Osiel Academy [Inactive]

Zeth smiled at June, turning so that his left side faced him and pointed at his shoulder. "You're awfully strange when you're tired... but it's entirely amusing. But as you can see my tattoo is on my left shoulder." Zeth replied. He looked down at his tattoo, admiring it a moment. "My color seems to be from periwinkle to lavender when it glows... and it makes me wonder what that means. What about you? What color does your tattoo glow? And where is it? Do you think the marks mean anything?" Zeth questioned as he turned his gaze back to June. He rather liked this more open side to June... as 'cute' as the quieter side had been it was much more pleasant to see the boy smiling and laughing then closed up and polite.
"Oh do you want to see it?" He stood back up and then brushed away anything that could have gotten in his cloths. Without waiting for a reply June rolled up his left sleeve as far as it would go. "I'm not really sure if there is a meaning behind the design...but hey it looks interesting." June was sort of upset with himself. He was creating lies off the top of his head. He felt bad but he was simply protecting himself. "It glows this sort of deep emerald color,it's really pretty." He smiled and ran his hands through his hair. Truth be told he didn't glow at all. He silently begged for them not to ask of a demonstration. He would be doomed if they did. June thought if there was a way to make his skin appear to be glowing,his brain started drifting away thinking of possibilities but he didn't want to seem suspicious. He quickly pulled himself back and stared back at Zeth. "So what do you think?"

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Zeth had knelt down next to him, a look of serious concentration on his face as he looked at the tattoo. "Emerald Green?" He said softly as his eyes traced the lines and edges. "That really must be amazing. I hope I'm able to see it sometime. And I hope you're able to see mine sometime... I'd show you now but I want to save energy for class and you can't just make your tattoo glow with thought... though I've noticed my tattoo glows every now and then of it's own free will apparently." Zeth said simply. He poked June's tattoo before sitting back. "I think it's a really cool design... I mean I prefer the symmetry in mine-" Zeth said, gesturing to the tattoo that was visible through the outfit he was wearing... since he always wore clothing that allowed his tattoo to be shown as long as it didn't leave him freezing. "But the design in yours is truly very elegant and strange. What are your strengths in symbols? I seem to have a knack for healing and illusion... I really love my ability to trick the eye. It makes me think of the Norse God Loki who I think is one of the better gods."
"Y-yeah,I'm also gifted with healing. Sadly that's the only thing though." Having zeth poke around at him was certainly making June uneasy. He had presented his tattoo so boldly that he didn't think anybody would seem suspicious of it. "Do you care a great deal for mythology Zeth?" June quickly opted a way to change the situation. He causally pulled his sleeve back down as he began speaking. " Loki was often a jokester,sometimes considered annoying. After pushing his father over the edge he was banned from heaven and stripped of his powers. Some variations of the mythology states that he becomes morbidly depressed and turns into a quiet,boring,average human." June could go on and on about mythology. It was one of the manny thing he studied. Then again he could go on and on about anything. His entire childhood had been filled with books and theory's. "Would you consider yourself like sir Loki Zeth?" June giggled and put a hand on his face. For some reason today he had become a smooth talker.

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"It's not sad if healing is all you know... it means you're stronger in that then any other where as people like me have two strengths... but neither will be as strong as your one strength. Like our power is split, you know? Anyway... I really love learning of all sorts so mythology is always fair game. Unfortunately I don't tend to remember much of what I read... only bits and pieces and in the end I have to go back and read it again." Zeth admitted. He pouted slightly at June putting his sleeve over his tattoo but decided it couldn't be helped. Zeth should have known better then to poke it but he had always had trouble refraining from entering other's personal space. "I wouldn't consider myself to be Loki... I don't really have a trickster nature and I'd never do anything to bother my father if I could help it... Do you know a lot about mythology?"
"I grew up in this world with books rather than friends" frowned slightly while fiddling with the rims of his glasses. "My sister had plenty of books,and every time she went out she brought back new ones. I've learned a lot of things over the span of my life." These words were not lies. His entire life was spent in his small little room reading. Everything from how to manuals and science theology had been crammed in his brain. "I do know plenty of mythology but I wouldn't say that it is my favorite. I prefer things with circlet boards and electricity." He blushed slightly. Somebody of his appearance did not look like they worked well with machines. "Pinn panelle you could say..."

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"Really? You know I can relate in a way since for a long time my parents and I lived out in the wilderness to keep me safe from Karyuudo so I spent a lot of time reading and exploring... and didn't make friends until the Karyuudo found us and chased us out of that kind of hiding. In a way I suppose I'm grateful... as much as I learned working to survive I prefer being able to talk to other people and interact." Zeth said, finding it really great how he had met someone who had a similar situation growing up as to what he had. "You know... it kind of surprises me you like machines but I can honestly respect that. I'm not all that good with machines... I prefer mystery novels and things that have twist endings. Maybe you can figure out some new symbol combinations for mechanical engineering!" Zeth became excited at that last part. He really wished he could understand mechanics but his brain just didn't function that way.
June giggled putting his hand over his lips. What zeth had asked for was rather silly. But his enthusiasm was something to admire. " maybe I could find a way to do so." June smiled,tilting his head to the left slightly. Karyuudo...never before had that word rang out in such a harsh tone...June however belonged to it...then reality came falling back onto him. He was there enemy...they could not be friends,they could only hate each other. True his people had done the wicked deed of running Zeth out of his home...something inside of June started hurting. "D-do you hate them? T-the karyuudo? They did hurt you after all." June looked away from him avoiding eye contact.

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"Hate them? Don't you think it just causes more trouble to hate them? I mean... my family didn't get hurt or anything. I just wish I understood what it was they hate about us... I mean.. it's like they hold against us these abilities we have. And in the long run I could see how it's unfair and ... we shouldn't be allowed to have this kind of power when others don't but it's not like we asked for this... We were just born as we are. It's like those people who are amazing singers or ones who can draw a master piece with little to no training... we're gifted... and we're hunted for that." Zeth had started out strong but his voice grew softer as he became more thoughtful about what he was saying. "Do you think they hate us? Is that why they're trying to kill us at every turn? I just... if someone hated me for being annoying or too excited then I could understand but... the Karyuudo... they don't even know me or any of us and yet they want us dead. It just doesn't seem fair... but even with that I can't bring myself to hate them. Weird, huh? I just want to understand."
With the end of Zeths words June had turned into a shaky mess. "I-I...I-i-i...i r-really don't know why..."Junes face had began to crumple up into something unpleasant. His head swooped down as his hands covered his eyes. Why? Why is he so kind?! June would have felt better if he hated them,or rather him. He's right...him and his kind had done nothing wrong. They had been gifted with this power...and humanity hated them for it. Hot sadness began dripping down Junes face. The singing giggly cute boy had turned into a cry baby.

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"Hey... June... are you alright? Did I say something that bothered you? I mean... I'm really sorry." Zeth said. reaching out to grip June's shoulder consolingly. "Please don't be sad... it was a lot of fun for you to be all happy and... I mean I guess it doesn't matter how I'll feel but if you're really sad I'll feel guilty for making you sad..." Zeth said... unsure how to handle the situation so he ended up blurting whatever came first. "You know... I bet they have their reasons too... did a Karyuudo hurt your family, June? Because if they did I'll be at your side to find out who they are..." Remembering Sayu's technique on getting himself to calm down he attempted to pat June on the head in a manner he hoped June found reassuring. "Please... whatever I said, I apologize. Please don't cry."
Oh God...why had this happened? He should be furious...he should be boiling with rage and anger...his hands should be around Junes throat...not on his head. June wanted to run and hide but his body had locked down. " y-your so sweet..." June removed his hands to reveal his smile towards Zeth. His face was now red and tears were still streaking down his cheeks. He looked up at him while he wiped away his cry marks. He raised his hand to touch the one on his head. "I-I'll find whoever hurt you o-okay?" Family or not, whoever did those things to Zerh were going to pay.

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After being amazed at the wolf for a long time and analyzing everything that belonged to him in any way, he looked at Sayu thinking if she will help him study and the turned to the other guys only to see June crying, but this time it was different, he was surrounded by his colleagues and Zeth was pretty much doing what Johnny would've done, and the turned to Jack "Don't you want to learn and make things like this too? I mean I see why someone would be scared of it, but isn't it better to learn how to control one of these things?" he then turned to Sayu "Does it have a name? I don't like calling it a "thing", don't know why, but I just don't like it."
"If you would like, I can help you study," Sayu said cheerfully with a smile. Though she really wanted to teach him just for the sake of learning, she would most likely bring him in to see Kai. But for now, she tried not to think about it. She shook her head at Johnny's question. "Actually, I came to ask if you guys had any name ideas." The wolf shifted around before slowly laying down.
"Well, I would love if you could help me study, and don't worry about being too harsh, I can endure a lot of stuff. As for the name of the dog.. hmm, how about Scylax or Theron, in Scylax means puppy and Theron means hunter, so you can choose the one you like more" he said smiling and petting the wolf on the head.
The wolf let out a low growl as Johnny pet it. Sayu thought long and hard about the names, carefully thinking about it. After all, this wolf would be around for a while. "I think.... I like.... Scylax. He does act like a puppy," she said with a giggle. Scylax was big enough to ride, so she slowly swung her leg over it's body just as it was standing up. From on top of it, she felt incredibly tall.
"You know, I want to find them as well someday... to thank that strangely enough. If it weren't for them I'd still be living in the woods... I'd never have met Headmaster Kai or Sayu or you and I wouldn't even know what I was missing out on." Zeth replied, returning the smile. "I... can't really find them though because I'm afraid they'd try to actually kill me this time around... and I don't want you looking for them either because I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt." Zeth replied, tone becoming serious as he looked at June. It was really kind of June to worry for his family but they had made it away with minor injuries... the only real loss was that the Karyuudo had destroyed their cabin and their memories up to that point but his family always reminded him they could make new memories and the only thing that would never be replaceable was him. "I apologize for making you cry, June." Zeth said softly... feeling guilty even though he had no idea what he had said.
"I-it's fine..you've done nothing wrong." June took off his glasses and wiped them with the bottom of his shirt. "I-I'm just a fragile person after all." He did not really feel like crying anymore. "B-but hey. I bet this big guy is a lot stronger than all of us." June sniffled and then walked over to pet scylax. "He's really big...I'd bet he'd make a great lap dog." June laughed softly and started petting his head. He wanted to thank zeth for his kind words but his heart could only take so much. "Hey Sayu,do you think we can all take turns caring for him?" June had never had a pet,so he was actually kind of happy to have him around.
"No," Sayu said immediately in a somewhat cold voice. She didn't mean for it to come out that way, but it just happened. "I mean, these wolves are only meant for one person. They attach right onto the Energy Core," she explained quickly. "Plus, they don't need much care. They don't eat or sleep, like robots. The only purpose for their creation is simply to protect the one that created them. In this case, Scylax is meant to protect me. He'll follow me and not anyone else." Sayu let out a little laugh. "So actually, he'd make a terrible lap dog."
"Well maybe we can figure something out that works more like a lap dog." Zeth said, getting up. "It'd be cool to have something that was more like a familiar in my opinion." Zeth said as he watched the wolf. As amazing as it was and as much as he wanted to learn how to make it he wanted to put his own twist on it... like he didn't want something quite so large. He'd also want to see about making a creature that could fly and possibly had a little more emotion, something more life like. He always had those kinds of wishes for the Exusian creations but there was only so much you could do... even symbols couldn't create new life. "And if we can figure that out then you could have a 'lap dog' like creation that you made yourself, June!"
Sayu's brows suddenly knitted together, showing that she was troubled by what Zeth said. Yes, it was impossible to create anything more animal-like or something more alive by normal means. However, with the new abilities the Headmaster had, he could surely attain a familiar. The thought of bringing Zeth in to Kai was tempting, but she did her best to keep her mouth shut about it, especially to Zeth. "Good luck with that, Zeth. I'm sure you can do it," she said through a forced smile. She couldn't help but think about bringing him in.
"Yeah?" Zeth asked, feeling excitement course through him. There were actually a lot of possibilities he wanted to figure out one of these days... like how to change an aspect of one's self and then be able to return to their normal form. He had heard it was possible somewhere. "I would love to learn all the aspects of Exusian Symbols... all the abilities. I just want to understand what it really means to be this." Zeth said, gesturing to his tattoo. "Thanks for your vote of confidence though, Sayu... it means a lot to me."
June decided to let them conversant without interrupting. He's in there story but he's defiantly not the most important part of the tale. Besides,he still needed time to regain himself. He didn't bother trying to talk about the exusian,it was something he knew little about anyway. From a young age his brain has been preprogrammed to hate them,but so far he was having a hard time. He sat himself on the ground and continued petting Scylax. It was kind of sad to June that the beast had no feelings, "maybe he's just a robot with hair" he thought to himself.
Scylax let out another low growl at June, who was still petting the wooden surface of the wolf. Sayu smiled at Zeth, showing that she understood how he felt about wanting to know more about symbols and runes. "You're welcome. Just make sure you don't cross any lines in your search for knowledge," she said seriously. If his need for more knowledge was strong, he could possibly become involved in the mess with the new abilities, which was something she didn't want.
"If it ever comes down to destroying anything moral to further knowledge you can have faith in me, know I'll stop. No matter how much I wish to learn I know when the cost is too great." Zeth replied. He moved to observe the wolf closely, trying to figure out the runes used to put this together... he was actually getting fairly good at figuring it out which could help him in the future. "So what do you think, June? Did you want to try and figure out how to make a familiar with me? I bet your know how on mechanics could help with structure quite a bit."

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