OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

Uhm... Lochar hasn't logged since the 17th Feb, and didn't give me instructions about XP assignement... oO

Anyway, this is the XPs that you guys get so far:

Aurethius: 5

Chu: 3

Eris: 3

Leiji: 5

Nyusul: 4

Use them at your leisure, taking into account training times.

Whenever you're done with So Expectable It Hurts, I'll open the new scene.
I think you need to recheck your grammar on Bastard Brotherhood Aurelian, I have no idea what you said, or were trying to say.
Tried to make it a little more sensible.

Remember that Mnemon is a powerful sorceress, if that's what was confusing.
Was Bastard Brotherhood re-opened so Chu and Eris could get some more RP in?

Are there going to be penalties to XP Training considering we are on the road and don't really have anyone to "teach" us? I suppose we could teach each other.

Anyway, I have 12 XP amasses so far, and am spending them accordingly:

5 XP to raise Awareness to Four. Should be immediate.

7 XP to raise Melee to Five. Again, should be immediate.

I'll update my sheet when you make your ruling.
Yes, I was asked to reopen the thread.

Fav/Aspect abilities can be improved instantaneously, so Amethyst's purchase is ok and has immediate effect.

For other instances, where training times are required, I assume you'll be able to do that during downtimes (there is plenty during the travel) unless it is some specific disciplines that requires a teacher or study material, the typical example being Sorcery.

Training times can be shortened with a nice stunt or training montage.
Aurelian, I figured OOC that Chu would connect with the idea that an individual doesn't HAVE to be representative of their house. It's coincidence that this coincides with Chu's backstory, but it does give you an opportunity for your character to say "Yeah, we're not all what our Houses want us to be."

Xarvh, I would like to say that the verbal battle between Leiji and Aurethius should count for our duel. It's getting pretty vicious. :twisted: Plus, Aurethius isn't that great in one on one combat, so I'd like to avoid having to get my arse kicked, heh.

In So Expectable it Hurts, I purposefully left holes in my characters theory so your characters could make their own observations, and we can have a discussion about it. OOC I'm very confident in this theory, but I'm leaving holes open to talk about it.

Of course, if you WANT to point out the holes and attack my guy's idea, saying "You're not as smart as you think you are", then you can, but I wanted to tell you OOC that I did this on purpose. Even though the Loom of Fate denied us someone to interrogate, there is still quite a bit that we learned from this one attack, and everything I wrote I actually think is pretty accurate.
Responded in both Brotherhood and Duel.

Chu is supposed to be smart and patient like a good earth caste but his irritability is why he's in this situation so I'm playing that up quite a bit. The need for information will make him ask later maybe.

I should also mention that Chu is nearing doing something stupid, I've gotten an idea for him to be a little less impulsively violent than he was as a kid but the Wood aspect is poking him a little now :P Just pre-warning so I dont annoy you OOC, Aurethius, he's thinking of maybe grappling you and carrying you onward with everyone (safe as possible but he wants to get to the ship instead of chatting about it while an enemy that's embarrassed us sets up to do it again).
Moment passed :P

I'd rather not as an ooc person, but I'm trying to run Chu as hot headed...but only about 2-3 topics.
Did I miss something in regards to dueling? I had just assumed that Eris and Nyusul requested a duel or something. I didn't realize that we were being expected to do so...
Nyusul and Eris are dueling so that they can practice with the mechanics.

None else has been officially called for a duel, unless Aurethius wants to initiate Social Combat proper.
Naw, diceless is fine with me. Just makin a joke.

I for one would like to move ahead of Leiji's unit with Chu, arriving at the docks before the mortals do.

Are we awarding each other 3XP for the end of Expectable?
Hello everyone! I need to apologize for any inconvenience, but I will be away until Sunday. I will do my best to post and keep things going, but I cannot be sure I will make it (depends on internet access).
Waiting until Sunday for Mel to get back before I post again.

Honestly though, nice catch Aurelian. I was just going to shut these guys up and carry on with our conversation, but this Lost Egg might know some things. Mercenaries moving around the area... I don't know, if you have any suggestions, lemme know. It's always nice to have an ally at the bottom rung of the ladder.
I'd prefer you to continue posting.

I need this particular part to move -fast-.
Well I'm curious about what he's heard about the group headed to the west and why thier unit is here. They might know of trouble in the area...people staging up with large amounts of weapons are things I'd not mind hearing more about.

Even more awesome is the possibility that your character might just be able to convince them to come with us to the docks. We've been ambushed and these are realm troops. We're terrestrials so we could convince them to accompany us I think. If they escort us we can move at a better pace, especially since Mel and I are the better scouts in our group. Then it'd be even funnier to clear things away before the others catch up and Chu definitely wants to be shown to be right.

Basically the unit can be used by us with enough social fu.
I'm pretty confident in my abilities. I burned some essence, to be sure, but I think it'll be worth it. Even if this dude doesn't know anything, I shouldn't have a problem convincing him to come with us.
Burning essence gives me an idea.

I got a few hearth stones so I could craft fast without worrying about burning essence too fast (whenever I get crafting charms properly), but maybe some supernatural awareness pretty much whenever I have to make a test for scouting would be wise too.

I'm not going to be responding anymore for the next 10 hours I think. Keep going Aurethius, you're doing great. I'm trying to keep Chu a little broody so ignore his silence as moodyness.
Understood. I just don't want to leave anyone behind. I'll see about convincing Opal to travel with us, though if I can't, we'll be fine on our own. I don't expect he'll know too much about mercenaries, and his knowledge of what the Ragara are doing will be limited at best.
Back and rearin' to go, you've still got lead Aurethius.

Heck if he doesn't know squat, losing him will annoy Chu less.

Go go team compassion 1.

Side note: Did we not see Chu barging into the conversation at some point? I'm not wise and not tactful...this could be fun :lol:
Nice one Aurelian.

Exactly how much time do we have before Leiji and Nyusul arrive at Eagle's Launch? You said 2 days?
The main stack will be in Tormana within 24h.

It would be best that the vanguard waits for the main stack, so that we play all together.

However, since I don't want to STbot anyone of you, we can have Amethyst and Karregan play Opal and Kito until Leiji and Nyusul arrive.

Their travel will be completely uneventful anyway.

From this point on we can take it easy for the week end, Mel and Karregan won't be able to post much anyway.

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