OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

They can be used for any artifact you'd like, so long as it is not a unique weapon. Any items will need to be ok'd by me, but I don't expect any problems.
You would know a little from the teachings of the Silver Pact, but it would be mostly rumors.
Apologies for delays, the semester is ending and there are an unreasonable number of events I need to organize given how many papers are coming due just before finals. I should get a post up tomorrow or this weekend, though.

Also, regarding artifacts, should I assume airships are also off-limits, given the explicit separate mention of the airship hangar? :wink:
I had run out of time making that post. :oops: But, you will have a airship toy to play with, once I get around to writing it up. So, you can choose airships for your personal artifact points, but unless its a windblade personal transport, you may wish to reconsider. Plus, you'll need a hearthstone to power any airship you find. Not that it will be a problem getting hearthstones; you have a extensive map to the reigon that shows the gemomancy of various manses in the area.
Heh, not a problem, now I know exactly how to fill out the artifacts. I'll also be starting on the sail charms, now that a ship has appeared for eventual use. :mrgreen:
Thoughts for Slip's haul:

Moonsilver Short Powerbow â—â—

Moonsilver Chain Shirt â—

Moonsilver Hearthstone Bracers â—â—

The White Treatise â—

The Black Treatise â—

Translation Crystal â—â—â— (I figure a 3 dot version lacking the repair is reasonable given this is first age in origin?)
Shhh... maybe the ST won't remember that I left the cart and horse outside.


(When I first had Mordant turn on the defense system, I originally had a line about 'I hope this doesn't blow up my cart', but I took it out because that's just too tempting for a ST to pass up)
Barring any disapproval, these are the artifacts Jenai left for himself:

Regard of Invictus â—â—â—â—â—

- A combination of Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers and a Concealed Knife Brace without need for repair. The knives are on the right side and the hearthstone setting on the left.

Audient Brush â—â—

Perfect Boots â—â—

- Again, without repair, because they're ancient (and who wants to deal with that headache, anyway :wink: .)

Orichalcum Chain Shirt â—

This got a lot easier without having to worry about getting a ship. Speaking of, before we get to that point, can I get a ruling on "ownership"? I'm currently assuming a kind of joint-ownership of such things for purposes of charms, so Ship-Claiming Stance could be used, but would have no effect on the rest of the circle even if Jenai never formally welcomes them aboard. Depending on how lenient you want to be, they may even be able to welcome others themselves, assuming they know Old Realm.
Let me read up on the charm and see what they say. I was thinking that you would use the ship together, unless someone forfits their share in being a owner and just want to hang out without the responsiblility of commanding any crew you decide to bring onboard.
He means 'metaphysical ownership', which doesn't get shared. If our dear pirate wants to pop charms, he needs to 'own' the ship solely.

Which really is a debate to have in character (I hope it doesn't end in violence, because I don't think you're going to like Mordant's opinions on what the airship should be used for. Hint: Commerce.)

Edit: Also, Concealed Knife Bracers are awesome. Now I want to have Mordant level Thrown just to use one.... they're like rotating knife shooters!

If only their mechanics weren't completely whacked out. (Clarification: They specify that it uses a specific charm effect, but that charm doesn't have that effect. So it is best ignored and assumed they work as the author intended; the knives just come back at the end of the action. MoEP: Alchies had some poorly written artifacts.)

Pirate gains +2 Badass for owning one.
Zoronos said:
He means 'metaphysical ownership', which doesn't get shared.
Hmm, the little concept box says "The Exalt owns the object if its spirit is loyal to him and is not loyal to any of his enemies." but also says something about needing persuasion if it has loyalties to another person. The first seems to suggest that a group of close allies could be a "collective owner". Granted, I'm still taking a real estate course now and have no less than four different ways for a non-corporate group to be a single owner. Granted, that is still legal and not metaphysical ownership, but given the fact that a spirit determines the owner and not cosmic laws, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume a concept like joint ownership couldn't have filtered down to object spirits from the Celestial Bureaucracy.

Regardless, an IC discussion would be very appropriate once all this Wyld Hunt business is sorted out. And it won't end in violence. Jenai likes Mordant, he's just very disappointed that his new circle-mate has chosen such a depraved career. He recognizes that commerce is necessary, but the current methods infuriate him. If it came to fighting or letting things go, he'd probably settle for sharply overseeing how things were done to make sure there was no cruelty in the practices. And maybe just a little petty revocation of peoples' rights to be on the ship leading to a timely trip that sends something over the edge. He is a vicious pirate, after all. :wink:
The way I read the Charm, he can do it even if the ship is owned by several people, as long as all, or most, agree to it. But only he can extend welcome to others, and yes, unless he extends it to his circle-mates, they will suffer the penalties.
I may just have to make an executive edict that the charms will work with a group ownership just to avoid any complications.
*reads this, then reads the Martial Art I was working on recently which played off other concepts of ownership (see: Sapphire Veils of Passion style). Is now tempted to teach your ship to rise up against you with Martial Arts*

If only I was a Sidereal...


Meanwhile, having a devil of a time figuring out what to do with Dove's "cache". She's a DB, she's already got a truckload of artifacts, and I'm hesitant to overload her with attunement costs.

There's also the whole issue of, unlike Anathema-gear, it seems likely Jade toys would likely have already been carried off.
Not all of it is gone. Most would have been packed away, but some is still left behind in the various storerooms and arsenals.
Sherwood said:
Not all of it is gone. Most would have been packed away, but some is still left behind in the various storerooms and arsenals.
Yeah, at the core, it's mostly an issue of trying to figure out what I want.
Sherwood said:
unless someone forfits their share in being a owner and just want to hang out without the responsiblility of commanding any crew you decide to bring onboard.
Assuming she's offered a share, Dove would likely turn it down.
I resent that thought. Knaff wouldn't steal candy from kids, he'll just convince them that it was for their own good. Besides, you took his chance to befuddle the DBs.
"Hey guys, wasn't there a giant structure here a second ago?" not enough of a trick on the DB's for you?

I figured the 'magical disappearing exalts' would be a good enough joke for Knaff, especially if followed up with some teleporting airship taunting.

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