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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

She shook his hand " i'm clementine, I prefer Clem though as you heard Tamaki-senpai say" she said with a small laugh of her own
Kaoru plastered a smile onto his face, "of course, why wouldn't I be?" Hikaru narrowed his eyes at his brother.

Shane stuffed his hands in his pockets, "I'm assuming Tamaki put you through the 'interview'"
Clem nodded, dropping her hands to the sides "kinda, he really only asked what i'm good at, I had told him my name and year and such"" she admitted
Kaoru went wide eyed, he sat up and deflated, he mumbled something, his head down. Hikaru glanced between the two, confused and concerned
Shane nodded "I know Tamaki, and i know for a fact he didnt tell you anything other than his name." Cue Tamaki going to his emo corner "both him and I are second years. And dont worry about his emo corner, that's really common"
Kaoru shrugged "I dont know... I just feel deflated... I'm sure I'll be fine by lunch." He said staring at the both of the reassuringly. Hikaru knew he was lying to get them off his back, but for the first time, he didnt know what to do... (much angst)

Shane nodded, "definitely" he said patting them lightly on the shoulder
Hikaru hugged him as well. Kaoru froze.

Shane shook his head. "Watch this" he cleared his throat, "Tamaki! I think Clem here wants to hear more about the host club!" And with that, Tamaki was up and hyper, going on and on about the host club
"We're here for you, Kaoru. Never forget that. Remember when I told you that I'd always be there for you? That if there was anything you needed or if you ever just needed to vent, that I'd be there to listen?" Tsubaki said softly.
She listened intently to Tamaki's rant "ok ok slow down Tamaki-Senpai" she said gently with a smile. "have you eaten already? It's unhealthy to skip breakfast" she asked with concern
Tamaki nodded, "why yes I have! Thank you for worrying!" He smiled happily.

Shane walked up to Haruhi, "Hey Haru? You think I could borrow some stuff really quick?"
"Its official! Clem! YOU ARE NOW PART OF OUR FAMILY!" Tamaki declared.

Haruhi crossed her arms, and coughed a bit. "Like what?" "Like... uhm... well..." his face kept getting redder
"o-oh, alright then, i'm glad to be here. To be honest if it weren't for Honey-Senpai, I would never have had the guts to ask about joining" she admitted
Honey smiled triumphantly. Tamaki hugged Honey, "thank you Honey senpai!~"

Haruhi sighed, "just go get whatever you need" Shane smiled "Thanks Haru!" He rushed off
Clem laughed "aw its like father and son, now I see what you mean by family" she said with a warm smile "i'm going to whip myself up some food, are you hungry Honey-Senpai?" she asked with concern "i'm making homemade ramen, i'll need a quick trip to the market but it shouldn't take long" Clem offered.

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