OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

I'm assuming I have to wait for Rankin and Gonzu to post their combat actions before I post mine?
When rolling, in the roll name slot, if you could post what makes the pool, it would be greatly appreciated (I will also do this from now on). For example an attack roll would have the roll name "Dexterity+[Ability]+Accuracy-[any penalties]"

Aurellian: If I am reading Fire Dragon Style correctly, shouldn't your pools be 21, 20, 19, and 18? Also, I believe the speed of short daiklaves are 4, not 3.

Jolin (and everyone else, really): If you guys want to coordinate attacks, feel free to wait for people otherwise, just post your actions. Any defending rolls to be taken will be made after attacks are declared and rolls will be made in tick order, and I will narrate the scene once the first "round" is complete.
I'll post the pools from now. I might have made a die error, because I removed my specializations a few days ago.

5 dex + 5 martial arts + 4 short daiklaive + 2 soulsteel + 4 Seven Leaping Dragon Stone = 20

My first one should actually be 19 sorry, I'll edit my posts.

Edited and re-rolled.

Speed: 4 base -1 for jade hearthstone bracers.
Hmm, I'd post my next action but I need to know if I managed to deal with one enemy before I move again. I'll do my action as soon as damage is dealt with for the first guy.
Hmm.. am I supposed to post an attack now? Or do I wait a turn/tick or two before making my attack? -is unsure how Join Battle rolls work-
I am going to wait until the Terrestrial makes his move(which works out since he is higher in the tick order then I am) before I decide what to do.
Domino, normally we'd act in the order listed by Mnemonix in the inital post with the map. On a forum with so many players its just easier to get all our actions and then Mnemonix will apply them in order for us. After the split it might be easier to do things in order with each player posting when their action is up.

For now, you act on tick 6 after 2 soldiers and the terrestrial. Take that into account for your action and note your movement speed before you act. Moving is basically free once per turn. Attacking is a DV -1 action and has a speed based off your weapon.

The way ticks work is that everytime you take an action, you add the speed of that action to your current tick and thats when you act again. So for instance, something quick like attacking with a short sword is speed 4 where as swinging with a sledge is speed 6.

Example: lets say you're on tick 6, and you're 3-5 yards away from your opponent. Your movement is the same as your dex (3) per action, so you can move to the front soldiers easily enough. If you wanted to, you could dash but that'd be your action and that's a speed 3 action (meaning you'd act on tick 9 again). If you wanted to you could also just use your sling, which can reach anything in 10 yards so all the soliders but not the terrestrial. If you use the sling, it's a speed 5 action so you'd go on tick 11 next. If you had rather walked to a soldier and smacked him with your staff, thats a speed 6, so you'd act on tick 12 again.

Make sense?
Hey, sorry all for the disappearance. It's the first time i'm working And studying at the same time, and due to time costrains my Mondays and Tuesdays are specially troublesome.

Aurellian said:
PS Madmal, you've actually bought Martial Arts 5, if you want a specialty, remember that you get 2 specialty dots per BP for a favored ability. :)
Dodge DV 7 is nice too, when you fill in your items, I'd suggest a Hook Sword. Not the best item but it works with martial arts and you seem to have a preference for defence and the Hook Sword from Core actually is fairly good at defence and disarming both. One unspent BP and XP unspent as well, 1 more resources and some athletics or stealth maybe?
I tough i had already done with the bp and the xp... drat, either this was a forum thing or i just thought i had.

Anyways, i was already planning on getting an specialty at MA, but i can't remember the other one.

Monkey Style doesn't use weapons (before the Form charm) or armor, but i'm going to consider the Hook sword.

actually, some of that xp was going to a combo between Monkey Tail Distraction and Fists of Iron
Remember you can take the same specialty multiple times. Like Joleen's 3 specialties in sword.

I'm a huge fan of Solar Hero Style so I'm glad someone's taking it :)

I would have, but it's a bit too brutal for a good little twilight with the setting we have. Now in the North, I'd totally take it. :D

A specialty in Dodge, unarmored for instance is quite a good idea, or split the specialties you get for 1 BP as long as both specialties are in favored and caste abilities. Unarmored doesnt have to be without defences by the way, if you have the books, Perfected Kata Bracers (Oadenol's Codex page 42), Silken Armor (Oadenol's Codex page 159) and Discreet Essence Armor (Wonders of the Lost Age page 80) are all very good options for you, Especially Perfected Kata Bracers of Jade, they provide both soak and emulate using a weapon.
Gah, was away longer than I anticipated. Applied Rankin's first attack, posted Terrestrial's action, for those of you waiting on him.

Aurellian, I hope you don't mind that I rolled damage on the soldier. In any case, you killed him good.

Also, it is far too late to being doing this, but this is what I get for not doing my job earlier in the day :(
Welcome to play by post :P

It's always slower and with so many people having to get their days synced up, it's to be expected. As long as you try to be quick, I dont mind personally. :)

I've posted my new action, so I'll now wait till we're closer to tick 6 before acting again.

Mnemonix, just one note about the combat, damage is done after each attack roll, which is really important because if you hit early on, you can lower someone's DV and make more of a flurry hit, well really important to anyone who flurries at least (which Rankin sort of is).

Otherwise, what a <swear word>, Sanguine, take down that terrestrial hard!
That <Swear Word>! It's going to take me a couple actions to get to him even if I dash.

Edit: In case it need saying that's what I will be doing on my Action dashing my full 11 yards closer to the Terresterial and saving my charm use in case I get attacked.
Thanks to everybody for all the help. :) Just got one more question before I take my action: I can reach ES2 and attack in one action, right?
Thanks to everybody for all the help. :) Just got one more question before I take my action: I can reach ES2 and attack in one action' date=' right?[/quote']
Yeah you should be able to, Move(not Dash) is essentially a Reflexive action with the following three exceptions: You can not Move when it's not your action, You can not Move and Dash on the same tick, It does not qualify as a reflexive action for things where that is important like Extra Action charms.

Edit: Does anyone know how close you have to be to an opponent to attack them in melee? I can't find the relevant information at the moment.
Aurellian said:
Mnemonix, just one note about the combat, damage is done after each attack roll, which is really important because if you hit early on, you can lower someone's DV and make more of a flurry hit, well really important to anyone who flurries at least (which Rankin sort of is).
Argh, I just realized after posting your second attack that I did this again (not that it made much of a difference in this instance, but still). I will keep this in mind for the future.
Alrght :) Tis all good for the soldiers, it's the Terrestrial I'm worried about or any targets in the future. (Translation: No worries :D )

I'm going to be gone till Monday, Mnemonix, you can take my action for me, I think it's pretty obvious what I do :) I'm more defensive than it appears, I don't attack in flurries unless I'm fairly certain my enemies are occupied or that there's only one enemy who would attack me and I feel I can put wounds on him.

Tactical like a good little Twilight.

Anyways, cheers for the weekend boys.
Well, my notebook is out of commission for a few days while it is getting repaired, but I still have (limited) access to the internet. If Gonzu, Sabrina, Takamichi, Reshu, and Mosu could declare actions within the next day or so, it would be greatly appreciated.
Mnemonix said:
Well, my notebook is out of commission for a few days while it is getting repaired, but I still have (limited) access to the internet. If Gonzu, Sabrina, Takamichi, Reshu, and Mosu could declare actions within the next day or so, it would be greatly appreciated.
I think you missed my edit. Which I will now make into an IC post. Edit:Strike this I figured out a way to get to the <Swear Word> in one action.

Sanguine said:
That <Swear Word>! It's going to take me a couple actions to get to him even if I dash.
Edit: In case it need saying that's what I will be doing on my Action dashing my full 11 yards closer to the Terresterial and saving my charm use in case I get attacked.
@sssssz: You can only dash 9 yards with a 3 Dex and the Terrestrerial is 15 yards away; so unless you have something boosting your dash I don't see how you are getting in range to attack.
And back!

sssssz, it's 9 yards once per tick, that's written to make sure you dont move your speed over and over again (since it's 0 speed). Dashing is a 3 tick action though.
Well, Domino forfeits his action this time around; please try not to let this happen!

Sssssz, since you can only move part of the way there, would you like me to save your attack for your next tick?

Madmal, to answer your question in the thread, DVs act as external penalties to attack rolls, that is, when an attack roll is made, a number of successes equal to the opponents chosen DV is subtracted from total successes, determining whether or not the blow lands. If the net suxx are lowered to 0 or below, the blow either misses or is parried, depending on which defense is used. If the net suxx are above zero, it hits, and those suxx are added to the raw damage amount.
Brr, yeah. But I still don't quite get how dashing is handled. Moving 9 yards over the span of roughly 3 seconds just feels a little... off. Hrmph. :|
Madmal, if you could post your defense, that would be wonderful; I'd like to resolve the attack on you before moving forward in the order.

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