OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

Take your time and hope everything is okay!

I just want to say that I have been very impressed that so many of us have remained active, and by that I mean xarvh and the other players. I don't think I've been involved in a group PbP and had this many people stay on for so long, posting at a regular pace. The fact that you are all literate and creative roleplayers is also a plus.
I must say, I was not expecting that! It's my first game and I was not prepared for the speed, but I'm really enjoying it, so thanks guys :-)
What's the time frame for this meeting? It's sounding like a great opportunity to go get the explosives onto the Southern Tempest while the mayor and that Ragara broad are having dinner.

Aurethius and Eris already have the greater portion of the goods being moved to the Scourge, only the explosives are left at the warehouse. Aurelian, please don't forget that Chu still has to disguise them as something else.
It is late morning.

Sand invited you for lunch.

It is a nice, clear, sunny day.
Chu just spent a night fixing them to look exactly like boards of the ship, it's already all sorted out. Now to manipulate someone to suggest sending a present to the Admiral on her ship by surprise is a good plan to get into her pants and viola, instant exposions (not the kind Sand is after).
Aurellian said:
Chu just spent a night fixing them to look exactly like boards of the ship, it's already all sorted out. Now to manipulate someone to suggest sending a present to the Admiral on her ship by surprise is a good plan to get into her pants and viola, instant exposions (not the kind Sand is after).
Genius! I love it!
With Appearance 5, Aurethius has some pretty nice man-cleavage, if I do say so myself! We'll see which part of the sex buffet this tall guy goes for; the salad bar, or the iced section?
What's this broad's aspect?

AFMA activates against a single target at a time, giving the user a +3 specialty against that one target. She'd have to use the charm a separate time to use it against someone else. Is she activating it against all of us at once?

And do you want formal social combat to open up now, or not bother?
She's a Fire Aspect, but you have no indication of that so far.

Yes, she has used the charm four times, burning 8 personal motes.

I will open social combat when we'll have at least two parties with two conflicting agendas.

Voice of Mastery cannot affect Leiji and Sand because they are in another room.

However you can pay extra motes to ensure that you can use it on them should they join along.

Sun has no clue about bureaucracy and is, in fact, just an actor paid by Sand to be a decoy.

As much as he would like to help you, he has not the means to do so.
xarvh said:
Sun has no clue about bureaucracy and is, in fact, just an actor paid by Sand to be a decoy.
As much as he would like to help you, he has not the means to do so.
Oh what the fuck. Does my character know this? Is he just finding this out now?

xarvh said:
Voice of Mastery cannot affect Leiji and Sand because they are in another room.
However you can pay extra motes to ensure that you can use it on them should they join along.
I'll do this then. It doesn't affect them now, but it will once they come in, right?
Aurethius has had some clues already, you may want to reread the previous posts.

You just spend a number of motes equal to the people you want to be able to affect.

It's a scene long charm and it is target agnostic, that is you can select its target at each action.
xarvh said:
Sand looks at Eris with an expression that would fit better on an amused scoundrel than on a Dynast.
Experienced assistant?

He chuckles and slaps the tall man on the shoulder, who reacts with more hopeless contempt.


Sun is just a mook! Yes, he's my beancounter.

He does all the boring paperwork for me.
I am rereading. This was a blatant lie that the Mayor told. In your game, how am I, the player, supposed to realize when my character would know an NPC is lying? When should I make my reactive Investigation rolls to spot lies?

I also need to clarify something. How are you handling the Intimacies and Motivations of your NPCs? Leiji and I both seem to be having trouble actually using them.
Sand was not lying.

It is very likely that he uses Sun for licking stamps and such.

Sand is obviously infatuated by (Ragara) Moonlight rather than the older Commodore (Ragara) Aya, who is definitely not sensual.

Sand reacted upon hearing about "Lady Ragara" which in fact may refer to both.

However I had (privately, to Amethyst) referred to Ragara Aya as "the old hag" which may have made her* suspicious.

* Amethys, how do you want us to refer to you, as a he or a she?
BTW, I'm just trying to make social interactions interesting/challenging/not obvious.

Suggestions and feedback are very welcome.

Also, allow me to point out that in social game information is central.

You did not put much effort in collecting more information about the situation in Eagle's Launch.

For example, you don't even know where Commodore Ragara Aya is now, or whether there are actually bureaucratic problems to be solved (there are not).

However the fact that the Scourge is guarded by the Commodore's armor, may be more indicative of the approach she has chosen.

Finally, Aurethius, do not mistake Moonlight for Alianorah.
Sure, no prob.

No charm activated.


I would like to make you notice that:

1) Aurethius was slowly uncovering the ruse, bit by bit, and he is by far the best one to do it.

Alas, social combat is slower and subtler than ramming metal into your enemy, and unlike the latter option, it entails gathering information about both your target AND its social context.

That is, unless you want me to lay bare any problem you encounter after two posts.

I can do that, but I thought you would have appreciated the challenge.

2) Dynast Dragon Bloods have access to significant amount of manses.

Each of you has several Heartstones, why shouldn't Moonlight have some herself, with effect tailored to her persona?

For that very effect, she just risked Eris to go berserk on her (I thought Eris had Temperance 1, turned out she has 4....)
Due to on-going creative differences between myself and xarvh, I will no longer be playing in this game.

I have enjoyed playing with you all very much, and I dislike removing myself from a story, but because of the above and past problems that I have (Just me), I cannot continue to work in this game.

I hope you are all able to continue. Thanks.

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