OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

Okay, one more question out of character quick. Since I'm a craftsman, would I be able to tell how to break down a building by attacking it's suppourt beams, and could I do it?

I'm trying to drop a burning building in on itself to put the fire in it out.
Yes, that would be possible. Include an Intelligence+Craft+(any appropriate specialties) roll in your post. Assuming you pass (which you should since it is only difficulty 1), go ahead and make an attack on the structure.

Edits are done, as well, and as always my rolls are searchable.
Okay, my plan is up now :)

Sounds so exalted, "Fire? I punch out fires!"

Just one note, since Joleen won the first pool thing, shouldn't Chenow's pool drop by 1 die (Joleen would win the second if his pool were one smaller) and then 2 for the next (Joleen would then win all 4 and opponent down).

I'd have ignored it if it wasn't going to rip the party apart when Joleen or I or anyone with Compassion 1 kills him anyways :P
I wonder how genuine the surrender offer is? 8)

...also, when I saw the note "seven levels lethal", the very first thing I thought of was "

". :lol:
As a Dynast? Not very legitimate offer there. He's going to tattle as soon as he gets away and be convinced he had to lie otherwise we'd have murdered him, trapped his soul in a weapon and forced him to fight for us for eternity.
I say we kill the <Swear Word> and be done with it, of course if anyone has a Compassion 3+ that might not be an option.
After he murdered villagers for no reason at all? I mean, even totalitarian regimes make more sense when they kill people. At least they do it to induce terror in populaces or deter gurilla warfare or something. This was... just cause.
Finding out why the guy even came here in the first place might be practical. After that, he should get what he deserves unless one of us has a brainwashing Charm. :P
After he murdered villagers for no reason at all? I mean' date=' even totalitarian regimes make more sense when they kill people. At least they do it to induce terror in populaces or deter gurilla warfare or something. This was... just cause.[/quote']
Even so in the circumstances anyone with Compassion 3+ would be forced to make a Virtue Roll, but there is plenty of reason to suppress a virtue here, of course me or one of the other low compassion people could just chop his head off with out conferring with the others.

sssssz said:
Finding out why the guy even came here in the first place might be practical. After that, he should get what he deserves unless one of us has a brainwashing Charm. :P
Unfortunately our circle seems to be limited to Natural Mental Influence; Interesting fact I have the same amount of Social charms as our Zenith.
There is a reason that he killed the villagers, and he's hinted at it over the course of the battle, though he hasn't spelled it out explicitly just yet.
Mnemonix said:
There is a reason that he killed the villagers, and he's hinted at it over the course of the battle, though he hasn't spelled it out explicitly just yet.
I think he thinks they're Yozi-Worshipers which oddly is very similar to my backstory.
Well, who says they aren't? But hey, i'll buy the "for the evulz" reason. We're talking about someone who provoked the most secluded and distrusting of the tribes, and then ran away, let most of his troops to handle the problem.

Would i need to roll for having Compassion 3? i'm pretty sure i'm nearby.
Madmal said:
Well, who says they aren't? But hey, i'll buy the "for the evulz" reason. We're talking about someone who provoked the most secluded and distrusting of the tribes, and then ran away, let most of his troops to handle the problem.
Would i need to roll for having Compassion 3? i'm pretty sure i'm nearby.
Nah if it was just "for the evulz" he probably would have ran as soon as we started glowing. As for the compassion, if you have a say in it yes, if I(or someone else) just chops his head off without warning probably not.
I don't know......Joleen is a mad horse-lady, out to keep the place safe from exactly these kinds of tyrants. She very much wants to lop off a head.
...and thus, from that point on, Joleen was known as The Queen of Hearts. :P

Of course, Sabrina is very much the type to listen to the "explanation", mutter "bored now", and do some lopping, herself...
Jolin said:
I don't know......Joleen is a mad horse-lady, out to keep the place safe from exactly these kinds of tyrants. She very much wants to lop off a head.
Oh we can lop off a head after finding out the truth, or we could do the more fun thing and have the Eclipse make him swear an Oath to serve us loyally until we get bored of him.
Due to some unforeseen events, I'll be unavailable until Monday. Sorry guys.

Edit: And back! Wow, alots happened and Rankin couldn't hear. :P Even Taka's threat.
Work is beginning to pile up, but it isn't unmanageable. My posting might slow (as it has these past few days), but I intend to post at least once a day from here on out. As a word of warning, however, I will be attending an undergraduate conference from April 16-19, and will thus be unable to post. Experience that week will be doled out on Tuesday, the 20th.
Hello, and sorry for my small absense. i have been busy with both college and work, not to mention the guy i borrowed the book from had to leave for a while. Seriusly considering buying a copy, even if it's a digital one.

Anyways, just considering the posibility of chasing after the escaped prisioner. If i had kept the Monkey Leap charm, i'm sure i could have tried it to use it to halt him. But since that can't be done (at least, until we get training time) i'm considering options.

Also, i've lost track of the anima of the others. Gonzu has only use one mote so i'm pretty sure he's no blazing, but what about the rest?
Ah, sorry about the delayed posting people.

Been in bed with some near death experience causing illness. The hallucinations were fun mostly though. Anyway's I'm back to conciousness and sanity (as far as those around me can tell) and heck I remembered my name long enough to get on a pc and type.

Disadvantages of living in Africa, sometimes sickness gets a bit more serious than a fever or a flu.

Anyway's I'm still mostly shivering under 2 blankets through the day but I'm well enough to type so I'm well enough to play again. Just saying sorry for the delay!

Also, bugger. What do we do now? I'm leaving the prisoner alone myself, but if someone else gets him it'll make the investigations easier. My personal take is to get the dead ones and show their heads around town or something (compassion 1 *sigh*) to get more information.
I was at full totemic for a second, way back before the soliders went down. I then went and played with said soldiers a while and started demolishing houses. I'd say I'm probably surrounded by an aura at the moment, slightly brighter than a candle.
Oh yeah it's been a while since I spent any peripheral motes so my anima has probably dimmed at least a little, don't quite remember the mechanics of Anima Flare.

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