OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

Dodge: *facepalm* Right...3 Dodge right now then...that stray dot added to...hm...Stealth?

Charms, and the rest: I -think- I have everything done right, but again, I may be wrong, I was before. :P

As for Virtues - that's what I have them on, yeah, but I'm buying an extra Willpower to get up to 8
Bushranger, would you mind noting on your sheet what you spent BP on, and if you have spent it, XP as well?
So it was a dark and stormy night...and we're all in a tavern.






Dead Ale wives reference if it's too old now, and sorry, but we're basically all in a tavern on a dark and stormy night...we need an old man to talk to us of a quest :)


*is actually enjoying it*
To be fair, it's still midday/afternoon (or at least I tried to make that clear) :D

I thought it was early morning... that's what i get for living on a humid city, where you're guaranteed to get dew almost every winter morning...

also, added some more of the character sheet.
Oh, I totally agree (is my game-running inexperience showing too much?), but I promise that it won't be as formulaic once the prelude is over (I hope)! :mrgreen:
Oh goodness no, I dont mind formula, it works so it's become the norm.

It's what doesn't work that will get to us I think :)

And nah, it's not inexperience. Its trying to herd players to meet and play nice at the same time :P
Mnemonix said:
Bushranger, would you mind noting on your sheet what you spent BP on, and if you have spent it, XP as well?
Will do on the BP, haven't spent any XP yet. :)

...and we all meet in a tavern, indeed. No problems with that here. :mrgreen:
BushRanger, some more comments about your sheet:

I see 1 in each of your caste abilities, which is fine but just letting you know you dont have to put 1 in each, only need 5 in total amongst all of them, and then can put anywhere else.

Next to linguistics, we generally put our native language and the new language we've learned. Look at the other's sheets to see what I mean.

Dodge DV = (4 dex + 3 dodge + 2 essence)/2 round up - armor mobility penalty = 5-1 = 4

Soak should be, Soak: +13B/10L/8A

I'm going to assume you'll take Orichalcum for your armor, in which case it's soaks increase by 2 and hardness by 1.

Soak: +15B/12L/10A

Hardness: 6B/6L/6A

While not supremely important, I'd rather suggest you drop the appearence increase from BP and spend XP to increase it instead (2 x 4 = 8xp cost, 2xp remaining). That gives you 4 BP, which I'd put 2 into a hearthstone bracers and 2 into a manse...and a 2 dot hearthstone. Gives you mote regen and that's fairly important, especially as a dawn. I'd actually consider two seperate 1 dot manses with two jewels of the flying heart. Set both in your weapon.

(Jewel of the Flying Heart, Air hearthstone, 1 dot, page 85 of The Books of Sorcery Vol. 3 - Oadenol's Codex)
=p I've always believed in being able to get away from wyld hunts and survival now, crafting in the future. Solars get powerful towards the higher essence numbers, everyone esle can trounce them at lower essence. I do have strong crafting skills...but that's for a mortal.

Also have Terrestrial Circle Sorcery so that helps.

What I'm saying is, I'm no Dawn but I choose to be capable. Especially in Martial Arts, because it feels like searching out the Arts is fairly Twilight. Time and experience will make me a craftsman and a sorcerer (and I'm thinking maybe a bureaucrat).

BushRanger asked for opinions, I am going to give mine. She's a Dawn, so I'll say things a Dawn should have.

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Caste abilities: Yeah, I know, kinda like it this way though. :)

Linguistics: Good point. Done.

Dodge: I thought it was round down? Ah well. Thanks for the catch.

Armour: Well, I was going to go with 'plain' armour, unless I have to specifiy a material?

As for the hearthstone and manse...I don't have that book (just have the main book and Infernals, plus a few PDFs). But I'll look over the hearthstone stuff a bit later today and ponder it.

Thanks muchly for all the help. =)
Armour: Well, I was going to go with 'plain' armour, unless I have to specifiy a material?
You know I'm pretty sure they have to be of a Magical Material. I may be remembering wrong but I'm pretty sure normal metals don't have the durability nor essence for lack of a better word flow necessary for Artifacts.
Sanguine is correct. You can have normal armor, but that would not be covered by the Artifact background. Since you took it as such, you will need to decide what magical material you would like it to be made of.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the second week of play, and as such, XP will be rewarded tomorrow! Also, any socialization between characters should be done now/soon, as the prelude draws ever closer to its conclusion.
They work the same way it would in a regular game; if a player describes an action particularly well, they are rewarded for it per the ST's judgment. I will be taking care of rolls using a die generator (just to avoid the temptation of cheating) and providing links to rolls (so you know I'm not cheating), so the addition of stunt dice won't be a problem.
It might be wise to run a set of 'out of character' duels before we do any in character combat... to eliminate misunderstandings between the ST and player about what artifacts/charms/abilities do. What level of description you want for each level of stunt, and how effective certain things are.

Well, I've only been in one other active game on pbp and dueling there turned out to be fairly fun and important for sorting out assorted issues. Plus immediate action would be fun, I think we've had a comment or two about things being a bit slow :P

Introductions always are.

Lastly, dice rolling, what about Nox? I dont mind you rolling for me but Nox records rolls so we could roll them but you can check if you're worried. Nox.
Fair enough, Aurellian. Considering this is my first time doing this, I'll be sticking fairly closely to what the book describes where stunts are concerned. Example Scenario: A Solar Circle has an encounter with ten Immaculate Mooks in the crumbling remnants of a temple to Mercury. Zenith Zack has the first action of the battle, and he describes it as such:

No dice: Zenith Zack attacks the nearest Immaculate Mook with his Orichalcum Reaper Daiklave. Boring description which only states the facts.

One die: Zenith Zack quickly surveys the temple. He counts ten in all -- two for each of his companions, he notes with a dry grin. He readies his Reaper Daiklave and lunges at the nearest Mook, cutting him nearly in two. The action is embellished with a bit of narrative flair, but still amounts to a simple attack description.

Two dice: Zenith Zack draws his Reaper Daiklave and effortlessly jumps onto the nearby stump of a column. He leaps back into the crowd of Mooks, slashing one across the chest as he lands and using the flat of the blade to knock another back into Twilight Tony, who waits with his bow drawn and at the ready. A little more flair, this time involving elements of the scenery, or that shows planning and teamwork, or both.

Three dice: Zenith Zack bellows as he rushes right into the mob of Mooks. He grabs one by the head, and in one swift motion, separates it from the unfortunate Mook's shoulders. He kicks the body, sans noggin, into the two Mooks immediately in front of him. He throws the head at another, not to harm, but just long enough to distract the Mook into letting his guard down. Zack swings the Daiklave, piercing the distracted Mook in the abdomen, and pinning him to the column behind him. Open to interpretation, but go above and beyond the threshold of a two die stunt, typically involves scenery and/or planning, but in suitably over the top ways. This example is a bit ridiculous, but it fits I suppose.

I was planning on using the Invisible Castle Roller so if you guys would prefer to roll for yourselves, you can link the roll and I will roll any additional stunt-dice for you.
Mnemonix, .hits(7) function makes Invisible Castle a good plan but it can't deal with 2 hits for each natural 10 rolled. Unless you count 10's manually.

That's a fairly large problem considering the mechanics side of exalted was done on a 2 dice = 1 success system and for that to work, 10's need to count as 2 successes.

Nox is specifically made for exalted and records results...but if you can make the invisible castle roller count 10's twice, it's all fine. I'm okay with you rolling my dice, heck the boards own dice roller isnt bad as far as I'm concerned, if you're rolling it.
I'm just curious about how things like excellencies (especially the third I suppose) will be handled.
Simply announce whichever Excellency you wish to use and the number of motes you intend to spend, and the roll will be made in the manner appropriate. For the 1st, an appropriate number of dice will be added; for the 2nd, automatic successes will be added accordingly to successes from the roll; for the 3rd, simply make two rolls and use the one you prefer.

Aurellian said:
From what you're saying, I gather that Nox automatically doubles successes for 10s? I just went with Invisible Castle because it's the roller I have the most experience with and I've never minded a little extra work, but maybe I'll give Nox a shot.
Mnemonix said:
Simply announce whichever Excellency you wish to use and the number of motes you intend to spend, and the roll will be made in the manner appropriate. For the 1st, an appropriate number of dice will be added; for the 2nd, automatic successes will be added accordingly to successes from the roll; for the 3rd, simply make two rolls and use the one you prefer.
But the whole point of the third excellency is that you don't know in advance if you want to use it or not. You use it after you see that your first roll sucked. There's plenty of other such late stage charms IIRC.

Iron Skin Concentration and Adamant Skin Technique, which I'm using as my primary defence, also come in quite late.

I don't see how you rolling for everyone is a good idea considering mechanics like this. There's plenty of online rollers that let you check that all the rolls people do are genuine, there's even one that works great somewhere on this board.
Just thought I would throw my two cents in. I think the best way to handle the third Excellency is either via edits or posts in this thread. Where as defenses I would say you make a post IC saying you use the Charm and stunt it however you please.

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