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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

Tamaki grabbed the note and rushed out of Shane's room and out of the house, "we're going to Kyoya's house to get some answers!"

The limo came to a stop, Hikaru looked down at Kaoru, then up at Tsubaki, "how do you wanna do this?"
Clem was surprised when Tamaki just bursted through the door, a rather angry Kyoya grumbling as he approached "what is it now Tamaki?" Kyoya asked flatly then noticed the tree of a person standing beside Tamaki "and who is this?" Kyoya asked Clem standing silently beside Tamaki.
Hikaru nodded, "alright, if you say so." He gently leaned Kaoru against the back seat causing him to stir.

Tamaki smiled, "this is Clem! Our new member! And I need you to take a look at this! I found it in Shane's room when we were snooping" he handed the note to Kyoya.
Tsubaki picked Kaoru up and carried him piggyback towards the door of their home. "He's actually not that heavy" she commented.
Kyoya groaned "you shouldn't snoop in other People's things" he scolded "but...Alright, lets take a look, I expect to be compensated for this" he grumbled as he examined the paper. "well, there isn't much to interpret, his mother just wants him to watch his brother" he answered flatly, choosing to adress the new member "ah, a new host. I am Kyoya Otori, the only one keeping this club afloat" he teased, rolling his eyes.
Tsubaki set Kaoru down on his bed gently before tucking him in. "Should I stay here? Or would you rather me go?" she inquired.
"Alright" Tsubaki agreed as she sat beside Hikaru and leaned on him slightly. "I can't help but feel like this was somehow my fault" she said with a frown.
"I don't know...I mean, he hasn't acted like this since he was five, and then I come along and he goes into this state of depression..." Tsubaki said with a sigh.

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