Osiel Academy [Inactive]

Nodding at Sayu, Zeth began to show the boy's where they would be staying and all the pros and cons of such. He pointed out the girls' dorms as they headed towards the boys' and mentioned briefly how none of them should ever be caught over there because the punishment dealing for that was swift and assured. Pointing out different things that Zeth remembered being in awe of his first day he attempted to give a tour to the best of his abilities, glancing back every so often at Maikeru and June to see if they were keeping up and how well he was doing at the tour.

"It really is very nice here. It's a good learning environment and they really bring out your true potential." Zeth mentioned as they passed through the boys' dorms and living space.


June made sure to remember where everything was. He didn't want to be the kid who's always lost. After his previous conversation starter failed, June decided that he wold remain silent unless somebody engaged him in conversation. It felt odd for him to be around all these strong men. He had been Observing them. June noticed that they walked,talked,and looked different than himself. June knew he was a little on the girly side,but being compared to Maikeru and Zeth made it more noticeable. June shrugged it off,he had worse things to worry about.
Hannah didn't really wait for the tour to finish. It had barely begun when she slipped out behind most of the girls, the zippers and buttons on her bags making loud clicking noises as she did her best to get away unnoticed. She pretty much knew where everything was, and for the things she didn't know she would learn within time. Swifty with bags clutched tightly in hand she made her way to the girl's dorm, arriving rather quickly for the weight she had to carry.

There was nobody in the dorm at the time, and Hannah had no idea what the arrangements were in the dorm. The bags caused her shoulders to ache, all of them being far heavier than they looked. They were each packed with essentials, things she needed, but even so it was a lot of weight. Desperate to get rid of the bags she found a rather secluded corner and placed her bags in it, allowing a sigh of relief once the weight was taken off of her shoulders. She straightened up and rolled her shoulders a bit, the ache slowly fading.

With her belongings already placed in a safe location all she had to do now was figure out what the dorm rules and arrangements are. Of course she leaved the figuring till later, and instead walked over to the window. She sat on the ledge, staring out as she watched both groups continue the tour. A small smile pursed her lips as she watched each individual, examining them. As hard as it was to believe they were all like her.

Hannah had found somewhere she belonged.
Sayu smiled as Zeth left with the boys and turned to those remaining. She began walking down the path, motioning for the others to follow, and to the center of the three buildings, also known as the "X-Ring" by most students. Surrounding the paths was a seemingly endless forest of trees with a few visible gazebos. She gestured towards them. "Those are open gazebos where students use to practice. Feel free to use them all you like," she said, moving forwards and eventually reaching the X-Ring. "This is commonly known as X-Ring by students. Over to this side," she said, gesturing to the blue-roofed dorms. "Is the boy dorms. Opposite that, is our girl dorms. First, we should get your things dropped off. This year, your lazy Headmaster forgot to set up the room arrangements, so you may choose an empty room," she said just as she began walking once again to the red-roofed dorms.
"Im late! ah, what a problem, it cant look good on your first day.." Ty h as she ran for the school "Maybe I should'nt have eaten so much for breakfast". She got to the gates and wondered where to go. She had information about the school before so she headed to what she recognized as the girls dorm. She figured by going there she'd meet up with other students eventually.

Her luggage was mostly construction tools and half-made things, all kind of things. She walked through the halls until she saw a girl on a window ledge. Ty took a breath.

-"Hi, excuse me? Uhm, I was wondering if you'd know how we know which rooms belong to whom? I got here a bit late and I didnt see anyone on the entrance either....anyways, I have a lot of things on my bags and I'm worried if I dont get them out soon they might pierce through them." - Ty said with a small glimpse of a smile. She hoped she'd know, her bags werent made of the fanciest of materials; but everyone back in the church had done their best to give her everything she needed, so she was very grateful about it.
With a final grand gesture of the area, Zeth turned to face the boys, giving a small smile. His tour might not have been as in-depth as Sayu's but they knew the basic areas and how to get around at least. The special amenities of the school they could find for themselves later. There was a lot the school had to offer, afterall, and Zeth felt it would be a serious waste of time going over any of it in greater detail.

"Now if you want we can head back to the boy's dorm to drop off your belongings or... well I suppose you could just carry your belongings with you." Zeth said after a moment. He looked at Maikeru and June, wondering if there would be any other guys he'd be tasked to show around or not. He adjusted the sword at this waist while he tried to figure out what to do next. Worst came to worst he could always head back to his room and begin studying early... speaking of rooms.

"If I recall right, there have been no rooms assigned yet so you are free to pick an empty room." Zeth added.
Hannah was pretty deep into thought when a voice cut her out of it. Quickly her bright gaze shot to the girl who was struggling with her luggage. It was obvious she wasn't part of the tour group, so Hannah figured she pretty much had no clue what was going on. Hannah stood up, walking over to the girl, a small smile spread across her cheeks.

"To be honest..." she started, shrugging her shoulders, "I have no idea. But I'm pretty sure we get to pick what rooms we want. They all seem to be empty, and nobody has their stuff in them yet. If it turns out they are assigned then we can just move, not a big deal." she said, walking to the corner and picking up her own bags in her hands.

"Since we're here first we might as well call dibs on our rooms." Hannah spoke, a wry grin spread across her lips. She planned on moving up onto the upstairs level, getting herself a room with a nice view. She walked over to the stairs and sent the girl a small wave, quickly making her way up the stairs, her bags clicking with each step.
"Oh, ok then" Ty responded. She thought the first floor for sure, it was closer to the entrance, and probably the place where they'd eat. Perfect. "I'll see you around I guess." She smiled back to the girl as she got a better grip of her things and started looking for a nice room. She finally found one facing the main route and the boy's dorm. It was spacy enough to put her stuff in there. She finally got to drop her bags and started organizing everything. She opened the window to let some air in and took a big breath. So far so good. Maybe this was a chance to get to meet new people. She wondered if she would meet any nice Karyuudos.
(Here, Reino ~)

The Headmaster was walking back to the main building when he suddenly stopped, wondering why it didn't feel like all of the students were there. With a sigh, he ran his hand through this hair and turned back, slowly making his way to the front gates. He would have to go back eventually, whether he liked it or not, to close the gates. I could always send Sayu to do it for me... but she'd probably get angry, he thought, releasing another deep sigh. Later at the party, he would have to give a speech, which made him sigh again. The first day of school was always the worst. Soon, Kai reached the large gates, waiting to see if anymore students would come.
Heading to school in a hurry Robin uttered "Dammit! I'm late!". Surely he did know that on the first day he was a going to be in a dilemma and was one of the last to arrive, but he still rushed to the big building. While Sprinting with full speed holding his packs. As he neared the gates, he saw a figure. Great.
Megan was left by both groups. Nothing to accompany her but her thoughts and the whispers of the wind. Making her way to the girl's dorm,Megan noticed the headmaster and turned on her heels to go with him,"Hello Headmaster,what are you doing?"
Just as Kai was waiting one of the students had come up to him. "Hmm? Oh. Gate. Students," he said, keeping his answer as concise as possible. Being the Headmaster and all, one would expect him to be at least a bit sociable, but it wasn't possible for him. Besides Sayu, he never really talked to anyone. He continued on looking out the gate and saw a person sprinting towards him. Or at least, the gate.
Hannah had claimed the room she wanted. A beautiful little abode where she would be residing. It's view overlooked the entire Acadamy, including the gate. For her it was perfect.

The girl had placed her bags beside the door and was now staring through the window, watching the students and what appeared to be the Headmaster. She let out a soft sigh and stood up, brushing the bangs out of her face. She would get ready for the meeting later, for now all she wanted to do was the the Academy for herself, this time without a group of people.

Hannah walked over to the stairs, seating herself on the railing and sliding down them. She arrived at the bottom of the stairs with a gentle thud, and walked out the doors. Everything was so quiet now that everyone was in their dorms. There were a few students out that participated in idle chit-chat, but that was about it. A gentle breeze blew through the yard, the sound of the nearby trees rustling bringing a calming sensation to the air. The girl silently made her way down the path, heading towards the X-ring.
Robin panted, holding his chest and moving towards the man in a rugged manner. Exhausted and out of breath, Robin began to speak. "Get out of my way old man". Not realizing what Robin got himself into he began to walk towards the door.
Kai twitched when the boy called him "old man." If anything made him angry, it was most definitely being called old. He was very tempted to do something terrible to the boy. Perhaps setting him on fire? No, surely not. After all, he was the Headmaster. With a forced smile, Kai spoke. "Hey, brat. You do realize I'm the Headmaster, right? And you dare to call me old."
Ty felt as the students starting arriving, she wasnt bothered by the thought of having a roomate, it was..a fun idea, yeah, a fun idea, almost as an experiment. So she left the door room open if anyone wanted a roomate too. She left a note on her bed saying she had claimed that room as hers but she was ok with sharing it. After everything was organized she went out to explore more of the academy while the other students fully settled in. It felt strange to see so many Exusias, but there was no point in starting a fight now.

She walked near the gates again and saw what seemed to be the Headmaster of the school, thought she wasnt fully sure, she felt a strong aura from him, maybe just a hunch, but she'd keep it in mind. Then some argument started going on. Ty was intrigued into whatever could happen, she thought talking back to someone like him was a foolish thing. She stayed nearby for a while.
Already at the X-ring, Hannah stood, taking in the sight of the massive structures that surrounded her. The girls admiring was cut short when she heard some rather obnoxious calling from behind her. She twirled to face the commotion, listening on the conversation.

Old man?

He didn't look old at all. In fact, he looked more like a student than he did a Headmaster. The girl wondered how it was possible that he was running this place, there was no way he was old enough to take on such a responsibility... then again, she had no idea just how old he was. She wasn't going to question him to figure it out, either. He had authority over everyone in the Academy and Hannah knew that. The girl shrugged, allowing a small snicker to escape her lips at the Headmaster's retort.
Headmaster my ass, Robin sneered. As he straightened his back and turned, "You think I give a damn you old fart, I don't have time to chat". Robin headed towards the door didn't bother looking back. What an arrogant bastard, definitely didn't look old. He did give an old geezer vibe. Like hangin' around my old man's old man.
Megan stepped out from behind the headmaster,"H-hey!Y-you should respect him!Who do you think are!?"The student yelled timidly but still with force. Megan was shy but respect for her elders was something she was big on,no matter how rude they were to her she was always nice. Pushing up her glasses she still looked small and fragile.
With an irritated look on his face, the Headmaster began digging through his pockets for a pencil. One that was able to write on rock. Just as he was looking, the student behind him stepped out in his defense. It made him happy that most of his students were good kids. I should just kick him out, Kai thought just as he found a graphite pencil. He was thankful that he never cleaned out his pockets. In a rush, he looked around to find a rock, and convenient enough, they were standing on a stone path. I'll fix it later, he said to himself as he squat down to write the symbols for "create", "rock", and "monster." After writing it, he waited for a good time to activate it.
Ty almost felt as to get a better look, it was getting quite interesting. She grabbed a snack from one of the small bags she carried around. Layed againts a tree and waited for the whole scenario to continue. Her guess was maybe he was a karyuudo, or maybe he was just a plain rebel. Whatever it was, it was entretaining, and he certainly didnt understand about the power this man could have. "One should always pay respect to elders, Exusia or not." She thought to herself. Even if you are going to kill them...
Nodding to the boys Zeth took his leave, having heard a commotion and curious as to what was going on. His gaze alighted on the Headmaster and a couple other faces he didn't recognize right off the bat. Settling with his desire to fulfill his curiosity he wandered over, gaze curious as he looked at them.

"Headmaster." Zeth replied, nodding his head towards the headmaster before looking between the two new faces. He decided he would just stay and observe the situation- if the Headmaster was here than the situation was certainly under control.
Robin turned to the voice and looked at the frail girl with glasses. He smirked Look who's defending the old man's bum. He took a longer look at her making a crossed like face. "Hey! You're kinda cute. And you're wasting my time". He turned about to go inside. Suddenly, he noticed the headmaster doing some form of alchemy magic.
Kai looked over at Zeth and nodded in return before placing his hand on top of the rune. The monster he was creating wouldn't be strong since he only put 3 symbols into it, but he assumed it would be enough. His tattooed arm and the rune both began to glow black as the ground beneath him began to shake ever so slightly. "Hey, brat. Take care of that attitude of yours," Kai said as the pathway cracked opening, revealing a 9 feet tall, thick, stone golem in front of him.

(I am apologizing for any lack of details. I'm pretty tired. xD )
Ty noticed someone else had gotten interested in the situation, a guy staring at them, she tried making signals to him, moving her hands telling him to come over where she was with a smile. He seemed to have a better clue about the Headmaster, and the situation kept getting better and better. He summoned a golem out of 3 symbols, not too strong but she was sure that wasnt nearly as strong as he could be, she just got this feeling about him, she just kept watching and enjoying her snack.

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