OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

I'm pretty sure my Dodge is better than my Parry defense.

Doing the maths:

Dexterity (4) + Dodge (4) + Specialty (2) + Essence (2) + Hearthstone Bracers (3)= 15/2= 7.5= 8

The sword attack had 8 successes. 8 - 8= 0

This means the soldier missed, right?
That would be correct, but I meant in the story thread. Sorry, should have specified. Updated.

Also, Mosu's damage roll botched; does that have an adverse effect? I know botching a roll to hit will turn out badly, but I've never actually seen a damage roll botch before.
I don't think damage botches, since 10s don't double either. Though, still, 1 and 5 after with 12 successes is kinda :x .
I think it's up to the ST to decide, but 2 issues are that what do you do with a botch damage? The attack hit. And 10's don't double so the chances of botching are way higher.

Basically I'd say botching damage shouldnt lead to cinematic failure (what we do with other botches).
Hey Mnemonix,

I see that you have my next action down as tick 13. Shouldn't it be tick 11 considering I did a speed 3 action at tick 8? Also, am I close enough to the the dynast to move and attack in 1 action or is it still a 2 action thing?
Edited my post in combat to make sense after Joleen's attack.

Side note: From now on, if any opponent I'm flurrying against falls before I complete my flurry, I'd like to cancel my flurry there please. I don't want to attack corpses :P Also it will keep my defenses up slightly higher I hope.
Jolin said:
Hey Mnemonix,
I see that you have my next action down as tick 13. Shouldn't it be tick 11 considering I did a speed 3 action at tick 8? Also, am I close enough to the the dynast to move and attack in 1 action or is it still a 2 action thing?
Sorry, I did make a mistake, but if I'm taking everything into account, it should be a speed 4 action. Other than the Jade hearthstone bracers, where is your speed reduction coming from?
For a water dragon MA, using claws gives a reduction of 1 to speed making it 3 (and also considered unarmed).
Jolin said:
For a water dragon MA, using claws gives a reduction of 1 to speed making it 3 (and also considered unarmed).
Got it. Will correct ticks and provide an updated map once I get out of class.
As far as I'm aware, they're basically dead or close to it, except for the big bad terrestrial. Everyone's very near to soldiers so where they are is roughly where we are.

Joleen and Rankin are now 8 yards ahead of that, so 7 yards away from the terrestrial but to the side. Only Takamichi and Mosu are with the Terrestrial who has killed all but 1 of the prisoners. So its

Terrestrial - Takamichi/Mosu -------Joleen/Rankin--------Everyone who moved to the soldiers---everyone who hasnt moved.

Oh and everyone who moved to the soliders has a pile o corpses about except for ES2 who is unconcious. Also the terrestrial is off his horse.
Aurellian said:
As far as I'm aware, they're basically dead or close to it, except for the big bad terrestrial. Everyone's very near to soldiers so where they are is roughly where we are.
Joleen and Rankin are now 8 yards ahead of that, so 7 yards away from the terrestrial but to the side. Only Takamichi and Mosu are with the Terrestrial who has killed all but 1 of the prisoners. So its

Terrestrial - Takamichi/Mosu -------Joleen/Rankin--------Everyone who moved to the soldiers---everyone who hasnt moved.

Oh and everyone who moved to the soliders has a pile o corpses about except for ES2 who is unconcious. Also the terrestrial is off his horse.
Map has been edited in. The red dot is the remaining prisoner, blue dot is the Terrestrial's mount, enemy markers are now in pink for the easily confused, and two more fires have broken out. Only Reshu is in his original position, as Domino has not been around for the past week or so.

At this point, everyone who would want to would be able to reach the Terrestrial with a dash action.

Edit: busier than I thought, Aurellian, I will edit the result of your action into the post when I return; still waiting for Madmal to post his next action.

Gotta say, a bit difficult with such a large group (takes longer for combat to happen by alot) but it's running smoothly :) Good job and thank you Mnemonix.

Also, while it ruins my attack style I feel I need to point it out, doesn't the terrestrial's armor have a hardness rating? I'd have thought he was wearing something with hardness 8 roughly.
Yes, it does indeed have hardness, but so far, the raw damage on both attacks toward him has exceeded the Hardness, so it hasn't come into play yet.

Edit: Rankin's attack has been added to the post.
Aurellian said:
Not an issue with this last solider, but my minimum damage is actually 3 right now :)
7 BP, totally worth it :P
So it is! Sorry about that, I've been jumping around between character sheets while I post, and it must have gotten muddled up. I need to make a reference sheet to keep you all straight.

Updates to come after dinner! :D
Finally I actually hurt the <Swear Word>, also first thing I'm doing when we get some down time is learning Iron Whirlwind Attack; Peony Blossom Attack is just too expensive.
Apologies for my tardiness; an update will be up later today.

Edit: Curse you, piercing weapons! Bringing my baby Chenow down so low :(
Whooooo he's one mean bugger.

Hey Mnemonix, I think you missed my post for tick 11. I had posted it right before Sabrina's post for tick 10.
Forgot to apply stunts to Jolin's attack, if the next fellows could wait to post their actions until I re-do the attack, it would be appreciated.

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