Osiel Academy [Inactive]

"Thanks, Zeth. It makes me happy to hear that from you," Sayu said in a her best cheerful voice, but to her, it sounded a but monotone. Hoping that Zeth wouldn't notice, she continued smiled as she gazed around the campus, avoided eye contact with him. She felt that she might have to tell him if he pushed her to. The thought of using Zeth to test the new rune types did cross her mind many times, but she didn't want him to get hurt. After all, it wasn't something to mess around with.
"I know what you mean... Actually there's a guy Zeth who helped me get to my dorm. He seemed like a pretty nice guy so if we see him it would be perfect" Johnny said as he stood up and extended his arm towards Jack wanting to help him get up. "Let's go then"
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Zeth felt something twist inside of him uneasily.. there was definitely something wrong. So either Sayu didn't return his trust or - more likely Zeth thought - it was information he wasn't allowed to know. It bothered him that he couldn't be of more help and he chewed on his lower lip a moment as he debated trying to press Sayu for information. "I... You being happy makes me happy Sayu... So that you're not right now is kind of making me unhappy... but I mean... if you can't talk to me about it I understand... I just hope whatever is bothering you... well that it gets better." Zeth said, noticing that Sayu was no longer meeting his eyes and feeling exceptionally hurt over that.
Realizing that Zeth seemed a bit unnerved, Sayu turned to him and placed her hand on his head once again, her eyes still not meeting his. "It's fine, Zeth. Don't worry so much about me. I'm perfectly fine. There are just some things that I can't tell you yet for many reasons," she said in an attempt to reassure him that nothing was wrong. It made her a bit happier that someone cared for her.

(I am once again, on the dull side. Please bear with me. o-o)
"You can't tell someone to just not worry." Zeth pointed out... trying not to be soothed by the calming hand and only able to hold off the feelings of calm a little. "I understand if you can't tell me, though... it won't stop me from worrying and I know you're not fine... I'd prefer if you don't lie to me, Sayu. But I understand if you just can't say what's bothering you... I hope that one of these days you can." Zeth said earnestly, again trying to meet Sayu's gaze and attempting to give her a reassuring smile but his heart was hurting because something was bothering her. Zeth hated when anyone was unhappy and felt the sadness from others, but more so from friends and people he cared about.
Sayu let out a laugh and put her hand back at her side, her eyes finally meeting his. "I'm sorry, Zeth. I promise I'll tell you someday, okay?" With that she let out a sigh. She felt as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, which was something she loved about Zeth. He could always make her feel better.
He smiled up at Johnny, and grabbed his hand, he pulled himself off the ground, and let go of Johnny's hand, "Thanks...." He said as he began to pat his pants to clean off any dirt.
Zeth's smile became a little more genuine and he reached out to grip Sayu's shoulder consolingly. "Don't make promises you can't keep... but if you can keep that promise it makes me breathe a little easier. And don't be sorry Sayu... there are times that you have to keep secrets for other's goods... I just wish that the secret itself was not causing you such trouble." Zeth said, giving Sayu's shoulder a soft squeeze. He could think of several reasons on why she wouldn't be able to tell him and every theory made Zeth feel a little better because very few of them had to do with anything wrong with his own character. "So Sayu, what are you up to?"
Sayu laughed a little as her shoulders were squeezed by him. It really was nice to know that someone cared about her, and she was grateful to Zeth. "I was just going to do some... self studying. Maybe test a rune Kai taught me how to do. And while I'm doing that, I might check up on the other students," she said, mentally planning out her schedule.

After partying with sayu June spent his time studying and admiring the scenery. It truly was a Pretty place. He just wished it did not feel so empty. True there were plenty of students but they seemed to have already found friends. After studying June became bored and started listing to his mp3. The music made him wish that he was back home. His sister and him had sang together since he could remember. His sister had played a guitar and they would sing old songs. June would bob his head back and forth as his sister played. June smiled bitterly at the thought. The memory made him happy and sad at the same time. It was the type of feeling you have a love hate relationship. As the music played he could not help but sing along to one of his favorite songs. "Swing life away" June said to himself. He liked the songs title and love the music more. Without thinking he started singing to himself. His voice came out smooth and pleasant. Practice had perfected him after all.

"Am I loud and clear,or am I breaking up?

Am I still your charm, or am I just bad luck?

Are we getting closer, or are we just getting more lost?

I'll show you mine if you show me yours first

Let's compare scars, I'll tell you whose is worse

Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words

We live on front porches and swing life away,

We get by just fine here on minimum wage

If love is a labor I'll slave till the end,

I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand

I've been here so long, I think that it's time to move

The winter's so cold, summer's over too soon

Let's pack our bags and settle down where palm trees grow

I've got some friends, some that I hardly know

But we've had some times, I wouldn't trade for the world

We chase these days down with talks of the places that we will go

We live on front porches and swing life away,

We get by just fine here on minimum wage

If love is a labor I'll slave till the end,

I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand....until you hold my hand

I'll show you mine if you show me yours first

Let's compare scars, I'll tell you whose is worse

Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words

We live on front porches and swing life away,

We get by just fine here on minimum wage

If love is a labor I'll slave till the end,

I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand

Swing life away"
"Do you need any help with the rune?" Zeth asked out of habit, wondering what kind of new runes Sayu was learning. Knowing the headmaster it was probably something fantastic that they would all get to learn after Sayu checked it out first or something along those lines. He was about to continue with his questioning when 2 things made him pause. One was a thought on whether this might have been what was bothering Sayu and what she couldn't talk about... and Two was a little more reason for his pause- hearing something nearby. "Do you hear that?" Zeth asked, curious if he was the only one who heard the singing. He took a step in the direction it sounded like the voice was coming from, hand still clasped on Sayu's shoulder.
Frank looked over to Hannah as her smile forced him into a shock once more. No matter how he tried he couldn't squeeze out a smile back and all that came out was an agitated look with a twitching left eye brow. "I-I slept well... I actually stared at the ceiling for a bit." he mentioned pointing out his red eyes as if he had just stared into a pool with too much chlorine. 'That doesn't matter compliment her!' a voice screamed echoing through his skull before Frank turned his head to the right and started to mumble "Yo-u look g-good this morning in your uniform...". He let out a silence breaking cough and turned back asking "How was your sleep? Did you make to your dorm fine?" with bland expression.

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As the last note buzzed around in his mouth June couldn't help but to feel happy. He giggled to himself,he just sang an entire song out in public. But it didn't seam like he bothered anybody,so he did not feel so bad. "I should ask my sister to mail my guitar..." He speaks softly to himself. He was not half as good as her,but he wasn't awful by himself. Seeing that there was nobody in close distance June decided to song another song. He could sing the world away. In fact,he would if he could

"And my heart,

Left my chest,

So forgive me.

As you leave to find

That next something new

But I can't

For the life of me remember when

You changed your words from "I love you"

To saying, "you don't know"

Just know that you can't

Take back what you said

Darling, I'm not in the forgiving mood

You kept on replying, it was all in my head

Well you’re just a liar, and I've got the proof

I've got the proof

So with these few words you'll erase me

Two years of our lives, meant nothing to you

But this fool, that you made of me has a lesson learned

You can't trust a lover, who was never a friend...

Just know that you can't

Take back what you said

Darling I'm not in the forgiving mood

You kept on replying, it was all in my head

Well you’re just a liar, and I've got the proof

I've got the proof

I would have offered my life,

Taken you home, made you my wife,

But hearing you now,

Filling your mouth,

With the cowards lies,

You’re just a disguise.

Of the girl of my dreams

But I know she's waiting for me

So I'll open my eyes,

To the day that's before me,

And leave here to find

That next something new"
After Jack stood up they both took off talking. After a bit of wandering around the school Johnny heard someone singing 'I heard this voice before.. where did I hear it?' He thought as he was following the sound and gesturing to Jack to follow him. "Ah! I know, that's June" as he went closer and closer. He was actually pretty good at singing. They were close to him but he didn't notice so they didn't interrupt him and waited for him to finish.
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"Gosh I love that song!" June bounced up and down giggling,it was one of the first happy moment he had come across at the school. Quickly noticing that he had been jumping around like a mad man June quickly regained himself. He blushed despite the fact that he had been alone. "Singing should be kept to myself." He says as he fixed his hair. He would have hated to be looked at oddly by the other students for just breaking out into song.
Hannah raised an eyebrow, eyeing Frank with a quizzical expression upon her face. She looked down at herself, examining her uniform for a moment. Every girl was wearing the same thing as her, each person almost identical to her, but she took the compliment nonetheless. "Yeah, you're not looking to bad yourself." she said with a wry grin, gesturing at the many boys who wore the exact same thing, allowing herself to chuckle quietly.

"I slept better than I have in years, surprisingly. I shouldn't get too used to it, because I've had insomnia ever since I can remember." she said with a shrug. "And I made it to my dorm fine, thank you." she said with a snicker, recalling the events of the night before. Hannah thought for a moment, shifting her gaze from her lap to Frank. "Do you know the plans for breakfast?" she questioned, rather curious of what the morning routine was.
Sayu shook her head. "No, it's alright. I wouldn't want to bother you, Zeth," she said, patting his hand that was on her shoulder reassuringly. When he asked of she heard something, she strained to hear. Her hearing was somewhat terrible, actually. She wasn't deaf, but it wasn't as good as a normal persons. "I don't hear anything..."
Aroura sat awake and looked at the clock 4:58 she sighed and held her knees tighter into her chest." I might as well start getting ready." She slide her legs out and jumped off the bed. She put her hands to her sides as she placed feet on the ground and walked to her uniform slowly sliding it on to her small figure she made her way to the door and let out a deep breathe." Here goes nothing," she whispered opening the door and walking out.
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Jack stared at June, he didn't know if he was happy, or if he was a maniac, both were possibilities I guess.

"Are you sure we should ask him? He uh....doesn't look to...well...y'know." He spoke almost in a whisper like state, as if trying not it disturb June.
"Not really... I honestly always bought food and kept it out till the morning. This is the first time I bothered mix myself in this early." he said smiling at her. "But I'm willing to try something new, because I've been getting sick of cold rice in the morning." his glad look went mad as a rant in his head went on 'THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE YOU A MICROWAVE!!!'

and reverted back. "Honestly I'd give anything for some good microwave lasagna." stated Frank as he sunk into the bench on his back now looking up to Hannah. "I've been nothing, but useless and talking around it-" he frowned for a split second and continued with "my best guess is we go to the cafeteria." .

The crickets were going on as the sun had come to show completely ending the dusk. Like a magnet crickets and grasshoppers were jumping around the bench near Frank even without his control. "I could also eat these!" he said chuckling.
Hannah let out a soft chuckle at Frank and his conversation about the microwaved lasagna. She had noticed the lack of a microwave or mini fridge in the dorms, and that bugged her because she loved food too much to not have her midnight snacks. She drew in a breath to say something before she was distracted by the crickets that surrounded the pair. One had jumped onto the hand that was resting on her knee and decided to perch there, completely unaware of the girl it was sitting on. She brought her hand up carefully and examined it, a small smile obscured by her long hair as she looked at it with her bright gaze. It didn't seem to be scared of her, and just sort of stared back with dark beady eyes, twitching the antenna atop it's head every so often.

"Is this normal? Do they do this often?" Hannah asked as she leaned back with the cricket still on hand.

June had turned to see Johnny and a stranger. "Oh...hello..." June begged that they had not seen him. He swallowed and smiled at Johnny. "It's nice to see you Johnny." He then turned to the stranger. "And I don't believe I've met you sir."
"Hi June! This is Jack, we were wondering if we have anything on our schedule or do we have the time to ourselves, and we study whenever we want." Johnny looked at him and noticed that he was still anxious, last night he seemed calmer after he talked to him. Johnny then realized that he was so shy that he wouldn't like to draw a lot of attention to him, and he was just singing loudly, so Johnny wanted to calm him by saying "You sang quite nicely there. You have a nice voice". Then he waited for Jack to introduce himself too because, really, he didn't know much about him.
Zeth shrugged when it stopped and shook his head. "I swore I heard something but... I guess not. Anyway, I'll uh... well let you get back to whatever you were doing. If you ever need a hand or help or anything I'm here for you." Zeth said, smiling. He leaned down, pulling out a pen he kept with him, and drawing a simple string of symbols allowed power to flow through him and chance the object he had marked into a rose before picking it up and offering it to Sayu. "Friends?" Zeth asked.

(My apologies, I didn't receive notifications on this :/ )

"T-t-t-thank you!" June was terrified. Completely terrified along with some embarrassment. Now he was the boy who sings! Out of nervous habit he started to rub the back of his neck. Had he know people had been listing he would have never opened his mouth. He looked down at he ground,eye contact was just about the last thing he wanted right now.

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