OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

Zoronos said:
Arion, you have a free auto-success from Flashing Draw Mastery you forgot to add in. So you should have a total of 7 successes.
So I do. Huh, I probably shouldn't be doing these things on the verge of sleep. I remembered the free readying thing, though. :mrgreen:

Anyway, it's added in now.
Zoronos, it's always better to take down a wounded opponent than to wound another. these are dangerous foes, and not all of us are combat heavy, yet.

Though my situation will probably improve greatly soon. Knaff is learning that combat is sometimes necessary even for a wily Exalt as he, and he's pick up a few things.
Were I going for optimal tactics, I'd agree.

Mordant is still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and taking the opportunity to attack the dog that was closest. I'm sure the others have the other dog well in hand. Besides, I wouldn't want to killsteal. :-P
Since this comes up in every game I've played in eventually, might as well kick it off now:

What's our policy on Social Combat/Charms vs. fellow PCs?

For example, Dove could quite easily hit the party with Auspicious First Meeting Attitude once this...unpleasantness with the dogs is over. But several games I have been in have essentially had a "gentleman's agreement" that social charms are used on NPCs only, and interaction between PCs is just that - player to player, sans dice and charms.

Making sure, before any feathers are ruffled.
In my opinion, people are people; which is to say, if she'd use it on the NPC's, she should use it on the PC's.

Ideally, the PC's will become friends and allies, and so soon enough trust each other such that it isn't necessary to throw around UMI when conversing with eachother.

If Dove would throw it on NPC's, she should throw it on the rest of us. (Though, careful what UMI you throw around. Some of us run social defenses as well as physical defenses. :-P)

Also worth noting that charm got some significant changes in the errata.
I just want to make sure that no fights start up because of it. Most of the players I've run into on the PbP site have understood that, and have worked to keep the peace, knowing that there is a difference in playing in character and just being an ass.
I have no problem with it. But CrazyIvan should understand that Knaff isn't gonna be too trusting of his character, and expect some disinformation from Knaff.
Hey, combat banter is a staple for over-the-top action games! You can't leave it out!
I'll give Taizo another day to post, then put him on Guard mode and we'll move on, and when he can, he'll be able to post.
You guys don't need to note when you're telling the truth, just lying. :-P
Maybe a bad assumption on my part, I assume you guys aren't lying normally.
You really think Knaff will be saying the truth all the time? or even most of the time? What's the point of having silver tongue if you don't exercise it? ;-)
Mordant's Investigation isn't high enough to see through your lies in a mundane fashion, so yes, I presume you are telling the truth because the character wouldn't know the difference (and shouldn't, sans charms).

On a similar note, Judge's Ear isn't obvious. Unless you would White Jade all your lies, its a bit meta to just white jade when Judge's Ear is up. Similarly so for NPC's.
He wouldn't use White Jade all the time, that will have the bad tendency to make his anima flare. But he will do it if he thinks it's warranted.
You should be able to make decent time down the road, even with the wagon. But it will take most of the day before you find the valley with cache, giving you plenty of time to get to know each other.
Ah, the famed subtle poke from the ST, telling you to RP.
I just don't want to move the game forward without giving everyone a chance to chat. :roll:
Zoronos, Shadow Red Claws: Yes, it's pretty obvious what's going around in Rowan's head, which I decided to make up on the spot btw. Of course, to optimize this scene upstairs to maximum effect, no one can speak of what happened other than, "Blah, blah, Rowan seems to be master of the house, blah blah."

Edit: He isn't, now that I see Sherwood's latest post, but still, it is suboptimal to talk in great detail about what happened.
Mordant, while perhaps the pretty boy of the circle, is staying out of the middle of this one.

You two can fight over the plant girl, she's all yours!
argle blargle >.<

work is the crazy. I will try to get posty thing done tonight. Question though on the artifact dots. Are those restricted to weapons and armor as seems to be suggested in one post?

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