OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

First Excellency (used to attack) + Shadow over Water + Seven Shadow Evasion + Reflex Sidestep Technique + Leaping Dodge Method

This Combo costs a total of 14 XP to purchase, is friendly with Infinite Mastery, allows the character to perfectly defend against any attack, allows the nullification of unexpected attacks and allows the character to break most flurries. This is the core of the wise Solar player's defensive strategy.
Advice from someone I trust. Get the combo early, use it every turn, 2 die stunt to regain willpower...and try to end the fight before you run out of motes. All the defence you need really.
Madmal said:
And while i do agree on meeting and then separating, 8 solars of 150 on one region strikes me as a bit off.
Sassy answer: ~*~the loom of fate work in mysterious ways~*~

Serious answer: Yeah, it is a bit wonky, but at the same time, I feel like it could be used to up the epic scale a bit. Why have so many of the legendary Lawgivers gathered in this relatively quiet corner of Creation? Clearly, something BIG will be going down, though what that might be remains to be seen. At the same time if people drop from the game or just up and disappear, as is wont to happen in so many PbP games, the remaining group won't necessarily be screwed.
Mnemonix how do you plan on doing XP? Seeing as pbp games don't really have "sessions" per se the standard Exalted system regarding XP doesn't work. One work around I know of is The Demented Ones Glorious XP Sunday, which as you can probably guess makes it so you get the XP every Sunday instead of every session.
An excellent question. I will be awarding some XP every week, like you suggested, but with bonuses being awarded to each player after particularly important scenes/events.
Got a rough estimate when we can start RP interacting?

Sheets will need to be done not too long after I guess, but we can do some stuff without sheets :)

I *think* my sheets pretty much done. Short of any minor tweaks necessary, it should be game-ready by now I believe.
Aurellian said:
Got a rough estimate when we can start RP interacting?
Sheets will need to be done not too long after I guess, but we can do some stuff without sheets :)

Once I've double-checked four or five of the sheets, I will get the first thread up, though that might be late today or sometime tomorrow, depending on how much homework gets thrown at me today.
Well, I think my sheet is ready...I've undoubtably screwed everything up, though, seeing as it's my first (and, therefore, likely forgettable :P ), so, please be merciless in critiquing it!
Do you mind if I comment on the sheet here BR? (In case you were only asking Mnemonix)

I've only played one game but I've been reading the books for a year :P
Well' date=' I [i']think[/i] my sheet is ready...I've undoubtably screwed everything up, though, seeing as it's my first (and, therefore, likely forgettable :P ), so, please be merciless in critiquing it!
Well first you know you don't need to put any dots in Cast abilities right(I ask as I don't really see any reason for your dot in archery), also with such an investment in thrown you might want to I don't know have a thrown weapon. Virtues you did it wrong, you get on free dot in each and then five more to distribute among them. More specifically what does Temperance- mean? And 1 valor on a Dawn Caste? Really? You do realize that makes you a sniveling coward right? Your willpower is your two highest virtues added together so unless I'm missing something you should have 5 not 2(of course the number will change when you fix your virtues most likely). And finally you didn't fill in your DVs or MDVs. There may be more but that is just what jumped out at me.

Also I'm not as polite as Aurellian so I didn't bother to ask if you were just talking to Mnemonix.

Edit: With no dots in Lore you're Illiterate just in case you didn't know that. Also I hope this didn't come off as mean, I'm just trying to be helpful.
I'm asking everybody. :) Like I said, I've never fixed up a character sheet for Exalted before, so stuff like that I'm not really totally familiar with.

Virtues fixed, swapped a dot in Thrown (which I'm really thinking more of improvised weapons (or Fastball Specials :mrgreen: ) than proper thrown weaps) for one of Martial Arts, and added DVs. MDVs and Intimacies will be fixed/added later when I'm able to concentrate better.

Thanks. :)
I'm asking everybody. :) Like I said, I've never fixed up a character sheet for Exalted before, so stuff like that I'm not really totally familiar with.
Virtues fixed, swapped a dot in Thrown (which I'm really thinking more of improvised weapons (or Fastball Specials :mrgreen: ) than proper thrown weaps) for one of Martial Arts, and added DVs. MDVs and Intimacies will be fixed/added later when I'm able to concentrate better.

Thanks. :)
You're still Illiterate is that intentional? Your Willpower should be 7 and you need to recalculate your essence pools.(How in the hell of it did you come to 64 peripheral Essence?) Also you need to mark your committed Essence.

Edit: Also, You're Welcome!
Given that, for the most part, people's sheets are in good order, I will try my damnedest to get a game thread started this evening.
Wrote my response after asking:

Stamina is important yes, but believe me when I say that it'll not help you much against most things. Resistance does most of the heavy lifting on taking damage or performing tasks for a long time for Solars. We're essentially humans with awesmome injected into us. That power really manifests through charms and Resistance has the charms. Dexterity meanwhile is both accuracy with every weapon and the ability to avoid being hit...and believe me, you want to avoid being hit. For strange reasons, we can perform attacks that could level buildings but are highly vulnerable to getting stubbed toes and paper cuts that can actually harm us. Avoid damage rather than take it. I'd strongly consider Stamina 3, Dexterity 5.

I see you've taken Manipulation as well, which is more finding cunning ways to convince someone of what you want to convince them. Charisma is being charming and getting your way by just seeming to be more right than the other person, it's also somewhat more important for a Dawn Caste as most War rolls are charisma ro Wits. My personal suggestion is, unless you envision a very behind the scenes manipulative person, go Charisma and argue your points more directly. You don't have to be blunt, just not twist words so much that the person you're talking to ends up doing what you want thinking it was their idea originally. (your call really but I think that's more a style thing, and Dawns tend to more persuasion rather than manipulation.) I'd suggest Charisma 3, Manipulation 2.

Performance is dancing, singing, playing instruments, that sort of thing. Just checking what you were going for and what you're getting is the same thing.

Lore 1 gets you read. I dont know if you want to read or not but Creation has a fairly high number of people who can read.

Dodge 3, again I must say, avoiding danger is significantly more important than anything for a young exalt. We all start out young, and age lets us diversify and get skills in whatever we choose to focus in, but especially intially, survival skills are the difference between a young exalt and an old exalt. Dodge 4 or 5 are something I must strongly suggest as they can mean the difference between rolling a new character or surviving a fight. Before any commentary is made, I don't mean you should be a combat monster (even though you are a Dawn, that doesn't mean you have to be an amazing combattant), I more mean that anyone who plays someone who survives to get older should have some fairly interesting method to survival...and we're not going to be able to stay quiet and hide I think.

You actually start with 1 in every virtue, so Temperance should really be 1. You're given 5 more points to assign and can get up to 4 in any of them without spending bonus points. Lookng at your storyline I'd suggest Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 1, Valor 2. Based on you running back into a fire to save your family and saving your sister from bullies.

You can take 2 intimacies for free (same as your compassion), negative intimacies also apply! So you can hate something specific. Suggetions are Street Gangs (negative) and Developing strong bonds (positive).


It's your 2 highest virtues combined. If you follow the suggestions (conviction 4 + valor 2) = 6.


Personal = (permanent essence x 3) + willpower = 6 + 6 = 12

Peripheral = (permanent essence x 7) + willpower + all virtues = 14 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 +2 = 29

Backgrounds are last for a good reason, charms I won't touch on for a little bit.

You need to put an artifact background under background for the grand daiklave, Artifact â—â—â— (Grand Daiklave) just so it's easier to determine what you've bought with resources and what's bought with background points. I see you've taken Lamellar Armor too, which is 2 dots, which puts you 1 dot over how many you can get for free. I think it'd be wise to post where you've spent bonus points till now so we can see what's been done a bit better. Note all artifacts are made out of a magical material. The common ones are listed in core with their effects, just above Lamellar is actually the list of what the materials do. My strong suggestion is either get Moonsilver lamellar (but I'm strange and feel using Orichalum in this era is wrong) or Orichalcum. They both modify the armor's soak.

Aggrivated Soak. I see under soak values you have Lethal and Bashing but no Aggrivated. Aggrivated damage is rare and your armor doesn't list and 'A' value, but it's basically the 'L' soak of your armor. B gets your full stamina, L gets half, A gets none. Lamellar has 6L/9B naturally, meaning with stamina 5 you'd get 11L/14B/8A without any material bonus. If you go moonsilver those values don't change, if you go Orichalcum they go up by 2 each.

Hardness, hardness is the thing that lets Exalted really shine, it lets us shrug off blows that would possibly hurt us but only in the slightest, nullifying swarms and flurry masters with enough of it. You have 5L/5B/5A hardness without material bonuses or with Moonsilver, and +1 to each with Orichalcum.
It's OK if I keep making small changes to my sheet until we start' date=' right?[/quote']
Absolutely. As long as everything comes out kosher in the end, making adjustments is fine.
Thanks muchly for all the help folks. This is a lot more complicated than the D&D sheets I usually work with. :P But, a lot more rewarding, too.

Lore: Gah, missed that again. Fixed.

Willpower: Forgot to change that after fixing the Virtues. Fixed.

Essence: Whoops, seems I must have hit multiply instead of add at some point calculating it.

Stamina/Dexterity: Ah, good point...I think I'll go with 4/4.

Charisma/Manipulation: Hmm...the kind of personality I'm looking for is somebody who's quite cunning but isn't very well versed in social graces - enough to get by without getting kicked out (well, aside from for being found out as Anathema anyway), but easily frustrated when things don't quite go her way.

Performance/Dodge/Lore: Lore was a slip on my part. Performance...she's a bit of a dancer, but Performance 1/Dodge 4 is probably rather better, you're right.

Intimacies: Gangs (-) and Loyalty to Family/Friends (+) sounds right, I think.

Armour/Soak/Hardness:..according the book, Lamellar has +8L/9B? Thanks for the help there, well everywhere of course. :)

Bonus points: Hmm. According to my count, I spent:

4 on raising Appearance by 1

1 on Artifact (Lamellar armour).

3 to add one to Compassion

5 for an extra Charm

2 to raise Willpower by 1
Stam/Dex, 4/4 is good.

Manipulation/Charisma are both socially capable, one is just more behind the scenes, the other more I'm here, deal with me.

Dodge, to get 4 requires a bonus point, remember?

Book says it's armor value is +8L/+9B, the plus says it's not a final value, but a modifier. Soaks are worked as I said, full stamina (+armor) for bashing/ half stamina rounded down (+armor) for lethal/ just armor lethal for agrivated.

If you spend 3 to increase your compassion, it increases your peripheral pool too, remember that. I need to look over your charms, but are you absolutely certain you cannot get all the out of caste charms you need from the normal charm choices? If you can instead buy an in-caste or favored ability charm with background points it's one BP cheaper. Which would let you get Dodge 4.

I sort of think changing your virtues to 2 compassion/4 conviction/ 1 temprance/3 valor is a good idea. That requires 3 BP for compassion 2 and no BP on willpower to end at 7. Heck I work with 6 willpower usually but that's just me.
Aurellian said:
Book says it's armor value is +8L/+9B, the plus says it's not a final value, but a modifier. Soaks are worked as I said, full stamina (+armor) for bashing/ half stamina rounded up (+armor) for lethal/ just armor lethal for aggravated.
It's rounded down, trust me I spent like an hour the other day looking through the book for which one it is.
Right, so... This seems to be going nowhere fast. I've never actually played a game before, so I'm a bit uncertain as to what should be happening, but maybe we could use a... starting event or something?
In play by post it does tend to seem slow. Usually takes a day for a full round of posts.

Specifically with a group so large...which is why splitting up isn't a bad plan.
Yeah, PbP does go slow, but I also at least want to get everyone introduced into the setting before things start to occur. Patience, young grasshopper : P
What I meant was, there's 8 solars in the same place but nobody knows anything about it. As far as my character is concerned, he's the only solar within hundreds of miles. He's on the lookout for others, but that's it.
What I meant was' date=' there's 8 solars in the same place but nobody knows anything about it. As far as my character is concerned, he's the only solar within hundreds of miles. He's on the lookout for others, but that's it.[/quote']
Watch and let the loom of fate draw you in :P

We'll all get to the house of hospitality and something will explode/attack/implode/feed on people/happen and we'll respond.

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