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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

"Stay here. I'm assuming your family knows where you live." The girl smiled shyly at her after the Alpha said that. "I-I can help you."
Rosalie looked up at the girl in shock. "Human? I respect you for that. And my family had no idea where I live. I change my location every three months," she said, looking at the Alpha before standing
"Lay down" he growled, "You're staying the night at least" The girl flicked his arm,"Melody!" She glared at him,"you're being mean."
From the border of Rednight territory, Peter's nostril's flared to the scent of Bluemoon wolves. It wasn't quite often these two packs clashed but when they did it was quite often a gruesome scene. Still the male still had a message to deliver and by the look of the wolf it was a rather grim one. Immediately upon leaving Rednight and onto Bluemoon territory the male was greeted with their overwhelming scent which smelled of bitchwood and the river their pack often resided by. Anyone would notice the male limping, his fur covered in healing wounds most likely brought by some massive attack. Approaching them cautiously he finally spoke, "I need to speak with your Alpha."
Rosalie growled back. "I am not comfortable with packs. Sorry for the inconvenience," she says, stretching.
Starrla had left the medical room and was on the way to her own until she saw a wolf from the Rednight pack.Growling she stormed up to the male and gave him a cold stare. " What do you want?"
"It's none of your business," Peter snarled, more angry that the wolf had the nerve to act aggressive towards him despite the fact he came there peacefully, "The knowledge I bring if for your Alpha and your Alpha alone; I need not justify my actions to the likes of you." Old feelings were being brought up from many years of fighting. There was a stretch of land that ran along the riverbed whose hunting was plentiful. This land ran along the Bluemoon and Rednight back territories, so it wasn't a surprise that both would fight over the precious land. More often than not the Bluemoon Pack would successfully hold it during the summer months while Rednight would claim it during winter. Still it did not stop many borderfights and deaths from occurring, resulting in great grudges to form between the two. While Peter himself had no desire to fall upon blood rights to power like some other members of his pack; he desired to strike change between the two groups and had hope this desire may help him in the future.
Starrla eyes went completely cold and gave him a chilling smile " If it involves my Alpha then it is /my/ business. Now state the reason why your here." On the inside Starrla was screaming, She didn't want to fight but the other wolf's sent was driving her a tad crazy and her wolf was already on the edge. Taking a deep breath she calmed a bit but kept the coldness in her eyes. " My Alpha is busy at the moment. Just tell me what you want and i'll give him the message."
Peter stepped forward, a certain amount of strength in his eyes that could very easily put another wolf on edge. When he was close enough he whispered, "Trust me, you will need to learn to judge your opponents properly before thinking you can get away with placing yourself beside your alpha so effortlessly. Again my message is for your Alpha and your Alpha alone."

In truth Peter's aim wasn't to anger her further, it was more to caution her that she needed to be careful about the disrespect she showed immediately to strangers. He saw something in her, a certain trait, that interested him in his strive to meet his own goals for his pack.

"Now please it is in both of our best interests if you escort me too him," he told the female, "Unless you wish for me to go find him on my own and for you to get into trouble for neglecting your border guarding duties."
Something flashed in Starrla's eyes then it went away as quickly as it came. Effortlessly? She was adopted in to the pack and she had to fight to be by Aidan's side. Yes there were moments like this one where she got over protective and a little too defensive when it came to her Alpha but there was something about this wolf that ticked her off...and she couldn't put a finger on it which ticked her off even more. Stepping even closer she closed the space between them and looked up at him placing her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. " My judgement is fine however you thinking about how i am placed is completely inaccurate." She said a bit annoyed. So she probably wasn't going to know what was up until Aidan told her I guess i'll have to wait until then she thought to herself.
Peter smirked, seeming to rather change character as she leaned forward and whispered into her ear, "You know I do not know how attached to this Alpha of yours, but I'm starting to think you are really trying to get close to me my dear," he mused. He didn't quite care of her origin, something about her personality was really attracting his attention. With a deep breath through his nose he took in her scent, the wolf going as far as too whispering, "Now I can find you anywhere..."
Starrla blushed lightly and glared. " Careful, love. The wood around here aren't the only thing I can cut in half." She took a step back and continued to glare at him. This guy really did tick her off. " Wait here." She turned away from him and walked back to the room Aidan and the girls were. " Aidan someone from the Rednight pack would like to speak with you." She told him with her cheeks still slightly pink.
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Aidan looked at the rogue,"Fine. Do what you want. I won't try to help you again." He was extremely annoyed when his Beta approached him. "Alright, let's go. Melody, stay in your room." He then sent another wolf to get Alana. And once she was with them, he let his Beta lead him to the other pack wolf.

//I'm going to sleep you guys! School tomorrow. Also, just tag me, cuz my notifications can get swamped and I don't see these!//
Peter awaited gingerly at the border, his eyes glimmering with impatience despite the situation. 'Damn Bluemoon wolves...had the female taken the situation seriously, I might be back at home dealing with the problems in my own pack...'
Rosalie sighed and sat down, feeling sick. She started dry heaving as the others left. Tears streamed down her face as she does so. After she finished, she lays on the hospital bed, sadness and sickness weighing her down
Aidan and Alana met the other wolf at the border. Aidan glared at him and raised an eyebrow.
After Starrla had brought Aidan and Alana to the other wolf she walked away from them. Only far enough to where she couldn't hear everything but close enough so that if anything was to happen all it took was a hop skip and a jump.
Peter sighed with the wolves finally arrived, "Well I was hopeful it wouldn't take THAT long," he muttered irritably before approaching Aidan, "A large bear has managed to make it into the valley. You need to consider this a threat, this bear is a wolf-killer. It has ravaged our territory and it has already killed both our male and female Alphas..." He looked away, "If you saw the scene we saw the day we found them...you would be scarred for life and never trust the forest again..."
Aidan looked at the wolf with surprised eyes,"I'm sorry about your Alphas. Thank you for warning me...but Why did you?"
Peter looked back at him with a serious gaze, "I am planning on replacing the Alpha male, I do not wish for anymore bloodshed between our packs, alliances against threats like this are key to our survival," he argued, "My ultimate goal if I manage to take control is a treaty, one that will PEACEFULLY give the Bluemoon pack the river field during the summer months when Rednight pack does not require it, and the Rednight Pack possession over it in the winter months when our food is scarce."
Aidan smiles slightly at the suggestion,"That could work very well. You would make a great Alpha. I'll back you."
Rosalie ignored the murmurs of voices, feigning sleep. She wanted out of here, away from the pack. She didn't like Alphas, they scared her. Now, she only tenths dimly the horror they brought upon her. Her eyes closed, she tried tuning info the conversation outside her. Nothing of importance. Now she can escape. Creeping to the door, she looked out and saw no one. She darts out of the building to the forest.

As soon as she is free of the walls, she races into the forest. She wanted to go home. Her den. Her memories. The place where no one has found her. And no one will. The borders between packs.
Peter stood up straight, "The treaty will only work if I'm Alpha and you decided to work with me every step of the way. For starters, we must work together to remove the threat we face: the bear."
Rosalie races up the hill, ignoring the pain in her side. She can't let the Alpha stop her. She had to go home. She's saving the last reserves of energy to shift and run the last miles when het human legs fail her. She is determined to make it home before sunfall. No one can stop her.

"Gotta make it home," she muttered as she takes a short breather. "No where near home. Come on, Rose. Just another mile till you can break again. Come on. Get moving."

With that, Rosalie starts to run again. She knew what she had to do. To make herself scarce from the packs. She didn't being in one. She doesn't like being ordered. She doesn't like the way the packs were. Different from her way of living. Too different.
Starrla leaned against a tree and crossed her arms. A bear huh? She looked over at Aidan and waited for his response. Most likely it was going to be yes. " And he said there was no need for tranquilizers... Good thing I got them anyway.." She muttered.

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