around and took her to her new dorm where she'd be staying for the next eight months. She was lucky because she wasn't placed with a dorm partner 'probably work of the government, most likely saying I don't get along with others very well'. Unpacking and placing her stuff around the dorm, she thought about who her mission was about. A drug lords son or daughter? A terrorist? She had no idea, the missions final wouldn't arrive for a couple days due to how far away they were. She finished unpacking just on time because someone started knocking on her door....
"I need someone to take the pain away.. will you hold me?" ~ Evan Walker

Evan didn't lift his head for a while, afraid of the yelling and whatnot that he was sure he was about to endure. His notebook was in his backpack now, so either way he'd just have to run, and hopefully not upset this dominant male. When he heard the male's question, he glanced up slightly - surprised at the least. It could be seen in his eyes, as they were wide with both fear and surprise, and he couldn't help but feel like he was going to pass out. Those fierce eyes staring down at him, a gentle smile on his lips. He looked so beautiful. The young neko didn't even care that he couldn't speak, because it wouldn't have mattered - he wouldn't have been able to either way.

Taking a leap of faith, he bit down on his bottom lip and nodded slowly, his hands shaking slightly and his ears twitching uncomfortably. As he gazed up at the male's umbrella, he couldn't help but wonder why he had it. Maybe it was sentimental, or maybe had something to do with his species or powers? He had no idea of knowing without his notebook, that's for sure. Letting the subject go, he instead glanced up slightly at the stranger, feeling a small pull towards him. Wait,

-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x

"I'm an archangel, I shouldn't need love.. but I do.." ~ Cougar Hollins

Cougar's eyes widened as he felt co fact, and gazed down through teary eyes to see his one and only sub. The archangel had tried for centuries to find The One, but it had always been a dead end. Whether it was a hunter of supernatural creatures or a devious Shadow, he always seemed to pick 'em. It annoyed him that he'd finally found his mate, yet that they didn't exactly get along. Maybe this was the beginning of a change? A good one?

As the male spoke, he was taken aback. There were probably a million times when Cougar wanted to interrupt, but couldn't for two firm reasons; he didn't want to interuppt his hopeful mate; and because the ghost wouldn't stop! He felt a hand on his cheek and his eyes shifted green as he felt their skin come in contact, making sparks fly. He then felt Jax wipe his tears away with his thumb, making him feel like a child.

It annoyed him how this guy was right. When speaking to anyone, he would introduce himself as the most powerful being - this being true - but on the inside he wasn't more powerful than anyone else. He may not be human but he still has a heart - one that can break! Cougar eventually watched the male as he turned away.

Wait... He said he cared about him? Cougar's eyes were wide as he gently tea he'd out and pulled Jax back into his embrace, locking eyes with the shorter male. "Y- You're falling...for me?.." He whispered, hesitant and skeptical about all this. He could just be playing, as he'd suspected Cougar was. He didn't want that.

He loved this guy..

Cougar sighed softly and cupped one of his cheeks, his thumb brushing against Jax's lower lip. "But you're wrong... There isn't no person in Heaven, Hell or Earth that has done more harm than I.." He whispered, eyes darkening slightly as he was reminded of Lucifer. The archangel was worse than Cougar, but the young male chose to leave him out.

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Jax inwardly cringed at the close contact. He hated touching people, hated how it made him feel do connected to them. Though he couldn't help but feel comforted in the archangel's embrace. It must have been the heart melting look in his eyes, the beautiful green that light up any room. "M-maybe!" Jax stuttered, voice going high. He's never been so embarrassed in his life. What am I doing? Why am I letting this happen? Why can't I push him away? His mind raced with unanswered questions, his heart pounding in his throat.

Maybe he did love Cougar. But already? It was impossible for such a cold hearted scum like himself.

"I've hurt a lot of people too. Alright? What do you think ghosts do? Just sit and chill. No." Jax stopped himself, recalling all the times he's scared people. "I've made people kill themselves, homes be destroyed. One time I scared a baby, it had a heart attack." Jax whispered, his lip stinging as Cougar tugged his thumb across the skin. "I'm the horrible one, do you know how many people died at my hands?" He asked, pulling himself out of Cougar's arms. He suddenly felt hollow, like he need the other to make him complete. Though he refused to go back to his safe heaven. He would be a pussy if he did.

"You know, I really don't deserve you. You might think you're horrible, that YOU don't need love. But I think you're wonderful." Jax shot the tall one another canine filled smile, his cheeks heating up. He knew how hard he was blushing. "You don't love me, right?" He asked self consciously, Jax regretted bringing his own life up. He knew he lost his only chance towards happiness. What a screw up.

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Yamato found that when the shorter male looked up at him he reminded him of someone else. Someone Yamato didn't necessarily didn't want to think about at the moment. The guy's eyes showed a brew of fear and surprise, making Yamato feel a sudden wave of unease. He didn't give off a menacing look, did he? Even if he was giving off a scary appearance, Yamato didn't feel like he was. In fact, he felt he was probably smiling more then he ever had in the past few weeks or so.

Yamato was relieved when the blonde nodded. "That's good." He muttered, bringing up his free hand to scratch the back of his head. "I don't know what I would've done if I might have hurt you at all." Good grief, all the boy did was run into him. How on earth could he have possibly gotten hurt from that? Although, there might have been some people sensitive enough to have gotten hurt. Yamato was more just trying to pitch in a good conversation. A friend or two couldn't hurt while he was here anyways, and besides, it wasn't like he was planning on being anti-social. He wanted friends.

Mika shrunk back when nobody seemed to be noticing her. She sighed, quite sad. She looked around again and wandered. Suddenly, she saw a pool.

Mika's eyes sparkled and she grinned. The eccentric girl began to strip down and ran to the pool.
SPLASH! The girl took off her ring and she transform to her siren form. She needed to swim anyway. Swimming made her feel a lot better.
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ScarlettRose16 said:


She heard his voice but it sounded like two people were talking. She didn't understand why she was feeling this way. He just took some blood. 'You are fine, stay conscious, you don't want to seem weak' she says to herself over and over again. She started seeing black spots in her vision and she started getting hot flashes. Her creamy soft skin turned pale. Her hands started shaking. 'This isn't good' she thinks to herself. She needed to stay conscious. Next think she knows her legs give out from under her and everything goes black.​
Vlad caught the girl as she fell. Either she was really light or he felt somehow a lot stronger. He scooped her up, one hand holding onto her shoulder while his free arm stayed under her knees. "You are NOT fine. You need to rest and get some food in your system." He grumbled as he carried her towards the dining room. He stopped briefly at the kitchen to check on the meal. It seemed everyone had their own dish. Good. That'll make things better. He moved into the dining room and set Kate down gently on the seat next to his. His was obvious because if was the one that had the most splinters on it from him digging into it with his fingers. Reaching over, he took hold of one of the pipes they used back in the day to make announcements before. "Attention everyone still on the grounds, lunch is ready and if I have to wait for ANY of you, I'm going to pound you into the dirt. That is all." With that, Vlad returned to supporting Kate, it was his responsibility after all.

@SnowFeather @Phantasia @MariLin @SpookySableye @kurol -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x @nevolyn

xMellowmint said:
Martine crossed her legs and looked at Alex as she noticed their eyes were... kinda glued together. As much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't. "I did have someone before actually.." Martine sighed. "She was the one who made me who I am today. She was my caretaker until she passed away..." Martine smiled softly, not wanting to take the conversation to a downfall. "We never had bad times together... only good times..." Martine finally broke the gaze and looked down at the menu. "She was shot by hunters right in front of my eyes... which made me, like you said, not really... communicate with people that well.... It took me a while to learn English..." She flipped through the pages, trying to look for something to eat. "I didn't want to live in France anymore, thinking it will just keep me locked up in my past." Martine chuckled and flipped the page. "And then, 5 years ago, I got on a plane and I didn't really plan on where I should stay. I ended up wandering around the city hungry and homeless until I found this place."
Martine went to the vegetarian section of the menu. She couldn't really stand meat ever since she saw how people would get some of them. "So, let me stop talking about me..." Martine looked back up at Alex and smiled. "Is there anything that you would like to share or that you would like me to know..?" Martine leaned in just a little bit closer,resting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on the back of her intertwined fingers.
Alexander quietly listened as Martine spoke about her past. She had someone that close and they were killed. Alex clenched his fists and his wings turned a deep sapphire as he thought about it. He normally wasn't one to get angry unless you continued to push his buttons, but that situation just really got under his skin. When she asked about him, Alex had nearly forgotten that she was there. "Sorry, I just...." Alex sighed and took a deep breath. "Anything about me that I'd like you to know? Hmmm. Honestly, there isn't much. I'm a pretty spoiled rich kid to be frank with you. My life has basically been planned until I moved here on my own accord." Alex thought about how much of his life he hadn't gotten to experience. The fact that he turned out so detached from people was simply because he never got a chance until now.

Kiroshiven said:
Vlad caught the girl as she fell. Either she was really light or he felt somehow a lot stronger. He scooped her up, one hand holding onto her shoulder while his free arm stayed under her knees. "You are NOT fine. You need to rest and get some food in your system." He grumbled as he carried her towards the dining room. He stopped briefly at the kitchen to check on the meal. It seemed everyone had their own dish. Good. That'll make things better. He moved into the dining room and set Kate down gently on the seat next to his. His was obvious because if was the one that had the most splinters on it from him digging into it with his fingers. Reaching over, he took hold of one of the pipes they used back in the day to make announcements before. "Attention everyone still on the grounds, lunch is ready and if I have to wait for ANY of you, I'm going to pound you into the dirt. That is all." With that, Vlad returned to supporting Kate, it was his responsibility after all.
@SnowFeather @Phantasia @MariLin @SpookySableye @kurol -i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x @nevolyn

Alexander quietly listened as Martine spoke about her past. She had someone that close and they were killed. Alex clenched his fists and his wings turned a deep sapphire as he thought about it. He normally wasn't one to get angry unless you continued to push his buttons, but that situation just really got under his skin. When she asked about him, Alex had nearly forgotten that she was there. "Sorry, I just...." Alex sighed and took a deep breath. "Anything about me that I'd like you to know? Hmmm. Honestly, there isn't much. I'm a pretty spoiled rich kid to be frank with you. My life has basically been planned until I moved here on my own accord." Alex thought about how much of his life he hadn't gotten to experience. The fact that he turned out so detached from people was simply because he never got a chance until now.

She stays out for a little while. She couldn't believe she had passed out. She slowly starts to become conscious again. There is pounding in her head. She slowly opens her eyes but for some reason the lights are really bright. She blinks a couple times trying to get used to the light. It aggravates her headache but she opens her eyes completely looking around her. She really didn't know what to do. She saw that she was in an dining hall. She looked to see who was next to her and it was the vampire. She looked at him, she was still in a daze. "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to pass out." It probably sounded like the stupidest thing in the world but it was all she could think to say. She looks down at her hands. Her cloak was gone. She stood up instantly as the memories come flashing back into her head. She felt lightheaded and plopped back down in her chair. She had to keep herself calm and happy because it wasn't a smart thing to be walking around at the moment. She just took deep breaths but the dizziness and headache wouldn't go away. She thought she was stronger than this but something about him or his bite was seriously messing with her head or just her. She didn't understand why but it is what it is. She put her head in her hands and rested her elbows on the table in front of her. She had to keep calm. She looks around once again. 'Why didn't he just leave me there' she thought to herself. She honestly didn't really know what to think anymore and she was acting like she was crazy. This was abnormal for her but she really couldn't find what some people call "their happy place"
Kiroshiven said:
Alexander quietly listened as Martine spoke about her past. She had someone that close and they were killed. Alex clenched his fists and his wings turned a deep sapphire as he thought about it. He normally wasn't one to get angry unless you continued to push his buttons, but that situation just really got under his skin. When she asked about him, Alex had nearly forgotten that she was there. "Sorry, I just...." Alex sighed and took a deep breath. "Anything about me that I'd like you to know? Hmmm. Honestly, there isn't much. I'm a pretty spoiled rich kid to be frank with you. My life has basically been planned until I moved here on my own accord." Alex thought about how much of his life he hadn't gotten to experience. The fact that he turned out so detached from people was simply because he never got a chance until now.
Martine noticed Alex clenching his fist and acted as if she never saw it happen. "You don't need to apologize... you did nothing wrong Alex." She continued looking through the menu even though she already knew what she was going to order. "I've been raised knowing spoiled rich kids are bratty kids..." She looked up at Martine. "I don't see that though... you don't seem like one of those people... yet again I only knew you for a few hours." She put her menu down and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You're missing out on the real world. It's painful, scary, filled with sadness but it's also one of the most beautiful things you would have never imagined." She straightened up her posture, and smiled softly.
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Mika didn't really quite know this so she just continued swimming. Her gold and blue tail swished around as she swam gracefully. She smiled, feeling the water.

Mika had sunk down under water more. She felt a little drowsy. Probably because she hasn't slept in a while. The girl was too busy reading a great book series. Yes, the girl wouldn't eat, drink, sleep, etc. until she finishes a book or a whole series. Mika LOVED books.
"I need someone to take the pain away.. will you hold me?" ~ Evan Walker

Evan watched curiously as the male continued to smile as he brought up his hand that wasn't carrying his red umbrella to scratch the back of his head. He bit his lip as he listened as he spoke, wondering why the boy would be so dismissive about the fact that Evan had run into him, not cracked his own skull open. However he had to admit he had a slight headache, and his arm hurt slightly - however the arm was from the bus ride, as someone thought he was up for some public affection. He wasn't. Looking back at that moment, he almost wanted to cry.

He decided not to however, as he thought it could perhaps anger this cheerful figure. So instead he took his backpack off his shoulder and opened it to take out his notebook. He grabbed a pencil as well and then closed the bag up, throwing it over his shoulder nonchalantly. Evan then started writing. "I'm Evan, and no need to worry. I've been through worse than just a bump," he wrote, showing it up to him and resisting the urge to frown as he thought back to the hell he was raised in. The young British instead forced a smile, knowing it didn't look real but nonetheless having nothing else to give.

-i-t-t-0x-x/" data-mentionid="27031" data-ipshover-target="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27031-x- xD -i-t-t-0x-x/\?do\=hovercard" data-ipshover="">@x xD i T T 0X x

"I'm an archangel, I shouldn't need love.. but I do.." ~ Cougar Hollins

Cougar couldn't help it as he narrowed his eyes, listening to Jaxon as he told his story. He didn't think much of it, as he considered it to be nothing compared to his own story. However, he just couldn't bring himself to tell the truth about himself. No matter how long he'd been denying it, he knew now that it had to be true. No one could be as cruel as Cougar was in reality, and not be able to see it. He'd been a fool, and he had been blinded by pride and anger. Now, his mind was clear, thoughts bright and out of the clouds.

He knew now, that he was the only son of the one and only Lucifer; the devil himself. Ironic considering he was always called Devil by the other archangels.. So it had come down to this, and Cougar knew he had to keep this a secret, for the sake of his reputation and for the sake of Jaxon. So he decided it would be his secret, and his alone. He'd accepted it, and now he was going to move on; alone for once. He'd always had someone to lean on, but now he had no one to go to about such horrible things. Not even the man before him could he speak to about such horrors.

Cougar was brought back to reality as the ghost escaped his embrace, letting out a low inaudible growl in frustration. The guy didn't know when to stay put and when to accept it and move on. Then again, this made him very similar to the archangel himself. Both were stubborn, and full of pride. Because yes, he knew the reason why the male was no longer in his arms was because he didn't want to seem like a wimp. He was about to point it out when he was interrupted by his beautiful voice. He couldn't help but let his eyes glow as he took in his wide grin.

Then, he froze. The question he'd been dreading; finally here. Did he love him? Did he love Jaxon? He did; so much. Cougar just couldn't say it, he couldn't. Whenever he'd tried saying it in the past, the words simply didn't come out of his mouth, and he didn't make sense whenever something did. So he only sighed and at the speed of lightning he'd reached forward and picked the ghost up in his arms, holding him close as he sat in the window frame - which was bigger than a normal one and probably made for someone or some people to sit there and look out at the landscape outside. He petted his hair and had a distant look in his eyes as he spoke, yet facing the window as he couldn't look at the other male.

"I do, I really do... I just.." Cougar took a deep breath and let it out, disappointed in himself and blaming himself for his own unhappiness. "You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and in the past few minutes you've made me feel more emotions than I have for the past few centuries.. I do, I really do... I just can't say it.." he whispered, raw emotion escaping his plump lips as he ran a hand through his hair and his wings yet again appeared on his back for some odd reason. He didn't see why he should have to fly at the moment, but decided to just go with it.

Jaxon remained silent as Cougar stood in the middle of the room, face devoid of any emotion. Except the unmistakable look of deep frustration. It was quite evident to Jax that he was thinking, and planning. Planning on what to say to the fragile Jax. It was hard to just stand by as the person you're supposed to be bound with is sitting these dissecting what he can and can't say. He hated secrets with a passion. But then he would have to hate himself, he's already the definition of a secret.

He zoned out, as per usual. That always happens to him, one thought flows into the other and then he's trapped in his world of devastation. Also known as his thoughts, his feelings. Everything that was private. But, he felt the familar warmth of arms around him, pulling him up and against a sturdy chest. "Why do you insist on touching me?" He spat out, trying to keep up his negative attitude. No way was he going to let Cougar dig into his soul and see the mush pot underneath. "Some people don't like that." Jax growled, though he made no attempt to remove himself from the embrace.

Jax stopped himself as he listened to Cougar's words. He couldn't help but feel the sting of the words. "Then what are you doing holding me?" He asked, grabbing the archangel's biceps and staring at him. The once bright color of his eyes simmering down to the dull brown and blue they were the first time they met. "If you can't say "I love you" why even bother trying to show it? It's useless." He added, a sour tone to his raise voice. "I hate when people don't speak, I hate it!" He shouted, standing up from Cougar's arms.

"How am I supposed to understand you if you don't tell me how you feel? I'm not playing a game, I'm not guessing. This is why relationships fail." Jaxon added, ducking his head to hide his sorrow filled face. Weakness isn't an option in this situation, either you pummel or get pummeled. "This is what stops me from finding happiness." He finished, he had so much more to say... But he felt so out of energy. So helpless and distraught.

He just wanted to sleep forever.

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ScarlettRose16 said:


She stays out for a little while. She couldn't believe she had passed out. She slowly starts to become conscious again. There is pounding in her head. She slowly opens her eyes but for some reason the lights are really bright. She blinks a couple times trying to get used to the light. It aggravates her headache but she opens her eyes completely looking around her. She really didn't know what to do. She saw that she was in an dining hall. She looked to see who was next to her and it was the vampire. She looked at him, she was still in a daze. "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to pass out." It probably sounded like the stupidest thing in the world but it was all she could think to say. She looks down at her hands. Her cloak was gone. She stood up instantly as the memories come flashing back into her head. She felt lightheaded and plopped back down in her chair. She had to keep herself calm and happy because it wasn't a smart thing to be walking around at the moment. She just took deep breaths but the dizziness and headache wouldn't go away. She thought she was stronger than this but something about him or his bite was seriously messing with her head or just her. She didn't understand why but it is what it is. She put her head in her hands and rested her elbows on the table in front of her. She had to keep calm. She looks around once again. 'Why didn't he just leave me there' she thought to herself. She honestly didn't really know what to think anymore and she was acting like she was crazy. This was abnormal for her but she really couldn't find what some people call "their happy place"​
Vlad sighed deeply as he watched her mind running wildly. "Just relax for now." Vlad put his hand on her head and gently rubbed. He wasn't too good at the whole "being nice" thing. So his attitude came out very strongly. It felt like he was threatening her to relax rather than being supportive, thankfully the food came out and he set it in front of her. "Just eat and then ask questions. Got it?" Vlad merely sat down in his seat, leaned back and stared at the ceiling. It was a force of habit when it came to dinner. Everyone else would eat and he'd nap. As a vampire, eating was something he really didn't need to show everyone else and besides that, nobody in the house was his type. Well, not till now anyway.

xMellowmint said:
Martine noticed Alex clenching his fist and acted as if she never saw it happen. "You don't need to apologize... you did nothing wrong Alex." She continued looking through the menu even though she already knew what she was going to order. "I've been raised knowing spoiled rich kids are bratty kids..." She looked up at Martine. "I don't see that though... you don't seem like one of those people... yet again I only knew you for a few hours." She put her menu down and looked him straight in the eyes.
"You're missing out on the real world. It's painful, scary, filled with sadness but it's also one of the most beautiful things you would have never imagined." She straightened up her posture, and smiled softly.
"I feel I must apologize nonetheless. My anger got the better of me." He cleared his throat and collected himself. "I tend to not really emote like this, it's not a "noble" thing to do after all. Emotions can lead to weakness and weakness leads to your demise." Alex rambled off one of the speeches he got from an instructor. "Ugh, even now I can't escape the lessons. Life is supposed to be about living, not being structured into a cage." Alex let out a sigh and looked over as the waiter approached. "Beef Parmesan please." The waiter looked a little taken back, but nodded. The fact was that Alex refused to eat poultry. It felt kind of like committing cannibalism.

"The world is full of wonders, this I know. That's why I'm excited to be out of the manor. I get to experience those miraculous moments in which the soul and mind unify to scream out at how truly amazing life is. I can find the beauty in the mystery and the happiness in sorrow." Alex smiled as he pictured the fact that happiness and sadness were so intertwined. "I can experience that fleeting joy that is just before entropy and loss. I can possibly immortalize myself in another's heart." Alex looked at his hands. "That's just silly talk though. My parents agreed to a three year experience. Then I have to return and think about a political and business marriage." Alex felt his energy plummet faster than a lead weight. It was tough remembering all that he had to return to.

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