Osiel Academy [Inactive]

Zeth admired the Headmaster's work with the symbols, noting the power in the creation and wondering what it meant that it glowed black. How did something even glow black... it didn't make sense in attempting to explain it and yet it really did glow black. Like he had assumed earlier, the Headmaster had this well in hand.

When Zeth noticed someone motioning to him he observed them with interest before going over to them, keeping a good distance from the golem that now stood in the courtyard. He was rather glad that he had been able to keep off the Headmaster's darker side so far... it just doesn't do to tick off people who had power.

"Greetings. I'm presuming you're a new student here? That or I just don't have the capacity to remember all the faces at this school..." Zeth said the second part more to himself. "I'm also assuming that the Headmaster is not upset with you, but the other new face... would you mind catching me up on the details?"
Robin turned and stared at it in amazement. "Wow". He looked to his side and sees a crowbar. He snatched it and exclaimed "GET READY FOR AN ASS KICKING OF A LIFE TIME YOU UGLY TROLL!". He jumped towards the stone golem high enough to swing the crowbar to the monsters neck. An incredible gash of light appeared when Robin hit the monster's neck. The Golem's head crumbled off and crashed to the ground. "Too easy". Wait too easy, I expected more from that geezer. He then noticed a second attack approach him.
Turning to Kai,Megan removed her glasses,"Headmaster Kai,I can handle this if you would like. Newbies need to learn their place,and we don't want you to kill anybody. Especially a student."Megan beamed as she released her hair from the ponytail. Smiling at Robin,she grabbed her whip,"Thanks but you couldn't handle me."The girl body language instantly change from frail to strong.
Kai let out a deep sigh and patted the girl on the head. "Please, do. I'm too tired for this. I'm counting on you, Megan," he said as he looked around for Zeth. Too tired to try and find him, he yelled instead. "Zeth ! Report this to Sayu for me, will ya? And tell her to come repair this," he yelled, gesturing to the totaled path. And with that, the Headmaster rubbed his temples as he headed back to the main building for a nap.
Ty offered some of her snacks to the guy -"I've got chocolate bread, potato chips, mini donuts, they make the show better"- She kept her eyes to the Headmaster and the other kid. -"Yeah, Im new here, I was just walking around, this kid talked back to the Headmaster in a rather nasty way, he seemed pretty calmed and for what I saw that monster was only using 3 symbols, oh, that girl over there just came in to defend the headmaster for some reason..-" She smiled to the guy -"thats pretty much it".
Zeth nodded, only mildly interested in the snacks. He was by far more interested in what had happened... but considering she only had the basic details Zeth decided to settle with not knowing. He was about to respond when he heard the Headmaster call out a request. causing Zeth to flinch. Taking a deep breath he gave the girl a smile.

"Thank you for the explanation. I have to go now, the headmaster as requested my services. I'm Zeth, by the way. I hope you have a pleasant day."

Zeth paused long enough for the girl to respond if she wished before heading in the direction of the main building to begin his hunt for Sayu. He wondered if she was still giving a tour to the girls... she usually was pretty good about making sure that everyone knew everything but he wasn't sure how long that would actually take her.

He wondered what had possessed the newcomer to treat the Headmaster in such a disrespectful way. Perhaps the Headmaster had done something first? It was possible but Zeth doubted it... he put the benefit of the doubt for the newcomer, figuring there must have been a misunderstanding somewhere.

Well... this school year was definitely going to be an adventure, if the stone golem was a show of anything... he really hoped that that was not how this year would play out.
Ty waved Zeth, she wondered if there would be any activities later she should know about. She wanted to walk and explore more, but, it seemed like there would be a fight between the rebel and the girl who stepped in defense of the Headmaster. She sat down by that tree, and waited to see if something interesting would happen. There were still plenty snacks to enjoy.
As the morning grew old, Mika grew slightly annoyed. Everything was going all wrong. Her flight got delayed, the taxi driver was a complete pervert, she hadn't eaten breakfast in two days, and now she was probably late for school. Sighing she put her arm against the taxi window, resting her head on her hand. Her gaze falling on outside, as the trees passed. Each scenery changing to the next. She whispered "Well...it can't get any worse...can it?

At least I'm finally here." As the taxi car came to a stop, her hand slid to the handle, as she pushed her way out. The door still open, she turned around, and smiled, even though she hated the man. "How much do I owe you sir?" She grabbed her wallet, as the man turned to face her. He smiled, speaking in a accent of unknown. "45 dollars hun". Her sight raising up, he smile left as she thought "really......hun? I swear I'm about to kick him, with the things he tried to do today" she spoke in shock "45 dollars! That much?" The man turned farther in his seat. "If you don't have the money....."he gave a half smile and wink "...you can pay me in other terms" dragging the money out she threw it at him, in anger she yelled at him "What the?...I SWEAR I will KICK YOU TO FREAKEN MARS!!" She yelled as she slammed the door.

Walking away, her bag hung over her shoulder as a gust of wind blew causing her hair to sail softly. She muttered "that's it..day is completely ruined. Done, absolutely done." Moving up the stairs, she slightly fixed her uniform. Speaking softly "here we go". Opening the door, she walked through, making her way down the halls. Already signed in, Mika began to look around, curious of the school she would be attending. Looking down each hall, he gaze stopped at a group. Focusing her gaze her mouth dropped open "are they....Exusians?" Realizing she was staring she turned her gaze quickly, and speed walked to the dorms. As her thoughts when everywhere "oh god...I didn't know they were going to be here. What if he is here.. No he can't be, I think he would be dead by now...hopefully. I guess just lay low for now, be normal, ehh act peacefully. They could be nice...right?"

Making her way to the dorms. She set down her belongings, realizing rooming arrangements might not happen for a while. Walking inside she took note that it was packed. Turning she made her way to the bathroom, coming to a halt as she spotted her self in the mirror. "Hmm not that bad considering I barely slept in the last 48 hours." She grinned as she spoke. Seeing a girl using a brush she asked kindly "Hi, ehh may I please barrow your brush, just for a moment?" The girl turned and smile "sure!". Taking the brush, she brushed her hair out, thanking her before she left again, making her way out side. As she began to explore the campus she would begin to call home.

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SayuriTokage updated Osiel Academy with a new update entry:

New Part.

We will now be starting the party portion of the RP. Every other event(s) that were going on are now coming to a stop unless there is someway to make them extend into the party.
Be nice in the party. :D
Read the rest of this update entry... 
"We will now begin out welcoming party for the new students," Headmaster Kai said as he spoke loudly to the group of students. The cafeteria was large and had a wide variety of food set up nicely for the students. "We hope you have a wonderful year at Osiel Academy. If you have any questions, please direct them to Sayuri over here." He gestured towards the white-haired girl with a Celtic tattoo on her face. Sayu bowed briefly. "Now then, please enjoy the rest of your evening." With that, Kai immediately went to stand in the corner of the room as Sayu followed behind.

"Good job, Headmaster Kai," she said in a teasing tone. She knew he hated giving speeches the most, but she was proud of him. At least he was able to say the basics. Not after long, Sayu went to greet other students, getting lost in the crowd and leaving Kai in the corner by himself.
Zeth clapped along with many others when the Headmaster finished speaking. Zeth wondered if he was feeling better... remembering how angry he had been earlier though he had played it off. The headmaster could be extremely scary when the time called for it.

Even though Zeth wasn't much of a party person he always tried to keep a smile, forcing himself away from corners when he found himself backed into one. He also refrained from following Sayu around like a lost puppy dog. Instead he tried to talk to faces he didn't know, smiling and attempting to be friendly. He waved to Sayu and other people he recognized when he made eye contact.
Megan felt so out of place.This was her 4th year here,and she still wasn't used to the parties or gathering.Getting a plate Megan packed her plate full of gourmet sweets,"This makes up for all of the people..."The girl croaked to herself as she made her way back to a table.

Munching on the sponge cake,she had no visible injuries from the battle before,but she did get hit.The other kid is most likely in immense pain,since her whip wasn't something to take lightly.Megan finished the slice of sponge cake in a matter seconds,"What should I eat next?The cheesecake or the bear claw?"A girl looking over Megan's shoulder asked what the bear claw was.Megan smiled a bit,"Uh....Well it is just a huge doughnut in the shape of a bear claw,with a little frosting on it."She explained as she took a small bite out of it.
Ty had changed her clothing for the party, she heard some students talk abut it as she walked through the halls of the girls dorm. She felt weird going to a party knowing no one, maybe she would make some friends there, and see how exusias and karyyudos lived when facing each other in a non deadly enviroment, well at least so she hoped. With the show earlier today there was no saying if people would break into a fight.

She arrived there and while the Headmaster was giving his speech Ty looked around for a buffet or just anything with snacks. She wasnt sure if she should start talking to people, but she would try to be nice and friendly if anyone approached her, which for Ty usually meant sharing the snacks on her bag and hoping for the best. She didnt bring any weapons to the party, thinking it would look as if she wanted a fight, but she had packed some gadgets that would come in handy just in case. For now, it was all about having the normal childhood experience she never quite got, being a good student, meeting new friends and maybe even fall in love. She closed her eyes for a second "Whatever happens tonight it is your will, my Lord, I shall accept it with humbleness" She smiled. Ty kept walking looking for some snacks when she spotted the guy from earlier, she felt a bit embarrased knowing that he was friends with the Headmaster, and probably should've acted with more respect. "I should've offered him the chocolate truffles..." She thought, she meant to go talk to him but then suddendly she spotted a girl eating some cake, and she ran to where she was.

-"Woah, such a big variety of cakes and sweets" Ty said as she reached the table. She got her plate full and grabbed a bag to pack all the sweets she could stuff in it. She sat down at the table with ths other girl eating some sponge cake and bear claws. She meant to talk to her but first she started enjoying everything on her plate, if she was lucky she could have more than one plate of sweets. Ty was happy as happy can be.
Sayu waved to Zeth with a smile on her face once she saw him. She continued to walk around the cafeteria, greeting every student she came across and politely introducing herself. It was odd for her not to have Zeth with her, but she could manage. After a tiring few minutes of just greeting the people, she went over to eat some sweets to boost her energy. Walking over to the table, she chose a strawberry tart and placed it on her plate while glancing at the students who were also near the table.

Meanwhile, Kai was still in the corner, but with a bottle of mineral water in his hand. He wasn't really greeting or watching the students like a good Headmaster would have, but he was doing he was doing the best he could. Being an anti-social Headmaster was tough.
As Ty ate she kept her eyes near the sweets table, just making sure they didnt run out too fast. She had bearly any space left on her bag to stuff more but she would make it fit if it was needed. She saw a girl taking a strawberry tart. She glanced at her, like she knew her.

"Hmm, maybe this is one of the guides, the tattoo on her eye gives it away.......Ah! I should probably apologize for getting here late, I dont want to seem rude." She stood up and grabbed her plate scared that someone may steal one of her sweets. She went towards the girl and bowed a bit.

-"Hi, Im Ty, new student, I was late today and I just wanted to apologize for missing the orientation." She smiled and looked for a packed strawberry cookie in her bag, the one shaped like a panda. She placed it in the plate of the girl and grined. She bowed again and went back to her table after grabbing another cupcake.
Zeth's grin was fueled when Sayu responded and he became that much more friendly to everyone, answering questions about the school enthusiastically- though he began to stutter from his brain working too fast for his mouth. After awhile it became a bit much and Zeth left to get a breather, heading to the refreshment table. He once again held back from going over to Sayu because it would be all too easy to just follow her around all night. He had to be a student to look up to- his own person. Besides, he noticed she was busy conversing with someone else so after getting a decent break he headed back into the fray, laughing and talking and ignoring his pet peeve of being surrounded by people.
Sayu looked at the girl who had just introduced herself and gave her a friendly smile. "Don't worry... Ty, was it? Just enjoy yourself," she said before turning to look into the crowd. Somewhere in there, she spotted Zeth, who had looked tired. He looked as if was pushing himself to do this. Whenever he was with her, she would usually take care of things such as this, but now he was helping out by himself, which did make her happy. She quickly made her way back to Kai with the tart and a newly added panda-shaped cookie on her plate.

"Kai, I just so happen to come across a large, totaled area in front of the gate before this party. From multiple eye witnesses, I found out that you summoned a golem. I did repair it with that rune, and I'll be charging you for the repairs later. Anyway, I think Zeth is pushing himself," Sayu said as she found Zeth in the crowd once more, and gestured to him.

Kai nodded. "He's a man. He'll live," he said simply.
Zean looked on with boredom. Honestly, this entire event irritated him. Why was he even here in the first place? His skill with runes are already at a master level, why did he need to attend this school? He looked at the dance floor, he didn't even know how to dance! Runes danced around his fingers and he waved them off.

"I hate this forsaken place." He said and started for the exit.
Zeth noticed that he was being summoned and, deciding he had worked hard enough to allow himself another break he headed over to where Sayu and the headmaster was, giving the Headmaster a small bow before smiling at Sayu. "Amazing party, as always." Zeth praised, wiping sweat from his brow but attempting to be discreet about it. It was becoming a bit hard to breathe with so many people around but he pushed it down. His gaze continued to move around the people who appeared to be having a good time and felt proud that he had helped lift at least a couple spirits.

"I never realized parties were so much work though! How do you keep up with it Sayu?" Zeth asked, moving to her side so that she was in between him and the headmaster. He had lowered his voice, unable to keep his silly comments to himself but knowing to at least attempt to still appear semi professional in front of the headmaster.
Sayu smiled at Zeth and began to rub his head gently, as a reward for working hard. "Why, thank you, Zeth. By now, I'm used to it since I have such a socially awkward cousin as the Headmaster," she said with a laugh as she pointed to Kai. He looked a bit tense to her, so she tried to make him a bit more comfortable. "I though you and Kai were good friends, Zeth. Loosen up a bit when it's just us, okay? And don't push yourself to help out."

Kai nodded again, agreeing with Sayu. "Even I thought we were close...I thought those nods every day meant something," he said shyly and jokingly. Kai reached behind Sayu and placed his hand on top of Sayu's, petting his head as well. "Good job, kid."
Zeth's face flushed red at the attention and his face split into a grin. Of course they had meant something... but he didn't know if he was allowed to count the Headmaster as a friend. Now he knew and it made him swell with happiness. He was rather proud of himself for having made such good friends.

"W-We are. I mean, definitely. I just... because I'm a student I thought I had to well... be well behaved around you, Headmaster. Not that it's no fun to be around you, I have a great deal of respect for you is all... and I want to make sure you knew that." Zeth said. He appreciated the petting in a sense, it made him feel like he really had done a good job. It was a strange sensation, in away... something that so many would find condescending but he really did feel like he had done a good job because of it. Maybe it was because he knew it to be a reward... maybe it was just because he liked his head being rubbed.

"I... thank you, Headmaster. And thank you, Sayu. I'll try to be more 'loose' but... I can't promise not pushing myself to help out. I want to show you that I've learned from you and I feel the only way to do that is to show you." Zeth replied, looking up at Sayu and Headmaster Kai with respect and something akin to adoration in his eyes.
As he left Zean passed by the headmaster. "You and I both know that my pressence here is a farce. Let me leave." He said with hatred. His tatoo was glowing threateningly as it responded to his emotions.
Jack sat against a wall, with a smile on his face, people are happy, shouldn't he be?

It's a nice break from studying, but it wasn't his personal pastime, but at least he wasn't alone.

He tapped his finger on his leg, "Maybe it's a tad bit strange to be on the floor.." He mumbled to himself, but shrugged it off, he probably won't see most of these people again, so who cares about what they think?

He had a small a small, unbloomed flower, and etched a small rune on the upper stem, suddenly it bloomed, and emitted a daffodil enchanted scent, he took a large breath, and exhaled with a smile left behind.
Megan got up with her 3rd bear claw in hand,"They are just so good!"She mumbled to herself.he bearclaws themselves were around the same size as an actual bear's claw,so they were really big and filled a person's stomach,unless they are Megan.The girl bumbed into Zean just as she was walking it.Hitting the floor her glasses were knocked off,"My glasses.My glasses...Where are my glasses!"She croaked out as she looked from feet to feet.
Sayu and Kai laughed at the same time as if on cue. "Kai is pretty much on our level of seeing things. Well... At least someone respects our Headmaster," Sayu said, which made Kai pinch her cheeks. "Hey, I'm an adult. You are the only person who knows my real age anyway." She laughed again and escaped from Kai's grip, urging Zeth to move back into the crowd with her. "I'll see you later, Kai," she said as she waved to him.

Kai looked at Zean as he passed by him, his face suddenly becoming serious. "Students aren't allowed to leave the school grounds after 6," he said. Of course, this rule was fake.

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