Osiel Academy [Inactive]

"That is a lie and you know it." Zean looked at him. "I'm sort of insulted that you lied to me so pathetically." He put his hands into his pockets. "Care to try again old man? Or is age getting to you after all these years?" He smirked after saying this and proceeded to walk closer to the exit. "I will be leaving old man, may your bones brittle and break."
Zeth followed after Sayu, always feeling honored to have been able to speak to the headmaster. "Thank you for your time, Headmaster Kai." He said as he and Sayu entered back into the crowd. Sometimes Zeth was happy for the attack on his family that had made them leave solitude for this life... because it had allowed him to meet the people at Osiel Academy and to make wonderful friends.

"You're a really amazing hostess." Zeth said to Sayu, weariness making his smile a bit tired and yet hers still seemed genuine. He fell back into his usual roll of shadowing her, figuring he had worked hard enough for one night- he had earned Sayu and Kai's praise after all, what more could he want? Besides, it was terribly pleasant being able to spend time with Sayu and he'd rather be around her than away from her.
Jack overheard Zean's words to the headmaster, how can someone say something like that, and not be ashamed? Jack shook his head, the thought unthinkable to him, he noticed a girl run into him, fall, ask for help, and he kept going.

Jack got up, putting the daffodil in his coat pocket, and went over to Megan.

"Uh, you need any help?" He asked, tying not to sound to obvious, of course she needed help.
"My, my. Quite the attitude you have. Have you no humor? " Kai smiled at the boy, though the words "old man" bothered him immensely. "Why are you here in the first place if you think so highly of yourself? Why do you even care to inform me?" He tapped his feet on the ground, preparing to use the runes he wrote on the sole of his shoe. The rune on his left shoe was a summoning rune and the right was a sealing rune. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to use these.

Sayu smiled brightly at everyone, especially Zeth, as she continued to greet the students. "It's not that amazing. Just something I'm used to doing because Kai can't possibly do this. But thank you for the compliment. You were doing pretty good, yourself." She had been smiling and greeting people at parties for most of her life. Kai always held these sort of events, but never actually greeted more than 10 guests. But she was glad that her cousin was socially awkward because it made her feel needed for these sort of events.
"Yes,please...I can only see without my glasses in a fight,but other than that I blind as a bat.Ugh...He made me drop my bear claw and glasses,but I'm sure that isn't the last one.Hi mine name is Megan,what is yours?"She squeaked barely loud enough for him to hear her,as she scrambled the floor for her glasses.In the pit of her heart she was wishing death on Zean,but her nice side held the evil at bay.For his sake there better be another bear claw,or at least something just as good.
Zeth knew he wouldn't be good at this at all if it hadn't been for Sayu showing him how but her compliment still meant a lot to him. He continued to follow after her, helping her greet people and make small chat with them- telling the new students about the marvelous school life they had ahead of them and asking about the returning student's previous years. It was really very interesting hearing what they thought- improvements they'd make and good times that they had. "This school is really amazing, bringing so many people together." Zeth said to Sayu at one point before getting swept into another conversation, though this time Zeth made sure to remain practically glued to Sayu's side. He was looking forward to the school year, himself... and hoped to be able to continue to help even after he had reached graduation.
"My names's Jack." He said as he began to examine the ground for her glasses, "Apparently you're as blind with glasses as you are without them." He said, chuckling lightly.

He scanned the floor, and saw a small pair underneath the concession table, "Hey! I found them! Wait there!" He exclaimed as he moved swiftly to the table, crawling under, and grabbing the glasses, hoping they were hers, well, what's the chance someone else lost theirs too?

"Where are my glasses?"

He heard the voice adjacent from the table, "Of course..."

He crawled out from under it, and got up, wiping his outfit down, and returning to Megan, "Okay, got it!" He exclaimed brightly.
Sayu brushed her hair back with her hand. Even this was becoming overwhelming to her. This year had so many new students applying and as always, Kai never helped to read through them. Eventually, near the end of the crowd, she found a small group of 4-6 teachers standing near the wall. Seeing as how there were so little teachers, they must have felt outnumbered. However, they were a great help to the school. They, too, had the ability to temporarily seal one's energy core, which always kept the students in check. She reintroduced herself to them and gestured towards Zeth, waiting for him to do the same.
Zeth gave the teachers a bow, reminding them of his name should they have forgotten (most likely given the circumstances) and greeting them with respect. The teachers here were always so patient and helpful... Zeth had heard from other students just how hateful and terrible teachers in other schools could be (though he knew that some of them exaggerated what they said) so Zeth was extremely grateful to have them here and took every chance to remind them so. Sometimes he imagined joining their ranks, someday... while other days he pictured going out into the world and finding another way to use his abilities to help. "I hope you are all having a pleasant evening! If there is anything I can do to help make it better, all you need to do is say the word." Zeth added in, giving another small bow.
"You even need to ask old man?" Zean said as he continued to walk. "If I don't tell you, you will make a big deal about it." He stopped. "Seriously? You're going to try to stop me?" He glared at the headmaster, glasses glinting dangerously. "You and I both know that I'm only here as a requirement and I could leave if I wanted too, why stop me old man? What's so important that you want me stay here that you'd be willing to seal me?"
Johnny, like the most punctual guy ever that he was, arrived at the school not too long ago. He waited a little bit at the gates and then started wandering around the school. Looking at the architecture and looking for paths he will take next if he didn't find anybody. After a bit of walking and admiring he heard a lot of noise from the cafeteria. "I hope there are people there that can show me where I'll sleep so I can start unpacking". He entered the cafeteria slowly and nobody noticed him. So he just started looking around at people trying to figure out who can help him. There were a lot of people like him there, he was kind of happy. After a bit of time he didn't know who he can ask for help, it felt kind of frustrating for someone like him who is very good at analyzing people. So he just started walking in there with his bags, thinking that somebody will notice him.

If there was one thing Hannah hated the most it was socializing, yet she felt obligated to do so. The girl was already dressed in rather attractive attire, but she simply didn't feel like going.

But she would.

The girl would arrive late when everyone had settled down, and hopefully she wouldn't be noticed too much. Of course she didn't mind the occasional friendly chitchat, she just hated when she'd run out of things to say and be forced into the painfully awkward silence until she'd find her way out of conversation. Hannah wasn't interesting in any way, and though she was often the life of a party, around new people she was the exact opposite.

There was no reason to lie. She was awkward as hell and she knew that.

With a sigh she reluctantly made her way down the stairs of the girls dorm, heading outside and towards the largest building that towered above everything else on the site. She reached the door, letting out a silent groan before swinging it open and stepping inside.
Digging in on the served food Frank was having blast as the headmaster and the angsty teen were about to face off. With his mouth stuffed he looked of over to them as he heard the question "What's so important that you want me stay here that you'd be willing to seal me?" he raised his eyebrow as the fork moved up and down in his mouth. 'I've never seen a sealing!' he thought to himself tapping his fingers watching the wild display.

Although he wanted to see this display escalate to the point of no return (sealing), it just didn't feel right. Frank's thoughts began to stuff up as he thought of possible options. 'The tarantula hawk isn't an option!' he contemplated the creature he could sting one of them with, preferably the rude brat! 'Horse fly! It's the perfect solution.' he fist pumped as his sign flashed for a fraction of a second and a horse fly flew out of his collar. It's like his view changed he had the vision of the fly and his own which he had managed to get used to throughout his life. Whilst the situation was heated he was basically a ghost and his new form could easily make it's way onto Zean's heel.
Sayu smiled at Zeth as he bowed to the teachers. She had a feeling that only a few students, Zeth included, actually appreciated them. Over the years, students became less respectful towards the higher-ups, which made her mad. She glanced back at Kai, worried that he would have to talk to people he didn't want to or that he would leave. With Kai, you weren't sure what he was going to do next. As she looked back at him, she saw he was talking to a student. A rather angry one at that.

Kai let out an agitated sigh and glared down at the student. He about had enough of this boys attitude and could care less what he wanted to do. "You are becoming a nuisance. If you want to leave, by all means, leave. I'm not your damn mother, nor am I your father. I will not tolerate any more of your disgusting attitude," he said angrily before turning away from Zean. Kids today are so disrespectful, he though.
Megan looked up at the other student,"Thank you..."She said grabbing her glasses slowly,reverting back to her timid self.Megan felt a little anger rise in her once she had her glasses.

How could someone be so mean and disrespectful to teachers.He also knocked my glasses off and made me drop the bear claw.Well,I'm pretty sure that is the last one.

Megan finally looked up at Jack with her glasses on her face.Seeing him clearly she recognized he was kind of cute,so she blushed a bit then looked back down,"Th-thank you for the help!"Megan could never flirt with boy,unless she was in battle ironically.Scared to humiliate herself,she started to turn away from him.
Hannah had barely gotten into the Cafeteria when already there was commotion. She really didn't like associating herself with drama, but she was obligated to be there, and in turn she was stuck having to witness issues unfold.

What bugged her most, however, was that the students had ceased their socializing to watch. The entire reason they were there was to get to know one another and yet it seemed all of the effort put into the meeting was for naught because one kid has some serious attitude issues.

A spoiled brat, no doubt, abusing their powers in an attempt to show off.

What a moron. Quite a way to make an impression. Though she hated people in general, there was nothing she hated more than a smartass. and immediately she grew a disliking to this kid who believed he was more superior than the headmaster himself.

Hannah groaned, shaking her head as she made her way further into the Caf, moving away from the majority of the people. She found herself leaning against a table, taking a beverage off of it before taking a small sip, continueing to watch the battling pair.
"Oh, no problem! That guy was kinda rude, but maybe he was in a rush, and didn't mean it?" He smiled convincingly, having only convinced himself.

"This is why I don't attend a lot of social gatherings, I don't really enjoy seeing a slightly darker shade of personalities."

Jack than noticed her backing away, he didn't know if he upset her, or of he was being awkward or what, most people he talks to are more open, but she seems more cut off from the rest, well, everyone is different.
The crowded Cafeteria was quite a sore to the ears.

Hannah longed for a conversational partner, but she was horrible at speaking with people. She was quite horrible with people in general.

"You're such a loser, Hannah, get it together. Just be like 'Hey, how's it going? I'm Hannah, let's be friends'." the girl silently persuaded herself, groaning slightly.

"That's too straight forward. That'll make you sound desperate." she murmured, rubbing her arm gently as she thought.

"You are desperate, idiot, what are you without friends?" she argued, looking up. Several eyes stared at her, most of them awkwardly staring at the girl that conversed with herself.

Hannah nervously smiled at them, laughing awkwardly. The majority of them ended up turning away, and awkwardly walking to an alternate location.

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." she thought, looking at the ground.

"Simply find yourself within someone else and you're bound to make yourself a companion that will stick around." she stated, a grin pursing her lips.

"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for." she mentally noted, bringing her eyes to survey those around her. She would allow herself to be the person she truly was, and not put on some pathetic act, in hopes to find a companion who would accept her.
Zeth straightened up, wondering how much longer this party would last for. He was starting to become truly exhausted and was ready to just go home and hit the hay. Glancing at Sayu to see how she was doing he noticed that she wasn't looking at the teachers anymore. Following her gaze he noticed Kai talking to someone- that same troublesome student from before. "Isn't that the kid that caused the Headmaster to raise that Golem in the first place?" Zeth asked Sayu in a lowered voice, narrowing his eyes in the boys direction. "I know the headmaster can take care of himself but should we go over and give him a hand?"
Maikeru pushed his way past a fairly large group of kids towards one of the tables with food on it. I am not to big on parties, but when it comes to free food, I definitely won't pass it up. He stacked a plate full of food and headed towards a chair that was placed against the wall and took a seat. He leaned back in the chair as he watched the many groups of students as they awkwardly fumbled around attempting to socialize. He laughed to himself still watching the other students. This really does seem like a nice school. I am sure I will enjoy it here, and besides it sure seems like they take good care of the students. Maikeru smirked as he continued watching the other students.
Zean, with no one stopping him, went out and into the dorm to get some sleep. "I really hate this forasken place." He mumbled. "I swear, nothing good will happen here, hell, if something good does happen I'll stop complaining."
Sayu shook her head to Zeth. "From what I heard, that wasn't the boy. And I'm sure Kai can stick up for himself. He's not the Headmaster for no reason," she said with a laugh. She knew this information firsthand. Growing up, she's had many spars with Kai, all coming out with her not even being able to touch him. "Anyway, I think we've greeted almost everybody....Oh," she said before someone caught her eye. It was one of the new students from before... Maikeru. She pulled Zeth with her as she made her way to Maikeru.

Kai, who watched as Zean left, scratched the back of his head for a moment before looking around the room for Sayu. He wanted to leave soon and hoped that she would let him take a break.
Hannah put her effort into socializing with the others, she truly did, but avast no avail.

The girl mentally slapped herself, her bright gaze searching for her next victim. She had basically given up, and all she wanted to do was start a conversation with someone like her.

Was that so much to ask for?

"You've got your work cut out for you, Hannah." she murmured with a prolonged sigh, allowing her fingers to play with a lace on her sleeve.

"Try and be more interesting." she encouraged herself.

To her dismay the party was nearing an end, and yet Hannah hadn't found herself a single person that she could speak to without running out of things to say and cowering out of conversation.

Of course, she'd have a lot of time to make friends after this, but first impressions were important to her, and so far she had made none.

"Why can't friends just appear? There are so many perfect people in this world yet we are obligated to only few. Why must we make the effort to discover a bond that is already there? It's the hardest part!" Hannah complained, leaning against a wall.

"Getting to know someone isn't easy."
Maikeru watched as the girl who had greeted the new students at the front gate approached him, dragging a boy behind her as she walked. Maikeru put his plate down and stood up, putting both of his hands in his pockets assuming the two were coming to speak with him. I guess they weren't done with all the welcome to school nonsense.
Quite disappointed that he couldn't give the kid a pinch he recalled his horsefly having wasted power for nothing, even if it was a small amount.

Frank rose from his seat and began to stiffly make his way through the crowd of students with his irritated look once more as he towered above them at his height. 'Why do I have to be such a giant?!' he thought as he stepped his slender legs through the cafeteria door into courtyard. Having made his way out of the clutter he began to take a seat on a bench near the center.

Frank was bored out of his mind as usual, so he began to play some music on his phone and stuffed his headphones on. As Fly me to the moon played he began to use his powers once more. 'Dragonfly' came to his mind and at that moment one came crawling from his mouth. As disgusting as it was Frank had become quite fond of these insects he summoned coming from random places. Really everywhere.

He began to take full vision as the dragonfly leaving his body idle and saving some power. It was such a great sense of freedom, flying at a speed of 20 mp/h in the courtyard as his real body was sitting there staring at it's forehead drooling.

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