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Fandom (OOC) Warriors: Beyond the stars

Spiderpaw ‘s gender has been updated.

I would make a note in interest that we have 1 make spot left for the 10
Would it be a good idea to put the powers next to the 10 so the one that takes the 10th spot does not use the same power?
Ok. Sorry for the work, it’s just it would be better if the powers were all unique. Makes things more interesting.
Technically that should be flora manipulation since spider paw can manipulate earth and places. Fauna is animals.
Just as an offer, if nobody shows interest, I can make a SkyClan character (I may have to drop Elk depending on how many characters we can have..? But still) I'd just need to think something up-
(And ofc we should still wait a bit I just know I'll forget if I don't say it now lol)
Hey, I was thinking, with that in mind, everyone could roleplay up to four characters if they need to. So it's your choice. If everyone would like to wait a little bit longer to see then we can, if not, you are more then welcome to add a third and take that last spot! I know everyone's excited for this to begin.
I'm honestly anxious for this to start so if one of our team wants to take that last spot, feel free!

I mean I could wait but who knows how long that would be?
Exactly! And I don't think anyone has a problem with it. So if you want to go ahead! I'll mark it down when you're ready!
I would like this to start soon, but I am ok with waiting. Honestly whatever you guys want to do will be fine with me. So if someone wants to make a character to fill in the last of the ten then, by all means, go for it!
Okay! How about this, since it's only been like 30-40 minutes since the bump - I'll start on a character sheet for a SkyClan cat, but if someone else shows interest in the role before I'm done, they can have it, if that works?
Okay! How about this, since it's only been like 30-40 minutes since the bump - I'll start on a character sheet for a SkyClan cat, but if someone else shows interest in the role before I'm done, they can have it, if that works?
Alright! I'll go with that!

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