OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

The Scourge is a frigate, recently refitted for long sail.

It requires a crew of 10, and can house 30 more men and 5 officers, captain included.

Leiji has some 40 men under her command, but five of them are badly wounded, the 1000 Correct Actions prescribes to leave them in the nearest safe settlement.
XPs for Duel: The forest of Whispers

Aurethius: 4

Leiji: 3

Nyusul: 3

Chu: 2

Eris: 3
Ok, NOW I'm waiting for Mel to get back.

I thought the most recent XP assignment was for 'So Expectable'. I guess that doesn't change anything though.
I thought that was for bastard brotherhood? Gaah! It's me that's confused, everyone else I think has no problem, I just don't know what happened. :(
It is likely... At this point I have no idea myself... =)

Not that it really matters.
Aurellian and Eris want to fight together, but I will use a different setting for the next duel, especially 'cause I want to prevent Eris from running away entirely.

However, if anyone else wants to start another duel, continuing the Forest thread or opening a new one in a different setting, just tell me.
Side note, I specifically requested Eris but Nyusul or Leiji would be options for a duel too, if either are willing?
I'm not the most adept or imaginative when it comes to combat; I usually just do what I need to do if I have to do combat. I'm more of a role-player than a roll-player.

Also, I'll go ahead and wait for Leiji to arrive tomorrow before I post. I bought a new vidya game and I kinda wanna play with it tonight anyway. ;P
Well, I could use the practice in describing combat scenes, so I'm fine with the idea. By all means though, if Amethyst or Aurethius feel like it, that's also fine. Whatever you guys decide, let me know.
"Duel: Forest of Whispers" locked.

Will open another Duel for Chu vs Eris.

We'll continue Water and Brass to allow the vanguard to gain more information, but I'll have Leiji and Nyusul arrive as early as possible, don't want to let them get too lazy, especially 'cause they are the only ones with a military background.
Aurethius goes to warehouse with mooks.

Chu finds ship's weakpoint.

Chu goes to warehouse.

Chu disguises explosives, describes weak point.

Aurethius and mooks take explosives to ship.

Aurethius convinces ship-people to let explosives on, and forget they were ever there.

Aurethius and mooks leave explosives at ship's weakpoint.

Aurethius kills mooks.

Eris sneaks on ship.

Eris kills a few folks maybe, dumping their bodies near the explosion so investigators see only burn marks, not knife marks.

Eris sets explosive timer.

Eris runs.

We all sail away as The Southern Tempest partially explodes and sinks.
Do you have means to do Unnatural Mental Influence with your social attacks?

Otherwise they can just resist spending a couple of WPs.
Randomly off that topic, sorry for the delays with the duel.

Finally got Chu shaken down and combat ready. I'll post at my normal rate now. Just some practise on stunting :)
Aurellian, don't worry, I'm not at my best here either, kinda busy with work lately. Take your time and let's enjoy this :-)
A little detail: at least half of us use the metric system, ST included, so we'll stick to that.

Also, for all intents and purposes of this game 1 yard = 1 meter.
Guys, be patient for Water and Brass, I've been sick and had a medical visit the males among us don't want to know about.
Im not sure if thats due to sympathy pains (in which case >.<) or cos of differences between us (in which case, definitely dont want to know but get well soon).

Either way, I'll stop arguing with you as much :P

Get well soon.
xarvh said:
Do you have means to do Unnatural Mental Influence with your social attacks?
Otherwise they can just resist spending a couple of WPs.
Well yeah, they could, but do they have a reason to?

Not everyone automatically uses willpower just to resist being convinced of something.

"Hey man, you should buy these new shoes."


I know that an ST can have NPCs burn willpower to trump anything a social character might try. I'm still going to try anyway.
It would sound more like, "Hey man, you should like let me on board of this military boat you have been explicitly ordered to guard, despite the fact that i look exactly like a guy you were told to keep an eye open for..."
I think its time to use mooks, many many mooks.

They talk to the guards on the docks, Eris almost literally hops up onto the ship.

She can nearly turn invisible as far as I can see...and she can hop really high with air dragon form and air aspect anima.
I'm not retrieving the explosives without anyone noticing. I'm straight walking out of the warehouse and having the guys carry it with me. I'm not trying to hide anything. I was going to ask Chu to disguise it as different boxes of spices, so that he could use the other GENUINE boxes as a reference.

Then, Aurethius and the two mooks carry the boxes directly to the Southern Tempest. I'm not sure if Eris wants to sneak along the way, I like Aurelian's idea of her jumping on-board, heh.

In any case, yeah, not hiding anything here.

I'm also falsifying a Manifest that authorizes our mission to store excess items needed for transport aboard accompanying vessels. I'm using the Genuine manifest that I already have for the other Spices, and using that as a base (ie circumstance bonus, assist). It's a basic forgery, but it's in-line for "This authorizes me to store a few extra things on board accompanying ships, such as the Southern Tempest". I'm creating this while Chu does his Essence Arms awesomeness. I don't have access to my books right now, so I'm not sure what needs to be rolled. It's a social attack, essentially, that is transferred through paperwork. It uses my Linguistics in place of Appearance, and I'll be using the First Linguistics Excellency to boost that statistic when I create it. I'll be using Manipulation and Presence as the form of attack when I do.

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