Osiel Academy [Inactive]

Zeth felt heat rise to his face at assuming incorrectly. Besides, on further inspection, the Headmaster truly did have it under control. There was no real warning before he was being pulled but he allowed it easily, not minding that Sayu took the time to bring him with- especially when he wasn't paying attention. He looked around, wondering who they were going to greet.. before his eyes landed on one of the new faces who he assumed was the target. Zeth was still unfamiliar with the boy and didn't really remember his name... which put him in a bit of a bind, he hoped the boy didn't expect him to remember. Placing a smile back in place -some serious work since his cheeks were exhausted- he nodded to the new student upon reaching their side. "Hello, I'm Zeth. Nice to meet you.... again." Zeth said enthusiastically.
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Sayu glanced at Zeth as he introduced himself, then back at Maikeru. "Hello, Maikeru. I hope you are enjoying yourself. I see you are most definitely helping yourself to the food," she said with a laugh, gesturing towards the plate he had set down. Most students came here for the food anyway.

(Sorry for short posts.... I'm a bit on the dull side today. D:)
Walking into the party, late yet again. She pushed open the door, moving into the crowded room. Sighing. She thought "okay...friends...eh can't be to hard right?" Walking in she wore he hair down, reaching to the middle of her back slightly. Wearing what she felt comfortable in. A hoodie with a pair of black leggings. At the beginning she felt slightly awkward. Yet as time went on she came to realize that she was talking a lot more then she thought she would moving to one person to the next she thought "wow..this isn't so hard". She smiled.

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Johnny, Confused as he was trying to figure out whom he should talk to, saw 3 students next to a wall talking, unlike most of the others who seemed quite nervous he saw a girl that just seemed so calm and a guy with his hand in his pockets that didn't seem to care at all. So he approached them and introduced himself "Hi! I'm Johnny, nice to meet you. I just got here and I was wondering if someone could show me my dorm. You can do it after this party ends, of course." hoping he wouldn't bother anyone.
Zeth looked up at yet another new voice, giving 'Johnny' a grin and waving. Wanting to get out of the massive crowd Zeth quickly volunteered. "I got this Sayu. I'll come back after I get him settled." Zeth said before moving over to Johnny and offering a hand for a handshake. "My name is Zeth. I'm a returning student and I can tell you that you are going to enjoy it here." He said, finding it amazing how many new people there were at the school.

(@VikingChinchilla )
After Johnny shook Zeth's hand he started following him. "How many new students came this year? There seems to be quite a lot of tension in this room, so I'm assuming people don't really know each other. Also it seems that you've been here for longer if you're gonna show me my room. Can you tell me more about it?" asked Johnny because of his very curious nature. He was so excited about meeting so many new people and learning what he can do with the "gift" he was given.
Zeth was happy with the enthusiasm Johnny was showing for the school- or maybe he was just an enthusiastic person. Either way, it was nice knowing that there was another person who was upbeat and full of energy. "I don't know an exact number of students but I can say there are more than there were starting last year and possibly the year before that. I didn't really notice the tension but maybe that's because I was busy greeting everyone with Sayu who practically melts tension away- she's so good at greeting people. And you're right, I'm a returning student. I can tell you that the school is more self studies than it is classes but that the teachers are really good and they really help bring out a power you didn't even realize you had- whether you know of it before or not." Zeth replied as he lead Johnny to the dorm rooms. "These rooms are pretty much first come first serve so pick an empty room that you want and it's pretty much yours. There are a lot of other facilities that are helpful around campus but we might want to get back to the party soon so that you can meet your fellow classmates."
As time went on she met people, over and over again. She didn't have anything against meeting people it was just not being able to sleep for about 27 hours was beginning to take its toll.Moving through the people, she bumped a few a little bit, and right away apologized. Finally reaching the doors she pushed them open. A soft breeze pushed through as she took

her first step out side. She sighed, "finally...peace and quiet." Walking down to one of the

grassy areas in the school. She walked out in the middle and layed down, watching the

stary night above. "Seems only like yesterday..." She whispered.

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Johnny was happy he finally found the room he will sleep in and that there seems to be a lot of great people at this new school. He couldn't wait to discover what he can do with his powers. "Okay then, Thank you Zeth. I'll be there in a moment." He started unpacking his luggage and took a quick hot shower. He dressed up and as he was leaving the room let out a big sigh 'Damn, after this party the first thing i'll do is to clean this room. I don't even have a lot of stuff, how does it already cover the whole room.' Then he just left because he remembered the tables full of food where the party was and because he wanted to meet new people.
With a nod Zeth headed back to the party, glad that he had been able to help Johnny. He felt the boy would fit in nicely here. Noticing another student sitting outside he walked over to them cautiously. He was pretty sure he had seen her before but he wasn't quite sure so he didn't try to remember a name. "Hey, mind if I sit next to you?" Zeth asked, a little reluctant to rejoin the party just yet. "If my presence is bothersome I'll leave you be, I just figured you could use some company but then I suppose you came out here to be alone so.. well if I am bothering you I apologize." Zeth attempted to give the girl a smile but his cheeks were fairly sore from smiling so much that night so it ended up kind of weak and if he had seen himself at the moment he would have deemed it as seriously lame.

(@ThunderDire )
Looking over to the boy, his appearance was darken by the night, yet could still make out a few details. she smiled "Sure, I don't mind. take a seat where every you would like." she turned her face up to the sky, lining up the stars, forming shapes out of each one. "Oh I'm Mika by the way...ehh who are you if I may ask" she said in a cheerful voice.

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"I'm Zeth, nice to meet you Mika." Zeth said, taking a seat and smiling at the girl. "This school... you're a new student, right?" Zeth asked... of course she had to be, right? He didn't recognize her and Zeth had made it a goal to know the people who went here. The breeze felt nice and Zeth took a moment to admire the stars, never getting over the beauty this place seemed to hold. He could feel his tattoo glowing softly as peace swept over him before looking back to Mika. "You know... a lot of people seem to take their gifts for granted but at this school you learn just how special you are... " Zeth murmured, more to himself then to the girl but loud enough for her to hear.
"Nice to meet ya Zeth" she looked back up at the stars "yes I am new here. Just got in a hour or so ago" pausing from the corner or her eyes she noticed his tattoo, as it began to glow. Becoming stiff, she began to decide what to do. Being a hunter her first instinct was to kill him yet...she didn't want to hurt anyone, and this school seemed ...how do you say it. Different. "It's sad that people take those gifts and ignore them, most don't know what there capable of until they are given the chance" choosing to give him a chance she sighed "...so your a Exusian?" She looked back at him, curious and slightly alert.

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Zeth looked back at the girl, almost sharply. Feeling his heart pick up a beat he calmed down, giving her an easy smile. "I am. But aren't we all?" It wasn't a question although it was an assumption. He had heard a lot of the stories from other people... but in a way he was still grateful to the Karyuudo that had scared his family out of hiding... if it weren't for them he wouldn't be here. He was just glad that no one had been killed or gotten hurt. "I don't understand the war between Exusia and Karyuudo." Zeth said softly. "I can understand that it's not quite fair for Exusia to have the gifts that we do... but it was no our choice to be born the way we were, just as it was not your choice to be born without. To be killed over something that was truly in genetics... does it not seem wrong in a way?" Zeth replied. Feeling it would be best to let this girl get back to her thoughts Zeth pushed to his feet. The girls question made Zeth a bit confused and kind of curious.... but he pushed it aside. He was probably thinking too much about this. "I apologize if I disturbed you.... I hope you hold no ill will towards me." He said softly, giving Mika another smile before beginning to walk away.

(OOC: I apologize, I would have loved to continue the conversation a bit more but in truth I am leaving for a bit and I didn't want to leave Mika tied up so I had Zeth leave. I hope you don't mind, ThunderDire :) @ThunderDire )

(Alright, I have edited it :) )
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Hannah allowed a soft sigh to escape her tightened jaw. The groups within the Cafeteria didn't seem to pay much attention to her, which she didn't really mind. She had deemed her socialization a lost cause and now simply slumped against the farthest wall within the Cafeteria, unintentionally eavesdropping on the conversations that the surrounding students participated in.

"I'll be the best of the class, no doubt." a young boy bloated, taunting a girl who seemed to be younger than him.

"I'd like to see that happen." the girl retorted rudely, shooting the boy a sly smile.

It was interesting to think that every student within the facility all possessed their own abilities, making each and every resident unique in their own way. No longer did Hannah have to put on an act to fit in, because as much as she didn't believe it she did fit in, and being around people like her offered a slight comfort, even if they weren't speaking directly to her.

The girl pushed herself away from the wall, brushing herself off. She had endured enough attempts at talking and simply didn't feel like trying anymore. She would be spending a lot of time in the Academy, and she was bound to make the acquaintance of someone whether she liked it or not. Swiftly and silently she made her way to the doors, slipping out unnoticed into the courtyard. Very few students were outside at the time. A few spoke with each other near the entrance of the Caf, others participated in their own activities and entertained themselves. The girl stood at the door, contemplating whether she should head directly to the girls dorm or conduct her own tour. In the end she decided she would take a small walk and examine the nearly empty courtyard.
A new object had caught the sight of Frank or the dragonfly if you'd prefer to be exact. In his rapid and small form he began to leave his last area to take irritate the subject for boredom sake. In few second he was now levitating at the center of Hannah's forehead. Sliding left and right he began to Land on the tip of her nose and just flutter his wing around whilst his limp body was still lying there on the bench like a potato sack.

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The girl was lost in her own thoughts, useless messages rushing through her head as she contemplated.

Hannah's train of thought, however, was interrupted by the rhythmical beating of fragile wings. Amber eyes traced a small creature as it found a perch upon her nose, settling down upon her soft flesh. She couldn't help but allow a small smile to purse upon her lips as she brought her hand up to her nose and gently slid her hand under the dragonfly's fragile body, carefully taking it within her palm as she let out a soft giggle. With her free hand she rubbed her nose while keeping a careful eye on the creation she held before her.

The girl wasn't a fan of bugs, and had quite the fear of spiders, but she allowed an exception for harmless creature that had taken an interest to her face. In a gentle gesture she kept her palm open whilst extending her hand away from her body to allow the dragonfly to leave whenever it desired.

"Well... I go to a party in hopes of making a good impression and I end up befriending a dragonfly." she said sarcastically, smiling slightly.

"I guess things could be worse."
Sayu rubbed her hand over her tattoo lightly, then turned to Maikeru before slightly bowing to him. "Well, excuse me," she said before walking over to her cousin, who was scratching the back of his head. "Kai... it would appear that students are getting bored. Shall we end the party soon? And we have something to discuss..."

Kai nodded towards Sayu with a serious look in his face. "Yeah... about that, right? Just meet me in my room tomorrow morning."
"Yea,that is the second person to catch an attitude with Headmaster Kai.The first was some kid at the gate,but before Headmaster killed him I stepped in and kicked his but."Megan maybe shy,but when she is reminded that she kicked some buttocks she escapes the shy shell once more to reprise her rebellious girl role.Megan watched as Zean left,shaking her head in disappointment,wondering why he is even in the school if he doesn't want to be here.

"W-well,avoiding people's dark side is kind of hard.Anger happens and so does betrayal,but his attitude is not needed."Megan stopped inching away,finding a small similarity in him.
Jack chuckled slightly at Megan expressing her "rebellious" side.

She's the last one he'd think of to beat someone's arse.

"I couldn't imagine being rude to someone who didn't deserve it, but I'm sure he didn't mean to knock you over, I just think its rude that he didn't come back, and help you pickup your glasses."

The blond haired boy scratched the back of his neck with his right hand as if to relieve the pressure in his neck, "What time do these parties end?" He asked, trying to redirect the conversation to something else.
Frank was definitely intrigued by the joyful girl and began to lift off. Hovering above her at about his height he began to turn and was that way sort of hailing her to follow him. He was flying at a steady pace back to his huge slump of a body now sitting on lying on the bench with slobber flailing out. 'The source of boredom had been solved!' he thought as he began to crawl his way back into his own mouth and come to himself, because if he took full control of the insect and left his body to spare some power the only way to get back was to come back where he came from, a wait of 3 hours, or death of that creature, which was also painful for him and took a great amount of power from him depending on the insect.
Reluctantly the girl obliged to the dragonfly's offer, and followed behind it.

It was obvious that the insect wasn't your normal bug, it was fairly intelligent, but Hannah couldn't quite understand how. With a lack of something better to do and having nowhere else to be, she walked behind it, allowing it to lead her. It wasn't a far walk to the bench, and Hannah was so interested in the dragonfly itself she had failed to notice the boy. Of course she noticed when it begun crawling into the boy's mouth, and immediately she stepped backwards.

"I make one friend..." she started, her voice tinged with disgust and slight disappointment as she placed a hand on her hip.

"... And you ate it." she finished, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

It didn't take her long to understand what had actually happened. The insect had entered the boy without hesitation, which had to mean something. Her dragonfly companion hadn't been eaten, it had simply switched bodies, which was quite helpful for her because speaking to a dragonfly wasn't as interesting as she'd hoped, but now she'd be able to at least engage in conversation with someone who'd reply.

"That was uh..." Hannah didn't really know what to say and allowed herself to pause for a moment, shaking her head as she thought.

"That was interesting."
The sign now shined a slight cyan before fading out as his eyes opened slowly. "I'll never get used to that. T-they tend to pick random places to come from. It's not pleasant." he said as monotone as can be. He sat up and put his hand down to the left and beckoned her to sit next to him, but his hand had smacked into a puddle of drool. He slowly whipped his hand back and forth "Well, this is embarrassing." until he finally decided to finally take out his obviously old and drowned out sanitization cloth and wipe his left hand with it before finally ridding of the old thing in the bushes. He rose from his slacker position tower over her and began to introduce himself as he stretched out his right hand to greet her. "I'm ... Frank. Hello.." his face was strangely agitated as if he didn't want to be there, but it was the exact opposite.
As far as first impressions go, Frank seemed to be doing worse than she was, which was almost hard to believe. The struggle wasn't only hers, but it was shared with someone else, which in itself was rather comforting. Though he found the entire ordeal embarrassing, Hannah found it rather entertaining and allowed a grin to spread across her cheeks as she brought her hand up in greeting, firmly grasping his in a shake.

"I'm Hannah." she started, seating herself beside him. She would usually add more her to greetings with 'It's a pleasure to meet you' or something along those lines, but she simply avoided the entire formality of such words, still quite intrigued in the boy and his insect shifting abilities.

The girl leant back slightly, crossing a leg over the other as she proceeded to examine him. It wasn't the most polite thing to do, but she really couldn't advert her eyes. One thing that was noticed most was his height. Growing up Hannah was always teased for her abnormally long legs, and had always been the tallest of those around her, but she didn't seem like such an eyesore when she was around beings of equal or greater height. The issue with this, however, was she was used to using height to her advantage and was rather intimidated by those taller than her. Of course she wasn't going to allow this to be her judgement, but something else deterred her. The expression the boy had written upon his complexion offered irritation, and Hannah couldn't help but feel like she wasn't wanted, but she continued in idle chitchat nonetheless.

"What brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be inside with the others and making friends or whatever normal people do?" she asked with a silent snicker, turning her eyes to look at the hands that she placed neatly in her lap.

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