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Fandom Ouran Highschool Host Club Rp

"Y- yes?" Tsubaki answered the door nervously. She was met with a mountain of a man, glaring down at her. "Your mother told me that you've been staying after school for tutoring. Is that right?" he questioned. "It is" she replied. "I thought you always did all of your work in class" he stated accusingly. "It's for advanced students" she stated, trying not to show how scared she was.
Meanwhile, Aichi, Takashi, Honey, and Tamaki (Who was somewhat curious about what Aichi usually did after school), reached their destination.

"Here we are! Card Capital!"
"So this is where you get your cards from? You're lucky. I get my cards from a retail store."
Aichi then looked at Honey and Tamaki. "Just don't cause any incidents inside. The cashier has a habit of getting angry at anyone that causes a scene."

(Gotta love the angst)

The man scoffed. "If I find out that you're lying, you know what will happen" he growled before slapping her across the face, knocking her to the ground. "Get up and do something productive" he spat before walking away.
(oof, the angst hurts sometimes)

"Someone kill me" Shane whined while laying on his bed, dying from the smoldering heat
Aichi chuckled lightly before someone approached them.


"Aichi! You came by today? I thought you were not able to hang out this week because of school!"
"Sorry Kamuhi! I should have texted you guys about the update!"
He then introduced Tamaki and Honey to the kid. "Tamaki, Honey, this is Kamuhi. Kamuhi, Tamaki and Honey."

"Hey, it's great to meet you guys! I'm guessing this is your first time here?"
Tsubaki woke up the next morning, not wanting to get out of bed and deal with anything. As she walked into the bathroom to get ready, she saw the bruise on her cheek. "Fuck...now I have to cover this up" she grumbled as she reached for her make up.
"Anyways, you here for anything today?"
"Yes. Is Misaki here?"
"Of course! I'll take you to her myself!"

The group soon entered the building, and Tamaki and Honey would see several tables occupied by people, playing some sort of cardgame.

One really interesting fight was between a Lillac haired female, and a spiky haired brunette male.

"I Guard with Lozenge Magus!" The girl said, placing a card between them. It had two number values set in the thousands, one for attack, one for defense. The defense was written on the left edge of the card, which was placed facing the male.

"I will check the twin Drive!"
The male said, before flipping two cards over on his deck. "I got two critical triggers, this fight is over!"

"Ngh!" The girl picked up three cards and looked at them, before sighing. "You win this one, Kai."

The girl then noticed who was there watching. "Aichi! Your back!"
The male turned towards him, and asked, "Who is the stooge behind you?"
That was implied to Tamaki. It seemed he already met Takashi.​
Aichi had sweat drop. "He prefers not to be called that, but his name is Tamaki."

The girl smiled. "That Tamaki person is quite cute."
When she was done, she rushed to the limo, skipping breakfast. She was slumped over in the back seat, her body screaming at her for food and rest. But she put on a smile before walking into school.
"Oh my, he's such a gentleman too."
Aichi had sweat drop.
"So Misaki, what was that thing you had saved for me?"
"Oh right! Let me get to the counter real quick!"
The girl, now known as Misaki, went to the counter, where a shelf was at holding packs of cards and such. Misaki would grab a clear card pack which held a single card in it, before running back and handing it to Takashi. "That's what you were looking for, right? Four copies of Blaster Blade Liberator?"

"Correct. Thank you Misaki!"
"No problem, but if it's not an issue...." She quickly whispered something to Takashi.

"And who do we have here?" A voice asked from behind Tamaki.
The twins smiled at her, "Hey Tsubaki!" They exclaimed

Tamaki yelped and turned around quickly, "Tamaki Suoh! At your service!" He exclaimed with a bow
"Did you guys get enough sleep this time?" Tsubaki joked with a giggle. "I don't wanna have to buy more chocolate covered espresso beans in bulk" she added.
They snickered, "yeah we're fine" Hikaru said, "but you dont look like you slept well" Kaoru pointed out, concerned

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