OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

Lochar said:
Surmin rolled the following in his 5 dice:
5, 1, 4, 9, 2
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.

Sneak sneak sneak.  Surmin sneaks wearing bells and shouting "I'm Hiding!"
Pretty damn funny! :lol:

You should edit your post and have him stumble out of the bushes, and then try to sneak back into them as the arrows fly. :wink:
Sorry, was getting my Super Bowl Sunday on yesterday.

Xavh, I think page 166 of the core book has rules on Enveloping (being surrounded).
Yes, I read them and found them largely lame. =/

Besides, you are not enveloped nor engaged, you can move quite freely.
LOL, you did an awesome job, you deserve 1XP bonus, IIRC this is the 3rd I assign you.
Perception + War roll:

Nyusul rolled the following in his 5 dice:

1, 5, 1, 5, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.
Wasn't expecting such a crappy attack roll. Trying to snipe that enemy commander of the southern archer group. Blech, I'll try again when my turn comes around.

If we actually roleplay the acquisition of stuff we need (which I definitely think we should), who would like to come with me? RPing the interaction with an interpreter (who will be an important NPC until we no longer have a use for him) will be important, as will RPing how we get some of the more important equipment and documents.

Ledaal's connections with the Immaculates might help, but I'm not sure how. Thoughts, Lochar?

Leijin's connections with the Military would help too.

And Nyusul has, for better or worse, a pretty decent Reputation he could throw around.

Ah, so if the southern bank's commander is wounded, he's taking a penalty to his actions, right? His War rating rolls, morale and so on?

It might actually be better to leave the commander wounded with this penalty, rather than have one of his heroes, with full health levels, try to take over.

The commander's War affects everything the unit does, so I'm thinking this might be a better idea.

I should act again on tick 16, right?
You attacked South because you have no line of sight to North, unless you want to risk them shooting at you.

War rating is not penalized.

However, he gets a -2 to his DV and a -2 internal to all actions AND movement.

Last time I checked you are still embedded in Thomai's unit, so you will act with them.

We may have one (two?) late addition, an Air Aspect assassin, and possibly sooner or later we'll get our Earth Aspect too.

They are Bonded with you, so I will amend Bastard Brotherhood to make sense with it.
Yeah I'm embedded with them, but as a Sorcerer I can act whenever.

Sorcerer: These characters might be actual sorcerers, skilled

archers or neutral observers embedded deeply in the ranks for

their own protection, but First Age tactical manuals such as The

Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier use the designation

“sorcerer†for all such individuals. Sorcerers can lead the

unit in missile fi re, lending their rating in the place of the unit’s.

This is limited by the commander’s War rating, as normal. In

addition, sorcerers have the capability to make ranged attacks

independently of their unit, but they cannot assume command

or lead troops to break away into new units as heroes can.

That's why I went with Thomai, and why I acted on Tick 9 as soon as we saw them.

Sorry, I'm just fuck-confused with this layout, I'm fine with whoever I shoot at.
Your attack is independent of theirs, but your actions aren't.

Technically, you should not even enter in the battlewheel...

Fuck how much do I hate mass combat...
Same here bud. We'll work it out. I'll help the mortal commander with the dark skin, and we'll be fine. Plus, now Nyusul and Ledaal aren't targeted anymore, maybe. The units of infanty are.

I'm still a seperate entity from the mass combat unit. Mainly because I'm going to have to step away from the group a few feet so I don't shred you all in a moment.
Lochar said:
I'm still a seperate entity from the mass combat unit. Mainly because I'm going to have to step away from the group a few feet so I don't shred you all in a moment.
Take Cover!! :twisted:
I'm a beacon of power. I have no personal essence, therefore whenever I spent, I start burning anima.

I'm about to spend 16 motes to royally fuck with someone. You do the math.
Thanks for the XP! I'll think about spending it when the scene is done. Are there any House rules when it comes to training?

And welcome to Melcairiel! Interesting Motivation... :shock:
Yeah, we're going to be at odds over it, seeing as how you destroying the Immaculate Order would drop my connections to the status of worthless. :P
Amethyst, just took a sniper shot at the guys you're about to attack. Hope it helps you out.

Xarvh, I do not understand why I can't attack the guys that my unit is about to charge. How can I attack the commander of the unit my unit is about to attack?

Never seen them before.

From the distance your foes just seem a less civilized version of Realm citizens.

The Blessed Isle is quite a melting pot, and ethnic traits don't tell much.


You can spend your XP at any time, however training times still apply, unless you overcome them with a stunt.


(A)urethius has line of sight against (S)outhern archers but not (N)orthern archers.

If you want a LOS, climb higher: you will be able to see/shoot at them and they at you.

_S_         _N__
  \       /
   \     A

The banks have gentler slope than that, and both S and N are about 40m from the edges.
Hrmm, alright. I'll wait until the unit commander moves us. Thanks for the ASCII picture Xarvh, helped immensely.
We are going to complete the current combat without touching the rules, BUT:

There's something horribly wrong with Mass Combat movement...

Say, normal movement is 3m/tick, multiply by 3 ticks, multiply by 50 something sped multiplier...

It's 450m in a single action!

Ok long ticks, but that's just too much to be any meaningful or useful... It means that in a single action you can reach ANY point of the battlefield.

Aren't long ticks TOO long!?

I'm terribly tempted to use this from now on: http://fixalted.bazzalisk.org/index.php ... ly_Weapons

Without the "Army vs Lone Heroic Mortal" quirk (ie: lone character fights as with no weapon) and some details changed here and there (minimum damage = magnitude, for example).

What do you guys think?
Er, I have to admit I am somewhat confused about what exactly is going on in the combat thread.

We (the players' characters) started out in the riverbed, along with Leiji's 40 troops. They were then ambushed by explosives rolled down from either side of the riverbed. The archers on the Southern bank were exposed. Leiji split her unit (which has Aurethius in it), with Leiji taking command of 20 troops and attacking the Southern bank while Thomai and Aurethius attack the Northern bank. Surmin is still in the riverbed, preparing some kind of necromantic attack, while Nyusul provides him with cover. Only the enemy units on the Southern side are exposed to the riverbed, correct?

As for the Mass Combat rules, I have no problem with using the other rules you just posted in the future, Xarvh, although it'll take some getting used to.

Finally, I'd be very grateful if people could post the whole "Leiji, Tick 11, Attack Action, Speed, DV Penalty" in their posts so I know who is taking a turn and who is posting something else. Thanks.
Amethyst, your recollection of the battle is perfect.

Only detail, neither of the archery units were exposed.

Instead ASS could be seen by Surmin and Aurethius, while none of your party could see what ANS were doing.

After this battle we should be done with Mass Combat for a while, so we'll have the time to plan an alternative.

Amethyst said:
Finally, I'd be very grateful if people could post the whole "Leiji, Tick 11, Attack Action, Speed, DV Penalty" in their posts so I know who is taking a turn and who is posting something else. Thanks.
I second Amethyst.

I'm not understanding whether someone declares an action or what.

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