OOC Thread [Dude, where's my daiklave?]

First of all I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was kinda undecided where to go at some point and then I didn't know where I could post without things getting awkward. Secondly I won't be able to post much more as of Friday until next week for I will be on vacation.
Something incredibly odd is going on.

We all had dinner in the inn, then we talked for a while, then people went out (and Feantari and I spent *hours* searching records), and then we all came back. But now Streetside cafe's are open, and we can see clearly.

I think some timing got missed somewhere.

Not a big deal, in the end. So yes, 'I told you so's are I guess in order, but I was under the (apparently mistaken) impression that it was 3-4am or so by the time Feantari and I finished and we all reconvened.
Perhaps I misunderstood some timing also. I had the impression that between the first and second set of threads you had spent the night and started out early in the morning, making it evening time when everyone gets back together.

I'll do better to make sure that we are all on the same page in the future. :oops:
Ah, the source of the confusion.

Well, that completely changes my opinion of where to go and what to do.

Yes, let's get the hell out of town. I thought we were still on the first night (albeit very late).
Feantari said:
Arion, you realize that Mordant is a merchant right?
Yep. And Jenai has made an active effort to respect Mordant as a person and circle-mate. That doesn't change the fact that he hates the profession and surrounding culture with a passion.

Don't worry, it shouldn't be causing party conflict, if I can help it. Way I see it, if you cause party dissonance, you're a problem, even if it would be "in character". An unspoken agreement to never let arguments go further than words and to stay out of each others' "business enterprises" should work fine and maybe create an interesting dynamic. We'll see, I guess.

And in case I give/gave the wrong impression, all the anger and vitriol is 100% in-character. I'm enjoying this immensely, even if Jenai is a bit put out. :wink:
Don't worry' date=' it shouldn't be causing party conflict[/quote']
Well, I guess I have to disagree on this point, I mean, you have the flaw that says you have to roll dice not to go crazy on people. So.. some crazy is expected. If you sit around and only ever make underhanded comments about it, I'd say it wasn't really flaw worthy.
I didn't realize how stringent that flaw is, whoa.

Yeah, there's not really much choice in the matter; your flaw says you have to roll [compassion] dice every time you encounter a merchant. Then if you fail the roll, spend a wp per scene or become immediately hostile.

You might consider dropping the flaw, or buying it off with the next bit of xp we get (even if that's somewhat cheesy, the buy-off rate for flaws with XP is very low compared to the BP they give).

(You picked up Returning Weapon Concentration at char gen with the bp from the flaw; you could just drop it and pick it back up in the next set of XP, which if my xp-sense is correct should be very shortly and everything will be even, without any worry of you attacking party members)

Speaking of flaws, the Wyld Hunt showing up sounds like a good excuse to gain myself a point of limit.
Zoronos said:
I didn't realize how stringent that flaw is, whoa.
Yeah, re-reading it, I could have sworn it was just a "once encountered" thing and we could assume he made the compassion roll on meeting Mordant. Rolling for every scene is just punishing.

I like that part of the concept, though, and with Sherwood's permission would like to apply a sort of exception of perception (If not, I will have to buy it off as soon as possible). I'm thinking that instead of rolling compassion whenever he see Mordant (and Mordant only, no other merchants get this leeway), he would roll whenever Mordant was acting merchant-y (haggling over prices, hawking wares to the masses, etc.) or else oppose that action.

To me, the flaw seems to be trying to emulate a kind of bigotry, but I've never know prejudices like that to follow the kind of stringent rules laid out in the flaw. For example, there's a guy right down the street from me who believes that "if you're in America, you should speak English" and will actively shout about that at anyone who will listen or anyone who (he feels) doesn't speak English. This includes a German classmate of mine who does speak English, albeit with an accent. By the same token, he has no issue getting his roof fixed by a cheap contractor who employs mostly Spanish-only speaking day-labourers. In his mind they "don't count", for some reason.

I figure Jenai could rationalize that Mordant "doesn't count" in the same way, if only when he wasn't being actively exposed to the bahaviour.

Zoronos said:
[...] without any worry of you attacking party members)
No worry of that even with the flaw. Even on a failed roll, he'd only become "hostile". There's no imperative of violence and even an explicit mention of social actions. He might get shouty, passive-aggressive, or start sabotaging financial enterprises, but outright attacks are not the only way to show hostility. Especially for a dirty conniving pirate. :wink:
Zoronos said:
[...] without any worry of you attacking party members)
No worry of that even with the flaw. Even on a failed roll, he'd only become "hostile". There's no imperative of violence and even an explicit mention of social actions. He might get shouty, passive-aggressive, or start sabotaging financial enterprises, but outright attacks are not the only way to show hostility. Especially for a dirty conniving pirate. :wink:
Well, that's a relief. :-P

You make me feel so much better!

Note to self: Buy more 'run the hell away' charms to escape from angry pirates. :wink:
Blackadder said:
3m Personal motes. Keen Sense (Hearing & Touch)

Any rolls to find what they need?

This made my laugh. I am now pretty sure your character is holding the papers up to his ear and listening to them.

I realize you're using the charm to see if the Wyld Hunt is coming, but it struck me as funny.
Heh, yes, that's why I just edited. :D

And don't think Rowan is paranoid, or maybe he is just a little... But given that he lost his only family to the Dragon-Blooded, and life since Exaltation has been on the run staying one step ahead of the Wyld Hunt, it's justified. The only bright spot is the chance to turn the tables. And he'll be willing to sacrifice sleep for now.

One gets a lot of sleep when one is dead.. :P
Apologies for the slowness, got bogged down in a major programming project. Going to start hammering stuff out tonight, and it will be up by tomorrow afternoon.

Doing the fluff first, since it allows an introduction faster.

The first bit is up:

Dragon Blooded social character, based on Charisma. Meant to play well with our Solars - lots of the things they don't have, not trying to beat them at their own game. No particular love for the Realm. And, later on, a world view that supports her not being at the top of a hierarchy that involves Solars.
I'm going to have CrazyIvan's character know someone in the group already to help give a reason for you to be able to join the group. Probably saved some character from the Hunt by giving them a heads up that they were coming. Something like that.
Let it be Rowan. I think it makes a lot of sense for him to have known Dove. And not in the way you dirty-minded others are thinking! :P
Sherwood said:
I don't know enough about coral snake venom to describe Hax slowly dying from the bite, but he is about to kick off. Without access to a modern emergency room, the venom is going to kill him.
Me either, I think you are right that it could be a loud thing though. The book says the penalties for rolls often come from things like hallucinations and convulsing. :)

Not sure how close to real life the exalted version is but:

New World coral snakes possess one of the most potent venoms of any North American snake. Most venomous snakes must inject between 75–100 mg of venom to be fatal.[5] However, relatively few bites are recorded due to their reclusive nature and the fact they generally inhabit sparsely populated areas. According to the National Institutes of Health, there are an average of only 15-25 coral snake bites nation-wide each year.[6]

When confronted by humans, coral snakes will almost always attempt to flee, and bite only as a last resort. In addition, coral snakes have short fangs (proteroglyph dentition) that cannot penetrate thick leather clothing. Any skin penetration however, is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Coral snakes have a powerful neurotoxin that paralyzes the breathing muscles; mechanical or artificial respiration, along with large doses of antivenin, are often required to save a victim's life. There is usually only mild pain associated with a bite, but respiratory failure can occur within hours.

The bite of a coral snake may soon become increasingly more dangerous, ironically because of the relatively few bites each year. Production of coral snake antivenin in the United States has ceased because it is not profitable. According to Pfizer, the owner of the company that used to make Coralmyn, it would take over $5–$10 million to put toward researching a new synthetic antivenin. The cost was just too large for the small number of cases presented each year. The current antivenin stock is scheduled to expire in 2010, after two consecutive expiration date extensions approved by the FDA. Foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers have produced other coral snake antivenins, but the costs associated with licensing them in the United States have stalled availability (see above).[7]
Did anyone ever attune to the Switchklave that was found in the doctor's desk? I don't remember anyone saying anything about it.
Mordant has it attuned the moment, and hasn't mentioned its existence yet to anyone else. Mostly due to lack of time.

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