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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

((First Sergeant and LtCol are cool guys. It's the company commanders, platoon commanders, and Cadet LtCol I have to look out for....))

((Anyways, I got to get some sleep. Night y'all!!))
"I'm off to speak to them, I still have a dominance issue I have to settle," he murmured before stepping forward and whispering into her ear, "Be safe my dear starlight," just before vanishing into the forest.
Starrla blushed and grimaced as the other wolfs started to chuckle, She silenced them with a glare and headed off in the forest after Aidan and the others. Instead of running on the ground her climbed the tree's and followed from there. Be safe my dear starlight. Starrla felt her eye twitch as she remembered what Peter said. " F*** that guy..." She muttered hopping to another tree.
Aidan and Alana stopped. There was obviously something that happened here. The ground was upset, as though someone fell. Twice. And there were footsteps.
All in a moment there would be a sudden scream followed by snarls from wolves that would not be recognized, the mighty roar of the bear echoing though the trees.

A single female's jaws clung onto the thick grey hide of the mighty bear, as it roar and quickly tried to get the female off of her. All around there would dead bodies from her pack, the small one she had brought here...the small one she felt she led there to die. In a blur the bear flung the female hard against a tree, causing her to cry out of pain and land on the ground with a thud. Her scent recognized her as an Alpha...but with her dead pack mates surrounding her...she felt like nothing. She looked up at the bear that seemed to mock her state and open its giant jaws around her neck, ready to make the killing bite.
Just a few feet away Starrla saw the bear and a female wolf in it's jaws she took a glance at those who followed her through the trees. " Distract it." Her fellow back mates took out their guns and began shooting at the bear while she snuck closer to get the injured wolf.
The female's eyes grew wide in horror, listening to the gunshots with folded ears as the bear immediately ran off quickly into the forest before any of them could bother to pursue it.

Injured and alone, the female crawled over to her fallen male in utter despair, licking his bloodied fur where teeth had torn open his neck, 'I'm sorry...I'm so sorry," the injured Alpha cried, "I wanted to make a home here, somewhere our pack could thrive away from the humans...look where my hopes have brought you all!"
Starrla followed the female wolf and watched as she licked the other wolf's fur. She shook her head in sadness and slowly and cautiously approached the female. " Let me help you.." She whispered to the female.
The female snapped her jaws at the stranger, "Don't you dare touch him!" she yelled before laying her head on the dead male's side, "Don't you dare touch him..." She whimpered softly as she snuggled her face into his fur, her grief apparent as she had been with this pack since her birth. Starvation dwindled their numbers and her decision to leave their land to seek better hunting grounds led to the bear slaughtering what pack members were left.

What would be noticeable was the Alpha male was related to the female in question. "He was my father, he helped me maintain my dominance in order to keep our clan together as one by one we starved. A few members thought I was not strong enough to be Alpha, I had not had enough time to find a mate prior to my rise in power. A male convinced a large number of our clan to split off and follow him as Alpha male, something my father prohibited prior because he saw darkness in his intentions...and he didn't want that male to be my mate when I didn't want him to be." The male was an outsider who my father accepted because he hoped that it would secure our future, but he saw that there was reasoning by my refusing him. I just...I failed my clan and my father...now everything I had hoped to protect has been slaughtered around me..."

This would sum it all up, the female's clan was one of the few left that chose to try to live as much like wolves as possible. Refusing to fall outside of traditions and living like human beings.
Starrla looked away from the female wolf feeling truly sorry for her but right now was not the time for standing around. She needed to get the wolf to safety and to fix her injures. Knowing that she was most likely get bitten regardless she held the wolf close giving the female wolf a comforting hug only to inject a needle in the wolf to make her fall asleep.
The female closed her eyes as Starrla hugged her, feeling for a moment safe and comfortable, her responsibilities as an Alpha lifted from her shoulders and all the memories of the problems in her clan lifted...but the sudden injection snapped her back into reality, the female biting at Starrla before quickly shifting away. "Damn y-you..." she said though gritted teeth as she fought to stay conscious, "D-Damn...y-y-y..." the female collapsed on the ground, her eyes falling shut as the drug took affect.
Starrla winced as the female bit her and felt a little bad but she needed to get the female to safety as quickly as possible. The gunshots hadn't stopped quite yet. She picked up the female wolf with ease and headed towards Aidan and Alana taking a different route away from the bear. When she got to them she looked at the foot prints that they were sniffing at. " Sorry to interrupt but the bear is almost down and this wolf is the only survivor. I'm going to head back so she can get her injures treated." She continued looking at the footprints and the trail then shook her head. " I'll send some of the others to come help you."

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After five days of traveling I arrive at the ouskirts of the forest where I heard was inhabited by werewolves, I begin to plan on how I am going to hunt the werewolves down. Laying my rifle against a tree, I precede to place chunks of meat that I got from a deer I killed ealier on the forest ground in different areas, once I finished I climb up one of the trees and hang on to one of the branches, waiting for a werewolf to come for the meat.
Rosaleen had finished jogging, and now was just wandering around the woods, watching nature it seemed. Other people weren't common in the woods, but she had heard of wolves being in the forest somewhere. She hadn't seen any, and didn't think they would come out in the daylight much.

After nearly 10 minutes she thought she smelt something other than trees and mud. She stopped, gazing around, soon pinpointing the smell. There was a chunk of raw meat next to her foot. "Ew," She muttered, walking around it, and eventually a few other peices. What was all the meat from? There wasn't anyone around it seemed, and what kind of person or animal placed chunks of meat around the forest? She furrowed her brows in thought, stopping to gaze around in confusment.
Aidan and Alana had been too far away to hear the fight with the bear. They had followed the tracks and were nearing the hide out where the one she wolf had been taken. Aidan could smell her scent, though it was fading.
Upon seeing what I think to be a werewolf, I jump down from the tree I was hanging and land with a thud, I begin to slowly walk towards the her, talking with every step. //You know, it isn't very polite to insult someones hard work, I mean I spent all morning gathering this, you can atleast pretend to like it, little one//.
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She turned around, staring wide eyed at a strange figure walking toward her. And speaking to her. Little one? "Who the heck are you?" She demanded, giving him a weird stare, and self consciously taking a step backwards.
Melody was walking in the woods, trying to find her siblings. She knew Aidan had told her to stay in her room, but the one girl had left. She was worried and didn't know what to do. The human girl wandered further into the woods and sighed.
Lizzy said:
She turned around, staring wide eyed at a strange figure walking toward her. And speaking to her. Little one? "Who the heck are you?" She demanded, giving him a weird stare, and self consciously taking a step backwards.
Upon hearing the girls question, I decide to answer her. My name, is Borris the hunter. Now little one, what is your name?
(Please use quotation marks """")

"Rosaleen..." She said, eyeing him warily. "Why do you have meat laying all over?"
Lizzy said:
(Please use quotation marks """")
"Rosaleen..." She said, eyeing him warily. "Why do you have meat laying all over?"
"Because little Rosaleen, I am hunting. Now, what business does a child like yourself have in these woods, haven't you heard of the wolves inhabit this forest?"
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She narrowed her eyes slightly at him before answering. "Jogging. Well, was. Just walking around now I guess. I haven't ever seen the wolves. I always thought they were farther in the woods anyway." Rosa stated.

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