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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

(My chaacter *Human* is just chillin' in the woods if anyone would like to approach her... ouo)
Suddenly, something catches Rosalies foot, tripping her, the momentum of her running sending her sliding across the ground at a good distance. Zaine, someone she didn't even know, walks from behind a tree, his foot being what caught hers. His arms were folded with a slight smug look on his face, "Oh, I'm sorry, you looked like you were going over the speed limit" he says sarcastically, "where are you off to in such a hurry?"
Rosalie looks up at the man and stands up. She raises an eyebrow at him. "And did your parents teach not to play in the wolf's den? I'm sorry to say this, but I need to feed my cat. And get ready for the chemo I have I two days time. So sorry to bother you," she says, bowing sarcastically, her Russian accent heavy in her words. She looks up at him and grinned. "And I have a few tricks up my sleeves."

With that said, she collapses the muscles in his right leg by jamming two stiffened fingers into his nerve cluster. "You'll be immobilized for a bit. No worries, it's not permanent," she cooed and races off.

((Don't underestimate my charries. They can be sweet as honey but strike like a snake. And as venomous as one.))
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((I'm so terrible.... Sorry but... I'm a bit on the cruel side of things...))

Zaine dropped on to his two arms and his working right leg. "Well, that's quite annoying... " he looks up towards the fleeing girl. "But I have some questions that I need answered..." He pulls out something from his back pocket... A dart shooter with poison? No..."God... I hate this smell, but it works..." A dart can be immediately felt in Rosalies back. What was the substance the dart had? A homemade concoction of his, a wolfsbane/tranquilizer mix that would drop any were in mere secs.
Rosalie grunted when she felt the dart, turning to him in amusement. "Look... whatever your name is... Mama and Papa slowly put wolfsbane into my families bodies. We are immune to these da-" she said, slowly sinking before collapsing as her body spasms. Tranquilizer and her body don't mix. She is out in seconds, by not before letting out a keening wail, alerting the pack.
"Immune to wolfsbane, huh?" He thought, transforming into his dire wolf form, nudging his nose under her body to place her on his back. " that was also quite the annoying... loud yelp... luckily I have traps around for anyone who decides to be nosy..." he begins to move in a direction different fROM both, where she was heading, and from where she was coming from. Where was he taking? "We will be where we need to be, soon, pup." He thought.
Rosalie woke, dry heaving. She recoiled from the wolf, heaving up her meals. Hey body shakes as she cries.

"Please... just stay away from me. I'm not pack wolf. Only rogue... Please..." Tears stream down her face as heaves again. It's getting worse.
Starrla heard the wail and flinched and went to her room and came back out of the house strapped with weapons and gave Aidan, Alana and Peter a look. " So if i heard correctly there's a bear out there and the sound just now, Yeah thats defiantly a wolf. If there's a time for anything it's now." She told them with her arms crossed then looked at Aidan. " Should i tell the rest of the pack to get ready or what?"
When she awoke, they were already in an area the wasn't the forest... well... not exactly. "Calm down.... calm down." He said forming back into his human form, "I'm not here to hurt you.... well, if you cooperate, I'm not." He stated. "I just have some questions"
"My chemo... how far away from the hospital are we?" Rosalie gasps, wiping her mouth. "And if you had questions, you didn't have to dart me or trip me. Please... I need the hospital..."


We need you!!!))
Aidan and Alana both looked towards the keening sound. "We will work together" He told the other pack wolf before looking to his Beta,"Yes, get them ready. Me and Alana will track the sound." He said quickly and both of them shifted into wolves to take off.

//Sorry! I really never got a notice! Thanks for tagging me!//
//I'll wait before posting again. I should actually sleep if I plan on waking up on time for school. Hehe, I've been slacking.//
//Ewwwwww ROTC XP No offense to you, as it is good. A great program. But I dropped out of my NJROTC because of the Naval Science Instructor, so I'm biased! Also, night Erza! Hope you find the boot! I remember looking for my uniform shoes! XD//
(( xD I'm in MCJROTC. Perez and Bauman are going to kill me if I can't find my boot....))
She nodded and turned and went back to the house and gathered the pack some like her strapped on weapons the rest went in their wolf form and ran to catch up with Aidan. Starrla and her group walked back to Peter. " Are you going to alert your pack or come with us? If your going to join us we can lend you some weapons, unless your going in your wolf form."


( Goodnight Sweet cat~ :) )
//Oooooh yeah, I wish you the best of luck. My Senior Naval Science Instructor, the one I liked, was a marine and it was horrible if your uniform wasn't perfect! Major could be so hard on us sometimes! Also, my complete respect has been awarded to you, because MCJROTC kicks ass. Serious ass.//

//Night Wynn//

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