OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]


You will act in the morning.

Describe how will you move up to the point where you will reach the Tempest.

I want to know who goes with whom, and where will all of you be.
Understood. In the morning, with paper in hand, two mooks with the boxes, and whoever else wants to come with me, I'll approach the Southern Tempest. Melcariel, I don't know what you want Eris to be doing, she can either walk with me, or 'shadow' me as I walk. At some point I have to relay to her WHERE the explosives will be aboard the ship.

Aurelian, what do you plan on doing with Chu? Do you want to go with me, or do you want to meet up with Leiji and Nyusul?
Chu basically will stay in the warehouse till quite late then probably leave quietly as he can.

He won't openly talk to Aurethius and go back to the barracks to sit with the guys we walked here with.

It's simple, he isn't involved with the planting so he'll distance himself just in case. I'll try to hook up with Nyusul specifically and suggest he come party with me at a tavern or something, I'll invite Leiji along but she'll want to billet her men properly etc. Chu needs to appear juvenile too :P

Regardless, I'll meet them then go to a tavern.
Okay, I've been convinced. After Aurethius gets to the warehouse and has the rest of the spices and explosives moved to the Scourge, he and Eris will go to meet with Leiji, Nyusul and Chu.
Tuesday nights may no longer be good for me because a group of friends and I have decided to get together and watch the remaining episodes of Lost. I will still try to post every night when I can.

Has anyone heard from Nyusul?

Hope you feel better soon, Xarvh.
A little confused, I'm basically at the center of the arena right now (slightly less than 5 meters from it), in relation is Eris 20 meters from the center or just infront of your wall (5m from it) ?

It sounds like 20m away but I'd like to check.
Eris is still on the Water (west) wall, she has moved to the external edge.

Chu is at the very center of the platform.

Jumping DOWN from a wall can be done as a normal Walk action.

Jumping UP to a wall or from a wall to another requires instead a Jump action (Speed 6, -1 DV).

The walls are 4m high, so Chu can attack Eris with the Essence Arms but not with the Goremaul (Despite the R tag, 4m are a lot higher than a horse...)


Also, Karregan is my brother, so he won't leave the game any time soon.

He's been traveling for the last week, he'll be back soon.
I'm back! sorry for the delay, I'll post asap.

Anyway, why in the duel my soak is considered 6? I've 10! :P
Quote the passage where it's 6?

If you mean that 4 damage got through thats a bit complicated. Eris is a Air dragon specialist, each of her attack rolls are really 2 damage rolls. Nyusul's soak is enough to soak all her normal damage but minimum damage gets through unless hardness cancells it all out. Eris' Essence is her minimum damage, and that's 2.

Two attacks at 2 damage, 4 damage rolled.

Everyone's minimum damage is Essence or their Overwhelming number, whichever is higher (Overwhelming weapons have the 'O' tag, I mention this because Chu's maul has one).
Karregan is right.

It's an unholy combination of Stone of Resilient Bamboo, Mantis Form and Perfect Kata Bracers.

I'm really starting to hate Exalted, following the mechanics behind each of you is frustrating.

This is the last duel we do with Exalted system, next we use Wushu, and I fully intend for the normal combats to go faster.

Frustrating, yes, but knocking out all the little things in practise rather than story is such a good plan.

Plus, once we go through one combat, the player will keep track and if something changes we can just post the change whenever we activate anything. (Like, Enter Air Dragon Form, New Dodge DV = 13, thrown attacks gain [martial arts] extra dice to them)

You've seen all of Chu's tricks since he activated the arms, Eris has used her form charm and two attack trick for a while now, Nyusul has thrown down enough speed that the rest of us look like we're standing still. With the exception of picking up new toys, I think that's all the complication our characters have, and Leiji and Aurethius don't appear to have combat altering trickery so I reckon that you're actually fully aware of what we can do in combat, and we're way more capable of keeping combat going fast with the duels teaching us.

Basically, good idea to duel, and side note, thanks xarvh, fastest game I'm in :D
I find the system a bit frustrating myself, but yes, Aurellian, I think it's a good idea to state the changes more clearly. And, I feel your pain with the rolling...

Karregan, welcome back! Amethyst, good to have you posting again!
Well, I'm kinda proud we have some 350+ posts withing the first month of game.

Great group.

Regarding the duel, Aurellian, your Tick/Speed statements do not compute, you acted at 7 with speed 3 and then you act again at tick 8.

So, let's clarify a couple of things:

1. "walk" is reflexive and as such does not need to be declared, but must be described.

2. It is possible to increase the Speed of one's actions by declaring it at the very action and no later.

For example, you can have your Guard lasts 4 ticks rather than 3, but only if you declare it explicitly as a Speed 4 action.

This also means that your DV will refresh LATER.

3. I'm ruling right now than when simultaneous actions occur the DV refresh happens AFTER the actions.
Sorry, guard is listed at a speed 3 action with a 'cancel guard' option each tick if you wish in the guard. I've been cancelling guard each tick, walking and then re-using guard.

I'll change all my guard actions to speed 1 and apologies for the confusion.

Does that make everything make sense again?
As long as the Speed goes, it's ok.

But also seems totally retarded to my, why list Guard as a Speed 3 at all then?

Why not just list it as a Speed 1 and that's it?

*Adds "Exalted mechanics designers" in his Black Book, under the voice "punish".
*laughs* I don't get why its limited to 3 actually, if no one is near me for 7 ticks I want to just guard once saying speed 7...saying guard 3, guard 3, guard 3 cancel guard after 1 tick so I'm on the 7th tick is silly.

Anyways, just for clarity, guard rules on page 143 core (if anyone else wants to know what the heck I'm doing).

I'll declare 1 speed guards or guards till just after Eris mostly from now on.
better that way, clearer now. Having it listed as speed 3 is totally retarded, special thanks to exalted mechanic designers. xarvh, may I suggest, under "maim" instead of "punish"?
The rules for Disarm are retarded.

Even if you get her DV, she still has a Wits+MA roll to overcome the excess suxx to avoid the disarm.

Per Core, Disarm is totally useless as it would have the roll is more or less:

Dex+Skill+Spec+Acc - DisarmMalus > Dex+Skill+Spec+Def + Wits+Skill+Spec

Instead, I will have the defender roll Wits to increase her DV, so that the opposed dice pools look more like:

Dex+Skill+Spec+Acc - DisarmMalus > Dex+Skill+Spec+Def + Wits

One month of game and we had already to rewrite half of the core rules.

EDIT: Ok, Aurellian declared right.
Hmm, that is fairly annoying aye. I had hoped for something spectacular but its a bit diffcult to hope for less than 3 successes from 13 dice. I actually think it might be better to just attack her.

Chu doesn't get to act on tick 10, so he's just being described for effect.

I put tick 11 in by accident, edited it to 10.
Hey Amethyst, are you going to get Warlord's Convocation for Leiji at some point? Even though our characters are at odds, it would be really handy if you were planning on getting this charm.
I will wait a bit to see if Leiji wants to react to the incoming mayor before posting in Water and Brass.
Yeah, I almost always post at night after I've gotten off work and taken care of other business. So thanks for waiting for me. ;)

I wasn't planning on Warlord's Convocation because I don't really plan that far ahead with my characters. I might get it somewhere down the road, though. It's a good charm but I'll need Aura of Invulnerability first and possibly a Presence Excellency (I need to check Leiji's charms).

It should be noted Leiji isn't really "at odds" with anyone. She's a military officer and she's used to having her orders followed and while it grates her when her decisions are questioned or when her and her troops are endangered she's more mad at the "insubordination" that leads to those things. I kind of made a point of Leiji calling Aurethius and Chu "children" because in her view they cannot really help themselves. She has emotions, but she doesn't get emotionally attached to people, either in a positive or negative way. She's literally "too professional" to bear grudges, if that makes sense.
Alrighty, so maybe in the near future. Whatever the case, I'll leave the Presence charms up to you, whether you actually take them or not, no biggie.

xarvh said:
Aurethius, no amount of suxx will tell you anything about this men.
You have no elements yet. I will consider your roll an extended one for the whole duration of this interaction, but if he remains silent in voice and body, you won't be able to tell much.
I know dude. I make the roll at the start, signaling that I'm beginning the read as soon as the 'Debate' is joined. That's why I called it 'extended', all I meant was that it was a scenelong roll.

I plan on engaging him if Leiji and the Mayor do not during this conversation. Either way, it's not like I'm burning essence. I just understand politics, the quiet adviser is always the one to watch out for.

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