OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

Hmm.. If you were someone somewhat significant in Slip's background (perhaps one of his brothers for example) then I could see him being willing to help you out/hang out. As a random other person you'd probably make him a bit uncomfortable given your nature, though maybe it's something solar bond could get past..

At the moment I don't forsee Slip dipping into his peripheral essence all that heavily, esp not on a regular basis so it could probably work until we found a manse or something of the like. If it ended up being a long term thing that might be harder to handle if Slip ever gets around to learning sorcery, but maybe it could be made a side quest of import to find you a way to function in creation.
I'll be starting the story soon. I'm getting over a nasty cold that has floored me. Ugh.
Khem would be happy to help with the essence in exchange for information over the underworld (how shallow it might be). Otherwise whoever bonds with you would be an obvious choice.
I always forget to ask this before the dice start rolling, but how are you handling stunts? Do you want us to call 1-die stunts on our own, or 1 and 2, or leave them all up to you?
One die stunts are common enough that you can call it on your own, so long as it is not abused. For two die and higher, I'll make that call.
Hey guys. Is anyone going to start posing in the next story thread? I need an NPC to help nudge the group along.
So, the asylum and guild hall suggestions were both just to get his address. If we find that with relative ease may as well just have the two threads?
If all you were going to do was get the address and not actually go to his house, post in the Asylum thread and I'll delete the House Call thread.
well, the step after getting the address is going to his place and investigating.. I wasn't sure how people going there knew where it was to start with. :-P
I've had a request from CrazyIvan to join up and play a Dragon Blooded on the side of the Gold Faction. I've played with him before, and I've never had a bad expierence with him, but I wanted to make sure that adding a player would be ok with everyone.

Since I've already dropped a note to the characters that there is someone looking out for you with the warning that the hunters are closing in, I'd just replace my NPC that I was going to intro later on with his character. I'd just need to make sure that none of you will kill him off without having a chance to say more than 'hello'.
Sherwood said:
I'd just need to make sure that none of you will kill him off without having a chance to say more than 'hello'.
You mean murder isn't the proper way to greet a new friend? No wonder nobody comes to my parties anymore. :wink:

Really, as long as you're comfortable with the player load, I have no issue.
Sounds good to me. And a connection with the gold faction will probably help to balance some of the power disparity. ^_^
That was my thought, too. Good. Since there are no complaints, you should see your new member as soon as the sheet is up.
Um, just make sure he doesn't get Rowan too upset, after all, his Motivation is "Make the Dragon-Blooded pay" :D
Blackadder said:
Um, just make sure he doesn't get Rowan too upset, after all, his Motivation is "Make the Dragon-Blooded pay" :D
In which you assume that isn't her motivation as well ;)
Standard character creation rules. Since you are running a DB with a bunch of Celestial Exalted, you are allowed to start out with artifacts and manses. Plus, you get a 3 dot mentor that is your Sidereal sifu and Gold Faction contact.
I'm sorry, I lied (probably because I'm a terrible person, more likely because I am stupid and forgot), we're not using the Ink Monkeys / Errata character generation rules.

We're using the book character generation rules.

Mea Culpa.
CrazyIvan, how close are you to a character? I'd like to introduce you before the story moves on too far.
Power then internet went down at my place last night, so I may or may not be able to post when I get home. Regardless, the problem should be fixed by tonight.

Also, so I don't clutter the thread, is there a visible window in Dr. Kraus's office? Two ways to close things out, and the choice hinges on the presence or absence of said window. :)
Yes, the Kraus has a window overlooking the grounds in his office.

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