OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

Since we have some time before we enter combat, do any of the other Bastards want to lead a unit of men into battle? There are 40 men, so Leiji, Nyusul, Chu and Eris could all "use" a unit of 10 soldiers per the Mass Combat rules posted in the Rules thread. It's up to you all; I'm just offering.

Otherwise I was thinking of Leiji, Nyusul and possibly Thomai splitting the men into a 14/13/13 type deal, respectively.
Ok, the worms are going to attack the hull, so I read the vehicle combat system in the WotLA, these are the stats for your ship (Amethyst, you may want to add these on the bottom of your charsheet):


Speed     9 meters per tick
Maneuv    -5S
Crew      10/4
Armor     10LB
HL        Ux20 Mx15 Cx5 I D

If they breach the hull, the ship will start to take in water, suffering B damage.
In about one month I will quit my job and Greece, and will start travelling around.

I don't think I will have much possibility to play, and I will throttle around for almost one year.
So, game will be dead, slower...what? I hope we can keep it going. And, I'm opposed to that "leaving Greece" thing :P
It still IS your turn to post.

Jolin, I put you on Guard.

I'm still waiting for Nyusul's and Leiji's Join Battle.
Two worms and me, nice.

Once they've gone I'll post something about diving in. Just a reminder since I see the note about penalties is in the battlewheel, that i don't suffer penalties for being underwater.

Thanks and come on brothers, we have some priates to slay (we are ninja after all).
Glorious Bastards is dead.

Thanks a lot for all of you for your participation and for your effort.

As games go, GB was far more long-lived than most pbp games, and I am very satisfied.

It was fun.

Eventually too many of us decided that real life, once taken responsibility of, is far more fulfilling than our heroic fantasies.

This does not seem too bad.. ^^

All my best!
There's no doubt that it's pretty sad, couldn't even get out of my own prologue. But it just wasn't meant to last.

Oh well.

G'bye and thanks for all the fish.

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