OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

I had forgotten that many characters have Resources when I made the comment about needing an income stream to run the ship. I had run this game with my own game group here at home and nobody put points into money.
However you guys want to do it is fine with me. I'm easy. 8)
Mordant would be the better mechanical choice, but with a +3 int / +3 bureaucracy stone Dove can handle it just fine. The stone puts her at Bureaucracy 5, charisma 4, appearance 5, Int 6, which should be more than enough to wallop a mortal.

Mordant suggested her because :

a) It separates team 'you should release the inmates that are illegally confined' from team 'We want to buy your building'. Making those the same people would probably raise red flags. Also, Mordant can leave behind a Hypnotic Touch Technique to help along whomever does the negotiating. Kraus probably doesn't have the WP to spend to even realize it got applied (and since he's a mortal, would be unwilling to do so regardless).

b) It goes along with the 'more subtle' theme that Dove suggested.

c) I don't actually have a point ©, but I like lists of three things.

(Also, Mordant is base bureaucracy 5, not 4. :-P)
You just need to post it in the stoyline thread to make it official. :)
Before committing to the plan, I'd like to make sure CrazyIvan is okay with it. If his character doesn't want to go in and negotiate the sale, then that changes things a tad. Might have to fall back to Knaff or Jenai as our sales negotiator. That couldn't possibly go wrong. :-P
"Hello, we'd like to buy your asylum." . . . "What? You'll sell it to us? Like some kind of MERCHANT!?" *GRAGHKILLSMASH* :lol:

Thanks, now I can't the image of a first-time car buyer attacking a car salesman for having the gall to try and sell something he didn't make. I'm sure the giggle fits won't disturb my test-prep tomorrow. Really, thanks. :P
Or Knaff coming in "See I know you;re strapped for cash, especially since I can prove to the authorities that some of your inmates were brought here unlawfully, and for money. Now, if you will just sign here, here, and here, i'm sure we can find you a nice place (read hovel) where you can put the inmates (Read in the basement, in the closets, and in the pantry, sorry the pantry is actually 7 miles away in another hovel), and where you will have enough space (read for one fly, or maybe two if you squeeze in), and can live in wealth (read, king of the swamp), so what do you say? (Read do it or i'll slit your throats)"

What could possibly go wrong with that?!?!
I'm down with this plan.

Also, if it comes to Essence use (and it might), an Out Caste Terrestrial is a good bit less news worthy than a Solar.
So, to avoid bogging down the IC thread:

Here is the plan as I understand it (feel free to throw in corrections / changes).

Step 1:

People go in to the asylum to talk Dr. Kraus about releasing the illegal prisoners.

Step 2:

Later, once those people have left, Dove et al go back to the asylum, and offer to buy it from Dr. Kraus.

Step 3:

Go talk to the City Gods. If Step 1 or 2 failed, appeal to city gods to overturn. Otherwise, inform them we're taking possession of the place, and perhaps solicit their input.


While Step 1 and 2 are going on, we could send some people to deal with the city gods simultaneously. I'd propose Knaff, since he's our best manipulator / liar. Also, because I find his particular brand of 'convincing' funny.

So, our roster:

Step 1:



Step 2:


Step 3:



Slip, Rowan, Knaff
One thing you will need to do is find out who actually owns the asylum. If it is city owned, you can skip dealing with the doc and just make your purchase and evict the current residents.
mmmm good point, Knaff and Slip can go check who the building belongs to. Knaff to find the info, and Slip to keep him from going overboard... He does sometimes start believing his own lies, maybe I should have him get his Graces forged, and learn some Fair Folk charms... :-)
Don't suppose they have a modern system that records chain-of-title, do they? It would be really convenient to just open up a plat book and scan a few recorded deeds. Probably not very heroic, though. Regardless, this sounds like a plan to me.

Also, on the subject of ship costs, even if we can afford the money, we don't really have time. The Hunt knows what the ship looks like and, despite our "quiet" entry into the city, word will likely get around that we were/are here. We left them in the dust, but more than a day or so and they'll be right back. Jenai would never consider it (or admit it if he did), but even if we don't need their money, Mordant's associates are our best bet for finding a crew willing to work with Anathema on a First-Age ship within our time constraints. And unless everyone (save Dove) powering the ship takes everything from their Personal/Familiar pools, they will know we are not Dragon-Blooded.

Then there's the considerably harder task of finding a technician. Unless I missed something, we don't have much in the way of crafters even accounting for the people that seem to have vanished on us. Anyone good enough to understand the complex inner workings of Unity will probably already be employed by someone in power or be someone of power themself. We may not need one yet, but it's only a matter of time.
Tactics time... Slip's trapper form might be a bit out of place here, and his true form has tattoos on it's face so thinking go as the old man. Maybe we can play it like you are managing his cash or we can play it more straight or something. But old man form probably smells less like dead things so assume that's the form slip is in.
Yes, she has Mordant's pocketbook. How you decide to abuse that trust is up to you. Well, you, and how fast Mordant can get to the local bank and put a stop on the checks you write.
Well now, Dove probably won't but if that checkbook should fall into the hands of Knaff, we both know he can make it to the bank faster than you... :-)
For people in the city hall thread, it's Exalted-Economics time! That price quoted is absolutely insane.

Even using the smallest possible unit of jade currency (the yen), that's two Talents worth of jade. For comparison, that would build 2 brand new warstriders.

That said, this is Exalted; just because they said 2 million probably has nothing to do with the actual price paid. Haggle!

If the place's is worth over 1 / 1,000th of that, I'd be surprised. For comparison, a plow and a team of oxen is 1 koku, or 128 yen. On the ridiculously high-end, a building that size is in the neighborhood of 10-20 koku, or 1280 - 2560 yen, maybe. More reasonably, you're looking at about 5 koku as a finishing price.

If you wanted to admit it was a manse, I'd say look for an ending price a bit south of 300 koku / 38400 yen. Probably a bit less considering it's unused. If it were a super-high-rated manse, well, all bets are off.

A negotiating start of 500 yen would probably be appropriate.

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