OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

A couple things:

First, before combat starts, I'd like to at least see a post from everyone so I know who is included in the brawl. So far, I've seen Takamichi, Taaron, Rankin, Sabrina and Joleen. This leaves Mosu, Renshu and Gonzu.

Second, there should be plenty of time for the remaining three to get their posts in, since I will be in the process of packing up and heading on an interstate adventure to head home for spring break for the next couple days. If you three can get posts in between now and 9 AM Central Time, I should be able to at least get things started.

I've gotten so used to progress that the sudden silence frees up too much time in my day. Truly, I am a sad person. :P

So, here's something to keep me entertained. Anyone got any guesses as to what the dragonblooded in the middle of this is? Aspect/Family ?

Also, after we win (because it won't matter if we lose), what should we do?

I think Fire Aspect, maybe House Cathak, and organize for the people here to gather stuff up and move to other villages rather than try to rebuild.
Well, I am back finally. I was hoping to get back online yesterday, but then my ISP decided to pull some crap, but everything is better now!

Post to come shortly.

Edit: In more important news, I now have access to all my supplements again now that I am home. I have just about every book with the exception of Terrestrial Directions: North, Scroll of Fallen Races, and the various Glories of the Most High. If you have any questions about Artifacts or whatnot, you don't need to include the info anymore, just the book name and page number.
It does look like Mnemonix is giving us some tips so far, so it'll be okay if you grab the basics. The combat run through in the core book is okay but its alot like a manual all on its own.

If you know your highest DV as well as your prefered attack's accuracy/damage/speed, you've got the basics of combat sorted out. While reading in Core, focus on those I'd say. More interesting things build off the basics and unless we fight the dragonborn I think that will get you through the combat taking place without using charms :)

The two who speak the local language will be playing with the Dragonblood, and Sanguine has experience enough to deal with charm use, so watch him when he goes after the Dragonblood.

My only other advice is don't flurry unless you know you're going to put someone down, don't try to take on more than one opponent at a time (getting co-operated attacked is harsh) and if you get hurt back up and let Joleen deal with more.

Just looking over your sheet quickly, I see you've taken your mobility penalty into account for your Dodge DV so thats fine at 4, 5 unarmored. Your parry DV should be 5 ( 4 dex + 4 melee + 1 weapon defence) / 2 = 9/2 = 5.

The reason your grand daiklaive's defence is 1 is because orichalcum adds +1 accuracy/defence/rate.

The one thing I'd consider is that you use your XP from chargen before we get into combat, it'll take training time after this, so if there's anything you want for your character, now's the time. Maybe even two specialty points into two handed swords might be a plan for now (6xp). You're a dawn so it fits :) I personally bought a combo, if you have a set of charms you'd prefer to be able to use together, that works too. Or something from your history that isn't reflected in your stats.

Anyways, good luck, and we're mostly all newbies here so don't worry too much, Mnemonix will get us through (I've been in 1 combat and it was a practice match so far as my total experience playing Exalted).
PS Madmal, you've actually bought Martial Arts 5, if you want a specialty, remember that you get 2 specialty dots per BP for a favored ability. :)

Dodge DV 7 is nice too, when you fill in your items, I'd suggest a Hook Sword. Not the best item but it works with martial arts and you seem to have a preference for defence and the Hook Sword from Core actually is fairly good at defence and disarming both. One unspent BP and XP unspent as well, 1 more resources and some athletics or stealth maybe?
Heh, thanks for the advice. It's a little hard wrapping my mind around it and I don't want to screw up, but I'll see what I can do...

...also, who's supposed to be going first? :oops: :P
I dont know if everyone's rolled for Join battle but usually once JB is rolled, the storyteller puts up the ticks. After that the first person goes...and the ST or the player basically edits the tick post with his new position.

On that note Mnemonix, I'd suggest a new thread stickied as 'Combat!' or something where you put us in order and then after each action we edit the post with our new tick number and position (or if the player prefers, you edit to show the new tick and position).
Now that Mous has posted, I will be posting Ticks. I'd like to see how the combat works within the thread before I try setting up a separate thread for it.
Wait, you were waiting for me? o_o I was thinking he won't be a part of the battle--but I kinda figured that so I posted his JB roll. Though I only got a single success from the roll.
I wasn't purposefully waiting on you; I intended to roll for you yesterday, but I got caught up in crap and didn't get back on until now. Mosu might not have wanted to fight, but a battle has sprung up around him, so he is still acting within that scene, even if he is not an active part of it, so he would roll to join, unless I am mistaken.
Mnemonix I think you missed the fact that I bought three automatic successes via Striking Cobra Technique meaning I should go before Mosu and Renshu who got 1 and 0 successes respectively.

Edit:Looking back on it, it's not so much I was too low but rather they were too high, was it because of Stunting?
From what I can tell, First Action is determined by Reaction Count (set by Rankin at 9) - Suxx, to a max value of 6 (from the core 141) meaning anyone who had 3 successes or less would have a First Action of 6.
Mnemonix said:
From what I can tell, First Action is determined by Reaction Count (set by Rankin at 9) - Suxx, to a max value of 6 (from the core 141) meaning anyone who had 3 successes or less would have a First Action of 6.
Oops sorry guess I forgot about that max six part.
Hey, just would like to know what the scene is in yards (or meters) please? Maybe a description of how far the nearest soldiers to each of us are?

I'll pretty much head for the nearest soldier and swing at him a bit if theres anyone around.
Sweet, five visible soldiers and a Terrestrial vs 5 visible Solars (and 3 passive at the moment).

Lookin' forward to either doing well enough to warrant being a Solar...or fail badly enough to go down in the annals of history of 'things not to do'!

Oh wow, that's awesome :P

I've never had pictures. Acting shortly after pondering my mortality.

(thanks for the effort, paint may be easy but its well appreciated)

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