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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

"You don't understand...my step-father has convinced her to think that extra curricular activities are a waste of time, and she doesn't expect me to make friends quickly. If I tell her I joined a club, she's going to give me a whole lecture on why 'school work is more important than social interaction' and how I'm the 'next successor' of my step-father's business" Tsubaki said as she looked down.
Haruhi frowned "ouch..." Shane smiled at Tsubaki, "well, one of us could come with you to talk to her, or you could just, not tell her, your choice"
(I can be Takashi)

Aichi looked at Haruhi, surprised she new his name, but then remembered he was wearing a name tag.

'Aichi Sendou? Where have I heard that name before?' Tamaki thought. Aichi looked towards Kyoya, before replying, "I understand." And sighing.

He then looked around the room. "So I guess I'm now in this club? I don't think I gave my name out, but you already heard it. May I ask for your guy's names?"
"Maybe I can tell her I stay after school for advanced tutoring. I haven't lied to her before, so she should believe it. It'll give me an excuse if you guys were to ever meet her" Tsubaki suggested. "Oh, and I'm Tsubaki Akiyama" she introduced herself to Aichi.
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Shane nodded, "your a smart cookie" honey ran up to Aichi. "Well, I'm Mitsukuni! But you can call me Honey, that's Takashi, Or Mori. That's Haru-chan! and that's Hika-chan and Kao-chan. Kyo-chan and Tama-chan are over there, and that's Shane-chan and Tsu-chan!"
"H- Honey-senpai...I think that might have been just a bit too fast for Aishi to keep up" Tsubaki said with a nervous chuckle.
Tsubaki immediately felt bad for correcting Honey. "I'm so sorry, Honey-senpai! I didn't mean to make you sad!" she apologized quickly.
Aichi looked at Honey and a question mark hovered above his head. "Aren't you a little young to be in highschool?"

"He's actually just short." Takashi replied, before looking at Aichi, up close. He then squinted, before asking, "You aren't by chance the same Aichi Sendou from the Regional tournament last week are you?"

"Huh? How did you-"
"I remember fighting a guy who called Blaster Blade his Avatar. To think we would meet again in the same school."
"Oh, I remember now! You're the one who used Gold Paladins! How's your arm?"
"It's not hurting anymore, but you need to hold back on letting your imagination go wild."

Aichi and Katashi then laughed, as if it was an inside joke.​
Honey tilted his head "Takashi! You know Aichi-chan?!"

The entirety of the host club went wide eyed. "That's the most I've ever heard Mori-senpai speak"
Tsubaki looked at both boys quizzically before turning to Haruhi. "Umm...am I missing something?" she questioned, completely confused as to what they were talking about.
Takashi looked at his cousin. "Of course. Didn't I mention I was heading to a vanguard tournament earlier last week?"

He then would explain their aqquantence. "It was the semi finals. We first met in a waiting room by chance, Aichi was getting beaten up by a couple of guys who wanted payback for losing to him earlier. I fought them off, but one fractured my arm in the process. I managed to hold the pain in until after the tournament. But we both impressed each other."​
Honey nodded "oh yeah! now I remember! ...sort of"

"We definitely need to catch up tomorrow. Perhaps we can have a Cardfight too at some point?"
"Definitely. See you tomorrow!" Katashi would reply, leaving the building while carrying Honey.

Aichi then looked at Tamaki. "I'll join. I might have trouble since I'm new here, but I should be okay."
Tsubaki was driven home by her step-father's chauffeur. When she got into the house...well, more like mansion...she ran into her mother, who had a scowl on her face. "Where have you been?" she questioned her daughter sternly. "I stayed after school for advanced tutoring. You always tell me to keep on top of my school work, so this is a way of doing so" Tsubaki answered, using the lie she had come up with earlier. Her mother's expression immediately brightened. "That's great! I'm glad you finally decided to get up and take some initiative!" she hummed with a smile. It may have been said in a happy tone, but it felt like an insult to Tsubaki.
Tamaki smiled happily, "amazing! Join us tommorow! I'll have Shane make you a costume fitting our theme!" He started to leave "parting is such sweet sorrow" and then.. he...parted..
Kyoya shrugged, "you never know with Tamaki. I look forward to seeing you tommorow" he said, giving one of his signature 'not really a smile but it looks like one I guess' smiles

Haruhi dragged the twins out until the got to the quad, where Shane took them instead, dragging them to his limo to work on the costumes at his house. The twins whined but did Shane give a shit? Nope.
Tsubaki had thankfully avoided any interaction with her step-father as she made her way to her room. "At least the worst part is over now" she sighed as she locked her door and then flopped onto her bed.

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