OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

I finally found the rules for ganging up against someone.

Core, pag 155.

Basically, is someone is surrounded by the maximum number of enemies allowed (5 for human-sized) one of them gets the benefits of an unexpected attack, and things are nastier against ranged attacks, 'cause there is no maximum number.

Waiting for Karregan to state clearly his action.
Ok, so here's a draft for the Mass Combat.

I tried to keep it simple and complete.

Still have to decide how much Long Ticks last and how much a unit can move.

Basically, Leaders wield their units like weapons, Solo Units have no weapons.

Drill and Magnitude: per Exalted Core
Every "/2" is rounded up.
SA = 'Soldiers Average'
All Damage is always Lethal.

Solo Units have all 'SA:' values at 0 and Drill equal to their War, but they can use Strength rather than Charisma for the base damage.

Special Characters:
   Max [Magnitude] Special Characters in a Unit.
   Must stick with the Unit and act at the same tick.
   Attacks as a Solo Unit.

   attack and DV dicepool = Wits + War (instead of Dex + Ability)
   base damage = Charisma (instead of Strength)

Unit (wielded as a weapon)
   Speed = Magnitude + 2
   Accuracy = [sA attack dicepool]/2
   Defense = SA:ParryDV

   Damage = Magnitude + [sA]/2      (MinDamage = Magnitude)
   Rate = Drill


   Endurance = Magnitude + SA:Stamina + SA:Resistance
- Endurance can go negative.
- Unit loses Endurance equal to SA:ArmorFatigue whenever:
    * it attacks in close combat
    * it is attacked in close combat
    * it performs a dash
- Unit also loses Endurance equal to Damage HLs it takes.
- When 0 or less all stats but Speed are halved (round down).

   Armor = SA:Armor
   Soak = Drill (instead of Stamina)

   Health Levels per dot of Magnitude = 5 + SA:Valor
   Health levels have no associated penalty.
   When all levels are filled:
*) Unit loses 1 magnitude.
       *) HLs are reset.
*) Excess damage is applied to new HLs.
*) Unit experiences Rout:
   	    A unit in rout has Defense +0, Drill 0 and cannot attack.
    As soon as the unit Routs, the unit gets a Reflexive Rally action (ie Speed 0, -0 DV)

Attacking the Leader or Special Character
   For a penalty of [Magnitude+Drill]/2, the Special Character can be attacked as if she was a Solo Unit.

Charms can be used without the 1xAction restriction, but:
   Scene-long charms last only 1 action.
   Non-scene-long charms cost double.

Special Actions
   * Turn (Speed [Magnitude], -1 DV)
   Required to turn the unit by more than 45 degrees.
   Charisma + War vs difficulty of Magnitude - Drill (min 1)

   * Split Units (Speed [initial Magnitude/2], -1 DV)

   * Merge Units (Speed [Final Magnitude/2], -1 DV)

   * Signal (Speed 3, -0 DV)

   * Rally (Speed 5, -1 DV)
Charisma + War/Performance with difficulty [Magnitude-Drill]
End the Rout OR restores Endurance equal to excess successes.
       Special Characters can do Teamwork with the Leader.
Hey all,

Sorry for the slowness. I'm as fast as continental drift :P . Glad to join you all and let us see how it goes.

xarvh, I'd like to use the battlefield engineering protocols power of the armor, page 86 wonders of the lost age. Let me know if there's a problem or if it works differently in mass combat please.
I was going to come on here to say I am going out to a party tonight and won't be able to post until tomorrow, but it looks like we're on hold for the weekend anyway.

Will post tomorrow though!
thank you kindly.

Crafter attempt is now finished (yeah, that took forever, sorry).

Lets see how things develop. By the way, i thought xarvh was doing the riffing?
[(10L - Armor/2) - Soak], Minimum Damage is 2.

A little confused here. You want 10, minus Armor? What is Armor? The lethal soak form our armor, hardness, or something else? Then what would Soak be? Lethal soak again?
The fact that he's incapcitated and bleeding doesn't mean anything, xarvh. I'm controlling his skeleton which I'm forcing around.

If he resists, well, he'll die and I'll get a skeleton that is still under my command that will blow up the group. It's a win-win situation for me. The sapper needs to blow up his unit one way or another.
Oh god, is that what you're still doing? I just walked up to him to disarm him, I have no idea what you did.

The effects of your spell aren't Obvious, right?
The sappers exploded before any command could be issued.

There is nothing left that the puppet can make explode.
It's normal damage, I wrote the formula to avoid confusion, but apparently it only generated more.

It's just like everyone of you got hit by a 10L Armor Piercing attack.

So you roll those 6 dice for damage as normal.

I'm ruling now that Armor Piercing rounds armor down.
Mnemon Chu, Mnemon Eris, you were in forward reconnaissance, you heard the explosions and headed back to the main group.

Enter the Thread "So Expectable it Hurts" at your leisure.
There are a few more, in similar conditions, but that is the only Leader available.
Great! Then we still have a chance to get some information from these guys. Still, I'll put forth my best effort in getting this leader dude to talk before he succumbs to his wounds.
I am a dumb dummy. I forgot to roll damage and just went and added it to my sheet!

Peleps Najalin Leiji rolled the following in his 6 dice:

3, 4, 7, 3, 2, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.

That's more like it.
I am sorry I have been so insanely slow, I have been having a really busy week, hardly at home. Will fix that soon!!
Aurethius pointed out that I've not been clear on the reasons behind the assignement of XPs, and rereading the previous posts I have to agree.

Since reading most games is insanely boring for the non-players, I try to reward anything that make for an interesting read, funny or dramatic alike.

Also, I'm trying to reward:

*) Cooperation between the players (it does not necessarily involve cooperation between the characters!)

*) Roleplay, and the general display of different sides of the characters.

*) Effort and commitment.

*) Clever thinking, cool ideas.

*) Storyline achievements.

Please bring up any question/comment/criticism/suggestion as soon as possible, so that we can address it quickly and enjoy the game better.

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