OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

But the whole point of the third excellency is that you don't know in advance if you want to use it or not. You use it after you see that your first roll sucked. There's plenty of other such late stage charms IIRC.
You don't necessarily need to make the post in order to use it. You make your first roll, link it in the post. If you don't like it, add that you are using the 3rd Excellency to the post, make and link second roll, choose which one you want. I don't see the trouble with that. See Sanguine's post.

I don't see how you rolling for everyone is a good idea considering mechanics like this. There's plenty of online rollers that let you check that all the rolls people do are genuine, there's even one that works great somewhere on this board.
A fair enough point. I realized after posting my explanation of the Excellencies that I had changed in my brain the way rolls would be made; sorry about the confusion. If you want to make rolls yourself, do so as long as you link to either the particular roll you made (as with Invisible Castle) or to the site where searches can be made (as with Nox). If anyone prefers that I handle their rolling, I will be happy to do so.

Edit: Sorry that I can be all over the place. I'm in the middle of my finals at the moment, so I've been rather scatterbrained :( After this week it shouldn't be so bad.
Yeah, but the defences are supposed to be used after I already got hit by something but before the damage itself is rolled. Either way, if I don't roll myself, I lose motes of essence I shouldn't be losing or I gain an advantage I'm not supposed to have.

A fair enough point. I realized after posting my explanation of the Excellencies that I had changed in my brain the way rolls would be made; sorry about the confusion. If you want to make rolls yourself, do so as long as you link to either the particular roll you made (as with Invisible Castle) or to the site where searches can be made (as with Nox). If anyone prefers that I handle their rolling, I will be happy to do so.
That should be perfect.
Yeah' date=' but the defences are supposed to be used after I already got hit by something but before the damage itself is rolled. Either way, if I don't roll myself, I lose motes of essence I shouldn't be losing or I gain an advantage I'm not supposed to have.[/quote']
Well obviously damage shouldn't be rolled until the attacked has a chance to post how he defends himself, as even without charms you can stunt defensively.
Sanguine said:
Yeah' date=' but the defences are supposed to be used after I already got hit by something but before the damage itself is rolled. Either way, if I don't roll myself, I lose motes of essence I shouldn't be losing or I gain an advantage I'm not supposed to have.[/quote']
Well obviously damage shouldn't be rolled until the attacked has a chance to post how he defends himself, as even without charms you can stunt defensively.
Hmm, yeah, you're right. Sorry, I'm completely new to this.
Ugh forgot to address that, my apologies.

The way I have seen defences like this handled on other pbp games is to effectively do "rounds" of combat in two steps: Ticks are established, each character posts their action, I post NPC action, rolling to hit. The second step has any players hit or otherwise reacting using evasive/defensive maneuvers, and I make the final post with the results. It's worked relatively well for those games, so I figured I would handle it that way.

Also, thanks for chiming in Sanguine :)
Will upgrading combos be allowed? I remember some discussion, but don't remember if anything was agreed on.

The Alchemicals book author says that upgrading combos is heartily recommended for all exalts (or so I heard), at the same cost as with an alchemical. (That is, just pay the normal price to add a charm to a combo, no additional XP.) The alchemicals would still have an edge on the others in the combo department, since they don't have to use supplementals if they don't want to etc.
You're right; nothing was ever agreed upon where upgrading combos was concerned. I'm open to the idea, but I'm not sure what sort of mechanics are generally used for this. What is the system for Alchemicals (I don't have the book yet, unfortunately)?
Okay, yeah, that sounds like a good system. Also, did you edit the info into your earlier post, or am I just losing it? It's been a long day.
Wish I had more Linguistics Charms. D: This is something Mosu would butt in, but all he can do right now is being ????? since he has no idea what they are talking about.
Remember, only the red text is in Mahnakee, and the Hostess has told everyone about the soldiers. Given what the others have said or done, I'm sure Mosu has more than enough reason to join in ;)
I'm all for the improving combo idea, by the way.

Nox is specifically made for Exalted so it auto double counts 10's and there's a check box for damage rolls (because they DONT count 10's as 2 successes). Plus you can look up results so thats bonus. I'd prefer to do my own rolls.

Defence comes after the attack roll, so there should always be a response from the person attacking before damage is rolled, that's already been mentioned but just adding in my 2c.

Wow alot of posts last night (for me). :P

Only thing left is, why is it that we all want to start a fight, I might not mind starting it outside the village when the wrath of the Realm can't be called to the village but running out the Hall and murdering people won't end well for this village will it?

Just suggesting we take concequences of taking on the Realm into account. It's huge...
I don't think anyone actually said anything about fighting yet. At least not directly.
Yep this is the truth of it, no one has even suggested anything other then helping. Takamichi may have taken a special liking in the idea but no one said anything other then helping.
Enter the hot-headed redhead. :P

And, I'd be quite happy to have the ST do all my rolling, since I'm still getting the hang of everything. :)
Relax out of character :P

It felt way too tense and Rankin felt that was escalating to the point where people would go out 'to check on things' or something. Note I personally wouldnt mind some action, but Rankin as a character is trying VERY hard to avoid notice. Oh I nearly forgot, don't forget that from Rankin's perspective he saw a guy walking to the door, stopped by the hostess, grinning and then talking with another guy who is also smiling if not the same way and speaking in a langauge I dont understand...then the hostess looks confused/distressed.

As far as Rankin's concerned he's on the hostesses side. Which is why I'm willing to take a stronger position than my normal, 'if it happens in front of me I'll deal with it' idea.
I was gonna post this as an OOC addendum in my post, but then Mnemonix posted before I did:

You say a lot of stuff in long sentences in your posts so I get the feeling that your character is very nervous, Aurelian? You probably don't intend it as such? I'm probably just reading too much into it, so it might just be me.

Also, note that my character is not standing in front of the
main door, so he's actually further from it than everyone else.
He's fairly nervous actually. I dont want to make the Realm burn down the village, and Rankin specifically doesnt want to leave survivors once things start, hard to do in the middle of a village.

I do understand the two who live here with the natives wants to protect but as an outsider, Rankin wants to defend and hold back till things start going badly.
So far, the only thing I have established is that Mahnakee is FF0000, though you are right, having defined colors for the rest of the languages would be helpful. So, blatantly stealing some of these from from xarvh:

OOFFFF Skytongue

008000 Forest tongue

00BFFF Rivertongue

FF8000 Flametongue

0000FF Watertongue

BF8000 Low Realm

FF00FF High Realm

FFFF00 Old Realm
Heh, makes my life easier. I am in the glorious bastards game.

I should probably stop talking quite so much as Rankin, but it feels like it's now part of who he is :)

I'm trying to make as much sense as I can as him (intelligent), but being compassion 1 means I tend toward logic rather than dealing with immediate concerns. He's a very much 'kill a hundred to save a million? Okay.' kind of guy.

One thing, Mnemonix, you said we could change our sheets till we used them, I'm going to edit out my specializations that I bought with XP and get a dodge combo instead. It occurs to me that I'm supposed to be twilight :P
This is bothering me, Aurelian. We're working with split second decisions and you somehow seem to have the time to have a 20 second dialogue. Never mind that it's all in the middle of a very intense moment and thoughts as cool and fast as that would need like temperance 4 at least.

Or, are things like this usually overlooked for convenience? (I've never actually played a game before.) Maybe I still haven't gotten used to the timescale we're using or something. I don't know.
Actually, I'm trying more for panicky and relies on logic with Rankin. Wits is more often used for coming up with a plan like this rather than temperance. Or so I feel at least. I'll cut down the speechyness in combat time, right now it feels more like 'long ticks' or minutes can pass as we organize. One more person and I'll join in the combat side of things.

Temperance is more about emotions, Rankin doesn't really give a damn about the people dying as long as he can keep aliveso he's barely under stress right now except for wanting to run away. Wits is about quick thinking, planning and keeping cool in heated situations.

Also, yeah, I'm rambling. When the swords come out I'll have to fight rather than think, till then I'll think first or I'm no twilight.

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