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Fandom (OOC) Warriors: Beyond the stars

Heh I got an idea as well we are going to do but leaving it a surprise. Lunar knows what is though. Hoping this can be a long term project.
Question lunar. It’s only certain cats that go to gatherings right during the monthly gatherings? Leaders obviously and maybe deputies? Or do the entire clans go to them?
Certain cats, picked by the leaders for that night, this time though, due to what's going on with all clans and starclan, all cats are attending due to wanting to get in their fears, concerns, and hopefully save themselves.
Certain cats, picked by the leaders for that night, this time though, due to what's going on with all clans and starclan, all cats are attending due to wanting to get in their fears, concerns, and hopefully save themselves.
I do understand that this goes way out of the books, but I felt that this setting would work, cause then the ten can meet each other, maybe, it depends on how each person plays this.
Ah okay. Just wanted to make sure with describing it for hawkpaw’s response. Color coding m’boys speech and info, make it pretty.
I think that might be what everyone is doing, getting ready for their turns, how they might play things out. It's so exciting honestly!

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