OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

Aurethius was very polite and I thank him for taking the step boldly and gracefully.

Yet, the party lost a character that was carrying a lot of the work.

I may have to force the story to have Cynis Aurethius out of the Brotherhood, with a negative impact for the suspension of belief that allows us to accept -and love- the story we're building.

Consider that we may have to reshape our protagonists to cover the missing roles.

We can decide to kill the game now, it was fun anyway, or to continue, in which case I would like to know your opinion.
I liked the initial story, and forcing Aurethius out of the Brotherhood to keep it going, does not appeal to me that much. I would like to hear everyone out though. Aurethius, it's been fun playing with you, sorry to see you go.
Im fine either way. I've enjoyed it enough that I wouldnt mind continuing, but I've enjoyed myself so I don't hold it against anyone if it ends.
I'll be really sorry if the game closes...I prefer if the game continue.

Anyway, Aurethius, I'm really sorry for your decision. I liked your pc! :)
You can refer to me as "she".

I was wondering why Sand was being so coy. I could have sworn that within the context of their earlier conversation that they were referring to Commodore Ragara but I suppose that wasn't the case. I didn't take anything out of the "old hag" thing because I thought it arose more out of how Leiji would regard her rather than as statement of her being unattractive. And not all old people are unattractive CLINT EASTWOOD :twisted:

I don't think Aurethius should do something he doesn't enjoy but this does all put us in a bad position. I would much rather we find a way to keep the game going rather than go through a reboot. I would 100% definitely play again if we did a restart but I would be afraid of anyone else losing interest if we had to wait for a new game to begin.

Xarvh, can we tweak the game to make up for the absence of Aurethius and his backgrounds or would it just be easier to start a game? I can go either way.

And are you a "he" or a "she"? I had always assumed you were a "he" because of your avatar but I think you referred to yourself as Karregan's sister earlier or at least his sibling.
Amethyst said:
And not all old people are unattractive CLINT EASTWOOD :twisted:
LOL-Add Sean Connery to the list for me!

With Amethyst's post, we're complete. I see all of us are keen on continuing, so, I guess whether we reboot or alter the story is what needs to be decided. Either way, I'm fine too. I enjoy playing with you guys (and girl)!
If there's a reboot, I'd like to switch out of earth aspect probably. I like chu but I prefer not to play a rock going to sea :P

If there isn't a reboot, alls well, the rock will craft the ocean into glass!

Crew, set the sails West! :mrgreen: Such enthusiasm shall not be wasted!

No reboot whatsoever, but I will need Amethyst to play Aurethius for a few more posts while Leiji is busy setting up a proper trade agreement with Sand.

While I usually allow to change any feature of the character that has not yet had any impact on the story (Abilities not rolled, artifacts not mentioned or used and so on...) I will allow more extensive redesign of your characters.

As you have seen, the game will entail a variety of different situations, combat being only a limited part of your challenges; remember that the game revolves around a commercial and diplomatic enterprise in a hostile environment.

You have also seen that I will withhold a lot of information until you discover it for yourselves, so equip yourselves to be able to discover and investigate.

Please review your charsheets and ensure that your characters are well-versed in a variety of skills, including Socialize, Bureaucracy, Investigation.

Do not underestimate Performance and Medicine, especially because as things stand, Nyusul is the only one able to recover quickly from injury.

I also want Eris and Chu to reduce their Backgrounds so that no more than 7 points are spent on the total of Manses and Artifacts, I know it feels painful but it will help you to enjoy the challenges better and me to challenge you in any meaningful way.

Seriously, don't spend too much on combat, you are already huge badasses, yet you have seen that beating people is far from the only thing you will have to do.

Widen your scope.

I will proceed with Water and Brass in a couple of days.

In the meantime, review your characters, view your remaining bond-brothers and see what abilities are missing; feel free to contact me via msn for any question.

EDIT: And Occult! Don't forget Occult! If someone manages to take Terrestrial Circle of Sorcery s/he gets a bonus spell.

I cannot really see Eris with Bureaucracy or Investigation, but I would like to have her start learning spells. Will go for Terrestrial Circle :-)

Will start changing backgrounds, according to xarvh's instructions.
Heh, Chu's going for investigation and Terrestrial Circle Sorcery.

I have to have lore/occult/craft to be a craftsman, I might as well go sorcerer engineer like the books suggest.

However, I'm also giving serious thought to leaving the game here. Trying to decide if remaking Chu from the ground up is worth it at the moment.
I would really urge you to try and stick with it because it would be a huge loss to use you, both in terms of your character and your player. We all need to adapt because we have lost two players and we are all going to need to adapt more in order to make up for what we have lost. You might even see it as a chance to build a new character, in a way, just by moving some dots around or buying new abilities.

I did try and spread the dots around when I first made Leiji so, Xarvh, let me know if you think I need to make some major changes. I have allocated the 5 XP I had saved up and purchased points in Bureaucracy, Investigation and Medicine. I do want Leiji's points to be in keeping with her concept, however.

If you haven't already, it might be a good idea to advertise that we have a couple of openings in the game and then try and work them into the story as late additions to the Brotherhood -- newly blackened black sheep who have been dumped into the Brotherhood at the last minute. Speaking of which, I am fine playing Aurethius when we start again. Just keep me informed as what you want him to do when it comes time to write him out.
I talked with xarvh and my only real complaint was that I don't want to really change Chu now that I've gotten to like the personality. I'd have been fine if it was before I roleplayed him (he's just numbers till then). The changes are made, and I'm ready to go again, and the basic personality is the same so I'm staying. :)
Let's make this clear: I do not *require* you to change your chars, I am giving you the possibility to do so.

I'm not changing the game I planned: if it turns out that your party lacks some skills... well none likes easy, right?

Also, you characters should have the XPs to learn what they need.

Regarding a new recruitment, unless you personally know someone who may be highly motivated to join, I am satisfied with things as they are.

Amethyst, play Aurethius at your leisure.

He had a plan to put explosive on the Tempest, so you may want to go on with it.

I will likely give you around 5 bonus XPs at the end of the scene to help you with the skill spread and the general mess.

I will resume W&B later today.
Hey, I'm going to be out for a few days, if someone wants to take over role playing Chu it's fine with me. He's going to be mostly quiet and stay outside for now. Chu doesn't want to watch Moonlight getting hit on my Nyusul :P
Guess it's Karregan and I holding down the fort for this weekend.

Time to introduce Aurethius to Miss Moonlight...
Is the XP being awarded to me as Aurethius going to go to Aurethius' XP totals or to Leiji? Am I going to be playing Aurethius and Leiji for the rest of the game? That's fine if I am, I just wanted to clear that up.
Claimed by higher powers, Surmin managed to exploit the Bond upsetting to somehow free himself, this is what caused the A damage.

Necromancy at its worst.

An extended Int+Occult roll will tell this to our heroes, and I assume that Chu will have the time and the informations to understand what happened.

But for now, Surmin just exit from our story.

He won't be missed, actually we won't even notice his absence.


I think you should speak with each other and decide what to do.

I give you two options.

a) we continue the current thread and you deal with the Commodore.

b) we close the current thread, you 'accept' the Commodore escort and sail west, possibly dealing with her at the first opportunity.
I'm enjoying this thread, I'd like it to continue. There has just been a murder and we know nothing about it so far, I would like it if we were given the chance to investigate a bit more, go back for the bow, have the characters exchange any info they have and maybe reach a conclusion as to who killed Aurethius. Why him, how vulnerable is the Brotherhood now?

We also don't know much about who Moonlight is, what her part is and how she is linked to the Comodore. Moreover, the Brotherhood is now two members short. How do we deal with it?

I'm fine with not blowing up the ship right now, seems like the brotherhood has other issues to deal with.

Should the rest of you prefer to get on with everything and start sailing to the West, it's also fine by me, just prefer option a for now.

Also, I will be a bit slow for the next few days again, sorry about that.
None of you has good rating in Investigation, and not even a charm.

Unless you guys come up with something really clever or find someone else with the expertise, there is no way you can find out more.

Aurethius was your specialized socialite and had the only long range attack.

It is definitely going to be difficult, consider it a challenge for your PCs to overcome, and in the meanwhile spread out your expertises.

Also, since we are past a pivotal point, take now the 5xp i promised.

All the mess that happened is definitely worth the experience.
I see your point, still might be fun to face the challenge all together. Waiting for everyone to reply.

I'd like to use 20XP to pump up Eris' essence, from 2 to 3. 1 more left to spent :P

Was about time to increase Eris' dodge a bit :lol:
I also vote to continue the thread. Let's have the Brotherhood decide what to do in the wake of Aurethius' and Surmin's deaths. I'd prefer we have that discussion ICly rather than OOCly since what we ourselves would do might not be what the Bastards would do. It might make more sense to accept the escort, but that's not something I think our characters are going to accept lightly.
Amethyst has a point there. In any case, I would like to let things develop in this thread before we move on to anything new.

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