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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

Tsubaki giggled at the sleepy twins before setting two plates of bacon, eggs and toast on the table. "Eat up. I know it's not that extravagant, but it's only for today" she said as she cleaned up her mess.
Hikaru whined and reluctantly got off Kaoru and sat down to eat. Tamaki, continously complimented Tsubaki's "commoner meal" as he called it
Honey smiled, "come with me! I'll show you everyone's stations! They're not here but I can at least tell you what everyone does!"
Clem nodded, since she didn't really have a gender identity -she is non-binary- she had thought of joining the host club one day but never had the guts to say it.
A small tick mark appeared on Tsubaki's head when Tamaki used the word "commoner", but she ignored it because it was technically still a compliment. "I'm glad you enjoy it, senpai" she said with a smile.
Honey showed Clem his own station, then showed her everyone else's going on about each of their "types". Finally he came to Shane's, "Shane-chan is our 'sweetheart type' and Aichi-chan and Tsu-chan are new, so they dont have a type yet!"
"oh, so you are assigned a type?" she asked, trying to learn as well "hm...This place seems awsome and so do all of the hosts" she said, the thought of joining creeping in her mind 'they don't accept girls' she mentally scolded herself
Tsubaki began making Haruhi a bowl of oatmeal. She knew that her friend was strong willed and could take care of herself, but she wanted to make sure that she got better as soon as possible.
Honey suddenly gasped, "Maybe you could join!"

Haruhi came waking down the hall, seeing everyone gathered in the kitchen she rose an eyebrow
Clem's face turned red "uh, sure...But wouldn't it be up to everyone else? And besides, biologically i'm a girl." she thought for a second "though technically i'm not a girl as well, I don't really have a gender identity I am non-binary-" she added aloud to herself
Clem agreed "alright. Lets do it then" she nodded with a smile "last I saw, everyone was at a girls house, she looked sick, I think it was the hosts" she said trying to remember

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