OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

Pffff, it's not like Eris is going to ask :P Beer is as good a reason as any to murder someone, bwuahahahah!

Again, welcome to the game, I loooooooooooooooooove it that we'll have a drunk Bastard in the family!
Right now I'm mostly trying to debate with myself how many expletives I can use with Dezrik and still not offend any actual players. He's got a bit of a potty mouth.

I've got a few gems saved away for insulting just the right person.
I'm here, but I'm helping my Dad rehab from surgery every morning and by the evening (when I usually post) I am dead tired... I'll still try and post, probably every other day, but sometimes the pillow looks better than the PC.
Welcome (almost) back Amethyst!

Nice to know that your dad is recovering.

Don't worry too much about the game, even if you post only every other day, it's perfectly fine. =)
Totally agree with xarvh, focus on your dad and resting! Glad to hear he is recovering.

Welcome back and don't worry too much about posting :)
The irony is that Leiji and Dezrik are a lot alike, really, in that as far as I can tell Leiji and Dezrik are both patriots. Nyusul might also qualify for that descriptor, I can't tell yet.

Too bad Dezrik is a patriot in the rudest drunkest way humanly possible.

(I have no idea what to make of Eris beyond "Bitch is crazy")
Awwwwwh, you're so sweeeeeet! Eris has always loooooved being called that!!!It's the ultimate compliment, although I think she likes "deranged bitch" too :P

Dezrik is not a simple human, he should be rude in the worst exalted way possible :P

Amethyst, hope everything is going well at home!
If Chu is so far in the background to not fill a role in the description of the party, I'm playing him wrong :P

Spoilt brat who believe's he's right all the time should be 'in the limelight' fairly often.
Combat Time will start as soon as Chu rolls his Int+Occult.

Eris is facing P, Chu is facing J, M and L.
Well, at least I did good with the first roll. Feacia seems to hate me less than Invisible Castle but it's still a dice roller so I stand by my assertion that it hungers for the flesh of all living things.
The Neverborn themselves are uneasy when confronted with the utter evil that Feacia is...
Ah, yes. Like the time I rolled 30 dice and got what, 7? Successes?

I love Nox sometimes, but truly, it his evil.

Meanwhile, apologies for the delayed posting, I've been deathly ill. Still am, but I'm now recovering.
Gonna catch up soon, sorry for the delay. Saturday through Monday are usually my busiest work days.
I'm also a tad slow and will be away again at the end of the week, busy days.Will resume normal posting speed next week.
Easy guys.

Even if we don't post 10000000 messages per day, the games goes on! =)

(I commend you however for the commitment! =)
My Dad is going real well. Had his staples taken out today and has almost no pain at all.

I'm spending 3 XP to raise my Investigation to 3, btw.
This is very good to know! =)

Nice to have you back, Captain Peleps Leiji... :mrgreen:

Update your sheet accordingly.
Thanks, but he's still recuperating and I'm still looking after him. He goes back to the doctor who performed the surgery on Friday afternoon to decide if he can go back to work and begin outpatient therapy.
Don't worry, no pressure, the game's pace has slowed down a lot.

Also, I notice that you are posting at a different time.
Yeah, since I'm at home during the day now with my Dad I'm on here in the morning and afternoon as opposed to the evening, when I used to come on after work. You may also have noticed that I haven't been on much on the weekends; I've been going out with friends and have started seeing someone. But I should still have my weekdays free.
Ah! Romance! Bane and ruin of any proper nerd life! :mrgreen:

I'd say you guys are done in Eagle's Launch.

The night will become day without further events, but the thread stays open in case any of you has unfinished business there.

Consider the possibility to sail at once, you just need to "inspect" the Scourge for damage and load in your troops, the rest is ready.

Feel free to post in the new thread.

Amethyst, please specify in your post where are you leading the Scourge.
Hey, I'd like to learn Emerald Circle Banishment please. Stunted in Legacy of a Madman, and it's the second spell taught to any studen in the Empire so I guess I should know it.
Chu will have to find sufficient info about it in Eagle's Launch library (Int+Bureaucracy/Lore, diff 3) or have some material sent him.

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