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Fandom (OOC) Warriors: Beyond the stars

Oh, I almost forgot, if this marks the beginning everyone online has to pick a number so I can do a number pull.
So, how would that work? Like a number from one to ten or higher? Sorry, I've just never done number pulls before.
I think a number from 1-10 from the looks of it. I've done these before, the basic idea of it is that everyone picks a number, whatever number are drawn is the order in which we roleplay, unless otherwise stated by lunar.
Alright, I've got you three marked down on my note pad with your numbers. Now we gotta wait for the other to choose theirs.
I got 4 days of inktober to do from days 6 to 9 today.

Plus nano is next month and I might need to do planning for a novel in addition to my novella I might work on in Nano as well...so that's 2 projects as the novel has to be at least 50,000 words.
I haven't been able to do inktober yet, I need to work on my art style a bit more, but for now I'm making a werewolf chief adopt that I hope to get done sometime this month.
Ah, see I generally buy the bases I use for adopts, I sell them on toyhouse, deviantart, and fur affinity(really don't like this one), but I had to do a toyhouse purge today cause I have so many adopts that haven't been grabbed. Plus two old sonas that I don't connect with anymore.
I never understood how one finds their fursona.

That's unfortunate that you have to get rid of some stuff due to nobody adopting the stuff.
Eh, I'm a small artist as of now. I just make the adopts for fun honestly, I really didn't actually come into it for the money, I just thought people might like my designs. It was my family that suggested I try to get some money out of it.
Eh, I'm a small artist as of now. I just make the adopts for fun honestly, I really didn't actually come into it for the money, I just thought people might like my designs. It was my family that suggested I try to get some money out of it.
And for that fursona part, it's basically just.. create a design that matches you in some way. One that is a representation of yourself.
I actually don't just have a fursona in mind, I have some sorta genderless snail called jellybean, I have my MLP sona, and I'm trying to make my warriors sona. That and I need to make some sorta comfort sona and vent sona.
Yeah, but I doubt I'm going to make them. Still a nice thought, I can always sell the designs.

On a different matter, I'm worried I'll have to pick a number for the two that aren't online as of right now. Granted I know that's what would be best, but I don't want them mad at me.

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