Osiel Academy [Inactive]

"Okay, I'll go to the gazebos, if you want to help me with studying Sayu, you can come whenever you want. Bye guys!" He started walking slowly with his hand in his pockets and after he reached the destination he knew that it was the perfect place and he started his routine, he meditated for a little bit and then he started practicing some runes. He then remembered the wolf and the discussion they had there and he started trying to make a little hummingbird familiar.
Sayu nodded to Johnny. "I'll be sure to stop by sometime," she said, waving him off before turning back to Zeth. She wasn't sure if Kai wanted them now, but she assumed it would be okay. "Yeah, I think that'll be fine. Do you want me to come as well...?" She asked him. Though it might have seemed weird for her to ask that, she was worried about what Kai might say to him.
"I mean... if you want to come with I'm not going to stop you but I don't want to cause you any unneeded trouble so... if you have better things to do I won't hold it against you if you don't come with." Zeth said, attempting to put his thoughts into words. It was rather difficult when he really wanted her to come with... if she wasn't excited about whatever it was the headmaster had for him... then things could only be scary or bad, right? But then she had been pretty tired that morning so maybe she was just too tired to be enthusiastic? That thought made Zeth feel simultaneously better and worse- better because whatever it was the Headmaster had in store obviously couldn't be bad, right? But he felt bad because Sayu would still be affected by whatever was on her mind then. "I... uh... it's whatever you want to do." Zeth said with a smile.
Sayu was silent for a moment, thinking about what to do. Just to be on the safer side, she decided to tag along with Zeth. "I'll go with you," she said with a weak smile. This would be her first time seeing Kai give another person an ability, but it was said that it's always painful for the giver and the one receiving. Hopefully, Zeth would be able to survive it.

Meanwhile, Kai was in his office, reading through the files on the three abilities. In order for the ability transfer to go smoothly, the receiver would have to be strong enough to bear the physical pain of wielding it. Hopefully, the receivers would all be Exusian. There was no telling what a Karyuudo might do with the power. On a piece of paper, Kai practiced writing the long, 120-some symbols. It was crucial that he wrote them correctly. Any mistakes could be deadly. Even if he wrote them, he never put his energy directly in the rune to activate it.
"Alright." Zeth said contentedly, trying to hide his relief at her accompaniment. "Then I plan on heading over now... just so that I don't have to cope with suspense." He said, grinning in an almost teasing manner before beginning to head towards the Headmaster's office. His stomach was twisting with nerves and it made him pretty anxious to be going to see the Headmaster so soon.... He wondered if he was right to be afraid, quite honestly... or if he should let the worry subside because everything was fine. It didn't take long to reach Headmaster Kai's office and once they had Zeth knocked on the door, stepping back and rocking on his heels nervously.
Hearing a knock in the door, Kai simply called from his chair, "Come in." He wasn't expecting anyone at the moment, but he assumed it would be Sayu with a test subject. He just wondered who it would be.

Sayu opened the door for Zeth, politely gesturing for him to enter the room.

(sorry for the short posts. I'm tired. )
"Greetings Headmaster." Zeth said cheerfully as he gave Sayu a small nod and entered the room. "I hope your morning has gone well." Zeth said awkwardly, unsure of what else he should be saying. He folded his arms behind his back as he waited to see what the headmaster had in store for him. He could feel his heart begin to pound in anticipation... he still wasn't sure whether to be excited or scared and with both of them at war inside of him Zeth's body was reacting pretty crazily. "Uh... Sayu said you had something for me?"
Sayu walked past Zeth and beside the Headmaster. Kai's face showed that he was surprised by Zeth's sudden entrance. Of all people, Sayu picked her closest friend? It completely puzzled him. "Well, well. Hello Zeth. You have been selected to be given a new power. Should you take it, you can become one of the strongest Exusians ever lived," Kai said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. Depending on which ability, there was a chance he could become corrupted, but it all depended on him. Sayu stood uncomfortably shifting around.

(I have to sleep. x-x I'm dying. I probably won't be on for the rest of today or tomorrow, but I'll try. Night night.)
Zeth's eyes widened as he listened to the headmaster. One of the strongest Exusians to ever live? He glanced to Sayu and then back to the headmaster, feeling confusion flash through him stronger than anything else. He bit his lip a moment as he thought about how to phrase what he was feeling. "I... I'm extremely honored Headmaster." Zeth stumbled out, trying to push enthusiasm into his words. "But... I'd like to know... why me? I... don't feel like I've done anything to deserve such a gift. Please understand that I am not turning down the idea- I just wish to know... why? And... well what kind of power is this? It's not... breaking any rules, right?" Zeth realized it wasn't his place to question only after having asked his question... he shook his head. "I apologize headmaster, it's not my place to ask."
(Sorry for not replying sooner. I was busy)

The Headmaster let out a laugh. "No, no. Not at all. In fact, you'd be helping the school. You were chosen because you're capable of handling these powers," Kai said confidently, though it was a lie. Anyone could wield these abilities. "It's an amazing ability that I can't explain in words. You just have to see and try it out." Sayu couldn't believe what Kai was saying. The lies were just spilling out of his mouth. Yes, Kai was usually socially-awkward, weird, and kind, yet he was being to cunning and evil. It scared her, but it scared her even more knowing that she couldn't do anything about it.
Zeth let out a sight of relief and smiled at the Headmaster. "Your faith in me is extremely appreciated. Thank you Headmaster." Zeth said, giving Headmaster Kai a bow. "I am ready to begin training as soon as you see fit and will give it my all... whatever it is you want me to do I shall accomplish without hesitation. This is truly an honor." Zeth continued, wanting to explain the warmth that flooded through him at being tasked with something so important. He glanced over at Sayu, expecting to see excitement for him but what he saw kind of threw off his good spirits. It wasn't that she looked... sad... or unhappy... but she didn't look true. Like there was something off about her and it made fear return to Zeth's heart but he pushed it away, repeating to himself the Headmaster would never do anything to put him in danger or to break his morals. The Headmaster wanted what was best for Zeth and the other Exusia, as did Sayu... and Zeth knew he could trust them whole heartedly.

June stayed quiet for most of zeth and Sayus conversation. He had been blabbering far to much anyway. He was curious as to what they would do but it wasn't in the position to ask. As everybody left he felt sad to be alone again. He sighed and picked up his bag. "And then there was one..." He shrugged and decided to work out his plan for his tattoo. A logical way would be to cut a thin strip of skin off,place a special fluid to give off the glowly look,and put the skin back on. "Y-yikes..." A shiver went down his spine...he had to do it himself.
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