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Fandom Resistance Quest: The Search For Sonic (OOC)

Since everyone is sharing character concepts I was planning on making more of a former medic/support type one for mine.
Right, so, to get things more exact, I’ve eventually decided to go ahead with the idea of making a ‘common soldier’ sort of mook, with them being a newly sentient robot within the Eggman Empire. The idea I have is that they could have originally been a badnik meant for mass production but had been left right inside of the warehouse to be stored and never used in combat one bit. It was only recently with a malfunction in one of the warehouse’s systems that had shocked one of the badniks within, prematurely activating them and making them get a spark of sentience. Was thinking that at first they would naturally flock to the Eggman Empire, attempting to fulfill his original programming, but with time, begins to get curious and questioning things more and more (while still being a rather polite robot even in dire situations), and so questioning why they are fighting in the first place.

As for the robot themselves, I was thinking that they would possibly be around the height of 7’8”, and given their namesake, they will mainly be right on the frontlines, being capable of taking a hit and shooting right back. His left hand would essentially be a plasma firing weapon that occasionally needs its cells to be replaced (to which, he has a few on his person)… but they also occasionally pick up other weapons to use. But yeah, that’s the idea I have so far… was wondering what everyone would think about them, also, here is the reference for said robot (with less foliage and vines covering their body, of course)

Right, so, to get things more exact, I’ve eventually decided to go ahead with the idea of making a ‘common soldier’ sort of mook, with them being a newly sentient robot within the Eggman Empire. The idea I have is that they could have originally been a badnik meant for mass production but had been left right inside of the warehouse to be stored and never used in combat one bit. It was only recently with a malfunction in one of the warehouse’s systems that had shocked one of the badniks within, prematurely activating them and making them get a spark of sentience. Was thinking that at first they would naturally flock to the Eggman Empire, attempting to fulfill his original programming, but with time, begins to get curious and questioning things more and more (while still being a rather polite robot even in dire situations), and so questioning why they are fighting in the first place.

As for the robot themselves, I was thinking that they would possibly be around the height of 7’8”, and given their namesake, they will mainly be right on the frontlines, being capable of taking a hit and shooting right back. His left hand would essentially be a plasma firing weapon that occasionally needs its cells to be replaced (to which, he has a few on his person)… but they also occasionally pick up other weapons to use. But yeah, that’s the idea I have so far… was wondering what everyone would think about them, also, here is the reference for said robot (with less foliage and vines covering their body, of course)

I think the concept is pretty dang cool! I think I vaguely remember you briefly playing a similar character archetype back in @/kirienIsamu’s old Sonic rp so I’ll definitely be looking forward to seeing that sort of role be expanded upon here!
Right, so, to get things more exact, I’ve eventually decided to go ahead with the idea of making a ‘common soldier’ sort of mook, with them being a newly sentient robot within the Eggman Empire. The idea I have is that they could have originally been a badnik meant for mass production but had been left right inside of the warehouse to be stored and never used in combat one bit. It was only recently with a malfunction in one of the warehouse’s systems that had shocked one of the badniks within, prematurely activating them and making them get a spark of sentience. Was thinking that at first they would naturally flock to the Eggman Empire, attempting to fulfill his original programming, but with time, begins to get curious and questioning things more and more (while still being a rather polite robot even in dire situations), and so questioning why they are fighting in the first place.

As for the robot themselves, I was thinking that they would possibly be around the height of 7’8”, and given their namesake, they will mainly be right on the frontlines, being capable of taking a hit and shooting right back. His left hand would essentially be a plasma firing weapon that occasionally needs its cells to be replaced (to which, he has a few on his person)… but they also occasionally pick up other weapons to use. But yeah, that’s the idea I have so far… was wondering what everyone would think about them, also, here is the reference for said robot (with less foliage and vines covering their body, of course)

Seems intresting
Very off topic but I wanted to ask what you would be looking for in the Rp Sample section on the character sheet AlexneushoornTheGreat AlexneushoornTheGreat . Do you want us to just post any ol' example of our writing or would you want like a scene specifically written from our character's perspective? If the latter then is there any preference in the type of scenario we'd be writing? And are there any requirements about overall post length?
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Very off topic but I wanted to ask what you would be looking for in the Rp Sample section on the character sheet AlexneushoornTheGreat AlexneushoornTheGreat . Do you want us to just post any ol' example of our writing or would you want like a scene specifically written from our character's perspective? If the latter then is there any preference in the type of scenario we'd be writing? And are there any requirements about overall post length?
Yeah, a scene involving your character will suffice for an RP Sample. As for if there's any preference in the scenario you'd be writing, I'll leave that up to the user submitting the character. And I'll leave the post length up to the user as well.
I think the concept is pretty dang cool! I think I vaguely remember you briefly playing a similar character archetype back in @/kirienIsamu’s old Sonic rp so I’ll definitely be looking forward to seeing that sort of role be expanded upon here!
Oh yeah, I did make a sort of similar sort of robot, but that one was moreso of an ‘officer’ esque robot and being more similar to the E-Series bots, alongside being more ‘emotionless’ and tactical instead of being the one following others. But yeah, still can’t wait to use a robot character once again and them slowly becoming ‘human’ the more they live and learn.
It is admittedly taking longer than I was hoping to get this profile done. 😅 Also...
Oh yeah, I did make a sort of similar sort of robot, but that one was moreso of an ‘officer’ esque robot and being more similar to the E-Series bots, alongside being more ‘emotionless’ and tactical instead of being the one following others. But yeah, still can’t wait to use a robot character once again and them slowly becoming ‘human’ the more they live and learn.
Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!
So after some thought and seeing WorldWeaver’s excellent character sheets, I’ve really delved into pre-planning for when I get time to fully write out my character sheet. I think I’ve now gotten a basic idea for who I want Supine’s character to be in the rp.

One of the main things about the role of a spy that I was particularly fascinated with was the stealthiness, and I knew for a fact that I wanted to make Supine at least in some way a teeny tiny bit morally dubious/fallible (after all, he has to live up to his name somehow 😉). So, I think I may instead deviate a little from the concept of a spy and instead possibly lean more into him being a bit of a petty thief in his backstory. He’d still fulfill the same general function of sneaking around places and gathering info all cool n’all, but now he’d have more of a reason for how he’d acquired said stealth skills.

Alongside that I think for his backstory I’m planning it that, after a heist gone wrong, he’s just about to be arrested right as the initial attack on sunset city happens, and in the chaos he tries to escape but gets roped into doing something semi-heroic like helping a few citizens evacuate, only to then get caught and re-arrested not long after. After spending the next six months behind bars and with resistance members beginning to dwindle, the resistance decide to let prisoners charged with non-violent offenses enlist as a sort of “community service” on the promise that it will lower their sentences. Thus, Supine gets roped into the program and is now helping in the resistance as a common foot soldier. Will he put in the hard effort to rise up the ranks to hopefully earn back his freedom or will he take the easy way out and join Eggman’s Empire for his freedom to be guaranteed? Only time will tell!

…At least, that’s my current character concept so far. 😅 I might change aspects of this concept entirely but I think so far it’s a decent starting off point for me to really delve into how I might want to have Supine operate in the rp. Let me know y’all’s thoughts!
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It's more inspired by Solid Snake's Stealth Suit, actually. It doesn't boost any of Ghost's stats, it just keeps him hidden from sight, regulates his body temperature, and gives him light protection.
Fair I read it and thought crisis suit which was neat. Any who neat characters.
Karcen Karcen ehsidjdid I feel like there’s a pun to be made about Uemai sounding similar to Umami but it’s on the tip of my tongue 😉

get it? Umami is a savory taste….tongues taste things….eggs are savory….Eggman….okay okay, I’ll take my leave/j

lol, but anyways I love the character!
Karcen Karcen ehsidjdid I feel like there’s a pun to be made about Uemai sounding similar to Umami but it’s on the tip of my tongue 😉

get it? Umami is a savory taste….tongues taste things….eggs are savory….Eggman….okay okay, I’ll take my leave/j

lol, but anyways I love the character!
No problem! lol and trust me, I’ll always find a way to make dumb puns about characters 🤭

but speaking of her name, how is Uemai actually supposed to be pronounced? In my brain I’ve been pronouncing it as either “ewe-eh-my” or “Oo-may”
So after some thought and seeing WorldWeaver’s excellent character sheets, I’ve really delved into pre-planning for when I get time to fully write out my character sheet. I think I’ve now gotten a basic idea for who I want Supine’s character to be in the rp.

One of the main things about the role of a spy that I was particularly fascinated with was the stealthiness, and I knew for a fact that I wanted to make Supine at least in some way a teeny tiny bit morally dubious/fallible (after all, he has to live up to his name somehow 😉). So, I think I may instead deviate a little from the concept of a spy and instead possibly lean more into him being a bit of a petty thief in his backstory. He’d still fulfill the same general function of sneaking around places and gathering info all cool n’all, but now he’d have more of a reason for how he’d acquired said stealth skills.

Alongside that I think for his backstory I’m planning it that, after a heist gone wrong, he’s just about to be arrested right as the initial attack on sunset city happens, and in the chaos he tries to escape but gets roped into doing something semi-heroic like helping a few citizens evacuate, only to then get caught and re-arrested not long after. After spending the next six months behind bars and with resistance members beginning to dwindle, the resistance decide to let prisoners charged with non-violent offenses enlist as a sort of “community service” on the promise that it will lower their sentences. Thus, Supine gets roped into the program and is now helping in the resistance as a common foot soldier. Will he put in the hard effort to rise up the ranks to hopefully earn back his freedom or will he take the easy way out and join Eggman’s Empire for his freedom to be guaranteed? Only time will tell!

…At least, that’s my current character concept so far. 😅 I might change aspects of this concept entirely but I think so far it’s a decent starting off point for me to really delve into how I might want to have Supine operate in the rp. Let me know y’all’s thoughts!
I really like the story! I can definitely see Fenric empathize with this guy somewhat as he struggles to be free.
No problem! lol and trust me, I’ll always find a way to make dumb puns about characters 🤭

but speaking of her name, how is Uemai actually supposed to be pronounced? In my brain I’ve been pronouncing it as either “ewe-eh-my” or “Oo-may”
Honestly my mind whey with "you may" as how it's said
Uemai will be intresting she has or will have a weird idea of morality and sympathy. If rebel parents got to sone kids she or the egg empire were holding hostage abd the patents gave her a sob story. Uemai would have the parents turned robotic and made to guard then children just with some parts of their personality turned off. This she would consider a great and merciful gift.
Going to say I had fun with that sample post. Most ai writting focuses on becoming human or forgetting the mechanical nature of them.
Going to say I had fun with that sample post. Most ai writting focuses on becoming human or forgetting the mechanical nature of them.
Yeah, I can definitely tell you had fun with that sample post. It's refreshing to see A.I. writing focusing on the mechanical aspect of the character.

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