Osiel Academy [Inactive]

He seated himself again and looked at her mustering up the best fake confused expression he could "What are F-f-f.. Fr-ien-dssss? Did I say it right?". 'She must have bought it!' he thought when he accidentally let a smirk slip out before turning away to switch back to a bland look. "I came to this for the food just so you know. It doesn't mean we can't be these 'Friends' you speak of .. or whatever...." he said looking at her hands she was holding down like some noble. He quickly straightened his back and mocked her neat position. "So Madam, what is your ability? I am interested and would only consider it fair. I've shown you mine now, you show me yours." he chuckled a bit since this phrase was commonly used in different innuendos and quickly adjusted his face once more.
Hannah watched him through the corner of her eyes, tilting her head up and raising a quizzical eyebrow as he imitated her gestures. Without her bow there wasn't much she could do that was interesting. Sure she could make some sort of fire rune and harness its flame without burning her flesh, but that wasn't nearly as interesting as becoming an entirely different being. She relaxed a bit in her seat, putting her hands on the bench on either side of her in an attempt to stop herself from looking like the uptight snobs she despised.

"I suppose it's only fair, but there's not much I can do." she said simply with a shrug.

Reluctantly she held out her palm and traced her finger along it's design. She would attempt to do an illusion for they are far more interesting, but they required a lot of effort that Hannah wasn't willing to put into it.

The girl leaned back, allowing the designs on her skin to glow for a small amount of time. Her bright eyes concentrated on her hands, oblivious to to her hair which was brightening as it usually did. Within her palm a small flame sparked, which in turn grew into a weak fireball. She gently twiddled with the flame, teasing it slightly. She kept it at a safe size so she wouldn't end up accidentally burning Frank and held it out with a weak grin, allowing it to slide through her fingers and catch it in her opposite hand. She repeated this as she spoke, mildly entertaining herself.

"Hopefully the academy can put this to use."
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"Mm.. Fire. Hey at least you can take someone out easily, because with my ability I could easily wear out my energy. The first time I used my ability I took 'full' control of an insect nearby, as in.. it didn't come from me... And when that thing died I felt the most excruciating pain and fell into a 2 day coma." his voice was as calm as ever, but his look at had become tense. He shook it off and turned to her "Either way, no matter what ability you have it is a gift and nothing else. I wouldn't give mine away for anything else.". The sign on his forehead flashed and a lady bug came from his hair and flew to her shoulder wobbly as he was controlling it still concentrating on the conversation. "Um.. Hannah can I ask you why you aren't inside? You seem like a friendly person. I'm just weird and you're completely acceptable...." he attempted to look at her with an encouraging look, but all he had was the same agitated stare.
Hannah stared at him with the exact same expression he had looked at her with. She flicked her hand and the small blaze flickered away, the remainder of it flowing gently in the breeze. She kept her eyes on him as she leaned back into the bench once again, her eyes flat as she let out an almost irritable sigh. Her gaze fell flat and emotionless as she stared, but slowly a smile spread across her face. Her eyes brightened too, and slowly her entire demeanor changed. She was laughing. Not your small giggle or entertained chuckle, but an actual laugh. The kind that would make your face sore and your sides hurt and allow your dimples to be seen through your skin.

"You're quite quick with assumptions, aren't you?" she asked once she had regained her posture.

"If I'm considered acceptable... and you're considered weird then our generation has been seriously mislead." she stated, using a hand to wipe the tears that had mustered in the corners of her eyes.

"How are you in any way weird, Frank?" she questioned, completely relaxed, growing slightly more serious as she spoke.

"There is a difference between being weird and being unique. And hell... if you're considered weird then I want to be weird too."
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Zeth headed back inside, gaze scanning the crowd as he searched for Sayu. Finally spotting her he headed over, tapping her on the shoulder before speaking. "So have I missed anything interesting?" He asked, trying to ignore the uneasiness washing over him at being surrounded by so many people once again. The conversation from earlier still buzzed a bit in his mind, reminding him of the only Karyuudo he had known- back when he had to move from that isolated cabin. He still did wonder about the Karyuudo... he wanted to meet one at one point, hopefully soon. Maybe they didn't all hunt Exusia... maybe they could be made to see? He wasn't sure but he could always hope.
Watching the boy as he got up, she spoke in a quieter voice. "nice meeting you too". Thinking "I should give him a chance maybe... Just maybe things might be different.." Sighing she got up and began to walk around the campus for the first time, emotions rolling through her. Her instincts insisted in killing any Exusia..yet at the same time another part or her said to take a chance. Remembering what he said she spoke softy "he is right, they weren't given a choice but born...I guess what started this war...was how they used there powers." Continuing her walk, a breeze sweeped the land, her hair sailing in the gust, each step was smooth as the night was still young, and the moon was above.

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Johnny made his way to the cafeteria and saw Zeth talking with a girl outside, he didn't bother them and went in. He ate a little of everything and after feeling he was full just sat down next to a table and started looking around. He didn't want to bother walking around the room and he had a full belly, so he taught he should rest a little, thus also, giving him a chance to study everyone a little better. He wouldn't mind if someone would talk to him but he saw that people are starting to get a little bored and that there isn't as much tension in the room as before. He liked the fact that there was so much diversity in the students of the school, some were always smiling and trying to make new friends, some were just bored or didn't care at all and were waiting for something to happen, some were shy and some that just looked around like him trying to figure people out. "I should start meeting people here. I only know someones name." He thought as he was looking endlessly around the room.

June had kept quiet at the school. His plan of mKing a friend on the first day had failed. He spent most of the time just watching over everybody. He kept track at who was good at what, who were building relationships,and who's getting in fights with others. June wanted to know everything he could about the other students.

" I guess I'll just study..." June says as he neatly places his things on a table at the cafeteria. Being alone was certainly getting to him.rather than study June found himself thinking of his sister. He missed her constantly the ought the day. Something had been eating away at June since he left,June just wanted it to go away.
The laughter had caught him off guard and the ladybug began to become hard to control throwing him off balance. Frank tumbled from the bench to the ground as the ladybug jumped from Hannah's shoulder crashing into the bench slightly damaged. "Unique, huh? If you say so, but I think we are just as lowly as the rest of the humans." he rose from his fallen embarrassment and slid onto the seat once more crashing into her. Frank was honestly a nerve wreck when her serious look developed and he had embarrassed himself in a such a way.

His sight reverted to the grass to distract himself from his thoughts that were developing. "Unique... unique..." he whispered to himself before chuckling. "I think I'd rather consider us weirdos! It makes us look less pompous and we feel like a team." he said with enthusiasm as a slight smirk developed on his face. He let out a yawn before throwing his back to the bench and stretching his arms over the sides. The ladybug began to make it's way back to his sleeves from it's near death experience as he had nearly sat on it when he slid down the bench.
Hannah looked at him, rather confused over his odd behavior. She shrugged it off, turning to look at her lap once more.

"Truth is, I'll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully. So, we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism and a great deal of candour." she stated, looking at the bench between them. "One shouldn't be afraid of the humans. Well, I am not afraid of the humans, but of what is inhuman in them. We don't have to stoop to their level. We are born into this world having no say in where we are born or what we are, but we do have a say in who we become. The least we can do is become better than them. Show the word that- even though there are people out there that are placed on the planet solely for the purpose of destroying it, there are few like us that will slowly rebuild what had been unrightfully taken away." she continued, allowing most of her thoughts to be said.

"As much as it may not seem like it, the oddities are the ones that keep the world rotating. Whether we like it or not people like us need to stick together." she said simply, before shifting her bright gaze.

Only now had she noticed the ladybug that she had unintentionally tortured, and she felt horrible. She let out a soft sigh, rubbing her arm as she watched the fragile creature skitter back to it's owner.

"It's going to take me a while to get used to that..." she stated, apologetically smiling at him with a nervous grin.
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Frank let out a cackle "You haven't seen anything. I've had ants crawl out from under my eyelid before!" he shifted his view to the sky. (I have no idea if it's night or day tbh).

Frank's eyes were flickering on and off like a defect lamp. The rings under his eyes explained everything as he began to slip away before shaking himself back into reality. "I s-should probably leave for my room, I'll drop you off at your room or the front door of the Girls dormitory if you'd like!" he looked at her as sincere as he could through his irritable visage.

This was probably the longest conversation Frank has had with a human other than his father, and those were just about him being labelled useless. Before she could even answer he shot up with the last energy sparks and held out his hand to assist her in getting up.
'I fooled around way too much... 3 different species in one day and one of them was a full control!what was I thinking?!!' he thought as a frail smile pulled across his face with a squint built.
The image of the ants stunned Hannah for a moment. With a shiver she shook it off and took his hand, using him as a guide to pull herself off of the bench. She examined the sky for a brief moment, it's darkening air setting upon the Academy. The girl was surprised to see there were still many students within the Cafeteria, but she assumed the meeting- or 'party'- would be finished soon.

When Frank offered to bring her to the Girls dorm she wasn't really sure what to say. She hadn't stuck around the tour long enough to listen to the dormitory rules, but she was sure it would be no harm in allowing the boy to accompany her on the walk... was there?

Hannah straightened herself out, gently brushing her clothes off as she stood. The atmosphere of the Academy and night was almost creepy, and the only noise beyond the faint whispers of other students was the sound of creaking trees that bent in the gentle evening breeze.

"You sure you won't get in trouble if you go anywhere near that place?" the girl questioned, gesturing to the dorm as if it were some sort of prison.

"I hear they don't take kindly to strangers."
"I guess I'll have to use my last bits of energy to get away." Frank said jokingly to the girl obviously influenced by his fatigue. He gestured for Hannah to follow him despite the warning and slugged his legs across the campus stone to the Girl's Dormitory. The Dormitory's front yard was strangely silent and empty, like the only time it should be used is when people make their way in and out. Frank stopped "Do you know your way around here?" he asked looking at the grass leading around the sides of the building. 'What am I doing? I am in way over my head! All I wanted was some entertainment, not some escort mission! Although this is fun..' Frank thought as he looked back at Hannah with a confused and once again irritated look waiting for her answer so he could follow her directions.
The girl followed behind him, taking notice to his groggy actions. It was the first day being in the Academy for the both of them, and Hannah was quite tired herself, but it was obvious that the exhaustion had taken a pretty big toll on Frank. She quickened her pace to catch up with him, walking alongside him as he questioned her.

"To be honest..." she started her statement, glancing behind her for a brief moment before she spoke again. "I have no idea where anything is. The Academy at night is like a completely different place than the day." she said, turning to Frank with an apologetic shrug.

Hannah placed her hand over her mouth as she let out a silent yawn, trying her best to hide the heaviness of the ware that fell on her shoulders. The day had been rather eventful, and only now was she feeling the effects.

"If you don't want to get lost then you might as go back while you still can." she said, a ting of sarcasm in her soft voice.

"I'm sure I'll find my way sooner or later."
(Arghhhh. I don't know why, but I didn't get any alerts from my own RP. Ughh. I apologize ! I'll do my best to catch up. D: And to help progress the story, the party will be ending soon. Some new events will be taking place in the RP. :D )

"You better bring the--," Sayu began just as Zeth interrupted her. She and Kai turned to look at him, both of their faces showing that they were slightly surprised by his sudden appearance. They shouldn't be discussing such important things at a school event. "Kai, we can discuss this later. Tomorrow morning, 5:00, your office. You better be awake by then." Kai let out a sigh before nodding. She then turned her attention towards Zeth with a smile. "No, nothing in particular, Zeth. Where were you?"
"I'm really very sorry if I interrupted." Zeth said quickly, hands waving around a bit in his attempt to show how sorry he was. "I... well a student wanted to know where the dorms were so I showed them where they were and then there was another girl sitting outside. She was kind of weird but I understand the need to get away from the party every now and then." Zeth replied, his face having flushed at his shame for having cut in. It bothered him to be ill mannered but Sayu and Headmaster Kai didn't seem to be particularly angry with him so hopefully it was ok.
Sayu gave him a kind smile after seeing him become a bit flustered. It made her laugh. Gently she placed her hand on his head, rubbing softly. "It's fine. It wasn't that important anyway," she said in a reassuring way. Of course, the part of it not being important was a lie. The discussion could possibly effect the academy's reputation, be it positively or negatively. However, only Kai and Sayu knew everything. They were planning on announcing it to the students once they've.... tested. "Thank you for helping the student. I appreciate it Zeth."

Zeth took a deep breath, calming down. He smiled at Sayu, believing her easily when she said that it wasn't actually all that important. "It was no problem, I like helping out." Zeth said quietly- well maybe not too quietly because of the party but it wasn't a shout, that was for sure. Zeth wondered if he really was helpful for a moment.... he really wanted to be. Making things easier on Sayu and the Headmaster meant something to Zeth. "All the new students this year... it's really great, isn't it? More and more Exusia around... maybe it's a sign of a change for the better." Zeth mumbled, appreciating Sayu's method of calming/praising him.
Sayu nodded, moving her hand back to her side. "It's really amazing," she said simply. Seeing as how it was getting quite late, she nudged Kai, signaling for him to announce the end of the party. The Headmaster let out another sigh before stepping onto a chair beside him. "Hey! Don't stay up too late and get back to your dorms soon," he shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, which caused the room to fall silent. He let out a huff and left first, making his way back to the Main Building and leaving the rest to Sayu. This was the best it was going to get for an ending speech from this Headmaster, which the students who've been attending were used to. Just after he left, many students also left, heading to their dorms.
Zeth remained behind to make sure that everyone found their ways alright and to see if his assistance was needed to help clean up. It always amused Zeth how Kai could be such an efficient Headmaster without giving all those beginning year speeches and without trying to hold everyone's hand... This was a school to find yourself and the Headmaster allowed for that. Zeth kept an eye on Sayu as he left her side once more to check on the other remaining students. He was almost sad for the night to be complete but that just meant school would be starting sooner. He returned to Sayu's side after only a short while, this time, since there weren't as many people to check on and he was ready to call it a night himself.

As the party ended June couldn't help but feel pathetic. The entire day he had just been weird and alone. He grabbed his belongings and made his way to the dorm...at least he tried to. He found himself getting lost halfway through. "No...please no..." He wondered the halls confused. He could see through the windows that the sun had been long gone. He looked and looked but he could find nothing pointing him to the boys dorm. The small pinch in his chest had turned into a death grip. He was alone and scared. Out of fear he pulls his revolver out of his bag. June did not want to be defenseless. June shut his eyes as small droplets started hitting the floor. "Damn it..." He was alone,scared,and paranoid.
Megan smiled that the party was ending.She had developed a small crush and her awkward moment was quickly cut shorter than usual.Walking over to the desert table she began to pick up a few deserts,so they didn't go to waste.Shaking her head Megan began to mumble,"Ugh...I hope they don't waste this food...I can't take all of it,but I will get what I can..."After clearing the desert table,Megan began to help clean up other places.
"No, no. I mean how would I look if I left you alone poor girl?" his agitated look shifted to grin. "I need your room number and I can get you in. I've learned a trick or too back when I worked wi-" he shook his head not wanting to think of his awful father. He beckoned her once more to follow him to the entrance as he looked down with his arms crossed 'Idiot what do you think they won't notice that you don't have a skirt? STOP PEOPLE ARE COMING!' and as soon as that screaming thought ended he came to a halt at the front door and pushed down the handle.

(Sorry for responding so late obnoxious)
Hannah walked beside him, allowing a soft giggle to escape her tightened lips. She could hear some of the girls walking back in groups from the recently ended party, and this frightened Hannah a bit. If Frank were to get caught at the girls dorm he would no doubt be given a reputation by the females that he didn't deserve. She stepped in front of him, her bright eyes widened slightly. "You need to get going before you're-" she cut herself off, the voices of the girls growing louder. Reluctantly she snatched his wrist in her hand and dragged him toward the trees that surrounded the girls dorm, allowing the shadow that nature provided to cover the two. She made sure the girls had walked into the dorm without noticing them before she turned to Frank. "This is what you get for being a gentleman." she said semi-sarcastically with a wry grin. "You need to get back to the boys dorm before you get in any trouble." she whispered, the darkening sky hiding the huge mischievous smile that was plastered upon her face.

(It's fine. ^.^)
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