Osiel Academy [Inactive]

Sayu smiled at Zeth as he returned to her side. "You know, you could go back to your dorm. I can clean up here," she said, looking over at the messy tables that were once full of food but were now messy. She glanced at the clock on the wall, which read 8:55, then turned her attention back at Zeth. "Thank you for all of your help."

Meanwhile, the Headmaster entered his room in the Main building. He walked over to his desk in search for a file of the new students, which was what Sayu had meant earlier before Zeth interrupted them. Tomorrow at 5 in the morning, they would be discussing the new students, since Kai suspected Karyuudo's. It was only natural to think there were more Karyuudo infiltrating the school after finding at least one each year.

June kept walking. That's all he could do. He would be happy to see anybody . Then,finally he found somebody. Two somebodys! It was a boy and a girl. They seemed to be having fun. He felt bad,he was about to interrupt them after all. He wiped away the sadness that was painted on his face and try speaking up. "H-hell-" his voice chocked. Speaking was clearly out of the question. Gosh! He felt so stupid. He has been alone the whole day,lost,and now he was crying in front of strangers. "H-h-h-" June knees gave out and he crumbled to the floor. He lay then crying like an infant.
"Damn..." He looked at her with his apologetic visage that was glowing red. Looking down he swallowed his thoughts with an audible gulp before squeezing out "I want you to meet me around the center of campus before class." . Frank tore his look up to her and nodded his head abruptly before moving her from his view and making his way through the shadows to the edge of the Dormitory property. It only took a bit before the groups had finished their marches to the dorm and his chance approached as he walked from the shadows into freedom like it was completely normal. This tiresome bit of time had taken it all out of Frank he felt like he was going to collapse as he waltzed to the Boys Dormitory like a sloth. Crashing into walls half asleep and careless he had finally reached his target and thrown himself into the soft heaven. 'What were you trying to achieve? Who is that person even to yo-' the thoughts faded as he fell into a deep slumber.
Hannah nodded as she watched Frank disappear from her sight. She let out a silent sigh of relief when she knew he was completely gone, knowing that there was no danger of the girls spotting him and making a big fuss over it as girls usually do. More of the females made their way to the dorms as Hannah waited for them to pass. Once they had all made their way inside the girl slipped in behind them, being as sneaky as she could so she wouldn't be noticed. Slowly the girl made her way up the stairs and into her room, throwing herself on the bed that was so neatly made, burying her head in the soft pillow. She thought about the days events and her first day at the Academy. She thought about her new found companion and her soon to be classmates, and without knowing it a large grin spread across her flushed cheeks. "Center of campus before class." she whispered, giving herself a friendly reminder before drifting off to sleep.
After Johnny left the cafeteria he realized that he isn't sleepy at all so he decided to wander around a little bit more. It was so quiet, the leaves of the trees around him were dancing in the warm breeze, the sky was illuminated by thousands of little bright dots. After walking a little bit more he saw a boy, a really simple guy lying on the grass. 'Did he fall asleep? I should probably wake him up, he wouldn't want somebody to find him sleeping outside in the morning'. As he went closer he realized that the sleeping guy was actually crying. 'Should I bother him? Maybe he needs help. Nothing to loose I guess'. Johnny approached him, leaning over and saying quietly "Hey dude, why are you here alone?" It wasn't the best he could do in this situation,but he didn't like to talk a lot and it didn't want to seem like it was a big deal, so the other guy can't sadden even more. "Hi, I'm Johnny by the way. And you are...?".

He cried at that spot for what seemed like a lifetime. It had gotten dark and a cold breeze had started. His yes bolted when he heated the voice. Scared he quickly draws his revolver on the figure. "P-p-please go away!" With a shaky hand he did his best to aim at him,June wiped away the tears on his face with his free hand. His vision was a blur and his head was pounding.
Johnny, was so surprised that for a second didn't know what to do so he froze. After some seconds of thinking. He just said to that guy "Hey,I'll leave if you want. Don't worry, I don't want problems. I Just wanted to see if you need some help. I'm very sorry if I bothered you." After he took a step backward he waited for the guy who had a gun pointed at him to reply.

Junes thoughts began to rationalize. He was laying on the ground in a broken state. If this person had wanted to hurt him they would have already done so. June had pointed a gun at a stranger who only wished to help him. Instead of returning his kindness June probably scared them. He let out a heavy breath and dropped his revolver. He continued wiping away at his eyes. "I-I'm so sorry...r-really sorry..." His voice came out scratchy and mildly choked.
After Johnny saw that this guys was actually sorry for what he did. Johnny knew that he didn't know what he did. And that he was probably scared. "Hey, no problem. We all have our problems and we all are different in our way. If you want me to leave I'll leave, like I said." he said looking at the sky remembering his own problems. "If you want you can come with me to the dorms. And I will be pleased to know your name".

June held is arm like a wounded warrior. He looked at the ground and softly spoke "my name is j-June...please take me to the dorms...a-and I'm also really sorry..." The earthquake inside of him had turned into a small tremor. June still felt terrible, but the sadness had subsided moderately. He bent over to pick up the gun. He un-loaded the mag in a way that showed he knew guns. He flipped the safety switch and started walking to Johnny. He took his hands and placed the revolver inside of them. "W-will you please keep ahold of this for me...j-just for a little while?" He looked up at him with a sad smile,the type you see when you part with a friend.
Johnny wasn't really sure what to make out of this guys actions but even if some would think he is insane, Johnny got a good vibe from him, he didn't know why. "Sure, I'll hold it for you. If it doesn't bother you, can you please tell me what happened there?" As he took the gun and gestured June to follow him.
Zeth was prepared to deny going to bed now and continuing to help Sayu but if he was honest he was absolutely exhausted and had been thinking longingly of his bed for awhile now. He smiled at Sayu, giving her a nod. "I'm sorry, Sayu. Thank you for allowing me to leave. I will try to be more helpful in the future." Zeth replied, smiling and grabbing a few things to toss into the trash while on his way out. The night air was crisp and Zeth stared up at the stars that shown so clearly while heading to the dorms. It had been a pleasant enough evening but he was looking forward to tomorrow. Zeth was out like a light as soon as his head touched his pillow.
Sayu waved Zeth off as he left before cleaning up the cafeteria. To be completely honest, it was a pain even for Sayu, who was used to it. However, every year when this party was held, the students always seemed to become even messier than the last. She let out a sigh, continuing to clean the tables and the ground. It was a long time before she got the cafeteria to be back to its original state. When she finished, she hurriedly went back to her room. She didn't even bother changing before she went to sleep.

(We will be starting the next day soon. Any conversations left unfinished can be carry on the next day)

"I-I had simply been misplaced...that's all..." June played with his hair,giving it small curls with his finger. "I had been alone all day...and I'm afraid of the dark to be honest..." June looked at the ground. He was ashamed of himself. But June felt like Johnny was understanding him,at least he would like to think. "C-can you please lead me to the male dorms? I'm rather tired,and I'm sure we are both breaking the rules by beating out so late." In truth June was also exhausted,a little bit physically but mostly mentally.
"Sure thing. I was just wandering a little bit to calm myself, I was heading for the dorms too." Johnny said calmly as he looked at the night sky once more. "I really appreciate the fact that from here you can see the majority of the stars and that it is very quiet, In the heart of a city it is quite different." After this he looked at June again and he was looking at the ground with a strange look on his face "Don't be ashamed. We all have our own fears and you should remember that you can be braver than anybody because to be brave doesn't mean to be fearless, it means that you can overcome your fear when the time is right." said Johnny with a grin on his face, remembering someone who told him this some time ago.

"O-oh...I see..." June felt a little more comfortable after hearing Johnny's words. True nobody is ever truly alone. But it felt like they were a good chunk of the time. "That's very sweet of you Johnny." June smiled at him while rubbing his eyes. He felt like he could call him a friend,or at least an ally. June stretched out his arms and yawned. He was tired,so very tired. "Shall we make our way to the dorms?"
"Of course." As he started walking to the dorms. After they walked for a bit they arrived at the dorms and Johnny asked "Can you handle it from here dude?"
"Yes. I'll be fine. Thank you again" June smiles at him and hurts into his room. He collapsed on to his bed and began sleeping. He made a silent prayer for a better day tomorrow before completely falling asleep
Before Johnny could tell him he's welcome, June rushed to his room. 'I think I should do the same' So he went to his room and just hurled in to bed putting his alarm clock to ring at 8 AM 'What is the program here, Are we gonna be woken up at an hour and we all eat at the same time? We don't have classes so it might be that everybody wakes up whenever he wants. I should stop thinking this much. Just sleep now'
Spring : Tuesday : Morning

The sky was still dark, but the shining sun was slowly rising above the campus. Flowers were blooming and the birds chirped happily as teachers roamed the school ground. They were doing daily inspections, making sure that there weren't any trash or runes. However, many students from previous years had already carved multiple runes into trees and the wooden gazebos. There were even times when they would graffiti the school in runes. But for the most part, they were covered up and hid away by the Headmaster.


Sayu had woken up early, about 4:00 a.m, and gotten ready to meet with the Headmaster. She didn't expect Kai to be up at this time, since he usually slept in. After washing up and dressing herself in her school uniform, she stepped out of her room, quietly shutting the door behind her as to not disturb other students. She hurriedly walked out of the Girl Dorms and to the X-Ring just as she was adjusting her tie. Seeing as how it was only 4:35 at the time, she just stood outside, gazing up at the sky that was filling up with different colors. Just being able to watch the sun rise made her happy.


The Headmaster was still in bed, rolling around in his blankets. His pillows were scattered and the position in which he slept in looked extremely uncomfortable. His legs were spread wide apart and he was lying on one of his arms while the other crossed over his chest. One might wonder how he slept in such a position, and the answer was simple. He was quite flexible for someone of his age. Sleeping like this was no problem. Soon, he began to toss and turn before sitting up abruptly. After a quick scratch on the head, he fell back onto the bed and resuming his sleep.
As the sun made it's way past the horizon the symphony of birds followed it, causing Hannah to rise earlier than she usually would. Her eyes groggily drifted to the alarm clock perched beside her bed as she sat up, looking at the time before rubbing her eyes. She dragged herself away from the warm covers and slid off the edge of the bed, nearly tripping over her long pajama bottoms. She looked into the small mirror that was placed near her bed, groaning at the mess that sat upon her head. She had serious bedhead issues, and was glad she got up early enough to deal with it. She begun combing her hair as she waddled toward the window, sitting on the ledge. The sun was barely peeking through the trees and the moon was still visible. She would usually go back to bed but she was far too excited for her first official day, so she begun to get ready. She slipped on her school uniform, grumbling something about having to wear a skirt. She wasn't a fan of skirts, but she'd have to get used to it. Once her hair was tamed and her uniform was proper, she reached into her bag and pulled out a sketchbook and pencil. She sat back down on her bed, drawing to pass the time until she would set out to meet Frank.

For as tiered as June was he only slept for what seemed like three hours. His head bolted up. Half panicked and confused he scrambled for his phone which was in his coat pocket. He felt silly for not undressing before sleeping but he was more worried about missing his classes. The bright light from the phone screen pierced his eyes and made him turn away. "Ouch!" He quietly moaned. After his eyes adjusted he turned back to the screen. It was 3:20. He fell back into his pillows and growled. "Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyy....." June wanted to throw a fit about it but he was not sure if other classmates had been sleeping in his dorm. Taking a mature route, June bit his tongue and quietly got up from bed. He looked around till he found the showers and quickly stripped down. As he stepped into the warm water he could feel his bones releasing the stress from the previous day. As the water patterned on the floor June started humming to himself. He would have full on sang if he hadn't thought about his maybe dorm mates. After stepping out and drying himself he remembered his encounters with...Johnny? Yah that was his name. He had been extremely kind to him. He made a note to himself to thank him. June wrapped himself in a towel in a women's fashion,pulling it above his chest as his sister had taught him. He quietly retrieved his bag with clothing and dressed himself. He wasn't sure if to dress casual or professional so he went with somewhere in between. Once he dresses,brushed his teeth,styled his hair,and packed his weapon and learning materials in his bag, he stepped outside into the courtyard. The sun was rising and it was truly Aww inspiring. After a quick scan he turned to see sayu. He wondered what she was doing up so early. Seeing as that she had probably not received a good morning, June approached her. "Good morning miss Sayu." He smiled,trying to put out a friendly vibe.
Johnny woke up and looked out the window, it was pretty sunny so he firstly assumed he slept past the hour he wanted to wake up at, like he usually does, and looked at his phone It was only 3:56 AM, he was relieved. After a bit of contemplating the fact that he woke up so early he soon got out of bed thinking that he will surely be late for things, but this is the first day and he doesn't want to be, also he would like to get used to waking up early and doing things like meditating, running and exercising with runes, he wanted to do this for a long time and never got around to it. Maybe this is a good start. He changed in some sport clothes, went outside and started running around the school. After 2 laps it was 4:15 AM already so he decided it's time to go and take a shower. After, he put his uniform on himself, took a pen and a notebook and went outside. It was 4:40, the fresh air of the morning really made him feel good. He sat down and started drawing. He just waited for people to start wandering around because he didn't know what to do.
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Suddenly caught off guard, Sayu turned to turned to June with a surprised expression on her face. She didn't think anybody would be up at this time besides her and the teachers, but it would appear that some students do as well. "Oh, hello June. You don't have to call me 'miss'. I'm a student too, you know. I wouldn't think another student would be up at this time. After all, this is a self-study school. Most students tend to sleep in," she said, which was followed by a laugh. Sayu quickly glanced at her wrist watch. Not much time had passed, but she felt the need to see Kai right now.


Kai tiredly crawled out of bed as he scratched his head once more. If it wasn't for Sayu, he would've been able to sleep in all day. But sadly, he had a meeting with her, though he didn't know why it had to be so early. As he stood up and stretched, he looked around the room for the documents that Sayu had requested at the party. He spotted it on the corner of his desk. On top of the file read "Confidential Information : Necromancy, Revival, and Possession."

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