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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

Kaoru shook his head, "n..no..." Hikaru leaned his head on Kaoru's shoulder, rubbing his back.

Tamaki shrugged smiling. He led Clem up the stairs, watching as Shane walked into his bedroom rather quickly.
Clem followed behind, watching Shane with curiosity "Should we look in? I feel like we shouldn't be here "she said with concern
Kaoru sunk into the embrace, sighing shakily.

Tamaki nodded "of course we should look in!" He whispered. And opened the door a crack. revealing Shane... holding a small piece of paper, and the bag of which he borrowed from Haruhi.
Clem was still confused but began peiceing things together "maybe some thing has happened to shanes mother?" she suggested
Tamaki whined, and waited until he knew Shane was in the bathroom, then quickly ran into his room, and looked at the note.

Kaoru nodded and shakily stood.
Tamaki quietly read the note.

Son, I need you to take care of your brother while I'm away. I'm fully aware of your condition but I really need this from you. Love, Mom.

Kaoru stayed silent the entire limo ride, holding Tsubaki's hand, while leaning on Hikaru.
Hikaru looked over at Tsubaki, he shook his head, indicating he had no idea. Kaoru sighed and slowly fell asleep, curling up a bit.
"Has he ever acted like this before?" Tsubaki whispered to Hikaru quietly. She wanted answers, but didn't want to wake up Kaoru.

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